The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 138

The emperor’s declaration was like throwing a bomb in the new Fontainebleau Palace, and everyone was shocked for a long time.

Half a year, Silia pressed the beating angle, and said, “Your Majesty, the phrase ‘you are going to have a genetic surgery’ is straightforward. You don’t need to use any rhetoric …”

In any case, the emperor’s determination was firm. Coincidentally, the state affairs were miraculously small for a while-the so-called less is that even the poor people who have nowhere to vent their energy do not have to work overtime until three o’clock every morning-and the emperor’s decision to do genetic surgery was obtained by the Senate Elder Longfellow even gave a speech encouraging the doctors; therefore, the matter of genetic surgery was quickly determined on the emperor’s schedule.

——Silia’s attitude towards this is more easy-going: do whatever you like, just feel happy. People who have lived for more than 500 years have already regarded the skin appearance as illusory. Heinrich is an eight-year-old child or an eighty-year-old man. It does n’t make much difference for him, even if he is the first rock star or steel pipe in the galaxy. Dancer, as long as the imperial people have no opinion, what good does the alliance have to do?

However, in the principle of mutual respect, Heinrich had a cross-galactic video communication with Celia before entering the operating room in a beautiful afternoon.

This kind of communication is probably the greatest privilege Heinrich has used in recent years. Although he had many privileges as an emperor, Heinrich always tried to avoid indulging himself in power, which weakened the hard-bodied and practical qualities of being a soldier-for example, he used to It is not easy to cultivate, and it is cut off from the fruits commonly used in the palace. It is also because of the popularity of Haining Starfish, which has caused black workers to pick. The crazy popularity of the emperor … The emperor’s throne does not mean that he wants to do as he pleases. On the contrary, while he has greater power, he also inevitably has to assume greater self-discipline and restraint.

As a poor and founding emperor, Heinrich was beyond reproach in other respects. The only personal desire to make concessions to the Senate was to use the space station to make intergalactic calls with Celia.

This contact method is widely used in the military because there are too many space stations to be transferred, and it occupies a large frequency. In theory, it should not be used for private conversations. If you really want to find out, the emperor said every time he talked to Silia: “About a certain item of the border trade contract between the two countries last week …” instead of: “Little Hilda Today wetting again, what? How do I know why he always wetting? ”

Fortunately, the station station garrison chiefs have stated that they can help the emperor to provide this personal convenience, please don’t worry about the emperor. ——Heinrich also suspected that behind such enthusiasm, they actually concealed speculations that they wanted to overhear, but … how much of the conversation was overheard by them, really only God knows.

“I’ll be in the operating cabin in half an hour, and I’m in the biochemical center.” Heinrich held the little baby who was sucking his thumb and said to Silia seriously: “The polls show that they all want to see the young look , So the doctors picked a gene sample from a long time ago as a retrospective point … ”

Judging from the three-dimensional projection, Celia is sitting in the shuttle, probably about to go to the House of Representatives or the Court of Justice. He held his chin to look at Xiaojia’s chubby face, and said for a moment: “In fact, you look good now, but you are really old, and your health is prone to hidden dangers.”

“The energy is no longer than when I fought in the past. During the three days without sleep, I still got up and ran. Now after the fight with the Senate, I feel like I’ve taken off the skin.” Heinrich finally couldn’t help asking: “The people of the Alliance can accept genetic surgery much more often than the Empire. How did you do it? The large-scale genetic adjustment that lasted for thousands of years, or did you just manipulate the sample?”

Celia gave him a mysterious expression, “State secret.”

Heinrich: “…”

The emperor failed to spy on the information, and resentfully sat back on the bench in the waiting room.

Silia reached out and touched Xiao Jia’s more tender and tender face, and her three-dimensionally projected fingers hovered from the baby’s skin. Xiao Jia opened his glittering eyes and looked at him curiously.

“Actually …” Silia suddenly said, “I had not had a chance to have a genetic surgery before, until I was very old …”

Heinrich said: “Huh?”

Silia laughed. “It’s the middle of the alliance. The technology of cell replacement is not as mature as it is now. After a genetic surgery, you have to rest for a few months. For several years, because of frequent accidents around the alliance, there is no time for surgery, the body There is something wrong with the function of each part, and physiology is aging at a terrible rate … ”

“How old?” Heinrich asked with interest.

Silia said positively: “Seventy.”


Countless grass horses whistled past the corridor.

“This is not the point,” Silia said seriously. “The point is that I was still sick, my eyes couldn’t see the light and the wind, and the whole person was trapped on a border planet like a blind man. At that time, the situation couldn’t go away. I ca n’t perform genetic surgery, I can only go to a temporary hospital to have an operation on my eyes. As a result, I lost my way with Kaleyan in the middle of the hospital, and I walked away for a long time …

Heinrich’s ears moved, and he inexplicably smelled a familiar smell.

“Fortunately, a kind-hearted military academy student took me to the operating room. Ah, I got in the line when I entered the elevator. That was the first time in my life to enjoy the treatment of the elderly.” Silia lifted her chin and said, “I don’t know How could you miss it a bit … ”

“… Do you remember which planet it is?”

“Forget, which asteroid. Many residents evacuated during the first galactic war, and unmanned asteroids were burned to the ground by time evasion. It’s a pity.”

Heinrich frowned unconsciously, and a hazy image emerged from his memory. But before I can think about it, I saw the doctor knocking on the wall at the end of the corridor: “Your Majesty, the operating cabin has been adjusted and you can come in!”

“You go,” Silia got up from the seat and waved, “I’m in the hospital too, talk at night.”

“…” Heinrich got up and hugged Xiao Jia, who drooled and bit his thumb, to the medical staff.

“Wait–” Suddenly he turned to say what he wanted to say, but Silia had switched off the communication, and the image of the last wave of his hand disappeared instantly into the air.

“Your Majesty?” The doctor asked strangely.

“…” Heinrich was silent for a moment and finally said, “Nothing, let’s go.”

The emperor walked towards the operating room, and the egret star’s late spring sunshine passed through the windowsill, reflecting on the silver metal ground of the medical center. The tiny reflection dangled in his eyes, as if the distant light flickering in the deep sea, which gradually caused a series of scattered pictures in the depths of his mind.

——It was indeed many years ago, when he was really very young …

The memories seemed to be covered with a thick layer of ash, and a slight shake revealed the dim light and shadow.

When Seth Heinrich was seventeen years old, his classmate Aaron was injured during a military school combat exercise and was taken to a nearby asteroid temporary hospital for treatment. After the exercise, Heinrich went to visit his classmates. At that time, it was autumn and the blue clear sky was cloudless. The path of the hospital was covered with thick golden leaves. When he stepped on, he heard a crackling sound.

Heinrich strode across the forest path and walked towards the white hospital building at the end. Suddenly at this time, a low voice came from not far away:

“——Excuse me, is anyone there?”

Heinrich turned back unexpectedly, and saw a white bench on the side of the road with an old gentleman with bandages on his eyes.

Although the old man had gray hair, his face was clear, his figure was straight, he was wearing a neat white shirt, and his sitting posture and voice revealed a well-educated demeanor.

Heinrich turned and politely said, “Yes, do you have any help?”

The old gentleman laughed.

“I’m going to operating room r39, but I’m separated from my family. Young man, I can’t see the road, can you take me there?”

This was not a problem at all for Heinrich. After the exercise, he had a full day of vacation and plenty of time. Besides, whoever sees a blind old man on the road asking for help will not stand idly by, he lifts up the old gentleman and walks to the hospital building.

Autumn is the best season for this planet. The warm breeze blows the ground, and the sky is clear, making people look open and very refreshing. Heinrich took a deep breath of sunny air and listened only to the old gentleman’s asking: “Is the scenery good?”

“Yeah … sorry, I forgot you can’t see.”

“It’s okay, I’ve only been blind recently.”

“It should be very uncomfortable, right? I think you are still walking …”

The old man has a good body, walks upright, but hesitates with his feet, and at a glance he knows that he is not a person who is used to darkness. Heinrich’s eyes moved to his face, and he suddenly felt that the aging face was a little familiar-but it wasn’t clear for a while where he was familiar.

“It’s really not a habit, and sometimes a little anxious.” The old man paused. “Young man, are you here to visit the doctor?”

“Well, one of my comrades-in-arms was injured. I came to visit him.”

“Oh? Are you a soldier?”

Heinrich was only a military academy at this time-but the sixteen-seven-year-olds always had the desire to grow up, and they were more open to talking to strangers, and there was nothing to worry about. A few seconds after Heinrich hesitated, he still lied under a delicate vanity: “… well, I’m a mech soldier.”

In fact, this is not completely false. Heinrich is indeed an elite student of the mech team in the military academy-equivalent to a fighter flight student in the ancient earth era, he will definitely be admitted as a professional soldier no matter where he is, but Sooner or later.

“The number of mech soldiers is very small,” the old gentleman was a little surprised. “Then you are really amazing, which army?”

“Well … the Sixth Corps,” Heinrich reported the name of the Corps he had been trying to enter a little shyly.

Who knew that the old man smiled a little, and then stopped saying anything.

It was probably guilty, and Heinrich also felt regret after a while and coughed a little: “Sorry, in fact, I’m just a mech student in a military school … The 6th Corps’ mech strength is strong, which I always wanted Where I go, maybe I can go there after graduating from the military academy in a few years … ”

Who knew that the old gentleman laughed as soon as his words fell, and Heinrich blushed suddenly: “I just–”

“No, no, no joke you mean,” the old gentleman waved again and again: “It’s just that the Sixth Corps is on duty in the capital Lan Xixing, and the mech soldiers can’t appear here, so I heard it just now-ha Haha … ”

Heinrich couldn’t help but sigh heavily after covering his face for a long while: “Fortunately, I said it myself!”

“It’s a good thing for people to have ambition,” the old gentleman smiled, and educated, “the young man should set a goal to motivate himself. It is reasonable for mech soldiers to join the Sixth Corps …”

I do n’t know why Heinrich, 17 years old, heard the meaning of the joke in this sentence, and interrupted in a hurry: “No, don’t say me. Mr. Old, you are so familiar with military affairs. Did you also be an army when you were young? Is it inside? ”

There was a smile on the corner of the old gentleman’s lips again, “Well …”

“Then what kind of arms are you?”

“Guess what?”

Heinrich just wanted to quickly get rid of the embarrassment and casually said, “Are you an officer?”


“Well, battleship command?”

The old man asked with a smile: “Why do you think so?”

Heinrich originally wanted to say that because you look very kind-the commander of the battleship is a senior official, and the old gentleman really has the dignified and personable manner, and he has a good temperament and education at first glance. Fan Er of the upper class.

But think about his military academy student, saying this kind of remarks to the retired military officer is really too bitter, and there is also a suspicion of flattering, so he shook his head and said, “I just guess randomly … military officers are not usually Command? You look like it. ”

“I did have been a commander on the front line,” said the old man, somehow Heinrich felt that he seemed to see through his concerns, and his tone sounded very modest: “But now that the Alliance ’s military reforms, most officers are from the bottom fighters. Selection and training. Even after graduating from a command department, they often have to be decentralized to the local garrison to exercise. Only soldiers emerging from the flames of war can assume the responsibilities of leading and protecting the Ministry. ”

He turned to Heinrich with bandaged eyes and said gently: “I’m just an old man, not a great man. Please rest assured.”

The old gentleman bowed his head. At that moment, his posture turned out to be very modest and graceful. The sunlight showed a thin and erect figure, and his long fingers naturally drew to his side.

Heinrich’s eyes stopped.

These hands have been infiltrated by time, showing signs of wind and frost and years, but still can see the strength of health when young. The marks on the tiger’s mouth are quite obvious from this perspective, and the edges are slightly gray-that is the gun cocoon.

It is a long-term grip of the electromagnetic gun handle that cannot be removed due to the micro-rush current.

The young Heinrich seemed to have realized that there was an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

That day he sent the old gentleman to the door of the ward, and immediately greeted two tight-looking officers in the distance and saluted him. The old gentleman seemed to be able to see that they generally waved his hand to stop them, turned and smiled at Heinrich: “Thank you, young man, I can come back thanks to you, or I don’t know what to do …”

“You’re serious, this is what I should do.”

The old gentleman shouted, “What’s your name?”

Heinrich looked ahead. At the end of the hallway, a few plain clothes stood up, while reaching into the bulging pockets, he approached vigilantly and alertly. The two iron-faced officers also stared at him tightly, their postures resembling a clockwork machine frog, and if there was something wrong, they would immediately rush to grab someone.

“… Albert,” Heinrich whispered. “My name is Albert. Just a little busy, you don’t have to worry … I’m going to see my friends, and that’s goodbye.”

The old gentleman patted his shoulder and smiled, “Go, young man. The mech soldiers are amazing. To maintain this ambition, the country will wait for you.”

When Heinrich left in the eyes that day, he was actually a little nervous, but he couldn’t help but look back before going downstairs. The old gentleman stood sideways in the corridor, his gaze still looking at the direction in which he left, and the corner of his mouth seemed to have a little imperceptible smile.

… is a little familiar … Heinrich frowned, wondering.

Where have you seen it before …

Seventeen-year-old Heinrich only regarded this as an episode in adult life, and then only mentioned a few words to Aaron, and then forgot about it. Unexpectedly, he really left the military academy and became a professional soldier he always yearned for—but not in the 6th Corps Mech Team, but the close guard of the highest military commander in the entire alliance.

When he uttered his dream on this asteroid on the edge of the galaxy, he would not have thought that after only one year, the hand of destiny would push him to the first unattainable peak in his life; likewise, when Canada Vin Silia asked on the autumn path, “Is there anyone?” When I did, I didn’t expect that he would be the hegemon of the entire Galactic Empire two hundred years later.

It was as if there was an invisible hand in the dark, and they arranged their first meeting when they were beyond recognition, and then let them pass by and embark on a long journey.

-It was not until a random afternoon hundreds of years later that destiny was hidden behind time and a sly smile appeared.

The author has something to say:

Recently, the big draw, some readers’ messages will be drawn into small green letters, but the author only responded in the background and returned to the front desk. So if you see in the background, “Hahaha, this chapter is really well written!” The author of the little green character replied, please slap your face back to the front desk … Thank you … Little Swan Lake turns and bows back ~ 2k novel reading network

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