The Surrogate Bride of Young General Leng

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Pretending to Sleep

Translator: Cindy OY

It was dark in the room.

Leng Yuhe glanced over and raised his arm to turn on the light. The soft light made the entire room clear, but nobody was seen and even none of the furniture was moved a bit.

It was a sign that no one had come.

“Where is she?” Leng Yuhe leaned sideways and stared at Chun Xiu behind him.

Chun Xiu looked at the empty bedroom and was stunned, too.

She had escorted that woman into the bedroom in person, and saw her undress ready for bed… Was it that she had been set up?

With her legs softening, Chun Xiu fell to the floor. If the young master knew her indecent thought, she would definitely be killed!

“Young Master, I don’t know what happened either… I did see Miss Su enter this room with my own eyes! She can testify to me!”

Chun Xiu pulled over the young maid next to her and asked in a hurry, “You saw that too, right? Miss Su did enter this bedroom!”

The young maid just started working in the house not long ago, so it was the time when she was most afraid of Leng Yuhe. Under this situation, she was so scared that she could not speak, and she had spent a long time trying to say something but couldn’t utter a complete sentence.

Chun Xiu was so anxious that she almost went crazy. On her knees, she hurriedly stated, “Young Master, please believe me. I really didn’t say anything wrong!”

Leng Yuhe still put on a cold face without expression. “Where is she?”

Chun Xiu shook her head blankly. “I don’t know…”

Leng Yuhe walked over her and headed towards his bedroom. “Get out and kneel in the yard.”

Just kneeling, the punishment wasn’t too severe, so she was surprised, feeling lucky.

Chun Xiu quickly answered, got up, respectfully exited the door, and knelt straight in the yard.

The other young maid followed Leng Yuhe, trembling with fear and didn’t even dare to take a deep breath.

“Go find her for me right away.” As Leng Yuhe gave his order, he opened his bedroom door, to see the familiar slender figure curling up on the sofa opposite to him.

So this woman was here.

Leng Yuhe’s eyes dimmed, and he waved away the maid behind him before closing the door.

Only a dim floor lamp was on in the room, and the warm yellow light fell on the woman’s fair-skinned face, which appeared very quiet and gentle.

Her black hair scattered, like an ink waterfall on the beige sofa, and meanwhile her black curled eyelashes were closed, pulling out small shadows under the eyelids.

Leng Yuhe approached her slowly and then looked down, staring at her.

Su Ruoqing seemed to be sleeping soundly, but when he checked carefully, he could see that her black eyelashes were trembling slightly.

She was pretending to sleep.

Leng Yuhe pursed his lips playfully and sat next to Su Ruoqing’s head on the wide sofa.

He seemed to be able to guess what had just happened.

The servant called Chun Xiu wanted to set a trap for this little thing, but she was set up. While this woman pretended to be gentle and harmless and slept pitifully on his sofa, as if she had done nothing.

But Leng Yuhe felt that the woman must have been behind the door one second ago, eavesdropping on the movements in the corridor.

He had a bigger smile and wanted to see how long this woman could pretend to sleep.

Pulling the drawer open, Leng Yuhe took out the cigar, ignited it, and smoked silently in the room.

The room was so quiet that he could clearly hear the sound of cigar burning.

Leng Yuhe moved the bottom of his coat and his arm from time to time while scanning Su Ruoqing’s cheeks randomly. The shadow that swayed back and forth made her black eyelashes tremble even more.

Leng Yuhe glanced at them, with an intention to tease her. Then he bent down, deliberately breathing out the white mist on Su Ruoqing’s face.

Su Ruoqing was choked so hard that she couldn’t hold up anymore and sneezed.

But she still closed her eyes tightly and turned over to hide her face in the back of the sofa, continuing to pretend to sleep.

She just didn’t want to see that man’s terrible face, or have any contact with him.

Narrowing his sharp eyes, Leng Yuhe suddenly reached out to hold Su Ruoqing’s chin, forcefully turning her head to face her.

When Su Ruoqing frowned and struggled in her heart, wondering if she would give in and open her eyes, her lips suddenly became hot.

That man actually kissed her!

She instinctively opened her mouth, about to exclaim in surprise, but she was choked by Leng Yuhe’s smoke as he planned.

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