The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 103

Late in the day, the Imperial Palace Ambassador Building.

The emperor in black with dozens of guards striding through the wide open space in front of the building.

This group of people wore military uniforms without badges, their looks hurried and unified, although so many people acted at the same time, they didn’t make a sound, just like a beast that quickly sneaked in the night. When he reached the magnificent crystal metal door on the ground floor of the building, the emperor stood and smirked. A deputy behind him immediately stepped forward and swiped his ID card on the password slot.

“Major Arnold of the Military Intelligence Department,” the system issued a pleasant electronic female voice, “Why do you want to enter the first-class state guest?”

“Daily inspections of security and defense. My mission approval number is fudwe03476. The password of Lieutenant General Isaac of the Military Intelligence Department has been verified.”

The system truthfully records the above information, and then asks, “Accompanying person?”

“Cooperate with forty-seven people.”

This information was automatically fed back to the building’s security center, linked to one of the tens of thousands of instructions in the database, matched, and then transmitted to the large screen of the central control room, marked with a green permit sign.

Perfect and secure system log, even if you check it afterwards, there will be nothing unusual.

“Come in, Major Arnold.” The door slowly opened, and the bright crystal reflected the silhouette of the night.

Major Arnold stepped back half a step, the emperor was about to step forward, and suddenly there was a joke with laughter not far behind:

“Her Majesty, did you lose your ID card, and you have to borrow your card to pass?”

Heinrich suddenly turned back, and saw the goal of their trip-Silia!

Silia was dressed in casual clothes, leaning casually under her arms, leaning against a tree, and standing next to several Alliance generals and diplomats, such as Movin and Abel-if that’s the case, the problem is not only that, the group of people There are even two Imperial diplomats in China!

The two probably didn’t expect to see the emperor here, their faces were quite embarrassed, and only a moment later he said, “Your Majesty …”

At that moment Heinrich’s expression was strange and inexplicable. He turned around and walked forward a moment later, but did not answer Celia, and first asked the two imperial diplomats: “How are you here?”

The two looked at each other quickly. Although they were both well-trained professional diplomats, how could the flash of panic in their eyes hide from the emperor’s eyes? Sure enough, I saw them yawning, one of them whispered, “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Alliance Mission informed us that the Silia Corps leader and his party wanted to swim at night near the inner palace, and asked us to accompany them …”

The state guest of Celia grade, of course, can do what he wants, even if he wants to eat dragon liver and phoenix, as long as he can order the exit, the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be polite to wait, not to mention improvisation night tour Trivia. Taking a step back, even if it wasn’t him who wanted to wander around today but Lieutenant General Movin, as long as the Alliance Mission handed out a message, what happened to the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send two people to lead? Isn’t it justified?

However, the emperor knows that the Foreign Ministry is so foolish: if they really want to shirk, they can find 10,000 reasons.

It’s very late now. At midnight, the inner palace is serious. As long as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the heart, he can simply return to “report to make a decision, please wait for the legionnaire” to confuse it. Even if the matter was brought out the next day, it would be fine. Not to mention that Silia was not an embarrassing person. Even if he was mean to pick things, he couldn’t blame them because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was too obedient.

However, as soon as the Alliance spoke, the two diplomats came respectfully and respectfully!

——Because the Alliance Mission has already ordered them!

If it’s not a bit nasty, who wants to do such unpleasant things in the middle of the night? !!

The emperor’s eyes were a little gloomy: Although so many manpower were deployed tonight in the MI, but Silia’s identity was here, the empire would never dare to use any coercive means …

However, the diplomats of the two empires are here, and their eyes are open, no matter what the emperor is thinking!

“Your Majesty–” the diplomat replied tremblingly.

Heinrich expressed his expression, before he had time to speak, and listened to Silia with a smile: “The service of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very thorough. I would like to express my sincere gratitude on behalf of the Alliance Mission. The emperor will not blame them?”

The emperor could not blame them at first, but he was told by Silia, and he had to say, “Nothing.”

The scene at this time was quite weird. More than forty members of the Empire’s military intelligence department were behind the emperor, and they were not standing or walking, but Silia did not ask what these people were doing here. His expression was very serious, but his eyes were ridiculous. The emperor gritted his teeth and stared at him for a while. Lieutenant General Mo Wen finally coughed:

“Since there is something wrong with the Ambassador Building, let’s not bother. His Excellency the two diplomats, can you take us there again?”

——Well not to say that Lieutenant General Mo Wen was kind. When he said this, more than forty people behind the emperor were relieved at the same time!

Diplomats, of course, kept saying good things, and hurriedly wanted to leave this right and wrong place. However, Silia just turned around with the crowd, and suddenly the emperor’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he stepped forward and grabbed his hand: “Marshal–”

Silia glanced.

I saw Heinrich’s eyes move slightly, and even an impeccable smile floated: “I have known the Marshal for a hundred years, but I have never swim in the same night. If I am lucky enough to meet today, let’s go together.”

When he said this, his tone was completely irresistible, and then Heinrich waved his hand backwards. Although the words were spoken by the opponents, he always fixed his eyes on Silia’s face:

“You all dissolve, I’m going to chat with Marshal …”

The night of the palace is beautiful.

Brilliant lights sprinkled on the road, and large clusters of moonlight flowers gave off a gorgeous shimmer. Because it is a Hermitage decoration, the branches and flowers formed by snow and ice are fighting on both sides of the road, and silver bells hang on the diamond fruit trees, and the night wind makes a jingling sound.

Silia walked in front of the crowd. Heinrich and him stood side by side. Both looked at the icy snow under the lights in front of them. No one spoke for a moment, but heard the rustling footsteps coming from behind them. .

“We never really walked through the night together?” Celia asked suddenly.

“Yes, but not together.”

Celia tilted her head slightly, only to see Heinrich smile, and said, “You are always surrounded by a lot of people, very few times when I am alone, that’s when I follow you, not the same … , Actually I like the word very much. ”

He also looked back at Silia. The eyes of the two looked at each other for a moment. Silia asked, “So this is why you can’t help but feel complacent when you’re done with me?”

Heinrich stunned!

“You can’t face the fact that you have become a strong person in your heart, so find ways to prove yourself.” Silia’s tone was very slight, but interrupted the subconscious justification that the emperor was about to exit: “-in your eyes I can’t Passover, so you must prove in various ways that you can embarrass me, so as to confirm to yourself: I am really different from before, now I do n’t have to follow behind Silia, but I can stretch out his legs to make him trip. . ”

“Some trips are actually unnecessary, but they really embarrass me,” Silia admitted. “But you’re the one who bothers me the most.”

Heinrich was a little stunned by Celia’s unexpected candour, but soon he calmed down, “I’m a strong man in your eyes?”


“The thing that bothers you the most is–”

“It’s you that makes me feel shaken,” Silia said, “you … once shaken my faith.”

He stood still and looked at Heinrich face to face. At this time, the people behind were far away. Only the two of them were on the snow-covered path. The glorious lights of the palace in the distance reflected in each other’s eyes, as bright as the vast starry sky above them.

“I have shaken your belief in the Alliance?” Heinrich whispered incredulously.

In his shocking eyes, Silia nodded solemnly.

“Yes, the contradictions of the alliance at that time could not be alleviated, and the empire was booming. All the social contradictions and institutional loopholes I had speculated did not occur. The lives and property of the people were higher than in the alliance, and the economic development was faster. When he led the Alliance Army to flee the Emperor, he also asked himself in his heart: Are they right? Am I the one who is destined to be eliminated by historical development? ”

“Although in the end I still insisted on the justice and continuity of the democratic system, but for a certain period of time, you have shaken my entire belief system. The fundamental reason is that you have become strong in a way I don’t agree with— —Beyond my imagination, it even made me have such a hint of fear. ”

Celia raised his hand and patted the emperor’s handsome face gently.

The emperor held him backhand.

“I only have one piece of advice …” Silia whispered in his ear, and the heat of breath was sprayed on the ear of the emperor: “The true strong will not change his own attitude due to the change of status, So even if you don’t make a trip, you are stronger than me. ”

He broke his hand, took a step back, and quietly looked at the emperor in the snow.

Heinrich stared at him for a long time. Various complex tastes flowed through the heart like hot water, and even the softest part of his heart was a little faint. He opened his mouth a moment later, his voice was a little tense because of the strong calmness: “You just want the empire to make fewer trips, don’t interfere in the alliance’s conscription, right?”

Celia shrugged.

At that moment Heinrich suddenly felt an impulse to ask everything, but then, with the lights coming from behind them, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the exhaustion that could not be concealed at the tip of Silia’s eyes.

His eyes were slightly darkened, the lines on his side face were deeper and thinner, and his face was almost transparent pale. These details are ugly because of the backlight just now, but they were well concealed. Now even under the glow of the lights, they are only accidentally leaked from the perfect concealment.

The emperor keenly grasped that moment of deep fatigue, but he had not had time to take a closer look, and then only saw Celia turn his head, and smiled casually: “Move!”

Lieutenant General Mowen had caught up with them, and Silia turned and walked towards them. At this time his trace of cricket was completely covered by the night, and no one in the league saw it. His waist wrapped under his shirt was thinner, but still straight.

Heinrich was stunned.

He should be proud of the fact that the league has been forced to a considerable degree, and even Marshal Silia has fallen behind him, and can only rely on this means and tricks to cope with it.

However, I do not know why, when he saw Silia for a whole night and did not dare to close his eyes, when he tried to buy through the Imperial diplomats and led people around to resist the distress, he suddenly felt an unspeakable pain and anger—

Rather than resent Silia’s elaborate plans and wrists, he was angry with himself.

He was so angry that he gained the upper hand, pressing harder and harder, and he dared not even show a trace of insignificant love. 2k novel reading network

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