The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 - Amity Carelessness

Originally, Yan Xingwei had intended to take a break on the side, but just as he was receiving a lecture from his so-called Second Sister-in-Law, Xu Yangyi suddenly approached. When Xu Yangyi laid eyes on Yan Xingwei, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

“It's really you,” Xu Yangyi exclaimed, then added, “Hold on, why are you here? What did Second Brother say? Is Mr. Chengyu here?”

Faced with Xu Yangyi's barrage of questions, Yan Xingwei let out a sigh, as he always tried to avoid trouble. Nonetheless, he gestured towards Yan Chengyu, who was chased away from the training ground, and replied, “Aren't I, Second Brother, enlisting in the army this year? Right here, in this military unit, and me! Thanks to my elder sister's influence, I'm hiding here for the time being.”

After explaining his situation, Yan Xingwei casually met Xu Yangyi's gaze and asked with mild curiosity, “And what about you? How did you end up as my, Colonel Second Brother's, spouse? Second Sister-in-Law?”

When queried about this, Xu Yangyi's mouth twitched uncontrollably, as if he was trying to twist it. “That damn Xu Nuannuan ran away with another woman on her wedding day, so my dad forced me into this marriage.”

Recalling the incident, Xu Yangyi still felt indignant. However, he was no longer as bored as he had been initially.

Yan Xingwei, on the other hand, remained mostly silent after hearing this revelation. “Second Sister-in-Law ran away with another woman? I never would have guessed!” His demeanor seemed as if he were watching a play unfold, displaying an air of nonchalance.

Xu Yangyi twitched his mouth once more, saying, “Is that all you have to say as my good brother, considering I was coerced into marrying a man?”

At that moment, Xu Yangyi felt as if a stampede of a thousand horses had just rushed past him. freeweb .co m

Where on earth had he claimed to be a good brother? Yan Xingwei, are you messing with me?

Xu Yangyi began to regret forming this friendship. Even in his current predicament, Yan Xingwei remained as composed as ever. It appeared that nothing had changed.

“If you truly objected, with your abilities, couldn't you have escaped from the start?” Yan Xingwei shot him a look, but Xu Yangyi covered his face with his vexed expression. “You're making it sound too easy. What would happen to my dad if I escaped? Xu Nuannuan might be a fugitive, but I had no choice but to marry her.” .com

“I can't just stand by and watch my dad and Xu Nuannuan be thrown into a cell by Hee Jingyan! Plus, I needed to elude Hee Jingyan! Before I could think, I was caught red-handed by Hee Jingyan on the spot. Other than changing into Xu Nuannuan's wedding dress, what other option did I have?”

“Reward?” Yan Xingwei was taken aback, but after contemplating it for a while, he realized it made sense. After all, in any case, he could be accused of marriage fraud.

“Well, now that you're the Colonel's spouse, you might as well make the most of it!” Yan Xingwei unexpectedly arrived at this conclusion after hearing about Xu Yangyi's woes.

“Yan Xingwei, are you really here to mock me?” Xu Yangyi had a strong urge to give Yan Xingwei a good scolding.

Yan Xingwei let out a lazy yawn and remarked, “Well, there's no point in dwelling on it now. Second Sister-in-Law hasn't returned, has she? What choice do you have other than to accept it?”

Besides, I didn't see Second Brother reacting angrily to the Colonel's return, so you're managing just fine. Why not think of it as a different way of life? It's not a big deal. Life is unpredictable, and as long as you can adapt to it, you'll be fine.

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