The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 114

“Why is there no main force?”

At the side of the conference table composed of 3D projections, Silia’s image put down the tea cup, looked around quietly, and repeatedly asked: “–Why didn’t the Dark Star Fleet have the main force?”

At this moment, the senior commanders in the coalition are conducting a post-war meeting through virtual images, and looking through the porthole, the Mira Shipl Starfield has been far behind. The Alliance ’s Sixth, Eighth, and Tenth Corps and the Empire ’s Ninth Fleet are returning slowly, looking far away as if they are a series of bright light chains, slowly moving in the universe.

There was a silence at the virtual conference table, and everyone kept silent. They all thought that they looked up in secret and peeped at the faces of the people in the first seat. The Alliance looked at Celia and Kaleyan, and the eyes of the Empire focused on the Emperor, Aaron, And the empty Isaac seat.

“Maybe the enemy thinks this is not the time to start a decisive battle?” Aaron finally frowned after a while. “Maybe Younes only came to rescue the enemy’s general Quentin Cassano. The main fleet still hid in five In dimensional space … ”

“Unreasonable,” Silia interrupted him mercilessly, saying, “The alliance has very few troops, and the empire has only a ninth fleet. If the Dark Star’s main force launched a large-scale attack, we would not even be able to get out of the Fabras fort By mobilizing reinforcements, the enemy can completely wipe us out-but the fact is that when the Ninth Fleet arrived on the battlefield, Yunez turned around and ran away. ”

“… Dark Star can’t come out of the five-dimensional space?” Lieutenant General Mo Wen suddenly thought.

In response, Silia answered him with a cold look, and Mowen immediately stared at nothing in front of him.

A hand trembled and lifted from the side of the empire. Celia glanced at him and named: “Brigadier General Dresser.”

The military opinion in front of the Alliance God apparently put a lot of pressure on Brigadier General, and when he dropped his hand, he slammed into the edge of the table, but no one was laughing at him at this moment. Dresser trembled and said, “I, I think, maybe the Dark Star main force is not as many as we think … maybe less than the Ninth Fleet, so …”

People have hit the Gemini door. Do you think they are not many? !!

A few colleagues suddenly covered their eyes terribly and reached out to pull him down.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Heinrich, who had been sitting on the chief like a silent statue, suddenly opened his mouth: “I also have this idea.”

Everyone was shocked, even Dresser himself. Aaron wanted to ask subconsciously, did you take the right medicine? Fortunately, his eyes touched Silia, and he reluctantly recovered a trace of reason: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this idea is too …”

“The order came to the ship and immediately jumped.” The emperor interrupted him coldly, stood up and said, “This matter will be discussed after returning to the Fabras Fortress.”

Celia turned off the projection, sighed in the large seat, and held the colder tea in his hand.

Phoenix changed from a mech to a warship. The cockpit has been restored from a combat state into a usual spacious hall with desks, chairs, sofas, and coffee tables. It looks like a clean and bright living room at first glance. Isaac was unconscious in the medical compartment of the next room. The entire ship was extremely quiet and could not hear anything except his long breath.

I don’t know how long, Phoenix’s mech nerve band carefully shook in front of his eyes:

“Master Silia, I ask for a connection.”

It turned into a shuttle that opened through layers of gates, and after anti-gravity scanning, it finally connected to Phoenix’s cockpit bridge, and then the cockpit door brushed open. The Gemini emperor strode into the living room with a calm face, and a strong step brought a gust of wind: “Gavin?”

Silia sat in the armchair without looking back, and said lightly, “I guess you have something to ask me.”

He turned around, the military jacket was already on the back of the chair, and he was wearing only a simple and slim white shirt, and the cufflinks were arbitrarily pushed around his elbows. He didn’t wear shoes on his feet, so he stepped on the ground naked, the Union-style military pants were all ivory white, without any decoration, and he couldn’t see much when sitting.

This one looks no different from ordinary people. No one will take a closer look on the road. Only the titanium eagle scroll emblem on the shirt stand collar symbolizes the military power of the alliance, and there is a slight invisible light under the lamp. ——However, his eyes were bright and quiet, and his face was plain and solemn, which made people feel an unspeakable feeling.

Heinrich stood before him, looked at him so condescendingly, and opened the door to see the road: “What does Yunes mean?”

Silia asked, “Which sentence?”

His expression remained motionless, Heinrich narrowed his eyes slightly, and then asked, “Do you know he wants to be a god?”

“wishful thinking.”

“What caused him to have such delusions?”

After a moment of silence Silia tilted her head, but was caught by Heinrich’s chin, forcing him to look over his face. The light came from behind the emperor, and was projected on the bright and clear eyes of Celia’s black crystal. For a time, only the shadow of the other was left in both eyes:

“The Alliance Guardian Plan,” said the Emperor, “I know everything.”

As if a bomb was exploded in the quiet air, all the peaceful appearances were smashed instantly!

The two stared at each other deadly. They were so quiet that they could hear a needle falling to the ground. Only a short while before they saw Silia slightly twitching the corners of her lips, and a trace of indescribable smiles appeared:

“……so what?”

He grabbed Heinrich’s wrist a little and pulled it apart. As the blue muscles on the back of his hand exploded, the tension of confrontation gradually filled the two. And Heinrich was grasped by him like this, letting go of his hand a little, but the cold blue eyes didn’t even blink:

“The artificial man’s plan is not uncommon on the black market, and the National Medical Center has also researched it, but never heard that man can create a god. Dark Star Church has long had the ambition to annex the empire, but this time Yunes abandoned With so much land left behind, the rush to land in Gemini is the result of your own arrangement on the Uranus. ”

“You gave him the delusion of becoming a god,” Heinrich leaned down and stared at Silia’s eyes up close: “And he knew that after becoming a god, he could create as he wants and kill him with impunity, And … it can empower others. ”

Celia got up and wanted to go, and Heinrich grabbed his wrist: “I’m not here to fight with you, Gavin!”

Silia said coldly, “What do you want to know?”

“Plan of the patron saint! What exactly was developed by the Alliance that year? What exactly is the so-called peerless treasure, and why do you want to destroy it ?!”

Silia ignored and was pulled by Heinrich in front of him, pushing his shoulder against the edge of the table: “Do you just guard me like this? Do you think I’m a fool? Unies wants It ’s not the empire ’s land and wealth at all. What he wants is in Gemini, even Egret! You seduce him to attack the empire with the secret of the patron saint plan! ”

Silia grabbed his hand and pushed out: “So what ?!”

“You should tell me! I am on the same front as you!”

Compared to the phrase “I already know the secret of the patron saint plan”, this sentence is like a real bomb-without involving the world around them, it exploded in the minds of two people, even Silia. Your consciousness is blank for a moment.

He stared at Heinrich’s face, his usual quiet eyes trembled slightly, and he asked softly in an unbelievable tone: “You are on the same front as me …?”

Heinrich also didn’t expect that the words came out so smoothly. He briefly hesitated for a moment, and suddenly a switch that had been blocked in his head became clear instantly. The whole person immediately responded: “Are we not ?! ”

“I was born by you. I have been fighting for you since I was anonymous. It is worthwhile to throw heads and blood on you. Are we not on the same front? We have the same goals and enemies. The coalition forces are fighting side by side on the battlefield, aren’t we in the same camp? ”

“And Mercury,” Heinrich took a step closer, almost sticking to Silia’s face, and the fiery breath when he spoke even sprayed directly into his neck: “Isn’t that child on Venus Mercury my species? Is n’t it that you gave birth to me? We are de facto spouses, both by Empire and Union law, you and me! Everything you own belongs to me! ”

——He was right. Once alpha and omega are marked with each other, it is deeply imprinted in the blood. Since then, estrus, gestation, reproduction, continuation … have firmly bound the two together, and no one can easily escape from this relationship; and not only everything in omega belongs to alpha, everything in alpha , Including property, status, reputation, and even part of life, also belong to this omega marked by him.

But … not so for Heinrich and Silia.

This was even the first time between them. With such clear and powerful words, the existence of that little life was brought to the table.

“The person you should tell is me,” Heinrich looped Silia around the table with both hands, and looked down at him. “But you told this secret to others.”

At this moment the distance they were looking at was so close, the next second, Heinrich lowered his head and kissed Silia’s slightly opened cold lips.

The long-lost entanglement of lips and tongue brings a fiery and familiar atmosphere, and a huge sense of reliability instantly swept up and down every cell in the whole body, making the body uncontrollably soft. Celia fell to the table, but Heinrich clasped his waist tightly with one hand, and with the other hand deep in the hair of the back of his head, his tongue licked and aggression in his soft mouth.

In the large room, I only heard their rapid breathing, and the saliva that had not been swallowed flowed to the chin with the corners of the lips, making a subtle and obscene sound in the friction of the skin. Unconsciously, the two of them were close together, the temperature rose sharply, Silia was kissed, and the whole person was a little stingy, and the throat was intermittently moaning unconsciously | groan, the eyes were slightly red, and the eyes seemed as if With a glistening of sparkling water.

“Please tell me, I will help you …” Heinrich murmured with the corners of his lips, “Even if you have nothing, I will help you …”

He let go of Celia slightly, and after a few seconds he couldn’t control his head and kissed the watery, slightly pursed lips.

Celia leaned motionlessly on the edge of the table, panting slightly, all relying on the strong support of his arm, and did not collapse.

“Are you afraid that your cyborg’s secret will be revealed?” Heinrich asked huskyly.

Celia looked up at him, still with affection on her face | He seemed to react a little while, squinting his eyes slightly, and shaking his head heavily and slowly.

“I’m not a complete artificial person,” he said slowly, without seeing the emperor’s instantly shocked face: “I am only a phased result of this project, and it was born from a natural embryo.”

“And the ultimate purpose of this plan is to create human beings from nothing, and even replace the work of God to give it a soul, making it far more powerful and perfect than humans bred by nature; such an end product is not so much an artificial person It would be more appropriate to say that it is a ‘new human’. ”

“The owner of this plan is Yunes’s **** who can create whatever he wants–because one day he will create new humans that will spread all over the galaxy, and even completely replace the existing human system to form a new world …”

The author has something to say:

Actually this chapter is not over, but too sleepy … 2k novel reading network

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