The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 107

The emperor’s question came directly through the battle frequency. Celia heard a smile and opened a private frequency and asked, “If I remember correctly, this gift should have been my thing, right?”

Heinrich casually said: “Blessed by the Royal Glory ** uff, the magic resistance level has increased.”

“… What about Nirvana?”

A line of ellipsis appeared on the emperor’s head, and half a flash of light flashed: “Since ancient gunmen lucky e, how can I make you lucky e ?!” Withdrawing the double knives on his back, the palm impact gun launched at full speed, suddenly Throw the two knives down: “Next!”

In the next second, the double knives wrapped around the air and fell to the ground quickly, emitting a dazzling white light as they passed through the power grid! The phoenix completed the human reorganization with huge wings in an instant, reached out left and right, grabbed the two long knives, and then turned over suddenly in the wind!

Because it was too huge, it rolled up a fierce hurricane when it turned over, and then crashed into a heavy crash, even shaking the towering Capitol not far away!

The people on the roof immediately fell and fell, and several insane MPs screamed and ran towards the exit, but before they took a few steps, they were caught by the dark-sworded warrior like a wolf. Conrad was almost insane at this time. He turned and scratched and chopped off one of the members of the parliament. He screamed in the splattering blood: “Don’t come! Silia! I’ll kill them when you come-!”

The screams of countless members rang through the sky, accompanied by the sensation of the ground and walls, and the whole scene was almost chaotic and difficult to describe in words. However, all this did not last long, and when the silver giant raised his feet across several Union buildings, he stood in front of the Capitol with two expressionless faces.

“Don’t, don’t come …” Then Conrad felt how stupid he was to make the decision not to go to the front line to face the battlefield, but now it was too late. As soon as he shivered with his hand to cut through the cracks in the space, and wanted to summon Dragon Rider to fight to death, he saw the mech phoenix suddenly flew into the air!

Suddenly its silver mech reflected a dazzling white light, which was strong enough to burn a person’s retina. Immediately afterwards, its body shrank sharply during the fall. “Bang!” He smashed the glass dome on top of the sky severely, and landed amidst the waterfall-like glass fragments!

“Dragon rides–”

Conrad’s sharp voice didn’t fall, and Phoenix picked up his sword and fell off, slicing off his skull in the shining cold light!

As soon as Long Qi flew out of the cracks in the space, he was cut into two sections by blocking his waist, and the blood burst into the sky in the fire of the explosion, and then was instantly steamed to dryness!

In that thousandth of a second, no one made any sound or even made any movements on the entire rooftop, all faces were dull and frightened, and then an indescribably high-decibel scream broke out!

As if they were suddenly connected to the electricity, the members of the parliament suddenly lost their way and the Dark Star Warriors were completely afraid to move, and some even collapsed to the ground on the spot.

Fear spread quickly in the Dark Star Fleet’s communication channel like a dark shadow covering the sky. All warships sounded the same voice: “Master Conrad is dead!”

“Master Conrad was killed!”

“Break out soon!”

The Dark Star Fleet completely shuffled their positions, competing for breakthrough under the powerful firepower output of the Guangyao Army, but immediately led to the consequences of being hit by light cannons. The exploding battleship bloomed in space like fireworks, and then, with more and more fireworks in full bloom, the breakout of Dark Star Hall only took a few minutes and turned into a complete defeat.

There is no need to stand up for the first soldiers. The elite soldiers who survived the first galactic war and experienced thousands of **** battles quickly encircled and surrounded the enemy like a trained wolf pack. Thousands of interstellar nuclear bombs and nuclear fusion warplanes alternately bombarded in the fleeing Dark Star Fleet, the burst sounded like countless painful screams, and the sun-like light could be seen even on the ground.

On the ground, Phoenix turned his wrist and retracted his sword, slowly got up, staring blankly at the sky–

After this battle, the alliance completely got rid of Dark Star Hall’s restraint for half a century, and since then stood on the same front with the Empire.

“I said we would succeed,” the emperor’s low, magnetic voice sounded from the headset. “What do you think?”

“…” Silia looked back silently to the cockpit–

The griffin light ball is screaming and fluttering on the nerve band of the Phoenix, cheerfully like a wild horse with **** stripped off: “Phoenix! Phoenix! Let me pull your beautiful little hand Phoenix! We are destined to be a pair of heaven-made Phoenix— — !!!!!! ”

Phoenix stepped back in a hurry: “You calm down first!”

“Phoenix! My dear goddess Phoenix!”

“I said calm down!”

Emperor: “What happened, why is it so noisy? Celia?”

“…” Silia said, “I suddenly don’t think so …”

The Dark Star Fleet was forced to turn to zero and completely disappeared into the vast space. The remaining few battleships were also sucked away by the five-dimensional space while fleeing. I don’t know how many thousands of light years will appear next time.

Huge shrapnel, nuclear melts, and wreckage of burning warships floated on the space station, like a huge empty cosmic dump. The glorious legionships shuttled through it, collecting useful materials, including warship chips and enemy aircraft remnants, etc., in an attempt to obtain top-secret information about Dark Star Hall space technology.

Golden magpies floated quietly in the infinite void outside the battlefield, behind which was a vast universe and twinkling star clusters. The phoenix flew close from a distance, stopping quite cautiously not far away, and the double knives reflected a brilliant light in the distant star wind.

“You can keep it,” suddenly hesitated.

Phoenix asked, “When will I return Nirvana’s gun?”

There was a moment of silence all around, and only the griffin’s elated voice came from the speaker: “Yeah, yeah! When will you return Nirvana’s gun to us? If you don’t have it, just take me to the top!”

Bian: “………”


In the cockpit, Silia grabbed the lively griffon light ball in his hand and shoved it into his pocket. “Oh, in fact, I think the main issue now is the coalition issue. Take this opportunity to talk about the military expenses of the empire and Equipment support. As for the combat effectiveness of the Alliance Army, you have already witnessed it. Do you have any questions? ”

The topic shifted so bluntly … 狴 犴 and the emperor meditated at the same time.

The powerful combat effectiveness of the Guangyao Army has been proven by the emperor to be true. You know, this is an elite army that has survived thousands of battles and survived with extremely scarce supplies and little political freedom. The harsh fighting and training environment created their extremely tough style. When the first batch of emperors was exhausted in the galactic war and the second batch was retired, the Alliance Glory Legion became one of the few. , Veteran troops still in their heyday.

The Alliance does not have sufficient military expenditures and sophisticated facilities, but only the hardened Tiger and Wolf Division is enough to sit at the same negotiating table with the Empire. What’s more, they are the natural enemies of restraining Dark Star Church. During the time of Silia’s power, the alliance had hardly suffered from Dark Star Church. They have not been able to reach the empire established just 50 years ago in the exercise of space tactics.

Therefore, Celia’s act of reclaiming millions of old ministries from the empire simply choked the throat of this negotiation … Heinrich narrowed his eyes slightly, with a little regret in his heart.

Didn’t he ever think of recruiting a million troops? Of course. But there are things that imperial power cannot do.

It wasn’t just a simple call, it was the trust that the Marshal Marshal had forged for 500 years. That kind of power has a deep foundation and a solid foundation in people’s hearts. It has been difficult to match the imperial power that has just been established for 50 years.

“We can make concessions on military spending …” The emperor paused, “but the restrictions on the provision of armaments cannot be lifted, and various cutting-edge technologies must be lagging behind by one batch to supply.”

In short, it’s about giving money but not technology. After hearing a word, Silia asked, “You want my soldiers to work **** the front line without providing them with enough guns and shields? Do you think they will contribute?”

“I didn’t say this. The provision of arms is quite sufficient in the existing contract. I have no doubt that if you continue to provide it, you can take this army to occupy Egret Star.” The emperor spread his hands in front of the console, 狴I immediately made a regretful shrug gesture: “-darling, you also know that I am poor and white now, the Senate stipulates that I must be married before I can spend money …”

“Really?” Silia said blankly. “I think you can wait again.”


The emperor immediately changed his mind: “What? Wait! I can show you the drawings of the y-30 fighter technology, but this is the limit of the Presbyterian Church, Kirin and White Tiger will never-”

Phoenix: “Sir, when will you return my Nirvana gun …”

“Kirin and White Tiger are the lifeblood of the old man of Longfellow! Don’t you understand, the protective cover of the y-30 fighter can reduce forty percent of the casualties on the battlefield! Think about the nirvana gun and the life of the soldier yourself Which is more important … ”

The two mechas slowly drifted towards Venus, and the communication channel was constantly mixed with the emperor’s seductive sales, the cold gun of the Phoenix, and the griffin’s gleaming make-up knife. It wasn’t like they had just experienced a fierce battle. Silia listened sideways, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of her lips, leaning back against the seat.

Many of the mechas busy cleaning the battlefield passed by them and nodded to Phoenix. The soldiers were hesitant for a moment, but most of them flew past with their eyes on it, and no one rushed to fire-their attitude was more vigilant and curious than malicious.

In this way, the two mechas slowly floated above the atmosphere in the universe, and the vast rays of stars in the distance spread out from the other end of the horizon, accompanied by a drifting golden energy wind, like a picture that stretched for thousands of miles. The emperor finally stopped bargaining with Phoenix, and Silia only heard his last sentence when he returned: “Come on, you will definitely choose a protective cover. Your Virgin disease was transmitted by Gavin Silia …”

“What’s wrong?” Silia didn’t hear.

The emperor was startled and immediately wondered: “What’s wrong? Who’s sick? The empire can send a medic team to reduce the injury rate of Alliance soldiers. Our goal is to make every effort to reduce casualties …”

The phoenix fluttered the wings of Guanghua, and his face showed a hint of playfulness very similar to his master. When Heinrich didn’t see it, he clapped his hands and wrote lightly: “That’s the decision, I will inform the Senate and the military to prepare a joint military contract. After the various terms are drafted, I will sign it on behalf of the empire. I hope you can also represent the alliance-”

“The Marshal of the Alliance is Kaleyan,” Silia reminded habitually.

The emperor grinned, pointing at the Alliance Fleet who cleaned the battlefield behind him and asked: “These people also returned to the Alliance for Kaleyan?”

Silia was speechless, and turned to look at the mech and the spacecraft shuttled in the battlefield, revealing a complex and proud feeling in his eyes. His isomorphic image was projected on the stingy console, and the side face reflected by the distant stellar wind was clearly visible. Even the slender eyebrows with a little light were within reach. Heinrich’s hand was disturbed. He moved, and then reluctantly controlled, staring at his face without blinking.

“The Alliance ’s National Social Security Program has begun to restart, and the welfare system is also being rebuilt.” After a short while, Silia retracted her eyes and sighed softly: “After the war trafficker Dark Star Hall is completely eliminated, this starry sky will at least welcome Come for hundreds of years of peace. ”

This is for sure, as long as the empire and the alliance can live in peace and peace, even if it is only a temporary calm, the entire social order will develop greatly. Celia’s eyes could not help revealing a fascination, and said with a smile: “Maybe it won’t be long before the democratic parliament system can be rebuilt …”

This was the first time Heinrich had heard him speak in such a hopeful tone, and he suddenly hesitated, then laughed: “Yeah, the purpose of the war is to restore order, but the responsibility of the leader should save the people from The war is right. ”

Silia nodded and turned to look at Heinrich. The eyes of the two passed through the radio signal, and they looked at each other for a while on the battlefield that had just experienced the baptism of artillery, as if they were deeply imprinted in their hearts at this moment.

“It’s time for me to go back to the new Kremlin, dear Silia-” Heinrich finally said after a long time, like a gentleman who was slightly indifferent, saying, “But we will meet again soon.”

Celia regrets: “It’s a pity I can’t give you a farewell kiss this time …”

The emperor blinked, and stood up with a smile. He turned and drew a bright golden light in the air, and then flew towards the vast space in the direction of the rising stars.

Behind him are the cities and plains of Venus and Mercury. The river running through the star looks like countless glittering ribbons, crisscrossing this lively land. The phoenix was soaring in the sky like a legendary **** bird. Until the figure of the Gemini emperor disappeared at the end of the universe, Celia smiled and recovered her eyes. 2k novel reading network

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