The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 50: Eleven of Penglai

After listening to Lin Coffin’s words, Su Qingyi fell into deep thought. After a long time, she slowly said, “How do you know that Shen Fei will not come?”

“I have Shen Fei’s memories of Mei Changjun.”

“What did Shen Fei do?”

“Retreat for a hundred years and directly enter the middle stage of Jindan.”

“Mei Changjun wants to stay down for a hundred years?!” Su Qingyi said in surprise, Lin Coffin nodded, and said with difficulty: “Life is better than death, a hundred years.”

Speaking, he thought of Mei Changjun in Shen Fei’s memory.

A hundred years later, Shen Fei broke through the retreat. When he came out, he heard that Mei Changjun was forced to fall off a cliff by Chiang Rai. He took his sword and killed him all the way to Chiang Rai.

At that time, he was covered in blood, standing in front of the trembling elder Qing, and said coldly: “Do you think your daughter’s life is enough to compensate Changjun? No, even if she died 10,000 times, she can’t make up for a Changjun.”

Then he beheaded the Qing elders all the way, and jumped off the ghost cliff before Lian Luo came.

When he jumped off, he thought that he was going to rescue Mei Changjun.

But after jumping down, he saw that there was not a single ghost in the ghost cliff. Mei Changjun was wearing a blood-red long dress with a smile on his face, holding a flag in his hand, standing in the endless desert, quietly watching follow him.

“Senior brother,” she didn’t call him brother Shen Fei, she smiled and said, “you are here.”

Shen Fei felt extremely frightened in his heart. One hundred years later, she was half a golden pill. But unlike their Taoist cultivators, there is a mountain of blood sea corpses behind her, and anyone can smell the strong smell of blood on her body.

“Senior brother,” she said, “I’ve been waiting for you, I’ve been waiting for you, for a hundred years.”

Fifty years ago, she had eaten all the souls here, and obtained the ancient treasure, the soul-inducing banner.

But she didn’t leave, she kept waiting here.

From the beginning of full confidence to despair, from despair to obsession.

Mei Changjun has a demon in his heart, and it has been there since then.

Wait for him, must wait for him. Shen Fei will definitely come to save her, how could he leave her?

He is her everything, her only, he promised not to abandon her, promised to love her, if there is anything in this world that makes her feel the only nostalgia and warmth, then there is only this person.

So she can’t let go, she can’t leave, she must wait for him.

After waiting for fifty years, she finally waited for him in the vast desert.

Hearing Lin Coffin’s words, Su Qingyi frowned. She tapped on the table and said slowly, “Lin Coffin, have you ever thought about it, in fact… Chang Jun doesn’t love Shen Fei.”

Lin Coffin was stunned for a moment, and Su Qingyi said slowly, “Don’t you think that Chang Jun’s obsession with Shen Fei has become a demon?”

“I know…” Lin Yan nodded and said in pain, “So… I don’t want her to become a devil.”

“System,” Su Qingyi summoned the system: “Is there any way? Lin Coffin is really miserable.”

“Actually,” the system thought for a while: “According to my observations, I think it seems that as long as you don’t violate the big event… you should be fine.”

“What is a big event?”

“You know that you are in a book now, right? It’s written in the book. If you don’t let it change, it doesn’t seem to be a big problem… For example, the Heavenly Sword Sect can’t be destroyed, Shen Fei can’t die, you can’t Changed, but Lin Coffin gave Mei Changjun some water to drink, and this is not a big problem. Of course, if Lin Coffin made Mei Changjun fall in love with him, and since then ignored Shen Fei, resulting in the death of the ghoul gate, the problem would be big.”

Su Qingyi nodded: “Understood.”

Then she raised her head and said to Lin Coffin, “Actually…you have a solution.”


“You pretend to be Shen Fei, don’t let her know that you did all this. This way nothing will be rewritten, she still loves Shen Fei, that’s fine…”

Lin Coffin didn’t speak, Su Qingyi hesitated, “If you don’t want to…”

“No,” Lin Coffin rejected her: “I will.”

As he said that, Lin Coffin sneered and laughed: “I have pretended to be Shen Fei for so many years, and I have pretended to be Shen Fei for another hundred years, so what?”

Su Qingyi didn’t speak, she nodded, and went to the back of the study with a sigh. After asking Qin Zichen about the birth date, she wrote several spells for Lin Coffin, and said seriously, “This is the summoning charm for me and Zichen, if you have anything to do, you can Pour spiritual power into this talisman, and we will appear in an instant.”

Lin Coffin nodded, and Su Qingyi instructed again: “You can only be Shen Fei, you can always be Shen Fei, you can’t just rewrite history, you know?”

“I know.” Lin Coffin said with difficulty. After speaking, he sighed: “I’ll go first. Ran Yan, take advantage of this 600-year opportunity to cultivate well.”

Su Qingyi nodded and got up to send Lin Coffin away. After Lin Coffin left, Su Qingyi turned to look at Qin Zichen. Qin Zichen was sitting on the futon and quietly watching her. He was very quiet, always so quiet, but at this moment, Su Qingyi suddenly wanted him to say something.

After a long time, she said slowly, “I want to retreat.”

“how long?”

“I want to have a baby here.”

Qin Zichen nodded and said nothing, “Okay.”

“Zichen,” Su Qingyi walked up, squatted down, held his hand, and looked up at him: “Back then, I didn’t kill my family.”

“I know,” Qin Zichen felt a little pain in his heart when he heard this, as if the sword had stabbed in his heart back then, he couldn’t help but stroke her hair and said gently, “I believe you.”

“I want to find out what happened at that time… Back then, during my Mahayana period, I could still be designed to hide in Tibet by the other party. This time I don’t want to find the murderer, but I can’t take revenge.”

“It’s different.” Qin Zichen said softly, “This time, I’m by your side.”

“But Zichen, I can’t rely on you for everything…” Su Qingyi’s voice was slightly hoarse, she raised her hand, stroked his hair, and said gently, “Before I retreat, I will set up a great formation, you protect Sect, don’t work too hard.”


“When I was Ran Yan in my last life, although my aptitude was against the sky, my foundation was not stable. Many breakthroughs were temporary breakthroughs during wartime. I want to turn into a golden elixir, so I want to form a purple baby.”


Su Qingyi didn’t say much about the rest. In fact, she really wanted to say something, but looking at the other party’s eyes, she couldn’t say anything. It seemed that the other party understood everything. She let go of his hand and stood up, before turning around, Qin Zichen suddenly grabbed her, pulled her into his arms, and the tip of his tongue slammed in.

Different from the calmness on his face, his kiss was intense and serious, and even brought some anxiety.

He seemed to be indulging himself. After the kiss, he held her in his arms and whispered, “I’ll wait for you.”

“No matter how long, I will wait for you.”

Su Qingyi hugged him back, finally feeling complete.

After a while, she got up and left, he followed her into the retreat cave, and he didn’t leave until Su Qingyi closed the door and he stood at the door for a long time.

Su Qingyi heard footsteps outside and couldn’t help sighing.

“He looks like this, how can I retreat quietly?” Su Qingyi asked the system. The system said indifferently: “I have a set of exercises for conceiving infants here, which are superb, how about?”

“Want to want.”

The sound of deducting points sounded in my mind, and a book fell directly from the air. This book describes in detail the method to produce Zi Ying. Su Qingyi carefully read the words on it. The words seemed to have a magical power, and instantly involved her into the prehistoric universe.

As time goes by, she sees the growth and reincarnation of all things, from the vast universe to the dust of the mayfly, all magnified and slowed down in her eyes. She carefully observed every part of their lines, but she forgot everything for a while.

Spiritual qi kept flowing into her body, she was originally a widened meridian, with the pure yin constitution that 100% does not filter spirit qi, the nourishment of the spirit-warming grass, the help of the first-grade Lei Linggen, and the heavenly sword Zong’s strong spiritual energy, cultivation at this time is simply the right time and place for her to gather together.

Generally speaking, with her qualifications, she can have a baby within five years.

But baby formation is also divided into grades, just like the formation of pills is divided into ten turns, and baby formation is also divided into ten sets. Ziying is the top Nascent Soul, which cannot be formed within a hundred years. After forming a baby, it can go directly to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and it can’t even be compared in the later stage. It can be regarded as invincible at the same level.

This time, Su Qingyi made up her mind that Jin Dan would be the best for her, and Yuan Ying would also be the best.

While cultivating, he could not notice the passage of time, but Qin Zichen, who was outside, felt that his days were like years.

In the first ten years, he expanded Wen Jianfeng, met his master Yun Xuzi on the way, and accepted him as an apprentice after thinking about it. Because Su Qingyi had said that he would follow the path of Qingxu’s life.

In the second or third decade, Xuanhua’s six junior brothers gradually reached the out-of-body stage. They had a battle with Xiuhua Valley. Xiuhua Valley’s vitality was severely damaged, and they killed two out-of-body cultivators.

In the fourth, fifth, and sixth years, Wen Jianfeng had three thousand disciples. He traveled around the world, hoeing the strong and helping the weak. He originally thought that he would forget about Su Qingyi. Faded. But this time, the more I want to forget, the more I can’t forget, the farther I go, the more I miss it.

He has been to many places and seen many beauties. When he saw a beautiful flower, he would wrap it in resin when it was in full bloom and put it in the Naxu ring and wait for it to be given to her; if he saw a beautiful dress, a beautiful hairpin, and a good-smelling sachet, he would also buy it Put it in the Naxu ring and wait for it to be given to her.

He bought her a lot of things and left a lot of places where he wanted to bring her.

He finally learned to drink, knew how to distinguish between good and bad, and then brought it back to her.

He finally found, or admitted, that he couldn’t live without her.

So he returned to Tianjian Sect, stayed on Wenjian Cliff, and never left. The other six peaks of Tianjianzong were gradually built, and the second junior brother behind him, Lei Xuzi, the peak master of the third peak, also joined Tianjianzong.

The Heavenly Sword Sect became more and more like the great sect of later generations. Xuan Hua also began to hide from the world and practiced earnestly, and everything was taken over by Qin Zichen. Qin Zichen thought of the Heavenly Sword Sect in later generations and Xuanhua at the moment. He hoped that the Heavenly Sword Sect would be as fair, pure and daring as he imagined, so he took on the responsibility of educating the new disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect. The chores, almost every day to go to class for the disciples. The disciples of the Seven Peaks all respected him.

Qin Zichen originally thought that Xuanhua would have objections to his teaching of the righteousness of his disciples, but who knew that after Xuanhua came out of the retreat, seeing the upright appearance of his disciples, he laughed and said with Qin Zichen, “Qingxu , Tianjian Sect has you, it is the great fortune of my sect.”

After saying that, Xuanhua took Qin Zichen to drink, not like his elders at all, he took him and chatted seriously.

Qin Zichen drank, just like him. After a while, Xuanhua fell drunk at the table, holding a glass of wine and talking nonsense to him.

“You don’t know, a thousand years ago, when I was still Nascent Soul, I established Tianjian Sect with Ninghua. She has good aptitude and is much smarter than me. Two hundred years ago, she passed the tribulation and ascended. But she did not Survive the catastrophe and failed. The last thing she said to me before the ashes disappeared was, Xuan Hua, you have to take good care of the Heavenly Sword Sect.”

Saying that, Xuan Hua laughed lightly, looked at the moon, and sighed: “Tianjianzong is like the child of me and Ninghua. After Ninghua is gone, I only have Tianjianzong. I only have one hope. , I hope that the Tianjian Sect will become more and more prosperous and become the first sect in the immortal world. Qingxu, do you think I am dreaming?”

“No,” Qin Zichen looked at him seriously: “Tianjian Sect is the first sect in the Xiu Xian world.”

Xuan Hua clapped his legs and laughed loudly. He stopped talking, looked up at the moon, and suddenly sighed: “Qing Xu, alone, time is really long.”

Qin Zichen didn’t speak, he lowered his head and sipped his wine.

Su Qingyi, alone, time is really long.

Five years later, the sky was surrounded by purple energy, and his spiritual power began to fluctuate. Qin Zichen was awakened from the meditation and immediately understood that it was Su Qingyi who became a baby!

He hurriedly took out the magic weapon that he had prepared for many years and threw it around Su Qingyi’s cave, then drew out his sword and prepared to protect the magic.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, rolling. Spiritual energy rushed into Su Qingyi’s cave, forming a vortex.

The nearby monks felt the fluctuation of spiritual power and stood up to watch the thunder calamity.

However, Su Qingyi, the owner of Lei Jie, was immersed in the ocean, as if in the mother’s body, and slowly opened his eyes.

She felt as if she had traveled through the prehistoric years and came back to this world. The spiritual energy rushed into her meridians like the ocean, and she slowly gained her own hands, feet, eyes, and mouth in the spiritual energy…

The thunder was gathered on the roof, and the first thunder struck straight down, causing the ground to tremble, and the magic weapon Qin Zichen had prepared for her to overcome the calamity was instantly split in half, making Qin Zichen unable to resist wrinkling. He frowned.

The first thunder is so powerful, where is a thunder tribulation in the Nascent Soul period!

Is it because she is a godless person? Is it because she does not belong to this time and space?

“Two hundred years ago…she didn’t survive the catastrophe…”

Xuan Hua’s voice reverberated in his ears, Qin Zichen’s whole body trembled, he clenched his long sword, wishing to rush up to be hacked for her.

Anyway, he is Relingen…

Thinking of this, Qin Zichen felt a lot more stable.

The advantage of Lei Linggen is that Tianlei is only good for them and not bad. Others are easily killed by lightning, but Lei Linggen is different. They have a certain chance to use the thunder for their own use.

Qin Zichen heaved a sigh of relief and watched the second thunderstorm gather, and it fell again!

A flying sword rushed out of the cave and met the thunder light!

While Su Qingyi was in the cave, feeling the crazy turnover of spiritual power in the meridians, looking at a baby in her belly, she gradually took on a vague appearance.

She is starting to have babies.

She clearly realized.

Wu Dao resisted the second thunder calamity and flew back again.

The thunder continued to condense, and two hours later, the third thunder calamity came immediately, hitting Su Qingyi’s head! Su Qingyi’s expression did not change, and she resisted with her body!

Tianlei slammed straight into her body, and the thunder and lightning rushed into the meridians. In an instant, Linggen began to run wildly. Su Qingyi clearly saw a small lightning current rushing into his abdomen, and then charged towards Linggen.

She was completely charred, and regardless of it, she continued to draw her spiritual energy towards the baby. Zi Ying needs a lot of spiritual energy to form a baby. If it weren’t for her own meridian development, the storage of a lot of spiritual energy, and the root of the sky, I am afraid that she would not even think about marrying Ziying.

The thunder roared, and five hours later, the fourth thunder struck down…

Three days later, the fifth thunder struck down…

The further back, the longer the time of Lei’s assembly, the more powerful the momentum. The villain in Su Qingyi’s belly also became clear, and phantoms began to appear in front of him.

She knew that this was a calamity coming.

“Master.” Someone called her.

Su Qingyi didn’t look up, and the man walked out of the dust, dressed in white, holding a lantern, and his ink hair tied with ribbons. He sighed, “Master, why are you drunk with Senior Mei again?”

When the scene changed, she returned to her fifteen-year-old wedding ceremony. Everyone was surrounded by her. She knelt on the high platform with her hair loose. She said softly, “Yan’er, I don’t ask you to rise to immortality, I just wish you a happy life.”

Then it was her backyard again. She was playing with Ran Mo, who was only six years old, blindfolded and grabbing Ran Mo, listening to Ran Mo shout: “Sister! Sister! Come and catch me.”

She chased the brat around and slammed into someone’s arms. She was a little dissatisfied, touched the other’s face and said, “Who is it?”

“Touch again,” Xie Hantan’s voice was full of smiles: “Touch again, and I’ll kiss you.”

The surroundings are full of laughter, the picture is spinning, countless beautiful memories surround her, she stands in the middle, no sorrow or joy.

“Get out of the way.” She finally spoke, her voice flat.

Xie Hantan turned into a black dress, wearing a crane cloak, holding a golden fan, standing on the altar, watching her quietly. There was no sadness or joy in his eyes, as if he had returned to the moment when he was dying, the moment he looked up at her.

“Master, do you hate me?”

His voice was like a drop of water falling in the empty stagnant pool, making a crisp thump.

hate it?

Su Qingyi was at a loss as she watched the other party come with his sword. At this moment, the surrounding turned into a **** color. Her master, parents, younger brother, and senior brother came to her with swords in hand. Countless blood-colored figures followed behind them, all of whom seemed to know each other.



“You have lost everything, been hunted down, betrayed by the person you love the most, and slashed by a thousand swords. Don’t you hold any grudge against this world?!”

“But there’s nothing you can do. It’s so hard for you to even know who the murderer is?! You don’t hate? You’re not wronged? You’re not afraid?!”

There was a humming sound in her hands. She wanted to keep calm, but these people were so real. She couldn’t hide her heart.

She hates, she resents, she fears.

Even if this resentment is not as strong as she imagined, the rebirth of the past memory seems to be as far away as the previous life, but the emotions engraved in the bones, even if time passes and forgets, they cannot completely disappear.

She wanted to draw her sword, she wanted to protect herself, she wanted to slash.

Cold sweat broke out, and she saw a white jade sword coming out of the sky, as if it was the moment when her life ended!

She holds a heavy sword in her hand and is about to draw it out! It was at that moment that a hand suddenly pressed on hers.

That white jade carving-like hand is cold.

He hugged her from behind and pressed it on her hand, the coldness instantly woke her up, and the warmth in his arms made her slowly calm down. He hugged her quietly, his soft hair fell to her chest, and the voices around him became quieter. Only he, his breath still ringing in his ears, said softly, “Don’t draw your sword.”

“Don’t draw the sword for hate, don’t draw the sword for fear.”

“Qingyi,” the other party sighed softly, “In this life, you have me.”

Su Qingyi didn’t speak, her complexion became calm. The surrounding turned into a vast white fog, Su Qingyi looked at Wudao in his hand and slowly became quiet.

“Zichen,” she called to him in a low voice, and the other person responded indifferently, “Yeah.”

“In this life, I not only have you.” She looked up at him and smiled slowly: “I also have a sword.”

As soon as the words fell, she stabbed her sword sharply, inserting it into the other party’s heart. In an instant, the surroundings were shattered. Su Qingyi slowly opened her eyes and felt a purple baby in her abdomen, and followed her to open her eyes.

Don’t draw the sword out of hatred, don’t draw the sword out of fear, don’t rely on others for peace of mind, in this life, she not only has Qin Zichen, she also has the sword.

Even without Qin Zichen, she still has herself.

The last robbery thunder roared down, slashing all over the mountains and fields with thunder, and the strong wind blew Qin Zichen’s clothes. Xuan Hua fell behind Qin Zichen, frowned at the thunder light, and said uneasy: “Qing Xu, I think the thunder is wrong this day…”

“It’s not right.” Qin Zichen said in a low voice, “She married ten purple babies.”

“Zi Ying?!” Xuan Hua showed a surprised look. After a while, he seemed to want to say something, but didn’t say much.

That ray of thunder descended like a waterfall, and it blasted for a full two hours. Two hours later, the lightning gradually disappeared, and a deep pit appeared on the ground. Qin Zichen rushed over and jumped directly into the huge round pit.

“Qingyi! Su Qingyi!”

He trembled all over, but saw no one.

Fear welled up in his heart, and Xuan Hua, who followed up, sighed: “Qing Xu, these six or nine thunder tribulations fell to Nascent Soul…”

“Shut up!” Qin Zichen roared, then began to look around on the ground, shouting, “Qingyi! Qingyi!”

Xuan Hua looked at him sympathetically, and after a long time, a golden light rain started falling from the sky. Xuan Hua was stunned for a moment, Qin Zichen looked at the sky and reacted suddenly.

This day’s rain will only fall after people successfully transcend the calamity, and it is counted as a reward given to transcendence people by the Tao of Heaven. A golden light fell from the sky, a skeleton broke out of the ground, slowly rose under the golden light, and then the flesh and blood on the body began to grow rapidly.

After a while, the nun slowly opened her eyes.

She still had a mask on her face, still the appearance of Liuhui, wearing a black dress, and carrying a heavy sword on her back. The golden light slowly disappeared from her body, and she finally fell to the ground.

As soon as he stood firm, he was slammed into his arms by someone.

A person who has always been so indifferent, lost his composure for the first time and hugged her tightly.

“Su Qingyi, I miss you,” he said slowly, his voice was steady, but his body was trembling, and he said slowly, “A full ninety-five years.”

Su Qingyi was a little surprised, she smiled and hugged him back.

“Don’t be afraid, we still have thousands of years.”

Next to Xuan Hua silently looked at the two people and sighed deeply. At this moment, Bai Fuchen suddenly rushed in and said anxiously, “Sect Leader, Xingyun Sect sent a letter saying that he wants to see Uncle Liuhui!”

“See you then, what are you doing in a hurry!” Xuan Hua was a little dissatisfied. Bai Fuchen breathed heavily and continued, “Also, a disciple in Penglai became a magician after obtaining a divine weapon. He was recruited by the Lingxiao faction to become an elder, and he will attack the Heavenly Sword Sect in the future!”

“The magician who got the divine weapon?” Su Qingyi raised her head sharply: “What’s it called?”

“Mei Chang-jun.”

What the hell, why did Mei Changjun come to attack Tianjianzong? ! ! That’s not how the script was written, bro!

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