The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 123

This is destined to be a tragic battle engraved in the depths of the universe, and its fierceness is enough to rank in the top three even in the century-long history of Galactic emperor Heinrich’s expedition.

The magnetic storm lasted for a whole day. In the evening, the entire fortress was razed to the ground. Ninety percent of the ground buildings were destroyed, and all personnel were transferred to the underground fortress with the battleship-and lost lives and strategic materials during the transfer. , And the tragedy caused by the temporary collapse of the air-raid shelter.

The entire planet was sore, and the former formidable Fabras fortress was instantly turned into white ground.At the same time, all this happened, the Galactic Emperor, the Marshal of the Alliance, and all the senior generals of the coalition. The mech army welcomes the heavily armed Dark Star army in space!

There are no extra words, or even any combat mobilization; the coalition mechs just took off, and they caught the first wave of intensive artillery from the Dark Star Fleet!

Countless black mortars approached the coalition mech like a dense swarm of bees, firing a large web of firepower intertwined with millions of spider silk, covering the huge and slow giant battleships behind. On the coalition side, relatively low-level mechs with insufficient firepower and light defense are blocked behind by high-level mechas. The top 3s and 2s mechs in the front of the battlefield bear most of the firepower output, which will be enough to level the asteroids. Thousands of interstellar missiles fired like machine gun bullets.

This arduous firepower fight is like a supernova explosion, and the entire universe is filled with leaping high-energy projective matter.

The fire in the center of the battlefield formed a bright red huge light ball, like an asteroid composed of flocculent high explosives; and the dark star mortars and allied mech units around it were like the planets. The dense halo zone, the explosion of battleships and mechs from time to time formed eye-catching and short-lived fireworks in the halo.

Around the battlefield, anti-electromagnetism formed countless circles of light blue large electric rings, and the burning fragments of battleships and shells turned into dark jets, shooting from deeper space in all directions, and the whole scene was like a **** j Majestic and magnificent-

However, what is hidden under this magnificent scroll is that every second counts and every inch counts, and no one can step back even a half step! High-temperature electromagnetic bombs poured out of the cannon, and even some A-class mechas exploded alive because of overheating. They did not dare to cease the fire for a few seconds!

“Order the whole army, and they will be shocked in three minutes!” Heinrich’s voice snarled in the communication channel: “Kill the enemy Thai-class battleships !!”

Although the electromagnetic wave is coming to an end, the communication channel is still disturbing, and the emperor’s sharp roar shook the eardrums!

Immediately after that, as the voice landed, a brilliant firework burst out in front, and the large net of fire ejected by the Dark Star Mortar was finally torn apart by the 3s-class mech —

Within minutes, the mech forces swarmed through the cracks in the firepower net, like hundreds of shiny blades, and instantly penetrated into the enemy’s belly, crashing into the sky on a giant battleship that was too late to escape spark!

If in the previous firepower confrontation, dozens of s-class mechs could suppress the enemy’s thousands of mortars in a **** battle, because the empire’s strong and powerful armament strength, then the stern and swift attack of the mech army It highlights the alliance’s outstanding combat capabilities-the offensive and fortification battle led by Celia was started under the interweaving artillery, and the army was instantly reduced to zero to become one hundred and eighty combat units, each led by a class A and b mech. Quickly rushed to the Dark Star Giant from all directions!

The total number of Dark Star fleets is far less than that of the coalition forces, but at this time, due to magnetic storms, the navigation vessels of the coalition warships were almost completely scrapped, and most of them were stranded on the ground. The coalition mechs can be lifted up by manual operation, but compared to the number of Darkstar fleets, it is no small sum. It is completely delusional to wipe out the enemy forces.

Therefore, Heinrich and Silia agreed on a strategy to abandon the Dark Star Fleet’s main force and focus on killing the enemy’s flagship-that is, even if the Dark Star’s main force cannot be blocked within the Gemini Galaxy, it must be on the battlefield. Kill Yunes on the grid!

This is well understood: Although the main force of the Dark Star is huge, there is also the Capital Guard on the Egret star, which is difficult to be captured in a short while. As long as the magnetic storm passes and the coalition forces return, it is not impossible to annihilate the Dark Star Hall in one fell swoop, but the loss is extremely heavy.

But if Yunes landed on Egret, or even found the experimental base planned by the patron saint, the consequences would be out of control; the patron saint plan is like the magic box of Fandora, as long as it is touched by Dark Star Hall, Then it is destined to bring an entire disaster to the entire galaxy!

-However, since they can think of it, how could Yunez not take any precautions?

Did he show up on the battlefield and let them be assassinated?

Just as the first Dark Star battleship exploded under the siege of a mech, an ordinary Alliance ship was approaching the Fabras Fortress at full speed in the Mirror Nebula 80,000 kilometers from the battlefield.

“The intensity of the magnetic storm is continuing to decline, and it is expected to reach 400,000 trillion in half an hour, but it is still very dangerous! Lieutenant General, we—”

“Go straight.” Lieutenant General Mo Wen interrupted his voice. “Set the shortest route to Fabras, no matter how dangerous the front is, reach the fortress as soon as possible!”

The pilots looked at each other in front of the podium in embarrassment. No one dared to speak for a long time. In the end, the lieutenant boldly said, “But although the magnetic storm has weakened, our ship is just an ordinary spaceship. The chance of arriving in Fabras is no more than 30%! Our lives are just fine, you as the lieutenant general admiral of the Union Military … ”

“What happened to the Lieutenant General?”

The lieutenant froze, and saw Mo Wen look up at them, his sharp eyes fell on each of the faces that were blank or worried.

“The Fortress of Fabras must be white now, but with the wisdom of the Marshal, warships and combatants must be preserved to the greatest extent. Without heavyweight officers to command, even if the magnetic storm is over, these living forces are difficult to be destroyed. Organize into the war, let alone assist the Marshals-and the opportunity on the battlefield is fleeting, even if it is only a second of vitality, it is worth my life bet! ”

“What about the lieutenant general, the role of the lieutenant general is to fight! One minute early victory can save millions of casualties!” Mo Wen’s voice suddenly sharpened, and even shocked the eardrums: “You think, the lieutenant general followed Thousands of lives are worth more than geometry? And my head is worthy of geometry! ”

Everyone in the entire spaceship was indifferent, the strings in everyone’s hearts were instantly tightened, and the pilot couldn’t help sitting upright!

“Target the Fabras fortress and pass through the magnetic storm zone at full speed!” Mowen looked back at the lieutenant with a firm voice: “Go and throw away that rescue capsule on the ship-if the ship crashes today, everyone will die, and I will never die. Not alone! ”

The magnetic storm that has not yet stopped reflects gorgeous bars of light in space, constantly twisting and tangling, like countless twisted giant snakes. Above the fortress of Fabras, fierce artillery and magneto-optical interweaving into a gorgeous illusion, like a huge mirror, overwhelmingly crushed the scorched earth.

“Major Billy!” The soldier wearing the all-in-all protective suit ran across the ruins with one foot deep and panted, holding his knees panting: “Major, the transmission tower is destroyed, and the current magnetic storm intensity is 200,000 trillion! … ”

Kalieyan’s lieutenant stood on the broken steps, behind which was the stubble wall of the command post, like a weird shadow in the night. The sobbing wind passed through the ruins, bringing the smell of the leaked chemicals and the rust mixed with rust, shaking the soldier’s dusty hair.

“… 200,000 trillion …” Major Billy murmured.

Compared to the peak of the magnetic storm, the 200,000 trillion interference is not very strong, and it seems that it is not completely impossible to force the battleship into the air.

But-Major Billy wrinkled tightly with the vicissitudes of Meifeng:

The 200,000 trillion magnetic field interference is still a first-class red alert range, and it is not allowed to take off under normal circumstances. In case the group army loses control during a strong flight and thousands of giant warships collide, then–

Who can afford the responsibility of the lives of millions of soldiers? !!

And even if he is willing to bear, are those commanders willing to listen to him? !!

The soldier gasped for a while, stood up and stared blankly at the officer in front of him. Although he is only a major, he is, after all, an lieutenant of Kaleyan. In the heart of this young soldier, he is already a very reliable, solid, and trustworthy leader:

“So … Major Billy, can we … can we win?”

Major Billy froze and turned to look at the soldier.

The young man’s face was stained with dirt mixed with blood and dust, and his eyes were especially bright, full of expectations and eagerness of the world. The major stared at him quietly for a while, as if unable to bear the weight of it, turning his head and whispering: “It must win, it must …”

At this moment, suddenly, Major Major caught a glimpse of something, and suddenly looked up into the sky.

I saw a bright signal light suddenly appearing at the end of the sky that was intertwined by the artillery. The light soon approached, and at the same time, a familiar shadow was gradually revealed, the Alliance spaceship!

The major grabbed his chest telescope in disbelief, and the whole heart instantly mentioned the throat in the next second: it was an allied spaceship that was crooked, smoky, and was landing fast on the ground!

“Air cushion! Go open the air cushion!” Major Billy raised his hand and yelled at the stunned soldier: “Call the mechanics to prepare for the fire! Quick!”

The command post, which had been turned into a ruin, suddenly turned over, and a dozen seconds later, a smoky spacecraft fell from the sky, crashed over hundreds of air cushions, and fell back into the safety frame. The heavily armed machinery team drove over and sprayed fire extinguishing drugs. The special forces wearing fire-resistant clothing exploded the burnt and twisted hatch with a micro-bomb. After a few seconds, they rushed in and dragged out a few people, headed by the general who was wearing the general uniform!

Major Billy almost even stopped his heart at a glance: “Mo, Lieutenant General Mowen ?!”

The flames of Morvin’s body were extinguished urgently, and he coughed painfully on the ground. He was held by the medical team with hands and feet, raised the medical radiograph and shot him. Major Billy also rushed to kneel beside him and was caught by him as soon as he opened his mouth to ask questions. He saw that the face of Lieutenant General Mo Wen’s half of Yingting had been burned beyond recognition, and the blood continued to flow bright red under the rays, and his voice was almost husky : “It’s passed … It’s ordered to take off, forcibly and forcibly …”

The major major dismissed, “Lieutenant General!”

“The battle, the battlefield can’t stand up, let the battleship go to heaven–” Mo Wen clutched Major Billy’s hand tightly, and the corners of his mouth continued to bleed as he spoke: “I’m in trouble, take me to the flagship …”

The author has something to say:

Everyone must watch the road when crossing the road. When I went to work yesterday morning, I was anxious not to see the road. I was almost rubbed by a car. Fortunately, I was not dragged, but I broke my knee and ankle. Later, the doctor said that the knee wound was too bad. It should be stitched when deep, but the wound is too big to sew …

Just like that, I took a strong shower last night. Although there was no water on the wound, the area where my right ankle was stung was swollen immediately after being soaked in hot water. The pain was so bad that my father and mother were crying … That’s it for kids …

Is it a madness to bathe or not tonight? !! 2k novel reading network

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