The Survivor’s Guide to the Wasteland

Chapter 28


"Hey, Isabel. Over here! Does this look like anything?"

"What is it?"

"Not sure, but don't you think the bolts on this wall seem weird? And all these wires, they have to go somewhere, right?"

Isabel walked over to where I was and was instantly enraptured by the prewar technology on the wall.

"Hmmm... Is this an access panel? I don't see a port anywhere. Strange..."

Isabel inspected the strange object surrounded by a circle of wires with a red and green light on the top and bottom in the basement of the old RobCo Sales & Service Center. Of the two lights, only the red one was on. We found nothing important upstairs in the public sales and display area, so we moved deeper into the building. While Isabel was going through a terminal, I conveniently 'discovered' something out of the ordinary and pointed it out to our resident engineer.

Isabel called Sparks over to have the eyebot shine a flashlight on the device and pulled out a tool kit. She made a small incision in the exposed wire before splicing two wires in, plugging the cables into her makeshift tablet, and tapping away at the screen. Of course, I already knew that this was the entrance to the military compound underneath and that this device allowed further access. But it would be suspicious if I were familiar with a place I'd never been to, so I had to act as if I had just found it.

"Aha! Here's where it wants a passcode. So it is some kind of device for granting access! Nice find, Basil!"

Isabel looked at me with an excited smile. Seeing her so delighted was nice, but finding the entrance was easy. Getting in was a different story. I also returned a smile before asking Isabel if she could get in.

"Thanks. It's definitely a step in the right direction. You wouldn't have something like this to hide cleaning supplies. Do you think you can hack it or something?"

Isabel looked back at her tablet and raised a finger to her chin, cutely tilting her head.

"Hmmm... So it needs a 20-digit passcode input, but how do you do that without any buttons? Wait, maybe it uses radio waves. Sparks, transmit a line of 20 random numbers through phase-shift keying."

A sound similar to what radios would make while searching stations interspersed with a high pitch squeak came from Isabel's robot companion. Sparks made the noise for about 10 seconds before it stopped.

*Inquisitive robotic bleeping*

Isabel shook her head, apparently understanding the eyebot's incomprehensible noises.

"Nope, that wasn't it. Try the same thing but in Morse code."

Sparks made another series of noises, this time a longer series of beeping. Once the robot finished, Isabel shook her head again and asked it to change its approach once more.

"That wasn't it either. Maybe try using frequency-shift keying?"

This time, the sound that came out of Sparks sounded eerily similar to the noise that old dial-up modems made. I was getting worried when nothing happened after the slightly grating collection of whines and static finished, but then the red light on top of the device blinked several times before returning to a solid red. Isabel saw something happen on her tablet, and she smiled while doing a tiny fist pump.

"Yes! It started reading the numbers, so the receiver must be tuned for frequency-shift keying. It stopped reading the radiowaves after the 8th digit, so the passcode must be a maximum of five numerals long. Now I just have to figure out what the right combination is..."

It seemed like Isabel had already made a small breakthrough. It's a good thing, too, because I would have no idea how to get in by myself. Before our little brainiac could get lost in the process, I asked her how long it would take her to gain entry.

"Sounds like you figured something out. Any idea how long it would take to crack the code?"

Isabel did some mental calculations and gave an estimate without looking up from her tablet.

"If I brute force it, it would depend on how fast each code transmission could be. That'll take more testing to figure out, but I think the worst-case scenario is four or five days, and the best-case scenario is by tomorrow morning. Assuming this is the only thing stopping us from getting in, of course."

So one to five days before we can get into the lair. That's not that bad, and I'm reminded of Isabel's sheer talent in anything mechanical and programming related. There are other people who could probably do it, too, like Tinker Tom or Ingram. But skilled people like that are usually tied to a faction, and their service comes with strings attached. If I wanted to stay independent, it's best to avoid the other groups as much as possible. 

We've already made significant progress getting into the facility, but that still leaves sustenance to worry about. After departing from the Robotics Disposal Ground, we arrived at the RobCo building around noon on the third day. A handful of encounters with various wasteland each day made the journey longer than it could have been. The issue now is that we'll need more food and supplies if it takes longer for Isabel to get access.

"We might not have enough supplies to last almost a week if worst comes to worst. Will you be able to handle this place by yourself? If so, I might take Tanya and get familiar with the area. See if we can find anything useful."

Isabel didn't even look up from her tablet and waved her hand nonchalantly at me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just leave one a few of the bots upstairs and leave me to it."

It was cute how focused Isabel could get when she was passionate about something, but that didn't mean I couldn't be slightly annoyed at her dismissing me so indifferently. Looking around, I saw that Tanya was still upstairs, and It was just me and Isabel inside the storage area. Confirming that we were alone, I decided to use this rare moment of privacy to get a little bit intimate with Isabel.

Isabel was so focused on her work that she was completely unaware of when I stepped out of my power armor and sneaked behind her. Zeroing in on my target, I raised my hand and gave a quick smack right on her buttocks. I enjoyed the adorable little yelp that escaped Isabel and how her ass jiggled in those jeans that could barely contain her assets.

Her tablet left her hands and dropped onto the ground. Isabel whipped around, eyes wide.

"Basil! What did you do tha-"

Before she could begin scolding me, I pushed her against the wall and captured her mouth with mine. I waited long enough for our lips to wet before slipping my tongue past her defenses. Looking at her face, I could see her eyes swimming in confusion and her cheeks blush in embarrassment.

I spent a few seconds teasing Isabel's gums and prodding her teeth before she finally acquiesced to me and let my tongue in to find hers. When they made contact, I immediately started engaging in a deep French kiss and swirling my tongue around hers. While our faces connected, I didn't let my hand remain idle and slowly dragged it up, feeling her thighs and midriff before finally settling on gently fondling her breasts.

The surprise attack, combined with her general demur nature, allowed me to dictate the pace, and I only stopped when I noticed her breathing becoming ragged. Pulling away slowly, I grinned as I watched Isabel's eyes cross as she focused on the sight of a tiny bridge created by our saliva between our mouths. While she quietly panted, I moved my leg that was between hers up and ground against the cloth covering her garden.

Isabel's face jerked, and her eyes went slightly upturned while she quietly moaned. This broke our spit connection, and the small string of dribble swung back into her, creating a small trail of liquid going from her lips mouth to her chin. I brought up the hand that wasn't cusping her tits and used my thumb to swipe away the fluid before bringing it up to my mouth and sucking on it.

Isabel stared at my lips, and I gave her an evil smirk. I put that hand next to her head, and Isabel froze like a deer in headlights. Bringing my head down to her ears, I blew some warm ear on it before speaking in a husky tone.

" Getting intel on this place, finding supplies, escorting you here. Don't you think I deserve some thanks for getting us here?"

Isabel gave me a few small nods before trembling again when I rubbed her sensitive bits with my leg.

"You know, maybe you should show me your gratitude when we get inside and finally get some alone time."

I could see Isabel's imagination running wild as her face got so red it looked like steam was about to blow out of her ears. Before she could pass out or get a nosebleed, I pulled away and stopped my hand and leg from further stimulation. Isabel watched as I backed away, confused why she was no longer getting pleasured. 

I took a mental picture of her slightly watered eyes and the soft panting from being horny. She's just so damn cute.

"Well, what are you waiting for? We have to get in first, don't we?"

It took Isabel a second before she registered what I said. The second she did, she spun around and immediately started giving out orders to Spark before picking up her tablet and analyzing the code. Happy with her newfound zeal, I got back into my power armor and made my way to the storefront.

Of course, I didn't actually think I deserved any special appreciation from Isabel. She's already done more than enough by building our robot escorts and agreeing to help me better the wasteland. Our little interaction was just the manifestation of my pent-up lust.

With the introduction of Tanya to the group, me and Isabel didn't have much time to develop our intimacy that started after I went to the satellite station. Having our budding relationship openly observed by a third party felt awkward, so we tried to hide our actions. Sneaking a few quick pecks, holding hands, and some cuddling when Tanya was asleep were all we got away with.

And to Isabel's credit, that seemed like more than enough for her. However, it wasn't even close enough for me, and I became increasingly backed up. Being surrounded by two total babes and only limited to small bits of affection was like putting a wolf in a sheep pen and feeding it a vegan diet. I'm hungry, and I want meat.

Making my way up the metal stairs and back into the sales area, I found the other part of my teasing problem, Tanya, hunched over the receptionist's desk. She wore short shorts that barely covered her ass and a tank top that showed a decent amount of cleavage. In that position, I couldn't help but imagine how her cheeks would clap if I got a good grip and pounded into it. Tanya looked up at me as I had that thought, so I shook those intrusive thoughts away.

"How'd it go downstairs?"

"We think we found whatever they used prewar to gain access into some kind of compound. Isabel is working on it now and says it'll take between one and five days. While she's doing that, I think it's a good idea to check the area and see what we can find. Mind helping me out?"

Tanya thought about it for a second, and I swear I saw a mischievous smile flash across her face before it disappeared, and she agreed.

"Sure, but what about Isabel? She's fine being left alone?"

"Yeah, she said she'll be ok if we leave a few bots around."

"Sounds good. Were we going, Boss?"

That's a good question. On our way here, we stopped by a few settlements and bartered for as much clean water as possible since that was our primary concern. I also traded for some crop seeds, so we might be able to become self-sufficient eventually, but they were of no use immediately. That meant we still had plenty of clean water, but our food level was beginning to get low. There was a school right next to us, which might have some food.

"I think there's a school nearby that we might have some luck with. It's probably our best bet without going to the airport. We can also hit any place that catches our eyes on the way."

Tanya agreed with my logic, and we picked up packs and weapons before leaving the store. Once outside, I found gave the command for one of the tankbots and two of the scrapbots to go inside the building and stand guard for Isabel. After I was happy with the security we left behind, we went south to where my Pip-boy said our destination was.

About an hour and a half later, Tanya and I found ourselves Standing right next to a massive billboard with the words 'East Boston Preparatory School' on it. The journey from the RobCo shop to here was probably only thirty minutes of walking, but we stopped by several small shops and buildings for looting. If my memory serves, East Boston Preparatory School was a former catholic school that a particularly ruthless raider gang would take over. Thankfully, they haven't made it here yet as there weren't any signs of any occupants.


The building was three stories tall, with large bunches of vines growing across the brick wall and down from the roof. I had Tanya open the door while I had my combat rifle shouldered and ready, just in case. When the doors swung open, hinges screeching from rust, I was immediately greeted by the sight of two stairs on either side and two large pillars after that. On the wall opposite me was painted the emblem of the school and another double door.

When nothing happened for the next dozen seconds, I decided it was safe and entered the large building. The place was pretty dim, so I had to turn on the lamp on my power armor to see where I was going. Tanya followed after me soon after I confirmed the area was clear.

What was a neglected, abandoned school now would eventually be twisted into a torturous prison by a gang of raiders named 'Zeller's Army'. The head of 'Zeller's Army' was a man who called himself 'Judge Zeller', and he and his gang would lure settlers and survivors into the school with the offer of purified water and supplies.

Once inside the school, the settlers would find themselves chained up and tossed into makeshift jails, where Zeller and his cronies would torture and brainwash them until they became puppets of the raider clan. Beatings, threatening families, burning body parts, and pulling teeth were just some of the forms of abuse implemented. If the innocent souls proved too hard to break, they would make an example of them and publicly execute them in front of the other prisoners. 

Zeller would continue to do this until the lone survivor gets a contract for his head, ending his lunacy. I promised myself that after getting set up, I would eventually do the same thing to him and others like him. But for now, this place was empty and a prime location for me and Tanya to find loot.

Once we swept through the entire building and killed the few radroaches scurrying around, I got out of my power armor, so I didn't use any more charge from the fusion core and could have an easier time searching in detail. We quickly got to work and went through all the rooms, searching through the dusty classrooms for anything useful. After another two hours, we had scoured through most of the buildings and were going through the last of the administration offices.

The chemistry lab had turned up some basic chemicals and lab equipment, while the kitchen and cafeteria had given us a few boxes of InstaMash and Nuka Colas. I don't think a kitchen was in the in-game location, but the world was more extensive and realistic than the fictional one. That was on top of the various little doodads we uncovered, like books, pencils, and other school supplies. Considering what we found in the multiple buildings on our way here, the haul was pretty good and would sustain us for another few days.

While cataloging the goodies we found, I heard Tanya call for me.

"Hey, Basil! Take a look at this!"

We were currently in what I thought was the principles office. The office was split into two rooms. The first section was smaller and had a desk, a small bench, and only one cabinet. This space was probably for the secretary. Going through the door in the middle, I found myself in what must have been the principles private office.

The room was more stately and more prominent than the last. It had two windows, which let in some light from the setting sun, coating the room in a warm orange-yellow glow. The furniture, including the cabinets, was all wood. Centered between the two windows was a large oak table. And bent over that table, showing me a full view of her outstanding bubble butt, was Tanya. If I hadn't known better, I could swear Tanya was teasing me with the way she was gently swaying her rear end. 

Hearing me come into the room, Tanya straightened up and turned around, and I was slightly disappointed at losing such a view.

"Look what I found! What do you think they used this for?"

What she was holding in her hand was a piece of flat rectangular wood with a handle at one end. It took me a few seconds to realize it was an honest-to-goodness paddle. Huh, I guess corporal punishment is something Catholic schools in both this world and mine share in common.

"Huh. That's a paddle for punishing kids who misbehave. The Catholics were somewhat notorious for it. I wasn't expecting to find that here, but I guess it makes sense."

I answered her naively, thinking Tanya was just curious about what it was. I immediately knew I was wrong when I glanced back up at her face and saw a sultry smirk. She then sat on the desk and crossed her legs before pulling down on her tank top to further emphasize her cleavage.

"Oh? And what kind of trouble would you girls get up to, hmm? Maybe they got caught exploring another girl's body?" 

One of Tanya's hands traced up one of her long legs.

"Possibly fraternizing with the other sex?"

That hand continued to trace up across her midriff sensually.

Or perhaps something more scandalous, like teasing a big, strong, sturdy man?"

Finally, Tanya's hand ended at her breasts, and she gave them a little squeeze and quietly moaned.

If Tanya wore a schoolgirl outfit right now, she would be the picture-perfect example of a Catholic student in pornos. Sure, Tanya was in her early thirties by now, but at this moment, she looked eighteen. Honestly, the change in tone was about to give me whiplash, but my mind was distracted from the incredulity of the situation when Tanya opened her legs wide and used her free hand to start trailing the area between her thighs.

It was weird to change from the one teasing to the one being teased, but my restrained lust made my mind not think too hard about the situation. The next moment, I was right next to Tanya and had ripped the paddle out of her hands. Before Tanya could respond, I pushed her down onto the table and grabbed her tiny waist to flip her so she was lying on her front.

Tanya giggled before being quickly silenced by the paddle hitting her cheeks. What came out next was a sexy moan instead, and it only riled me up more. I swatted her ass again, and again, and again until I was sure that her derriere was beet red underneath those shorts.

I should probably be a bit more reserved, especially with how things were going with Isabel, but fuck it, why can't I have a harem? There are way more fucked up things happening out in the wasteland than me having some fun with a couple of girls. Having decided to take what was offered, I bunched Tanya's hair into a ponytail and used the base to yank her head back. I pulled until I brought her face to mine, her back arching in a way that I could tell was slightly uncomfortable for Tanya.

"Do you know why you're in this position, Mrs. Christoff? It's because there have been multiple complaints about you teasing the boys and even some male teachers."

Deciding to play into the naughty schoolgirl fantasy Tanya has been building, I put the paddle down and used that hand to reach up and grab a handful of her breasts. I was rougher this time. Instead of being gentle like I was with Isabel, I had Tanya's tits in a vice grip and was almost mauling them. 

When I pinched one of her nipples, I felt a shiver run from the base of her spine to the tip of her scalp. My cock was rock hard at this point, and with her body pulled up to mine, her shapely rump could feel the hot piece of meat pushed up against her.

"HAAaaaaaah... I'm sorry, Principle Basil. I promise it won't ever happen again."

"I know you won't because I'm about to show you why you don't go around teasing adults."

Right before I was about to tear Tanya's outfit off, I heard a beeping noise from my left arm. Looking down, I saw my Pip-Boy telling me Isabel was sending a message. I hesitated momentarily before deciding it could be important and let go of my grasp on Tanya. Tanya slammed back onto the desk and mewled in disappointment once my firm hands no longer groped her body.

Checking the message, I was relieved to find that Isabel was safe. That didn't make the news any less critical, however, as Isabel wrote that she had miraculously already cracked the code and was waiting on me and Tanya to get back to explore further. I guess my encouragement worked. Sadly, the good news did mean I had to stop my fun midway. But it was also a good reminder that there's an order to things, even in the apocalypse.

I lifted Tanya again, but this time I picked her up by snaking my elbow around her neck and lifting her by slightly choking her. Bringing my head down, I whispered into her ear, not unlike how I did with Isabel just a short while ago.

"That was Isabel saying that she found a way to open the door to the facility. I already promised her dibs, so I'm sorry to say that we will have to stop for today."

A small whimper came from Tanya, clearly indicating her dissatisfaction with the situation. Hearing that, I bit the top of Tanya's ear, just hard enough to leave marks but not hard enough to draw blood. Once I was happy with the little imprint left by the rows of my teeth, I gave Tanya an in.

"You'll get yours. If! And only if, you can get Isabel to share, understand?"

I will try this harem thing, but on the condition that the girls could get along. The problem is I'm not sure how to make it all work, so I'm just going to pawn it off to Tanya.

Tanya quickly nodded as best she could, with me still holding her by her neck. Tanya got collected surprisingly fast, and it only took a few seconds before she was back on her feet and ready to go. I expected her to say something, but she just looked at me before biting her lower lip and quickly leaving the room.

I chuckled to myself, happy that it seemed she was positively chomping at the bits to complete her new task. I followed after her and got back into my power armor. Once we ensured everything was good to go, we raced back toward the RobCo Sales & Service Center.


The only thing I get a perverse enjoyment out of more than blue-balling the characters is blue-balling the audience. Joking aside, I promise the first smut chapter is coming soon. Also, I hope this chapter wasn't too big of a change in the MC's attitude for you guys. 

I just didn't like how much this Basil was turning out to be like my other novel's Basil, especially when this novel was supposed to be more wish fulfillment. I guess I could have stretched the personality change over more chapters, but I also wanted him to take control sooner, so this was the result.

Focusing back on the poll. I was kind of surprised by the outcome. I expected option 2 to be the most popular, but what was unexpected was that there was an even split between option 1 and option 3. I honestly thought option 3 would be the clear second place.

That said, I plan to roll options 2 and 3 together and use that as the basis for future chapters. I've been working on how to get them to mesh, and I think I've come to a plan that I'm happy with. Option 3's choice of having Basil and his faction become a superpower will become the end game and the final arc/chapters.


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