The Surrogate Bride of Young General Leng

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Nightmare

Translator: 青木

That girl did not dare to move, just stood still shivering.

The General’s notoriety had spread far, and even children cried when they heard his name.

“Tut.” The girl refused to move. Leng Yuhe frowned impatiently, got up and walked over, grabbed her arm and threw her heavily on the sofa, then lifted her red skirt as he moved closer.

There was no gentle caress from him. He separated her legs, and slammed into her.

She screamed in pain, waved and struggled constantly, her body rose and fell. Finally, she grasped the armrest of the sofa firmly, her joints were pale, showing how much strength she exerted.

Su Ruoqing’s eyes widened and her face turned pale as she stared at him in a daze.

This man was not only a demon… but a beast!

The girl was so miserable as if she had been tortured. She shed both tears and sweat with her face twisted in pain.

But Leng Yuhe had no intention of showing mercy. He still whacked it in her hard, without any gentleness.

Su Ruoqing couldn’t help thinking, if the person under him was herself… Then she would definitely die!

He would definitely take her life in bed.


She didn’t want to end up like this…

Holding on to the sheets, Su Ruoqing couldn’t help crying in despair.

She didn’t want to become his plaything and eventually lose her life on the bed. But even if she didn’t want to, what could she do?


Would he give her a chance to do that?

Su Ruoqing was in a chaotic state of mind. The girl’s screams continued, and those ambiguous and harsh voices rushed towards her.

She felt like she was going mad.

This was hell at all.

He was a butcher countless times more terrifying than the demon.

She curled up tightly, covered her ears with all her strength and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to hear or see anything.

But those voices still came through the ears, made her painful and terrified…

This was a NIGHTMARE…

She did’t know how long it took before those terrifying sounds finally stopped.

Su Ruoqing lied weakly on the bed as if she had a serious illness. Her eyes were dull, and her tears wetted her eyelashes and cheeks. She looked particularly frail and pitiful.

At the moment, his footsteps sounded in front of the bed. Su Ruoqing seemed to be awakened, and she abruptly looked up at the man who was approaching.

Leng Yuhe’s bathrobe loosened, revealing his tight but scarred chest. He looked content and smiled vaguely, then he sat down by the bed with a cigar between his fingers.


Su Ruoqing propped up her body instinctively and moved back.

The door was open. Two non-commissioned officers walked in and dragged the half-dead girl who was on the sofa out.

It was really called “drag out”. The woman bent her body, wondering if she was still alive. Su Ruoqing glanced at her, but this made her face turned paler in fright, her lips trembled, and no sound could came out.

“Are you really that scared?” Leng Yuhe looked at her playfully, and looked interested.

Su Ruoqing stood in a daze for a second and felt that his reaction was a bad signal.

She couldn’t afford to arouse his interest, or else she would be the next one dragged out like that girl!

“No,” She quickly looked away, swallowed and said boldly, “It’s just disgusting.”

Instead of being irritated, Leng smiled.

He smoked the cigar gently, put his hands on Su Ruoqing’s white legs again, and rubbed them back and forth.

Her skin felt better than the girl just now. That one was so boring and wasn’t interesting at all.

“Dare you say that I’m disgusting?” He said slowly, with a slightly satisfied smile, “Aren’t you afraid that I will hate you?”

Hate-The scene of the man being skinned in the living room suddenly appeared in her mind. Su Ruoqing braced her shoulders and tensed up.

She dared not hate him. At least she couldn’t let him know that she found him disgusting.

So what should she do to make him lose interest in her?

His rough fingers rubbing on her thighs were so clear to the touch. Everything showed clearly that he was extremely interested in her body.

What to do…

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