The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 111

The Shining Legion was stationed during the first week of the Fabras Fortress.

At 5:30 in the morning, the emperor was awakened by a shocking applause.

“Run and run! Don’t be scumbags there! Say you! Have you not eaten your feet ?! Drag behind 300 laps without doing a squat and don’t even think about rolling!”

On the huge ring-shaped playground, the soldiers of the Shining Legion Mecha Team lined up in a long line, all sweating, their tongues sticking out, and they wheezed and panted like a group of dead dogs, and there were dozens of them behind them. The sprinklers were desperately spraying ice mist over their heads.

The vicious chiefs sat on the military land vehicle and shouted with a loudspeaker: “Don’t be foolish to me, keep up and keep up! You, you, and you, you can’t run this way! Want to shrink back into the bed to be a seed? !!! Do n’t lose face! ”

Lieutenant General Isaac, who had just yawned, crawled out of the bed: “…”


The emperor was shot, and a dark mist of resentment floated above the dormitory.

12:30 noon, cafeteria.

Aaron took hold of the logistics officer, trembling fingers pointed at the hot restaurant, and asked, “What’s going on?”

Looking inward from the window, I saw the soldiers of the Guangyao Army holding the dinner plate shuttle, waving countless spoons at the same time, and instantly cleaning up all the rationed druid veal and Heini star fried shellfish; and the emperor ** The soldiers were sturdyly blocked by the yellow blockade outside the door, and their eyes were going to answer through their mouths, and the cooing sounds in their stomachs seemed to be a symphony of **.

“The latest instructions above let the Guangyao Army eat first, and the Alliance did not reach the Empire until it had finished eating.” The logistics officer said innocently, “I don’t know anything, I just work.”

Aaron’s world crashed.

-Down with classism! Down with Hegemony | System!

The empire that Lao Tzu has worked so hard, why can’t I eat on time at 12:30! !!

Aaron was so angry that he just rushed into the restaurant to ask for an understanding. Suddenly Marshal Kaleyan and his men came side by side, filled with the joy of eating and drinking, and passing by was still very cheap. Beckoned and said, “Yo ~ General Aaron ~”

Aaron turned around in an instant: “–you wait!”

Carleyan returned with innocent eyes, “What’s the matter?”

“Why does the Empire wait until you are done before you can eat ?!”

“Don’t you know this is the basic way of hospitality?”

Aaron: “…”

Admiral Aaron was messed up by the wind of Thunder, and then saw Kaleyan suddenly burst into a particularly malicious smile, slowly said: “Of course … it may also be that the emperor of your country felt that the training of the Alliance was extremely hard, so he had the right to Emperor has priority to eat before … ”

“Yo-Marshal Kaleyan!” Aaron was just about to say something, and suddenly he saw a lieutenant from the Alliance waving his hand vigorously in the distance: “The original 50-kilometer cross-country training after lunch was about to begin! Let’s meet!”

“Go!” Calleyan shouted, turning his head to show Aaron a sorry expression of regret: “The Lightning Legion is going to practice, and I am out of line with Xiao Xiaolian No. 2, bye!”

Xiaobailian No. 2: “…”

Hungry Emperor **: “…”

Calleyang walked away contentedly, and a grudge of black air covered the entire cafeteria behind him.

Late at 2:30, No. 1 dormitory area.

Kaleyan was wearing a field suit, standing magnificently on the playground. Mo Wenzhong pressed his finger on the alarm button, hesitantly said, “I still think this is too kind …”

Calleyan immediately turned his head and asked, “When you were a recruit, the Marshal didn’t call you up urgently in the middle of the night?”

“… Yes.”

“I didn’t give you leftovers, forcing you to run on a scum with minus 20 degrees below zero?”

“… run.”

“Strike you with harsh words, motivate you with contempt, and use other people’s children as role models to stimulate you all the time?”

“……… Excited.”

“That’s not it, what are you still hesitating about?”

“… I’m thinking,” Mowen said slowly. “Your grievance against the Marshal …”

Kaleyan waved his hand impatiently: “Crap! Ring the bell!”

Moven pressed a finger. The next second, the alarm sounded sharp enough to ring the deaf alarm through the dormitory area, and the lights lit up quickly, followed by the rumbling sounds of getting up, dressing and running from countless buildings in all directions …

Three minutes later, on the playground, the soldiers of the Empire and the Alliance brushed into two squares. The horrified soldiers stood up straight like javelins, and countless people secretly patrolled into the sky: Didn’t you see the air strike? Where is the legendary enemy fleet?

Calleyan slowly put down his stopwatch, picked up his horn and said solemnly to the side of the Guangyao Army: “This emergency assembly exercise has a total time of two minutes and 46 seconds, and the rating is excellent! Please continue!”

The empire fell bang.

“Go back to bed and go back to bed!” The Union leaders sipped in the square array, and soon took the soldiers away in groups. The black line of Empire soldiers also dragged heavy steps towards the dormitory building, and secretly scolded their mothers when they passed by Kareyan and others. However, the alliance chiefs looked solemn, and the treasure was solemn, standing with their hands behind He watched his soldiers leave on the playground, and didn’t even give alms to them.

Half an hour later, the dormitory area 2 next door.

A field suit of Kaleyan Majestic stood on the playground, Lieutenant General Mo Wen stood by the alarm bell with painful face: “I really think this is not kind …”

Calleyan turned his head suddenly, with an angry expression of hate for iron and steel: “Don’t be stingy! When you were a recruit, the marshal didn’t tell you to gather up in the middle of the night? You asked who was not a recruit in the middle of the night when you were a recruit Why do you say we can’t call Emperor ** this group of gangsters get up urgently in the middle of the night? ”

The surrounding officials nodded, and the sentiment exclaimed: “Ring the bell! Ring the bell!” “Why do we call this group of dark stars!” “Why do we mix with the idiots of the Empire!” “Deserve it They gathered urgently in the middle of the night! ”

How big are your grievances about the urgent assembly in the middle of the night … Mr. Mo will cover his face with guilt, and the next second, the sharp alarm sounds again throughout the dormitory area, and the sound of rumbling footsteps sounds from all sides at the same time …

That night, the alarm sounded all night long.

Numerous dormitory areas are urgently assembled and disbanded urgently, the lights are on and off, and the dark mist of resentment envelops the entire Fabras Fortress …

In the early morning of the next morning, Kaleyan yawned and rubbed his temples, leaving the dorm with a tired expression, ready to go to the playground for two laps to move his muscles.

The morning air in Daqing was fresh and the morning mist was hazy. The crisp and melodious screams of the flamingo, an imperial specialty, came from a distance. Kaleyan had just thought, “What a wonderful morning-” and stepped out of the officer’s dormitory building. In the next second, two shadows suddenly appeared in front of him. He looked up and saw four dark eyes staring at him. .

“…” Carleyan jerked, “Good morning, General Aaron, Lieutenant General Isaac.”

Rather than saying that this is the empire’s general and lieutenant, it is better to say that these are two black grievances. The only thing shining on the whole body is four green eyes. Kaleyan hurriedly looked around, and saw that the mech soldiers on the playground were rushing in line. The closest ones had been separated by hundreds of meters. At this time, it was obvious that they could not come back with their throats. .

Callejan then took a decisive step back, but immediately followed by a flower, only the sound of wind howling past, his neck was firmly hooked by Aaron:

“Senior Kaleyan–”

Calleyan was almost stirred up by goose bumps all over his 100-year-old intimacy. “What do you want?”

Isaac stepped on his other shoulder, and smiled at Aaron, and then both turned their heads at the same time: “Dude want to beat you.”

Kaleyan: “………”

The new Alliance Marshal ran and ran, but the characteristics of the warship commander’s skin is crisp and bloody, and the movement is slow. At this moment, he was caught by the sturdy empire general and the intelligence chief without running two steps, and took off his jacket. Head, pull into the alley and get violent!

It ’s not enough. The two of them fisted and stared at the red silk eyes because of lack of sleep. They complained fiercely: “Let you eat first!” “Let you gather urgently!” “Let you start at 5:30 in the morning If you don’t get out of bed, it is waste wood! “” Lao Tzu has to be honest with you today! ”

“Stop! Stop!” Calleyan yelled, “That’s how the Allied Army trains! Besides, it’s not waste wood to get up at 5:30?”

Aaron’s conditional reflection wanted to say yes, indeed yes, then his eyes touched Isaac’s dark face, and he suddenly changed his mind unexpectedly: “I can’t get up at 5:40? Why can’t I get up at 5:40? ! ”

Kaleyan: “………”

Kaleyan was shocked by Aaron’s shamelessness, and after stunned for three seconds, he took off his jacket and angered, “Fuck! I thought I was afraid of you ?!”

So the Empire general gave up his poisonous hand, the Marshal of the Alliance fought back, and the three quickly rolled into a small alley. Originally, they were all rivals with equivalent status. The history of seeing each other’s discomfort can be traced back up to decades. Today, it was easy to have a chance of revenge in person. The three of them soon tear like new recruits who just entered the barracks. I pulled together, and forgot all the ranks and majesty, and only knew howling: “Mom Kaleyan, where are you going to kick!” “Aaron, you little white face in the strong!” “Ah You two hit me, idiot !! “…

In the fierce battle, no one noticed that their communicators were flashing red light, nor did they know that at the same time, Heinrich and Silia were sitting in the hall hundreds of meters away At the conference table, frowning at the communicator at hand.

“Why didn’t Aaron and Isaac pick up?”

“I don’t know, neither did Kaleyan.”

The Emperor Shuai looked up and turned around and instructed the Military Intelligence Communication Group: “——The special situation should be handled with authority, and their communicators should be forcibly connected.”


The military intelligence officer sat down and started to operate. A few seconds later, the communication channels of the two emperors were successfully connected at the same time. The next second, a quick gasp and groaned through the headset:

“Mom, mom Kaleyan, you …”

“Aaron, you strong little white face …”

“You two grabbed my neck, I really want to **** | your whole family! …”

Celia: “………”

Heinrich: “………”

There was a weird silence in the hall, followed by Heinrich’s filming: “Aaron! Isaac! What are you two doing ?! Roll me back for an emergency combat meeting!”

The communicator was so quiet that I could hear a needle fall to the ground. Half a while, I only listened to Kareyan and asked, “Yes, Marshal? What happened?”

“A trace of jump energy fluctuations were found one light year away, and it was predicted that it was a small scout of Dark Star Hall.” Silia said calmly, “I need you to come back for emergency combat deployment, and see you in the meeting room in three minutes.”

Three minutes later, the generals with swollen noses and ragged clothes came to the conference room and sat down in the corner of the Empire and Alliance with many complicated eyes.

Countless eyes full of emotions were cast in, and the General Admiral Aibel secretly probed out his huge black bear-like body. He thought he was hiding a cross with Kaleyan very secretly, and his eyes were full of similarities. “You’re on your way to peace,” “Go well,” such a sorry light.

Carleyan returned a twitching smile, turning his head to see Silia standing in front of the tactical star map, as if he had not noticed the arrival of the three people. The infrared laser spot was somewhere in the galaxy outside the Fabras Fortress. in:

“Half an hour ago we found traces of transition energy fluctuations. After analysis, we identified them as a small group of scouts in the Dark Star Church, with a fleet of between 1,000 and 2,000 ships, in order to detect our nuclear The fighter defense network. At present, the Dark Star Fleet army is still hidden in the five-dimensional space, but I don’t think it should be wiped out immediately, so as to blind the Dark Star Fleet. ”

“How many warships should be out to complete this task?” An imperial general raised his hand and asked: “If the number is too small, it will be difficult to guarantee the completion of the annihilation mission, but if the army is dispatched, it may attract the attention of the Dark Star Church main forces, So that the enemy suffers from the back … ”

“The two hundred mech battleships of the Sixth Corps of the Alliance and the 600 heavy firepower battleships of the Empire should be able to complete the task. At the same time, the eighth and tenth Corps of the Alliance will be deployed outside twelve astronomical units from the main battlefield. In the star field in case the main force of the Dark Star Fleet suddenly appears. ”

Celia moved his finger upwards, and the infrared light spot drew a circle around the main battlefield that had been stained orange. The different regiments of the alliance and the empire were displayed by different military emblems, and they were illuminated in the densely designated combat area. The faces of everyone present:

“At the same time, the Empire will send out the Ninth Fleet, fan-shapedly distributed around the Alliance ’s eighth and tenth Corps, and always ready to make the transition to the main battlefield. Remember that your main task is to be prepared for the Dark Star Fleet. At that moment, you must never show up. All electromagnetic contact, heavy firepower, and jumps that may expose the coordinates of the universe are absolutely forbidden. ”

The generals of the Imperial Ministry nodded one after another, Silia looked around, and saw that there were no objections, and said: “The task of fighting on the main battlefield will be given to Admiral Abel. Kaleyan took the eighth, The Tenth Corps is on the perimeter. Is the main battlefield of the empire selected? ”

This set of combat plans is equivalent to dividing the battlefield into three layers of shells. The central part is the joint forces of the two armies. The second layer is the alliance. The outermost layer is the empire. Since the outermost layer has decided to be served by the Ninth Fleet, it is inevitable. It was led by the Empire’s side-by-side king Anders Aaron; no one else could take this full-alpha Imperial Elite fleet as if by arm.

As for the most central battlefield, although you only need to lead 600 heavy-fire battleships, this must be done cleanly, beautifully, and stubbornly, and you must be careful not to alarm the main forces of the Dark Star Church in the five-dimensional space. The battle is the top priority.

Heinrich knows that Admiral Abel sent by the Alliance is a fierce, prestigious, and highly qualified veteran, so it seems that only Isaac from the MI is suitable for the empire. This battle, at the same time, can almost compete with the veteran in terms of reputation.

“The main battlefield will be handed over to Isaac. Dresser, Frey, and others will lead the heavy-fire mechanized soldiers to assist them, and they must wipe out this small enemy army within the shortest possible time.” The Emperor Looking around at the generals, he asked in a voice: “—— Any questions?”

The crowd stood up, chanting in unison: “No!”

“Very good!” The emperor leveled off the tactical star map and sternly said, “The whole team is ready to attack!

As the emperor’s voice landed, the entire fortress moved quickly, countless exits opened simultaneously on the steel surface of the fortress, and tens of millions of fighter jets flew out in a line; with the roar of intermediate commanders in front of their respective consoles, Ships of warships started suddenly, lighting up numerous light spots under the abyss like the giant eyes of prehistoric monsters.

In the conference hall, the generals of the Empire and the Alliance stood up and quickly walked to the door without a word. Several of them started to contact their men in a hurry with a communicator while walking.

Celia also packed up and walked side by side with Heinrich towards the door of the conference room, but was suddenly pulled by the long table: “Yuan, Marshal …”

Celia turned his head back, and Kareyan’s expression of regret was sore.

Isaac stared hard at the star chart.

Aaron stood with a panda’s eyes and the righteous wicked sue first: “Marshal I tell you! It’s not me–”

“——Shh,” Silia interrupted them by raising her index finger, then turned and pulled up Kaleyan’s hand, smiling and stacked with Aaron’s and Isaac’s hands:

“I suggest you go back home to get married.” He encouraged with gentle encouragement, and turned and strode out.

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