The Survivor’s Guide to the Wasteland

Fallout Chapter 30 (R18)(Multiple POV)

Hours later, I was taking off my clothes in a section of the robotics facility I had converted into a shower area. Once I was naked, I stepped into one of the stalls and turned on the water. I put my hand into the shower stream and stepped in once the temperature was right where I wanted it. 

The water went over me, removing the sweat and grime that had built up. I had been on my feet and working myself to the bone the entire day, but I was surprisingly happy, even humming a random tune that popped into my head. I was so chirpy because Tanya and Isabel had decided to stay, and we started working on renovating the compound in earnest.

After Isabel recovered from almost passing out at the sight of me summoning matter from nothing, we all sat down, and I explained everything the best I could. I showed them my inventory, what I could craft, my body's ability to not take physical damage, and anything I could think of. I also told them I knew about events and people I shouldn't be able to. 

I proved this by telling Isabel I knew about her infatuation with The Mechanist and her desire to imitate the hero. I then told Tanya I knew her misdeeds as the AntAgonizer and that I didn't hold it against her. Of course, I whispered this information to them so that it stayed private. If the girls wanted each other to be aware, it was their right to bring it out in the open, not mine. They were both shocked, but hearing what no one but them should have knowledge of helped prove my point.

Of course, the next logical questions were how was any of this possible and who was I really. And here was where I purposely omitted some information from Isabel and Tanya. I rehashed that I was from a pre-war society, I just didn't say it was from this world's pre-war society. I then explained my knowledge by claiming that I had an out-of-body experience where I lived through the eyes of several different people during various times and places. Again, technically not a lie.

Through the experiences of those people, I learned about the wasteland, its characters (including them), and the events that have already or yet to transpire. When I woke up from this weird dream-like state, I found myself in Vault 111. From there, everything was history. I expected that if Tanya and Isabel were to think me insane, it would be after I proclaimed my ability to have seen into space and time. But surprisingly, they took it in stride. If anything, they were more interested in what I knew and could do than the how of it all.

They each had their own ways of rationalizing what I told them, but it ultimately boiled down to the same idea that just because they can't understand it doesn't mean it's not real. Isabel said that just because I didn't understand how to program or build robots didn't make me think she was practicing witchcraft, so why would she think I was crazy or weird just because she didn't fully understand what was happening? She was also adamant that there was a scientific explanation, just not one that we know yet. 

On the other hand, Tanya simply said that people have been known to do weird things in the wasteland. It's not that strange that someone experienced the past, present, and future through someone else's eyes. She has seen with her own eyes a cult made up of people with tree branches growing out of them, allegedly worshipping a talking tree. I shouldn't have been surprised that Tanya would be more open to the idea since she was supernatural herself.

The girls then pushed me to do several experiments, testing my powers and trying to find the limitations. It was tedious and repetitive work, but we found some fascinating information and better understood what I could and couldn't do. The main takeaway was that everything I built would return to normal once it was brought out of settlements, I could scrap most things, and my powers were sometimes limited by the laws of physics.

We first realized that other people could only partially use some of the stuff I put down. As far as we could tell, the power generators I put down had unlimited output. But if someone moves it or turns it from within the confines of the settlement's building area, it converts back into a typical generator that requires fuel.

This was slightly annoying since I had to be present for any tool or area requiring extra power. It's probably best, however, since it meant that if my generators were stolen, they couldn't be used for nefarious goals beyond their intended design. Also, I can only be so annoyed that a real-life unlimited power hack has some restrictions.

And my ability to scrap almost everything made up for any annoyance I might have felt. A few tests showed that I could go to town on all kinds of stuff I'm sure shouldn't have been able to be modified by the player. This was a massive boon to resources and our ability to empty the place of useless things. The only things I seemed limited from were parts of buildings that impacted structural integrity, which was fine since I didn't want to delete a load-bearing wall and cause a cave-in accidentally.

Another limitation was that any building or structure I put down could not be within anything else that was put there before my involvement. For example, I could not place a wooden wall within the actual walls of the facility, but I could clip the walls together if I created them. The only item that broke this rule was any type of foundation. Craftable foundations had large cement blocks underneath the floor, replacing the ground where it would have been.

Once I exit the builder interface, the merged structures are considered continuous entities and have structural integrity as if they were one piece. I still had to worry about supporting the weight, so I couldn't make large Minecraft-like houses that were an impossible feat of engineering. It would have been nice not to worry about stuff like that, but again, beggars can't be choosers.

Between testing things and thinking of ideas, Tanya, Isabel, and I ran around the place, cleaning it up and making modifications wherever necessary. The settlement build area was limited to just the large open space outside the control center in-game, but now it was the entire lair. It gave us more room to expand, but it also meant that by the end of the day, we were all exhausted from all the refurbishing we did.

And that leads me to where I am now, tilting my head up and letting warm water wash over my face, enjoying a nice hot shower after a hard day of work. I stood there for a few seconds, enjoying the refreshing feeling of my first long-awaited shower. Had I known that coming clean to Isabel and Tanya would have allowed me to enjoy this luxury openly, I might have done so sooner. 

Where did the water come from? Where did it go? Who knew, and who cares? It works, so that's all that matters to me for now. Once I was done scrubbing myself down with a clean towel and enjoying hot water for a few more minutes, I walked out into the newly built shower area.

I was expecting outside was, well, nothing, to be honest. I had purposefully built two shower areas, one for each gender. That way, everyone could take a shower without having to intermingle. So I was beyond surprised when I saw Tanya and Isabel standing before me, wearing nothing but their birthday suit.

Isabel was clearly embarrassed, her face red like a ripe tomato while she used her arms to cover her naughty bits. Despite Isabel's best efforts, I could still see her hourglass figure, and her arms only served to further accentuate her breasts by squishing them. Isabel's eyes constantly darted up and down, looking at my body before quickly shooting up to my face, then back down to the ground and repeating the cycle. Tanya, on the other hand, looked me right in the eyes with a shit-eating grin on her face.

Tanya wasn't embarrassed since she had her hands on her hips and proudly displayed her assets. Her body was slimmer than Isabel's, but not by much, and made up for by her taut skin and more toned look. While I was checking her out, Tanya was doing the same. I watched as she trailed down my body until settling on my crotch. Seeing my quickly hardening cock, she sensually licked her lips, which sent a shiver down my spine.

"Mhmmmm... Hey there, big boy."

-------Isabel POV-------

Isabel was... conflicted? Not with using the robotics facility, at least not anymore. And it wasn't with Basil after he dropped huge bombshells on her. No, Isabel was conflicted about something entirely different. Should... should she bring up having sex with each other?

Just thinking about potentially doing something like that brought a blush to Isabel's face. She couldn't believe she would think something so embarrassing, but... but he promised! Basil said that once they got inside the compound and settled down, he would make the first move!

Well, Basil didn't precisely say that, but Isabel was pretty sure that's what he meant. She might be inexperienced, but even she knew what his heavy teasing was insinuating. A slight dampness grew in her nether region as Isbael thought about how Basil pushed her against the wall and kissed her. Trying to keep her mind from getting hornier, Isabel started looking around her new living place.

The large area outside the control center had been converted into a luxurious three-bedroom suite. The living room that Isabel was sitting in right now had two couches, an L-shaped and loveseat style, that surrounded a solid black granite table. The deep burgundy suede wasn't faded and had no stains, rips, or tears, something Isabel had never seen before. 

Despite her fascination with how much more comfortable a new couch could be, the most impressive thing, however, was the television sitting across the table. The glass wasn't cracked, and when the knob was turned on, the screen came to life and gave a picture. Sadly, it was useless since there were no signals to pick up or films to watch, so the only thing that showed on the screen after starting it up was static following the logo of the company that made the tv. 

The kitchen was also filled with things Isabel thought she would never experience. There was a working refrigerator, stove, oven, toasters, microwaves, and machine built to turn vegetables and fruits into juice. Working amenities were scarce in the commonwealth. Only the wealthiest families could afford to purchase from luxury traders who could spend months finding all the spare parts to make one of these machines work. But even then, they were refurbished goods, not shiny new appliances like this.

Compared to the kitchen and living room, the bedrooms almost seem underwhelming. Each room was roughly done the same, sharing a composition of one bed, one sofa, and a clothing drawer. Other than those set pieces, they could choose any small pieces to fill the space. Isabel was perfectly happy with just two lamps, a desk, and a bedside table. They were also allowed to pick the colors, so Isabel chose a no-frill dull green theme.

Thinking about her room, Isabel's mind couldn't help but wander back to Basil. Maybe he would take her tonight? Her hand slowly snaked towards her lower lips as she imagined Basil walking into her room while she slept, waking her by throwing the covers off her. He would tear off her clothes before stripping himself. As Isabel began fantasizing about how her first time would go, she was interrupted by the sound of a door flying open.

She jerked the hand that was beginning to caress her body and hid it behind her back like a kid who just got busted for doing something they shouldn't. Looking toward the noise source, she saw Tanya bursting out of her room, and her nose raised high and sniffing. She twisted her face this way and that until it snapped at Isabel. They made eye contact, and Isabel couldn't help but feel like prey being stared down by a ruthless predator.

Tanya kept her eyes locked on Isabel, walking over in a way that somehow communicated confidence and emphasized her sexuality. Isabel wondered if she'll ever be comfortable enough in her skin to strut in such a way. And Isabel knew how Tanya carried herself worked since she would catch Basil's wandering eyes 'inspecting' Tanya's body every now and then.

Isabel wasn't sure what Tanya was about to do, and she definitely wasn't expecting her to push Isabel's back onto the sofa and crawl on top of her. Tanya then lowered her head into the crook of Isabel's neck, and Isabel froze in shock when Tanya took a deep whiff. Tanya moved upwards while smelling Isabel until she ended right next to her ear.

 "I know you're horny."

What!? How... HOW DID SHE KNOW!?

"I...! Wha- What are you talking about!?"

Tanya raised her face from the side of Isabel's head, almost nose to nose. Goosebumps spread across Isabel's skin as she felt Tanya was somehow able to see through her and know exactly what she was thinking. While Isabel's mind was going haywire, Tanya brought her right hand down and started rubbing Isabel's thigh.

"I'm talking about you being horny for Basil."

"Wha- No! You're wrong. I don't kno-"

Before Isabel could finish, she felt Tanya's hand gently stroking her thigh move inward before quickly dipping past her waistband and caressing her panties right on top of her pussy. Isabel sucked in a breath and blushed as Tanya's fingers glided over what was clearly a wet spot.

"Oh? What's this, then? You're telling me you're usually this soaked? Didn't peg you for a deviant."

Isabel whimpered and looked to the side so she didn't have to make eye contact since she knew she was busted. The worst part was that she kind of liked it. While not looking at Tanya helped with her embarrassment, it had the downside of not being able to see what Tanya was about to do. So when Tanya kissed Isabel, she was completely caught off guard.

Her shock allowed Tanya to probe deeper, and before Isabel could catch up to what was happening, her mouth was already being dominated by Tanya. Isabel's mind was muddled as Tanya thoroughly played around with her tongue. When Tanya was finally done toying with Isabel and pulled away, Isabel was panting.

Isabel was mainly panting because she needed to catch her breath, but it was also because Tanya's hand that was in Isabel's pants started rubbing her lower lips. Despite Isabel only ever experiencing attraction to the opposite sex, what Tanya did to her didn't feel bad. In fact, it felt right that this would and should continue.

Again, it's like Tanya knew what was happening in Isabel's head as she watched Tanya look down at her with a knowing grin.

"It's ok. I liked it too. But you know what would be even better?"

Isabel didn't answer, just enjoying the high she felt, willing to let Tanya take the reins and take this ride wherever needed. Tanya lowered her head again, letting her warm breath tickle Isabel's ear. Her mouth opened to whisper what she had planned next conspiratorially.

"I think it's time to show Basil our token of appreciation. What do you say?"

Isabel gulped and considered the proposal briefly before returning a slight nod.

-------Basil POV-------

"Mhmmmm... Hey there, big boy."

My brain stalled as it struggled to comprehend what was going on. When I understood the unspoken cause for why the two were here, I had to choose between two ways to approach the situation. I could either play it safe and shoo the girls away or give them what they want and finally take the next step in our relationship.

Maybe the old me would have hesitated longer, but this was a different world, and I'll be the first to admit I've changed. However, seeing Isabel and Tanya standing buck naked before me, with desire clear in their eyes, made the choice obvious. With one hand on my cock, I stroked it a few times while walking over to the two,

Their eyes locked onto my lower half, staring as my impressive member grew. Once I was right in front of the two, I didn't hesitate to lower my tone and give out an order.

"On your knees, now."

Tanya immediately knelt with her legs together and her sizeable rump sitting on her feet while her hands dropped to her thighs. Seeing how eager she was and how she presented herself caused my cock to jerk, and some pre-cum began to leak out. Isabel was a little slower, but soon she also lowered herself, making sure to look at Tanya and copy her exactly.

Once they were both at eye level with my member, I pumped it a few more times to get it to full size. I then stepped forward and placed my cock right in between their heads, Tanya on the right and Isabel on the left. I put my hands atop their hair, slowly drawing them towards my pole. Tanya didn't need any more prompting and immediately smashed her face into my erection.

Tanya wedged her nose right up to my cock and took a deep smell. The musk hit Tanya hard, and her eyes fluttered like her brain was short wiring from pure satisfaction. 

"Yeeeeeeeeessss. I've been waiting for this for so long."

She did this for a few more seconds before planting little kisses on the side of my shaft. Seeing what her partner in crime was doing, Isabel also started giving little pecks to my pecker. She started at the base, slowly moving up until she reached the tip. There, she experimentally let her tongue out and licked the underside of my cock. Feeling her wet tongue caress my frenulum shot a bolt of pleasure through my spine, and my cock twitched again, releasing even more precum.

Taking my dicks reaction as a sign that she was going in the right direction, Isabel started licking under my glans and tip, gently tracing the area and sending little shots of bliss now and then, causing me to grunt in delight. This continued for a while, and while I appreciate Isabel giving her best, she was still inexperienced, and her actions amounted to little more than teasing me.

Tanya, seemingly able to tell what I was thinking, pulled away from my balls that she was licking and lined up next to Isabel's face. Tanya gently pulled her back, causing Isabel to whine slightly.

"It's good to focus on the head because that's the most sensitive area, but Basil will never come like that. You have to get a bit more aggressive."

Tanya immediately put her experience to use by giving my cock a few pumps, mixing the saliva and pre-cum, before taking the glans into her mouth and sucking. Her tongue immediately went to work by prodding my urethra and swirling around the hit, sometimes flicking at my sensitive underside. Seeing her plump lips around my prick, her hollowed cheeks, and her upturned eyes looking at me made me groan and put my hands behind her head.

"Oh, fuck yeah. That's good, Tanya, that's real good."

Happy with my response, Tanya furthered her ministrations by taking more of my penis into her mouth. Inch by inch, my member slowly invaded her mouth until I felt it prod against the entrance of her throat. The sensation of her warm mouth, the slight suction, and her soft tongue acting as a pillow felt incredible, but there were still a few inches remaining outside.

Tanya noticed the remaining bits of my uncomforted cock and pushed herself forward, trying to get that last bit inside. I felt her jaw slacken and her tongue straightens and stretch past her lips to get more room. She tried forcing herself forward. And to her credit, she was able to get a couple more inches down.


Most of my glans were now lodged inside her throat, and I enjoyed just how hot and wonderful the constricting sensation was. I probably would have been happy with this much, but just an inch or two were left outside. With my hand behind her head, I gently caressed her hair and looked into her cock drunk eyes.

"Fuck, I love this tight little throat pussy. But there's still a bit you haven't gotten to, and it would be a damn shame if you went through all this effort and didn't get the whole thing inside."

Tanya's eyes widened, understanding what I was getting at. Before she could back away, however, my hand stroking her hair gripped the back of her head firmly and stopped her from pulling out. With a thrust from my hip, I felt Tanya's nose smash against my pelvis and my entire cock ramming into her mouth.

I only held her there for a second or so before letting up and allowing Tanya to pull back a few inches and catch her breath. Tanya's eyes showed relief as she could finally take in some much-needed oxygen. But I didn't let her rest for long as I immediately pulled her head back to my a thrust forward again. This time I held her face into my crotch and pulled my hips back to repeatedly thrust into her throat.

*Gak! Gak! Gak!*

"Fuck, yes! Take that cock like the good little girl you are. Fucking take it all the way."

Tanya's repeated gagging sounded throughout the shower as I started throat fucking her. Isabel was still on the side. Her pupils were dilated, her mouth slightly parted, and her needy pants occasionally came out, showing how horny she's gotten. I could also see both girls with their hands between their thighs, frantically fingers inside their vaginas and rubbing their clit, masturbating furiously to the situation.

*Clap! Clap! Clap!*

My balls hit Tanya's chin as my pace picked up, creating a rhythmic slapping sound, which just increased the eroticism of the environment. Tanya's face was also getting messed up. With how stretched her lips were around my thick member and her tongue lapping at my baby makers, spit was flying everywhere and beginning to create a light coat on her face. The combination of the sounds, the visuals, and the sheer pleasure I was receiving almost tipped me over, but I held back for now.

Deciding that it was time to change targets, I pulled Tanya off my cock and let her unceremoniously crumple to the ground. While she was gasping for air, I swung my pole towards Isabel before stalking over to her and had my cock pointed mere inches away from her lips.

"Were you able to learn from the show?"

Isabel faltered, not knowing how to respond to that question. The only thing she was able to do was gulp and nod meekly.

"Good, let's put those lessons to use. Why don't you pick up where Tanya left off?"

Isabel nodded again before stumbling closer to me to put her hands on either side of my legs. Once comfortable, she opened her lips and invited my slick cock into her mouth. At first, she was timid, repeating the same strategy of gently swirling around my cock, before she got a bit bolder and started taking more of my cock in.

Tanya finally recovered and dragged herself back over to Isabel's side. She didn't attempt to steal away Isabel's treat but instead decided to massage my testicles with her hands while giving her friend some pointers.

"Make sure you're pressing your lips and keeping the teeth away."

"Good. Suck in a bit. It should feel like a vacuum seal around Basil's meat."

Make sure you're moving your tongue and constantly testing different parts of his cock."

Isabel had already improved by observing but quickly picked up even more tricks under Tanya's tutelage to bring greater heights to my satisfaction. She was also attempting deep-throating me, but she simply wasn't experienced enough and loose enough to get me further than halfway. But Tanya had a trick up her sleeve to help bridge the gap in pleasure.

"Try moaning and purring. He'll love the sounds you make, and the vibrations help him feel even better."

Isabel immediately started moaning, and true to Tanya's words, my cock was surrounded by gentle pulsations that sent shivers down my spine. That, combined with Isabel constantly attacking my weak spot at the frenulum, Tanya caressing my balls, and seeing two smoking hot girls servicing me, broke the damn, and I started cumming.

"Here it comes! Keep it in your mouth."

I pulled out until just the tip of my dick was in Isabel's mouth and unloaded. Her eyes widened as my balls contracted, and pulses of baby batter were sent shooting from the tip of my cock into her mouth. My brain went white, and stars started shining in the back of my eyes as I had one of the strongest orgasms in my life. 

And my cock just kept pumping and pumping, continuously feeding the warm white liquid into Isabel's mouth until her cheeks inflated like a chipmunk's, and some of it inevitably leaked out from the sides of her lips. Tanya was quick to action, licking up anything that spilled out like a cat lapping up the final bits of milk. Once I finally spurted the last bits of sperm, it felt like I came for a minute straight.

When I finished, I pulled my cock out of Isabel's mouth so she could swallow. But before Isabel could have her first taste of baby batter, Tanya grabbed Isabel's head with both hands and kissed her. I watched as the two used their tongues to battle each other and swirl the cum. Slowly, Isabel's cheeks deflated as Tanya was able to steal some of it for herself. When they were done making out, they separated, and Tanya motioned for Isabel to follow her lead.

They both knelt in front of me again, in that submissive manner, with their head tilted up and their hands neatly folded above their thighs. Tanya then opened her mouth, showing me that it was full of my spunk, before swirling it with her tongue and closing it to swallow all of it. After a few gulps, she opened her mouth again, showing me she had drank every last drop.

I watched as Isabel did the same, showing me the process of gobbling up all the white liquid before presenting her empty mouth to me. The way Isabel and Tanya showed their bodies off and how they consumed my no-insubstantial load brought all the blood rushing back into my slightly deflating cock.

"You two are just so damn sexy."

They both smiled at me, Isabel like a ditsy teen girl in love, while Tanya had a sultry smirk like a foxy seductress. I was definitely ready for round two, and I decided to start with Isabel so we could finally have our long-anticipated first time. I picked her up before turning around and gently placing her on the floor in the center of the shower for more room.

Isabel's hand fell to the side while her chest rose and fell from every breath she took. I spread her legs apart and knelt between them so I could admire the sight of her drenched cunt. I then lifted her lower body to the same level as my pelvis. With her ass slightly raised and her legs resting on my thighs, I pressed my cock down so it lay atop her stomach.

Feeling the scorching heat of my man meat, Isabel's eyes looked down and snapped to the sight of my member. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw that the tip of my cock was past her belly button, and it dawned on her just har far I would reach once inside her. I could see her gulp, slightly nervous about the situation but not even remotely considering stopping.

I pulled back slowly, dragging my shaft in between her lips until I had my glans pointed right at her entrance. Looking up, I saw that Isabel was now absolutely transfixed on the point of our connection. Calling out to her, I asked if she was truly ready for this last step.

"Isabel. Are you sure?"

Short and sweet. Isabel's eyes flicked upwards before locking on mine. She bit her lower lips before her eyes steeled and returned a slight nod. I probably could have asked again, but I didn't want to insult her resolve, so I started to slowly push my hips forward.

First, my glans slowly spread open her entrance. Then it was firmly lodged inside her before more of my shaft disappeared within her. I immediately groaned as her incredibly tight tunnel wrapped around me, causing every ridge, every fold, to feel like it was being vacuum-fit to the shape of my cock. If it weren't for the fact that my cock was incredibly lubricated from the blowjobs and her vagina wasn't drenched from her arousal and fingering, fitting inside would have been a much greater chore.

I continued the exploration of Isabel's depths until I felt the distinct barrier of her maidenhood. At this point, Isabel was breathing in and out in very shallow breaths, fast enough that I was beginning to worry she was hyperventilating. I could understand her trepidation, and I didn't want her first time to go down like this.

Isabel had almost all of my focus, but I was vaguely aware that Tanya was sitting off to the side, watching with keen interest what was happening.

"Tanya, If you could please come over here and rest Isabel's head on your lap, please."

Tanya immediately came over and soon had Isabel's head cradled on her plush thighs and her hands gently sorting through the younger girl's hair. While she was maneuvering Isabel into a more comfortable position, I let my hands roam over Isabel's body. Gently caressing her thighs, massaging her breasts, or tracing soft circles around her clit, I did whatever came to mind to bring pleasure into the forefront of her mind so it could replace the anxiety.

And from the way Isabel's breaths became more prolonged and controlled, it seemed to be working. Eventually, her soft grunts from being spread open transformed into lustful pants. Raising an open hand, she wordlessly communicated that she was ready for the next step. Intertwining her hand with mine, I leaned down to kiss her deeply before giving my pelvis a short thrust past her last line of defense.

I felt the physical representation of her virginity give way, and Isabel's breathing became slightly labored again. Her already tight cunt constricted down on me until it felt like I was placed with a vice grip made of flesh. I deepened my kiss, letting my tongue lick across her mouth's inner surfaces before entangling our tongues together. While our mouths were connected, I renewed my attack on her clit and escalated from circling it to gently rubbing and pinching it.

We stayed like that for minutes. I was more than happy to wait for as long as it took. As we continued to exchange saliva, Isabel's tunnel gradually loosened until it was back to a point where I could move again. Experimentally, I pulled away from our kiss and trailed my lips over her neck and ears while I thrust further into her pussy. There was no pain in the noises she made now. Instead, only sensual gasps and mewling would come out of her mouth.

I kept slowly pushing in until I bottomed out and felt the tip of my penis nestled up against the mouth of her cervix. I sat back up and admired the look of a flushed Isabel. Her entire body was tinged with slight redness and a thin coat of sweat that further accentuated her soft curves. Isabel looked down at her stomach, and her free hand came up to caress the area where my cock was under.

Looking at how she lovingly gazed at our physical connection brought a rush of emotion. I lifted my hand that wasn't holding Isabel's from her clit and gently cupped the side of her face.

"You're one of the most intelligent and beautiful people I've ever met, Isabel. I'm so lucky to have met you."

Hearing that, Isabel's hand tightened its grip on mine before she tore her eyes away from our crotch and smiled at me bashfully.

"Thanks, Basil."

I wish Isabel would be more confident in herself, but I've come to accept her shyness is a part of who she is. It's also massively cute and a huge turn-on.

Deciding to continue, I slowly pulled my cock out until the tip was left inside and then plunged back into her most profound point. I sawed back and forth, gradually picking up pace, encouraged by Isabel's moans. And it was clear that Isabel was enjoying it just as much as I was since she somehow got even wetter inside, allowing me to glide in faster than before.

"M- Oh, god. M- More!"

I was surprised because this might be the first time Isabel had demanded anything of me. And it seemed she noticed it as well, as she immediately let go of my hand and covered her face with both hands in embarrassment. But she didn't take it back, even when she peeked from behind her fingers to see how I would react. I grinned and shrugged. Who am I to say no?

I immediately picked up my pace, thrusting into her with renewed vigor. The sound of flesh colliding echoed through the room, and I relished the feeling of her pussy wrapped around my cock. The way she would shiver, how her folds grasped onto me, and the little kisses her cervix would give my tip every time I bottomed out were simply exquisite.

My hands also became more aggressive. One of my hands was on Isabel's breasts, enjoying the sensation of squeezing her fun bags or helping me make her squeal by tugging the nipples. The other hand snaked its way back down south and was pinching her clit, engorging her bean and making it more and more sensitive.

Whenever I got a bit rough with her sensitive areas, I would feel her tunnel clamp down on me and undulate as if trying to milk me for everything I got. This only led to a positive feedback loop, where making her feel better made me feel better, which encouraged me to do it more and more. 

I was also experimenting with what angles to attack her with my cock. Whenever I almost pulled out, I would thrust back in with a different tilt, watching Isabel's reaction to see where her g-spot was. This trial and error method continued until I could finally hit the jackpot, making Isabel screech when my tip pushed into and dragged against a particular patch near the entrance.

"Fffffuuuuuuuuuck! Oh shit, oh shit, don't stop, don't stop, DON'T STOOOOOOOP!!!"

Isabel's eyes rolled into her skull as she screamed her lung out, mouth forming into an O-shape. I watched as her legs jerked around wildly, her arms shot up around my neck, and she pulled herself up to me to engage in another kiss. Her pussy repeatedly clamped and loosened on me while she came hard, her femcum spraying and coating my abdomen. The sight of her orgasm and the sensation of her vagina milking me pushed me past my breaking point, and I also began to cum.

I thrust in one last time, making sure my cock was buried as deep as possible, and filled Isabel's womb full of my jizz. Grunting, I felt my cock throb and my balls strain as they went into overdrive to push as much sperm into Iabel's tight cunt as possible. My mind blanked, and I could only focus on the sweet release of dumping my baby batter into the hot piece of ass before me.

We stayed like this for what felt like several minutes, my cock pulsing repeatedly and injecting more and more of my cum into Isabel's cunt. Eventually, my dick gave one more spurt and completely emptied my balls. When my brain booted back up again, I lowered Isabel onto the floor and pulled back to admire my handy work.

Isabel was now doused in sweat, her hair messy and strings clinging to her face. Her eyes lidded, pupils glazed over with heavy pleasure. There was a slight bump in her abdomen from the cum I packed into her, some leaking from the gaps between my cock and her pussy. Slowly, I pulled out and watched as her slightly gaping pussy released a wave of white liquid. She cooed in disappointment from no longer being filled, and the cold air on my cock made me want to thrust right back in, but I had someone else to take care of.

I walked over to the still kneeling Tanya, who's been quietly watching me and Isabel go at it the entire time. Her right hand was betwixt her thighs, wildly fingering herself to imitate getting properly dicked. Her arousal was evident on her face, growing with every step I took closer to her. When I was close enough, her eyes crossed to focus on my cock, tracking it left and right when I moved it side to side. The way she was so stimulated flipped a switch inside me, and I decided to treat her differently than I did with Isabel.

Raising my cock from the base, I watched as the shadow of my dick formed and covered most of Tanya's face. Then, without warning, I swung it back down and flopped my man meat on the right side of her face. The contact created a wet slap sound, and Tanya had to close her eyes to avoid it getting poked. 

I rubbed it across her features, bringing a dark enjoyment out of the way the mix of my and Isabel's cum smeared across her face. It was so hot seeing how her eyes fluttered when the scent of my cock hit her nostrils. I almost wanted to push her down here and now and get to work, but I was then reminded by all the teasing she did, and a dark feeling welled up inside me. No, I'm not going to give Tanya what she wants. This time we do it my way, and I'm going to fucking break this bitch today.

"What should I do with you, Tanya? You're definitely a good girl for bringing Isabel to me on a silver platter. But..."

Tanya's eyes lit up when I approved of how she convinced Isabel to approach me, happy and expectant that I would finally get to fucking her. But when she heard me trail off, she looked at me confused, as if asking how I could be anything but satisfied with what she managed to do.

"But don't think I haven't noticed you teasing me every chance you got. Those booty shorts, the way you walked or bent over in front of me, not to mention the situation in the school. I don't appreciate being toyed with, Tanya. I think you should wait a little longer to be properly put in your place."

Tanya's eyes widened as I started going in a direction she wasn't expecting. Immediately, she tried to defend herself.

"What? No! Tha-"

Before she could finish, I raised my cock again. Instead of plopping it back down on her face this time, I drew it to the side and cockslapped her. Her face flew to the side, and a small red mark grew where my pole hit her. She turned her face back, but instead of anger or contentment, I saw a panting horny mess of a woman.

"Look at you. You literally just got cock slapped, and you're looking like a bitch in heat. Do you like this? Do you like being treated like a fucking animal?"

*Slap! Slap! Slap!*

Every time Tanya would try to respond, I would interrupt her by hitting her with my cock again. And despite the dickish levels of rudeness I was showing, Tanya wasn't getting irritated or annoyed but more aroused. I continued this cycle until she was panting like she was about to explode with sexual frustration. I then shoved the tip of my cock right under her nose, giving her senses a direct shot of cock musk.

"Look at you. You literally can't live without this cock inside your fucking pussy, can you?"

Tanya didn't speak this time, opting to shake her head while taking deep whiffs of my member. Happy with how submissive she was, I offered her an out.

"I'll let it go, but I want you to tell me something first. And be honest because if you lie, this is all over."

"*Pant* Yes. Any- Anything. Please, just fuck me."

I slapped her with my dick again.

"You don't ask me to do anything, understood?"

She kept her mouth shut and quickly nodded. I won't lie. The level at which she was debasing herself was sexy as fuck to me. Going by how she acted in the prep school, this was the kind of stuff she got off to as well. I'm more than happy to accommodate her, but I had to know this was what she wanted.

"I want you to tell me exactly what kind of relationship you want with me. Spell out to me what turn you on and what you want me to do to you. And don't fucking say what you think I want to hear so that you can get sex right now. This will be what I base my entire relationship with you."

That got through Tanya's lust-ridden skull, and her mind cleared up momentarily. She seriously considered what to say next, her inner turmoil clear. Eventually, Tanya decided on what she truly wanted.

"I want you to use me, abuse me, ruin me. I want you to breed me like the filthy fucking sow that I am. Make me your bitch."

I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't Tanya calling herself a sow and bitch. Despite Tanya's vulgar request, hearing her ask me to ruin her was the last bit of confirmation I needed. An evil grin spread across my face as I grabbed both sides of her head and hooked my thumb into her mouth.

"Well said."

I then used my thumbs to pry her mouth wide open and crammed my erect cock into her mouth. I pumped her head back and forth with my hands. Without warning and regard for her breathing, I started skull fucking her like there was no tomorrow.

*Gak! Gak! Gak!*

I enjoyed how her throat tightened around me and her tongue reached to my underside and balls. But I wanted everything inside, so I pulled my hips back while her head was away and thrust my entire length inside while slamming her head into my lap. I felt my glans push past her esophagus and groaned at how tight her throat was. I continued for a few more strokes until I held her head down, choking her with my cock.

She gagged and coughed a few times before she ran out of air. Every time she attempted to breathe in, her throat would only get tighter, and my cock get sucked in more as inhaling was met with more dick. Despite being asphyxiated, Tanya didn't push me off and only continued to use her tongue to polish me off. When her motions got more sluggish, and she was about to pass out, I pulled her off me and threw her onto the ground.

*Wheeeeze* *Gasp*

Tanya coughed as spittle flew out of her mouth while she tried catching her breath. I don't think she expected me to rough her up so much off the bat, and she probably needed some time to recoup. But I didn't care and wouldn't give her time to do so. Walking over, I tossed her so her front was facing down and lifted her ass into the air. 

My hands rubbed against her lower lips before I quickly slipped my index and middle finger into her cunt and started pumping in and out. Tanya didn't even have the strength in her arms to hold herself up, so the side of her face was mushed against the ground while she moaned. Having expected some time to recover, Tanya asked me to slow down between ragged breaths.

"Hol- Hold on. Give me a sec-"

Before Tanya could finish, I deemed her pussy significantly wet and pointed my cock at her entrance before ramming all the way home. Tanya screamed, and immediately I felt the familiar wet sensation of someone squirting on me. Looking down, I saw Tanya's lower half trembling uncontrollably and felt the inside of her vagina ripple over me, almost like a hand job. Apparently, she was hornier than I anticipated, and the mere act of thrusting in tipped her over the edge into orgasm.

I didn't stop, however, as I'd already decided this was for my pleasure first, and I hadn't cum yet. Continuing my thrusting, I hammered away at Tanya's pussy, only concerned about getting myself off. My thrusts were powerful enough to constantly cause my balls to slap into Tanya's ass. The sight of her face with her eyes rolled into the back of her skull, her tongue lulled out, and drool leaking from her lips only stoked the fire inside me, causing me to go even faster.

*Slap! Slap! Slap!*

Tanya's pussy was different from Isabel's. It wasn't as tight, but it made up for it by having distinct folds and divots that made every thrust extra stimulating. While thrusting in, the folds would feel like small pillows, and while pulling out, they would catch on the underside of my glans and shaft, stimulating my most sensitive bits. 

Her tunnel was also much warmer than Isabel's, bordering on uncomfortable. Instead of the consistent body temperature warmth the younger woman had, Tanya's cunt had a gradually increasing temperature that felt like an oven at her deepest point. The range in heat only enhanced the differing sensation of her folds further.

And while her pussy might be more loose, it was also definitely more shallow. I would bottom out and kiss the entrance to her womb with an inch or two left, causing me to bash her cervix in. Her cervix was also Tanya's most sensitive point, as every time I hit it, her body would tremble from the pleasure she received.

And like this, with her face in the ground and ass toward the sky, we fucked away like rabbits in heat. There was no doubt in my mind that I was reshaping her pussy into the shape of my cock, becoming the perfect sex toy for my use. She came a few more times, riding the enhanced sensitivity of the previous orgasms before I got close. When I felt the finish line creep up on me, I picked Tanya up by grabbing a fistful of her hair.

When she was back up, I used my elbow to hold her in place while choking her out again. Tanya must have liked that because the second she had trouble breathing again, her pussy clamped down on my prick like it was trying to break it off. Reaching down with my other hand, I furiously rubbed away at her clit, bringing her to another mind-bending orgasm.

No sound escaped because of my choke hold as her mouth opened into another O. Seeing her cumming her brains out and her fucked silly expression, I stopped holding back and let my orgasm bust down the dam. My mind turned blank for the third time of the day as a tidal wave of cum shot out of my cock and into Tanya's eager womb. The feeling of my hot baby batter within her triggered another orgasm, and Tanya passed out in my arms while I filled her to the brim.

Finishing my orgasm, I let Tanya go, and she fell onto the floor unconscious. Pulling out, I watched as sperm gushed out of Tanya's abused red pussy. Checking her pulse, it seemed she was fine, just fucked beyond belief, the stacking pleasure finally taking her out.

Both girls were now lying on the ground, Isabel faring slightly better than Tanya, but both were worn out. Despite how tired they were, looking down at myself, I was greeted by my cock still standing proud and raring to go. I don't think I've ever gone three times in a row and still had something left in the tank. Was this some kind of byproduct of living in the wasteland? Isabel seemed to have noticed as well, as she used my leg to pick herself up and put two hands on my cock to start stroking it.

"*Groan* I can help with that  If you'd like?"

I would. I would like that very much. Isabel looked away shyly when I grinned at her and nodded. With a grunt, I picked up Isabel and threw her over my shoulder, yelping when I slapped her nice soft ass. I then did the same with Tanya and walked out of the bathing area toward my bedroom, carrying the two of them like a caveman with his two new sexual conquest. 


This was going to be a long, enjoyable night.


That's right! 8k words for a fucking smut chapter. I've gone mad with horny.

Hopefully, you guys liked it and were ok with the first snu-snu being a threesome. This is also a product of why I introduced Tanya much earlier than planned. I thought Isabel was the kind of character that needed a push, so I wanted Tanya to be a confident counterpart that could help pull Isabel out of her shell.

I also considered adding certain animation mods to my game and recording scenes for this. I then decided that was too much work. It would also be making and posting literal porn, which feels like potentially one step too far.

A threesome out of the gates also helps me fulfill my goal of making this more smut since I haven't even done that yet for my Cyberpunk fic. It's also something I never wrote, so it's a good learning experience. Lastly, it'll give Basil more options until he picks up the next companion, which I am planning for relatively soon. 


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