The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 128

In this suffocating stalemate, she turned her head, looking through the flames of war and smoke, and collided with Silia’s cold gaze.

The burning flame at that moment, the billowing smoke, the blood and bullet casings on the ground, and the expression of stalemate on everyone’s face whistled away in the wash of time, becoming a distant and misty background.

Silia walked into the wide and empty arsenal, standing on the floor that was as smooth as a mirror, but was now hit by countless cracks by bullets, staring at Edna:

“you lose.”

Edna smiled slightly and waved to the rebels around her: “It’s useless to surrender.”

As imperial soldiers poured in, they quickly seized the hundreds of rebels and escorted them one by one. During the period, some people wanted to resist, but they couldn’t even raise a little water splash in front of the tiger-eyed puppet, and soon they were shut down by the well-equipped imperial soldiers, and they were carried around in all directions.

In the end, only the lingering Count Herschel and Edna standing on the rebel side, Colonel White did not dare to act rashly, and whispered to the emperor: “Your Majesty, these two rebel leaders …”

The 3s mech smashed into tens of millions of pieces. The emperor fell to the ground in an eye-catching arc of light, turning the wrist into a single knife with a flick of his wrist, and easily inserted the tip of the knife into the floor. “Silla?”

His voice was careless, Colonel White had to turn his head and stared at the Marshal.

Silia didn’t have much expression on his face, and even his tone was very bland and unwavering: “Tough work, take the two company soldiers out of Area C and guard the area in the tunnel, and stay on the scene Give it to me and the emperor. In addition, we doubled the number of outside guards, strengthened surveillance, and killed those who broke into the military ground. They should report to us immediately regardless of the situation. ”

The order was clear and enforceable, and Colonel White immediately straightened up and said, “Yes!”

The soldiers held their guns and stepped back vigilantly outside the arsenal. Heinrich, Silia, Edna and the dying Count Herschel were soon left in the dark and empty hall.

After the fierce crossfire ceased, the hall seemed extraordinarily silent and cold. Only one or two clusters of fire light occasionally jumped out from the rubble on the ground. After beating twice, it immediately went out, leaving only a wisp of green smoke.

The cold wind came from nowhere in the ground, and a whining-like sound swept across people’s necks, leaving only the cold immersion sensation seeping out of the bone marrow.

“Gavin …” Edna lowered her head and smiled softly. “This scene is very familiar, but our situation is completely reversed.”

Silia calmly said, “Yes? Why don’t I remember?”

Count Herschel curled up in a corner not far away, her face covered with dried blood, her eyes staring at Heinrich. However, the emperor ignored him, turning his eyes back and forth between Celia and Edna, and his sharp eyebrows frowned slightly.

“In the Galactic Era, Speaker Senkel died unexpectedly. My father succeeded in the election of the new Speaker. You also saw me in the meeting where the results of the polls were announced by the Parliament. At that time we separated the crowd as winners and failures. Look at each other, just like … ”

Edna paused, raised her hands and frizzed her hair, and smiled, “It’s not strange that you don’t remember. We always have different positions between us. It’s been a long time since we passed it.”

Silia did not speak, and was silent.

“Actually since then I have discovered that maybe I like being your opponent more than being your lover.” Edna didn’t care much about his silence, and her tone suddenly became a little bit cheerful: “But You also have to admit, Gavin, I was a good opponent in the hundreds of years of the middle and late years of the league, and I guided you to resist the parliament as a politician, and to suppress you on behalf of the interests of the parliament … … neither you nor I have ever had a complete advantage. ”

“You mostly win,” Silia admitted frankly.

“But you ended up with a complete victory,” Edna said.

She opened her hands like a shy and elegant lady in front of a gentleman. Long brown hair hangs softly on the chest like algae, and the white neck is slightly curved like a swan. Although she was only wearing a gray prison uniform, she stood there as if she was the naive and gentle girl in the mint field many years ago.

“It’s over, Gavin,” she sighed. “Congratulations.”

Silia stared at her for a long time without saying a word. Heinrich looked back suddenly, turning his head to see the dim light, and his eyes were slightly red.

“I always have a question …” Silia asked hoarsely. “Why the **** are you doing this?”

Heinrich whispered, “Gavin!”

The emperor followed Silia from the half-year-old at the age of eighteen. After so many years of fighting and leaving, no one knew him better. Celia has never been the type of person who pursues the horns of a horn. Even if he is targeted and betrayed, he values ​​the result. He never asks the loser why after winning.

Of course, there is forgiveness for the losers, and there is also a reluctance to look back on these sections.

However, he now asks Edna why—the two are of different ancestry and have different positions. The decline to this point is the result of intensification of conflicts over hundreds of years. What’s so good about it? !!

“Yeah, why should I do this?” Edna smiled sarcastically. She was indeed a politician who was regarded by Helia as being inferior to Heinrich. She immediately noticed the emperor’s delicate thoughts, and turned to look slightly mockingly. I glanced at him, “I was born with a golden spoon, a wealthy family, no worries, and a gold and expensive omega girl. It stands to reason that you should not have the kind of mind to climb up by any means … why should I do it with you Right for so many years? ”

She stepped forward, and the dim light from the zenith was reflected on her side face, and when the heel landed, there was a clear sound in the empty hall.

“We used to be the people who knew each other best, but we never could understand each other. I do n’t know why you cling to your perseverance for hundreds of years, and you wo n’t know how sorry I am. Being an omega woman , My life is destined to be behind the scenes, and I will never be able to occupy the stage to realize my dreams and ideas. ”

Her voice became a little hoarse, but still as soft as she remembered: “Do you know how difficult it is for me to stand in Parliament?”

“…” Silia was silent for a long time and shook her head.

In the middle and late stages of the league, Edna was much more active in the parliament than Silia. There were reasons why she was born in the Golden Family, and her own outstanding mental ability also accounted for a considerable factor.

Silia knew it would not be easy, but she couldn’t understand half of it at all.

At that time, he supported the entire military department with his own strength, struggling with all forces and battlefields, and overwhelmed all his efforts and life; even in the closest period with Edna, it was difficult for the two. When you meet, except for business meetings, a video call once a week is considered a luxury.

This is still a good time. By the end of the galactic war at the end of the alliance, the two have become very clear about each other, and it is difficult to maintain the name of the unmarried couple.

“I’m an omega woman …” Edna leisurely said, “Even if you have all kinds of talents and all kinds of skills, you are inherently in a weak position. The support and connections that other members can easily get, I have to pay ten times and hundreds of times. Calculate and plan; what others can do in one sentence, I have to think carefully and think carefully to make it possible to achieve success in seven or eight minutes … This is still relatively good. For a while, the military department was strong, and there was one around you. The guards are more important than the members of the parliament. Some of them, Mowen, Kaleyan and Heinrich, have come forward to talk, which is more effective than me.

Celia suddenly turned his head to look at Heinrich, but his eyes flickered again.

“If you do n’t have a good name, you ca n’t do it right. If you do n’t do it, you ca n’t do it. I ’m the wrong person. How can I let others listen to me? It touches people’s hearts with practical benefits, and sometimes even those interests are actually contrary to my political ideas and original intentions … but they have to be allowed. ”

Edna smiled slightly, but the smile was mixed with bitter bitterness: “Because of food waste, it is counterproductive, knowing that those benefits should not be taken lightly, but in order to obtain support, you must do so, and you must carry out a drudgery. During the reform, we gritted our teeth to protect those who were attached for various benefits … This kind of taste should not have been experienced by people like you? ”

When she asked the last sentence, she looked at Heinrich, and her provocation was undisguised.

Of course the emperor did it. The family clan who betrayed the alliance and climbed up in the middle of the galactic war have now become the old nobles of the empire’s galaxies, and relying on their privileges to segregate within the empire, various evil effects have begun to show signs. Count Herschel is one of them.

The balance of power and helplessness lies in this, and no one in power has been able to completely solve this problem. Even Silia, with his painstaking efforts and dignified military deities, dare not guarantee that the Alliance military will be 100% pure-but unlike the impunity of the Conseterlin family and the endurance of the Galactic Emperor, he at least made heavy efforts to reform Secondly, I do not know how many people have offended for this, and finally paid the heavy price of defeating Red Saturn.

“Experienced,” Heinrich said lightly, and his ice-blue eyes were deep and cold: “But I didn’t collude with foreign enemies, and joked about the door of my country!”

Edna said with a long laugh: “Is this my country? Heinrich! There is no more land in this universe, no empire or alliance, no place for me!”

Silia closed her eyes, and at that moment he heard a deep sorrow whistling past a gap in her heart, as if crying helplessly in the wind.

He remembered that on the egret star many years ago, the worms sang loudly on distant summer nights, the sky was shining, and the brilliant galaxy straddled the sky. The dream-like youth years are thus shattered in the brutal strangulation of power and faith, and the huge gap between ideals and reality, buried in the era of alliance that never returns.

“You have no place to stay, but our country is still there.” Heinrich paused, Shen said: “You did lose, Consettelin, your entire family, along with Douglas–”

“Don’t tell me,” Edna interrupted suddenly. “You don’t need to say.”

Heinrich wanted to tell her that Douglas Conceitlin had been used by Yunes and killed in the vast space with the Black Man snake, but looking at Edna, she should have expected everything, even Don’t ask the last sentence.

“I’m sorry Caroline, after I die, please don’t embarrass her …” Edna closed her eyes with a sigh, then opened again a moment later, turning calmly to Silia, saying:

“Kill me.”

This sentence is very light, but the ending echoes in the empty hall for a long time.

Heinrich’s complexion changed a bit. His first reaction was to turn his head to see Silia’s expression, but somehow his heart was a little complicated. After a moment he turned his head slightly, but saw Silia looking forward, as if looking at a floating point in the air, in the dark and dark hall, his side had a kind of ice-white without blood.

A short while, his wrist moved, and he pulled out the long sword transformed into a phoenix.

The sword should be very heavy, and every inch of the sound coming out of the sheath was as heavy as the silence in the air, but his sword-drawing hand was very stable, without a tremor, and without any hesitation.

Heinrich moved slightly, but Edna’s gaze was intoxicated.

This is Celia she knows–

Firm and powerful, rational and cruel, unable to seduce or conquer; she has been compared with her since the girlhood, from side by side to opposing each other, confronting Gavin Silia for an entire era.

“Goodbye, Edna.”

Celia raised his sword and pointed straight at it, but at that moment, there was a commotion from the imperial soldiers in the distance: “Someone!” “Stop–”


Serial explosions kept coming from above them, shaking the entire underground base like a thunder. This sound sounded like a rebel siege, but no one was there to respond, and then a loud, deafening sound like an earthquake exploded!

The whole hall shook violently. Heinrich and others were holding their bodies firmly. When they looked back, they saw that the elevator shaft had collapsed in the dust. The soldiers fell from above, among the broken bricks and stones like a storm. Suddenly dazzling light–

The faces of the three changed dramatically at the same time, and saw the light-blade blade-like airflow coming on, and yelled, “Give me away—”

Edna lost her voice: “Yunes ?!”

The air flow burst through suddenly, and I saw Younes driving a dragon ride, bathing his body, blasting several intercepted Imperial soldiers, sweeping across the board, and slamming the phoenix silver sword in a deafening noise. Fly out!

Heinrich’s pupils tightened, and he said angrily, “Yunes !!!”

The next second, 狴 犴 suddenly changed shape, the mech giant suddenly stood up in the smoke of smoke, holding Silia flying away; the Phoenix Silver Sword made a bright arc in the air, suddenly flew back to Silia to open. In the palm of his hand, a volley of swords wrapped in a rushing air stream rushed towards Longqi!

Sparkling blue arcs filled the entire hall. As thousands of branches spread and swept in all directions, the metal floor and walls were cracked by the explosion of huge energy, and then turned into hot powder. At the very beginning, I saw Longqi burst out of an invisible electromagnetic shield, and pushed out several meters with amazing impulse!

The Emperor Shuai was forced to retreat at the same time, and the dragon ride passed by in an instant. Yunez leaned down in the air and caught Edna, sternly: “Go!”

Edna had no time to struggle, or even to react. Yunes threw her into the dragon riding driver’s seat, turned around, and flew towards the collapsed tungsten gold gate!

“Stop him!” Silia yelled, “The patron saint plans to require Edna’s pupil fingerprints to be opened and not let him go!”

The voice hadn’t fallen, and it rushed away like an arrow, almost blocking the shadow of the dragon riding in front of the gate, the muzzle spun out, aimed at the oncoming You in a thousandth of a second. Nes; the next second, the Phoenix turned into thousands of fragments and swept away, chasing after the dragon ride!

Immediately after that, the black giant dragon rushed out of the artillery, and suddenly rose when it was about to strike, marking a sharp 90-degree right angle in the air!

At that moment, it was extremely thrilling. Dragon Riding almost passed by the Phoenix fragments, and the speed even caused countless tiny crackling sounds in the air. Thousands of bright blue electric lines extended in all directions, and Celia was forced to turn around and give in—

All changes happened in this second.

The cab of Dragon Ride is not completely closed. While it suddenly turned around and rushed, Edna on the back seat didn’t hold her hand for a while, and the whole person fell from the air!

At that moment, it seemed to be stretched indefinitely. If there was a downward view of the camera from the air, Edna’s face looked stunned, countless cold phoenix shards flashing on the side, and the flames shaking violently in the distant wind , As if frozen into an absurd and thrilling picture-

Immediately afterwards, Phoenix’s autonomous consciousness was activated.

Thousands of shards condense behind her into a cold silver thorn, piercing her falling body through her chest!


Edna fell to the ground, and the Phoenix Silverthorn pierced through her chest, raising a splatter of blood!

The blood quickly dripped from his chest, and even a pool of blood pooled under him. Edna gasped and looked forward, but her vision soon became unclear, and even the fierce exchange of fire between Yun and Yunes in the air turned into a blurred background.

She closed her eyes in trembling, and when she reluctantly opened, she saw Kyle half kneeling beside her, and the Phoenix turned into a titanium silver sword and nailed into the floor.

She whispered, “Gavin …”

Celia opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but she couldn’t say a word.

He just knelt beside Edna, both of them looked at each other silently, and when he saw him many years ago, he looked at the test tube through the clear blue culture medium. Little girl outside, two pairs of little hands against each other across the cold glass.

Hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye.

“Finally … it’s not even dead in your hands …” Edna coughed intermittently, and every word of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth: “I’m really … unwilling …”

She barely raised her hand to touch his cold cheek, and laboriously asked, “You … are you my favorite person in my life, Gavin, am I your favorite person?”

Celia’s nails were deeply pressed into the palm of her hand, and she felt hard to bleed, but did not feel it. He opened his mouth hoarsely, saying, “It used to be.”

Edna’s tears burst out, slipping down the hair along the hairpin, and instantly dipped into the blood on the ground.

“Gavin …” she choked. “Take care.”

Her blood-stained hand finally dropped and fell gently to the ground.

The last successor of this golden family, active in the galaxy’s political stage for hundreds of years, the woman who witnessed the destruction of the alliance and the rise of the empire, finally closed her eyes forever in the glow of the sky. 2k novel reading network

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