The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 132

The bullets were intertwined and the sound was endless, but the crackling sound of the glass seemed to be blown into Heinrich and Silia’s ears, and the smallest syllables could be heard clearly.

Heinrich’s face changed drastically, and he suddenly turned to look at Silia.

But Celia seemed to be scared, standing pale, looking only at the giant groove—

I saw that the petri dish broke into numerous fragments, and the fetus fell into the deeper blue dna decomposition solution, which disappeared in no time. Soon its young body will be completely decomposed, copied, and the information transmitted to the center of the meridian branches of the central light brain. The system, which has been silent for hundreds of years, is restarted, emitting a grand blue light, reflecting the entire ceiling.

“Look at it, Silia,” Yunes said lightly: “A new, powerful you will be born here, and then DNA will use it as its origin to carry out horizontal inheritance, copying out thousands of you. The undefeated army eventually replaced the existing human social system … I will be the **** of the new world, and this moment is the starting point of everything. ”

He raised his hand like a chant, and in the center of his light brain, slowly pushed out a freezing chamber surrounded by white cold air.

Unlike those freezer compartments, it is transparent and cold, and numerous pipes are connected from the light brain to the interior. The DNA-decomposing fluid in the giant groove that engulfed the fetus is being fed into the freezer along several of these pipes, dyeing the original clear ice water into light blue.

With the continuous influx of decomposing liquid, the blue color in the freezer compartment became deeper and deeper—but only two minutes later, the decomposing liquid seemed to be quickly absorbed by something, and the water color became rapidly shallow from dark blue. There were also strange and unknown movements.

At this moment of no one’s attention, Silia’s pupils tightened, and when the liquid in the freezer returned to its original clarity, the cold air also dissipated, followed by a “bang!”

The hatch was shattered, and a person sat upright out of the water!

Everyone stepped back half a step at the same time, Heinrich lost his voice: “Gavan!”

Silia gasped, “No, this … this is–”

The wet man raised his head, the light reflected on his expressionless face, showing a face exactly the same as Celia!

——Not the failed test pieces outside. This is a real, perfect copy of Silia’s face like a mirror reflection!

There was a muffled noise, and the duplicator rolled over to the ground and stepped on the bright ground. Immediately, he slowly reached out his hand and picked up a thing that was hanging by the groove. Everyone found out that it was an old white coat, because it had been placed for a long time and had slightly yellowed.

The duplicator put it on his backhand, and with this movement, Celia’s look couldn’t stop changing:

How similar is this to his wake on Red Saturn? !!

The setting embedded in the gene is so precise, like an invisible large hand in the void, the lifting line controls every action after each subject wakes up!

“Silla …” Yunes’s eyes changed from shock to ecstasy: “Did you see it? I succeeded!-Did you see it!”

With his last word falling, Celia abruptly stepped back and shouted: “Phoenix–”

Eunice sipped: “Copy! Go!”

The Phoenix Silver Sword flies, but the copying action is faster. Silia didn’t even have time to reach out and grab the sword, and Phoenix was taken by the clones in midair, and then wrapped in a mighty force and struck Silia!

The hurricane slamming in the blade was imminent, but at this critical moment, Heinrich grabbed his puppet and crashed into Silia.


With a loud bang for a long time, the blade sharply blocked the oncoming phoenix!

The dumb expression of the human face was so close to Heinrich, the eyes of the Galactic Emperor flashed a shock. The next second, the duplicator burst out suddenly, pushing Heinrich together with Silia several meters away!

This is an overwhelming force, let alone Heinrich at the end of the crossbow. Even under normal circumstances, this mighty and amazing power is hard to resist. The Emperor Shuai fell to the ground at the same time, and his whole body was enveloped by dark shadows. He looked up and saw the copy person descend from the sky like a raptor. When the air cut the Phoenix Silver Sword!

It was said that time and time later, Heinrich grabbed the knife and made a backhand block, and gritted his teeth against the shocking shock in the deafening electromagnetic excitation. The direct confrontation between the 3s and 2s mechs caused a small, intense discharge. The entire room was cracked by thunder, and the cracked wound on Heinrich’s tiger’s mouth had not yet had time to bleed, and it was burned to black.

In such severe pain, Heinrich still gritted his teeth and did not relax the knife in his hand, yelling: “Leave here! Silia!”

Silia stood up, panting and standing still.

“He won’t run, he’s such a character,” Yunes said lightly, with an ironic sneer in his mouth. “But even running is useless, do you know how perfect this replica is? It’s all my death The mother body of the army is equivalent to the Union Army God in the heyday-no, it is more perfect than the high-flying and hypocritical beta Celia at its heyday, because it is basically equivalent to the backup of the resurrected alpha body after the battle of Venus Fortress … … ”

In the space between his words, Phoenix repeatedly tried to break free from the replicator, but it was completely controlled by the powerful mental force, and no matter how he struggled, he could only send out a metal shout of despair.

Copy the numbness of people’s expressions, wave the knife, and drive Heinrich in the flashing electromagnetic glare without force, and quickly retreated to the corner!

“Siria, Her Majesty is far worse than you were during the heyday,” Yunes stepped down to the console, and walked to Silia, who was standing in the lobby tired and gasping, smiling. “I can’t help but doubt your original intention of becoming omega Is it to be weaker than the emperor?-If so, you have succeeded, please accept my extraordinary respect … ”

The Dark Star warrior strode towards Silia, Heinrich suddenly resisted the sword’s edge, and yelled in the blasting light: “What are you doing there, Gavin! Come on!”

Silia snapped: “Shut up! I won’t go!”

Heinrich: “If you don’t leave, think of a way! I really can’t hold on-”

Celia: “Hold on for a while! I’m thinking!”

Yunes’ black robe flew over and came to Silia. The two looked at each other. After a while, he reached out his hand covered with black armor, but before touching Silia’s face, he was blocked by a pop.

“Do you have any other options?” Yunes teased.

Silia gasped heavily, her face growing pale and scared in the crisscrossing bloodstains. The close-up explosion of Edna’s body caused him considerable injuries. His shoulders, arms, abdomen, and thighs were all torn by shrapnel. Blood almost permeated most of his body.

“… Do you think I’ve captured it?” He finally asked hoarsely. “What are you going to do next, Yunes?”

I don’t know why there was a subtle and strange power in his voice, and Yunes felt uncomfortable almost immediately. “Of course you have already captured it. What else can you do? Next I will kill His Majesty the Emperor, and the experimental system here —— ”

The Dark Star warrior’s voice stopped abruptly, and he finally realized what was wrong.

Celia’s voice sounded familiar.

-That **** familiarity. Whenever he seems to be in a desperate situation, but is marching in a safe way, he has this **** familiarity in his tone!

“Yes, I still have one last way to go,” Sylla sighed. “I should have known that things would be where they are now.”

The red snake pupil shrinks into a line, reflecting the hand raised in front of Celia.

The crisscrossing blood on the back of the hands gathered at the fingertips, and in the moment that the wind was swept away, just listened to Silia doing his best to scream: “Come here !!!!”

Unez’s first reaction was that Celia was calling the Phoenix, but then he found himself wrong!

What he summoned was the copyman!

The final power, such as fireworks, broke out in the night, Celia’s pupils enlarged sharply, and the mental threshold suddenly peaked, even forcing Phoenix to issue a near-death shout!

The next second, seeing that the sword was about to be cut in half by Heinrich’s sword, the copy made a choked rattle in his throat, and turned his head stiffly—

Unez couldn’t agree: “How is this possible ?!”

The mental threshold is only useful for virtual spiritual plugs, and replicating people is an artificial soul *. How can it have such a device in mind? !!

-But if not, why would it be controlled by Silia? !!

“It’s not what you think, Yunes.” Silia coughed fiercely, and said intermittently: “From the beginning I wondered why you didn’t realize this: Why is this replicator exactly like me?”

“His gene has me and Heinrich’s children fused. It should be reasonable to say that the inheritance from Heinrich should also be reflected, but why is he completely my replica from beginning to end?”

Yunes suddenly realized what was happening and stopped breathing.

“Yes, it wasn’t the fetus you took from Venus …” Silia husky said. “I put it there in advance to prepare for a spare body to be resurrected after the next death.”

When a loud noise came, Heinrich finally fell back against the wall and sat down on the ground, exhaustingly re-inserting his sword into the ground.

The duplicator gave up hunting and walked away step by step, his expressionless face reflected in Yonez’s appalling pupil: “No, impossible … what do you use to control it ?!”

Silia said: “It is not a virtual spiritual plug, but a necessary resonator in the resurrection experiment. Of course, it cannot receive clear instructions like a spiritual plug, but it can transfer the strong emotions in the ontology. For example, I now hate you, just It can be accepted by strong biological electromagnetic signals, which affects its actions … ”

The words did not fall, the duplicator came forward, waving his arms and waving a sword at Yunes!

Yonez yelled loudly and blocked the gorgeous silver light with a sharp sword!

“Is this what you planned for a long time?” Unez asked incredulously. “You already knew that I would go to Venus ?!”

Celia gave him a “maybe so” joke smile.

“What about the fetus? My people searched the entire Union Building and couldn’t find it—”

“It was given to Heinrich long ago and sent to the empire,” Silia said. “Elder Longfellow was almost happy that he had a heart attack.”

The duplicator had no eyes and raised the phoenix, but this time the sword’s edge was not split, but turned into ten million pieces of broken light, reconstituted into titanium silver mech landing!

The cockpit flew out of the metal giant’s chest. Heinrich first grabbed his head, and flew low in the direction of Silia. However, at this moment, Yunes suddenly shot in anger, and the electromagnetic knife ignited a hot light, and struck Silia standing nearby!

In the cockpit, Heinrich saw this with his eyes open, and even his heartbeat stopped for a while-but then, the duplicator rushed out, hitting Yunes like a shell!

连 When the continuous sound resounded, the two slid out several meters on the bright ground at the same time, and the duplicator was overwhelmed by Yunies in the chaos. The abdomen was punctured by an electromagnetic knife. Cold blood spewed down the blade, but the duplicator was unaware, clutching Unez tightly and bringing him to the ground.

Silia roared: “Heinrich!”

The cockpit passed by at a low altitude, Heinrich threw a puppet, and the 3s saber fell from the air while spinning, grabbed by Silia in his hand, and rolled his wrists towards Yunes!

At this moment their cooperation was wonderful, but Yunes was not slow to respond. Hundreds of years of rich combat experience gave him a strong instinct, and he pushed away the duplicator as soon as the blade was cut, yelling and rolling on the spot!

Speaking of time later, the saber severely pierced the neck of the duplicator, pierced Yunez’s shoulders in the dripping blood, and nailed him to the ground!

Yonez yelled in pain, and at the same time, the replica’s body finally reached the limit, and he fell to the ground and stopped breathing.

At the moment when the spiritual connection was forcibly interrupted, Silia’s head was severely painful, and the entire brain seemed to be delayed by millions of teeth. Immediately, her knees fell to the ground softly, and she lost almost all her consciousness in an instant–

Yonez yelled, holding on to the saber and pulling it out. However, at this instant, the Phoenix cockpit swept again, immediately knocking Younes up!

Heinrich leaned forward between the lights, flint and stone, grabbed the puppet with his left hand, grabbed Silia with his right hand, and dragged into the cockpit. Immediately after the cabin was pulled up quickly, it rushed into the chest of the Phoenix Mech, and closed the door tightly with a bang!

“The 2s mech phoenix has 3% energy left, and the emergency start is complete.”

Heinrich screamed hoarsely: “Gavin! Are you all right ?!”

Celia’s blood was red, and his face was dangerous and fragile gray. His mental strength was rapidly declining. He could not speak at all. He could only stand up and rush to the front of the bridge. The mech nerve band immediately dangled from the air and wrapped around the body. The light screen reflected the scene in front of you–Yunier Spencer ran out of the gate with a last breath.

Heinrich said angrily, “He’s going to ride a dragon ride! Phoenix, fast!”

“Start the railgun,” Silia hoarsely. “Concentrate all firepower and start attacking.”

The giant titanium giant stepped towards the door, and every step it took led to the collapse and vibration of the large floor. The railgun protruded from its shoulder, aimed, and after a few seconds the muzzle turned, and the white light rushed towards Yunez, who was running away!

The whole floor collapsed in a loud noise, and Yunez was rushed out of the air by dozens of meters, hit the wall and fell to the ground. He barely got up and spit out blood, and he couldn’t care about the serious injuries and fractures in his body. He stretched out his hands and yelled, “Dragon rider–”

A huge black dragon rode through the wall and descended from the sky in the shower-like gravel, taking Yunes up sharply. The zenith of the already loose base could not bear the weight at all, and it collapsed after being hit a few times, and Dragon Riding was immediately wrapped in torrent-like dirt and rushed to the ground!

“Alarm! Alert! Only one percent of the energy is left! Only one percent of the energy is left!” Phoenix’s cockpit flashed red, and the mech shouted in a roar, “What now, Marshal Silia? ! ”

Before the words fell, I only listened to Silia and Heinrich in unison, and even the decisiveness and firmness in the words were exactly the same: “Focus on fire and chase!”

The author has something to say: students who do not want to watch spoilers can now stop pulling the progress bar.

In the next chapter, the war is over, Kalejanto spit bento, squid silk collared bento ~ 2k novel reading network

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