The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 121

Calleyan’s complexion was pale, and he stared at Heinrich tightly. He thought that the Gemini emperor would be furious, roar, and even yell at the table to level Venus to the ground … But in fact, the emperor said nothing and turned his head to look at Silia.

Under the pale and bright light, their faces seemed to be covered with a thick layer of frost, freezing all sounds and expressions.

This heavy pressure made it difficult for everyone to breathe, and even Kaleyan grasped the podium edge subconsciously, and even the finger joints appeared terrible green. Time passed by for a few seconds, and it seemed like a long century, the emperor’s low voice finally broke the rigid silence:

“Go to Venus to investigate, block off Egret across the entire line, and retrieve all space turrets.”

“Anders Aaron, summoning the mech squad to prepare for melee combat.”

At the same time, an electromagnetic wave a few light years away is flashing a magnificent light, and it is striking the Fabras Fortress at an unimaginable speed.

Its huge body, like a monster in the deep sea, descended from the sky and surrounded this isolated island in the vast space, and billions of teeth quickly destroyed all the electromagnetic signals in the fortress. Communication was strongly disrupted, all the navigational equipment failed, and tens of thousands of fleets instantly became immovable iron blocks. Even the lights inside the battleship’s head flickered with strange lights.

The sky suddenly turned into a huge vortex, cracking into the earth like a black hole.

At the top of the monitoring tower, an imperial soldier clutched the communicator in front of him and screamed: “The diaphragm is about to break !!!!”

His voice couldn’t be heard at all in the rustling current, but next second, the sky above people made a precise portrayal of this sentence—

The invisible membrane layer that was invisible to the naked eye was torn a crack, and the ten thousand hectares of thunder immediately poured down, forming a bright blue huge electric column between heaven and earth!

At the moment when the rumbling sounded, the doors of all the warships were wide open. Tens of thousands of soldiers drove mech out of the warship like a torrent, rushing into the sky against the giant thunder!

Under the dark sky, the low voice of the Galactic Emperor Heinrich echoed for a long time:

“The imperial s-class gunboat Thor’s Hammer is heading towards the fortress at a speed of 800 kilometers per second. It has been determined that it cannot be intercepted. It will explode after hitting the electromagnetic wave within ten minutes.”

“This change will increase the intensity of the electromagnetic wave to hundreds of billions of trillions. At that time, the anti-film layer will no longer exist, and the entire fortress will be hit by unprecedented huge impact; our warships cannot be started, missiles cannot be launched, and even all electronic equipment Operation will be affected! ”

“In the end we can only rely on our own flesh and blood!”

The emperor’s voice suddenly increased, shaking the mountains in the storm!

“Fifty years ago, we laid the first cornerstone in a gun and built an incomparable galactic empire! One hundred years ago, we killed the egret star with poor weapons, and stepped on the flesh with countless flesh. The capital! One hundred and fifty years ago, we stood up in the cold distant star, barefooted over the miles of ice fields ravaged by the cold wind! ”

From the Pentium current falling from the sky, millions of mech giants roared!

The emperor drank in the thunder: “Today we will guard this country, and we will reproduce the glory and glory of the Far Star Uprising!”

Lightning slashed down, like the big hand of the **** j □ j, raging and agitating in the world! The mech clan shoots into the sky like a light arrow going up to the sky, towards the fiercely swirling reflective membrane in the atmosphere, and rushes towards the rift that is rolling black light!

At this time, the s-class gunboat “Thor’s Hammer” can be clearly seen from the rift, dragging a long light tail, passing through the fortress like a comet, and flying towards the galvanic electromagnetic wave.

That was a moment that couldn’t keep up anyway: Thor’s Hammer will hit the electromagnetic tide in the sight of everyone, causing a supernova explosion-like eruption, which will intensify the electromagnetic tide in just a few seconds; and the Fabras Fortress, which is alone, Like a small soybean in the tsunami, it will disappear in an instant from the eruption of the cosmic material.

He took the lead in the mech torrent, turned into a golden streamer and rushed into space. Just as it was going to pass through the small crack in the reverse layer, a titanium silver hand carved with a Phoenix tattoo was suddenly stretched to the side: “Heinrich.”

The emperor turned his head suddenly, and saw that Phoenix turned his wrists and pulled out the nibbles on his side.

At the same time Silia’s calm and calm voice sounded from the sky:

“–look at me.”

The sound seemed to radiate the world with great power. Ten million mechas raised their heads together, and saw the silvery white phoenix in the blue light of lightning, rushing out of the rupture of the film against the heavy thunder!

At that moment, its figure was completely bathed in the eye-catching electric light, rushed into the atmosphere like a meteor, and then raised the nirvana gun in the boom of the waterfall!

I saw the bright red pulp fluid on the gun flicker, and then began to charge sharply. Thunder and lightning between heaven and earth seemed to ease, as if an invisible giant hand held them all up and lifted them to the sky, and then turned into a shining light sphere and continuously attracted to Nirvana’s gun; after 20 seconds, the charging was completed, The Phoenix slowly lifted the black gold spear toward the Thor’s Hammer flying at a high speed in the distance—

Heinrich drank: “Silla!”

The sight in front of him in this second overlapped with the battle of Venus Fortress many years ago, and even the flickering angle of the spear in Guanghai completely coincided! The emperor leaned forward suddenly in the cockpit, his pupils tightened like needles, but Silia in front of the thunderbolt did not turn back:

“Give me-go-”

Suddenly, Phoenix exhausted his whole body strength to shake his arm, and even the heavy alloy arm made a sharp squeak! Thousands of rays of light burst forth from the spear, forming ten million sharp lightning bolts, and slammed into the s-class gunboat Thor’s Hammer flying fast!

For a moment, it seemed as if everyone was silent, the world was still.

The next second, lightning and Thor’s hammer collided, splashing out a strong light that could burn the retina!

The s-class gunboat was derailed by this devastating blow, and flew out in the direction of the fortress in the blast. The flashing green hull is like a drifting bottle thrown into the vast space. After a few seconds, it is hidden into the depths of the space, and is instantly swallowed up by the electromagnetic wave that flows from farther away!

“Silla!” Heinrich drank sharply. “Come back!”

The Phoenix Mech opened its arms to fall freely into the atmosphere, and was then rushed from the bottom up, grabbing the carapace and rushing down! The acceleration of cricket is extremely fast. The electro-optical flint is retracted into the atmosphere. After a few seconds, you can see the universe suddenly becomes pale through the cracks of the reflective layer!

——The Thor’s hammer, which was engulfed by electromagnetic waves, finally detonated completely.

Because it deviated from its intended goal, this S-class gunboat did not let the imperial generals use their flesh and blood to witness the magnificent light when it exploded. People can only see through the sky and see where it is engulfed in the distance. A ring of colorful light suddenly bursts out in the gorgeous electromagnetic tide, bright and dazzling like a sundial, and then the electromagnetic tide quickly erupts like a stirred water surface. More violent tsunami!

General Griffon Nealon growled sternly: “The whole army backs out !!!!”

If the Fabras Fortress became the center of the Quake Explosion, it would have been swallowed up directly by the tsunami. Even so, the electromagnetic wave from thousands of miles has not weakened too much power. Admiral Aaron’s voice has just fallen, and I saw that a magnificent and magnificent current was approaching, and the entire line approached the fragile reflective layer over the fortress!

“His Majesty!”

Several Empire generals exclaimed, but everything was too late. The Gemini emperor threw the Phoenix mech behind him, and the driving salamander rushed towards the direction of the electromagnetic tide pouring down when he was about to launch, and he opened the huge unmatched defense cover of the 3s mech!

The protective cover released by the 3s mech is a layer of transparent and sturdy arched plane, just like the huge umbrella roof across the sky, and the magnetic storm crashing down! In a hurry, it was like a waterfall falling into a deep pool, splashing with the glorious luster that covered the sky, everyone who had too little time to avoid that moment had a white retina, and instantly lost sight!

General Aaron, Lieutenant General Isaac and other imperial generals roared at the same time, and then rushed up crazy!

However, although Thor’s Hammer exploded in space tens of thousands of kilometers away from the fortress and failed to kill everyone in the fortress instantly, the magnitude of the magnetic storm it caused was still horrible and difficult to resist. Whether it is a cricket, a griffon or a fire leopard, and even all the s-class and a-class mechs present, they are like insignificant ants in the face of the unpredictable force of nature in the universe. The torrential magnetic storm is swallowed up!

Silia roared inaudibly in the roar: “Phoenix–”

At that moment, the turbulent mental force swept through every nerve terminal of the Phoenix like a sea wave. The titanium silver machine was transformed into numerous fragments, and then deformed and reorganized in the storm to become a giant **** bird occupying most of the sky!

Its tens of millions of feathers exude magnificent magneto-optical light in the sky, its wings spread, covering the sky, and its long tail feathers oscillate in countless knotted bright blue lightnings, almost falling from the atmosphere to the ground. It raised its long neck, and the sharp tweet even surpassed the thunderous thunder, and it rang through the whole land in an instant!

At the same time, the ground command post.

Kaleyan grasped the edge of the podium firmly in the center of the shaking headquarters, raised his head from hundreds of emergency communications, and said softly: “Phoenix …”

He followed Silia for hundreds of years, and the Golden Knife, Iron Horse, and Northward Battle. This was the second time to see the fiery golden mech Phoenix—the first time was the Venus fortress in the Galactic War. The Phoenix did not hesitate. Attitude, faced the solar storm at its peak; the Milky Way has vast space, and it cannot be retreated in one step, because the two million soldiers of the Alliance and the Empire are behind!

“Lieutenant general!” The lieutenant stumbled into the command post during the earthquake-like tremor. I didn’t know where I was hit in the forehead, and my face was covered with blood. Will! A first-level alert is sent from the monitoring tower! Transition energy waves are found outside twelve astronomical units, and the Dark Star fleet is 80% more likely to reduce its dimension! ”

Kaleyan turned instantly: “Is it possible to detect each other’s cosmic coordinates?”

“It’s impossible, because the electronic equipment that affects us is almost useless because of the magnetic storm, and now we can’t even send information to the mech forces!”

The ground monitoring tower has clearly detected the enemy’s situation, but due to the electromagnetic influence, the communication is limited, and the intelligence cannot be transmitted to the main force in the high air, which is almost fatal on the interstellar battlefield. Right now, just to defend the Fabras fortress in a magnetic storm, it has exhausted all the mech’s power. If the Dark Star Fleet took the opportunity to pass the fortress, it would be able to enter the Gemini galaxy without any obstacles, even directly to the egret star. !!

During the introduction, the entire empire and the alliance’s chase will be helpless to the Dark Star Church, and the battle will be turned into an irretrievable situation!

“The information must be conveyed to the main force!” The deputy wiped blood on his face and hissed. “Please let me take a team of special forces to repair the ground launch pad. If a fighter can be forcibly launched …”

It ’s sound feasible to use a fighter plane to lift off and pass the message to the mech units by manpower. However, under such a severe magnetic storm, there is no return or no return, and the fighter pilots will not crisscross the atmosphere and will be crisscrossed. Lightning engulfed. Moreover, repairing the launch pad itself is a deadly event, and Kaleyan, who worked hard from the bottom of the army, knows that these special forces will not have any possibility to come back alive in the end.

“Lieutenant general …” the lieutenant choked, “If the enemy forces are released into the Gemini galaxy, future chase battles will consume more lives …”

Carleyan stared at him with a fixed look, and raised his head for a while, then closed his eyes.

The surrounding world was shaking and collapsing violently. Dense artillery fire and thunder bolts came from above. The boiling voice was blurry and sour as if separated by a transparent diaphragm, gradually turning into a heavy curtain covering the world. At the most rotten moment of the war, the famous general had nothing in his mind, as if suffocating and dark like a vacuum.

-Immediately, a dazzling light suddenly flashed in the darkness!

Kaleyan stared at the lieutenant for a moment, with cold light in his black eyes: “Wait!”

Suddenly, the lieutenant was caught off guard by Kaleyan and rushed to the podium: “Help me command for ten minutes!”

“Hey! Lieutenant General! You—”

Kaleyan rushed out of the command post: “I’ll go to the underground training ground! Come back immediately!”

At this time, the command post used a lot of blemishes to describe it. It was all overwhelming. All that was visible was the metal bricks and stones outside, noisy wires, and the lights that were on and off. Several officers hurried to the wartime surveillance station and were stunned when they saw the rushed Kaleyan: “Marshal! What are you doing here ?!”

Kaleyan’s physical fitness was placed there, and his coordination of movement was not very good, and he was almost pierced by a broken metal beam in front of him. Several officers hurried to rescue him, but he pushed away: “Where is the stairs?”

Everyone was confused, and someone pointed at it subconsciously, and then saw Kaleyan rushing away, thank you too late to say.

The main power supply of the command post has been cut off, the area covered by the backup power supply is not extensive, five fingers are not visible in the stairs, and there is a nasty smell that has been sealed for many years. Carleyan held a flashlight and stumbled down the stairs. I didn’t know how many falls I had in a hurry. Every time I got up, I felt that my knees were unconscious, and I didn’t know what strength was supporting him. Run furiously forward.

I don’t know how long I ran, and finally a narrow iron gate appeared at the end of the dark stairs. Kaleyan swiped with his identity card, the iron door crunched open to half and got stuck, but at this time he didn’t care much. Kaleyan squeezed his breath by squeezing his nose, and his forehead suddenly became hot. A large piece of skin was torn.

There was a narrow vent in the iron door, and then turned a corner, prying the steel net with a flashlight, suddenly suddenly bright in front of it-it is the underground training ground of the Fabras Fortress!

The entire hall site is brightly lit, and there are two huge electromagnetic devices in the middle, one left and one right, and two sharp shuttle cars are quietly stopped.

Carleyan gasped, stepping forward.

His chest was undulating because of his fast running, his hair was mixed with sweat and dust and stuck to his forehead, and a large piece of broken skin in his forehead was flowing with blood. His uniform shirt was ruffled and ruffled, as if he had just rolled in the jungle, and hung dirtyly, looking embarrassed.

However, his cold eyes stared in the bright light:

“I need you guys, 3s Mech Kirin, White Tiger.”

Two cars, one black and one white, turned on the headlights at the same time, and Bai Hu snorted and asked, “Soldier, who are you?”

Calleyan calmly said: “–Anders Aaron.” 2k novel reading network

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