The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 25 - chapter 25

25, ptr25

The explosion seemed to signal a certain thing, and the atmosphere inside the scene changed instantly.

Gavin lifted his eyes and found out that I don’t know when everyone pulled out the weapon, and a loud noise came from behind him in the next second. I saw an interstellar military school student openly fire, and when his nearest opponent was about to blast out!

The air drove everyone into chaos, and Gavin rushed to his feet and turned to run deep into the jungle!

At this time, it became clear that the players of several famous military academies moved extremely fast and rushed out in all directions, and the apron behind them suddenly fell into **** of fire. At least a quarter of the mechas were affected in the melee. Those bombing parts were a trivial matter. Many people were blown up by the energy center without even seeing their opponents. They were immediately sentenced.

The public frequency kept ringing the notice that certain mechas were cut and some players were eliminated, and the principals in the boxes suddenly looked brilliant.

“Sixty-six,” Caroline looked at the big screen and smiled. “This year, more than half of the students survived the first two minutes of the start of the game. Thank you guys.”

People at several seed military academies calmly smiled, while others had different expressions on their faces, and each gritted their teeth.

“Your students are off to a good start, Principal Caroline,” Dana asked casually, “Is that the Major General Lagerie’s son Dean? I heard that their family had a custom grade when their children were eighteen The mech has been trained for him, and now it seems to be very effective, it is really terrible afterwards-“

“The students who participated in your school this year are really eye-catching. They are said to be bt girls, right?” Caroline immediately responded enthusiastically: “I was very impressed at the dinner, which is rare. Beauty! A bt girl can still be so outstanding, you can imagine how many students in your school are crouching– “

The two principals laughed, then turned their heads.

Dana gritted his teeth and said to his heart that the little boy in Lageri’s family had taken up the family’s light? If he didn’t provide him with good training conditions at home, how could he compare to our Star Military Academy students? !! Take a step back 10,000 and say that even if he wins, it won’t be credit to your school. People teach it at home!

Caroline sneered, and said heartily that there was an interstellar military academy. She picked out only a few bt girls to participate in the competition. What did your school ’s lp look like? If you finally reach the finals, it ’s okay to say that in case the first two rounds do n’t go through, it ’s up to you where your face goes!

The atmosphere in the box was strange, and it was completely different on the field.

After the first round of indiscriminate bombing, 66 mechas stood out and rushed into the original jungle covering an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers from all directions.

The game mainly looks at two points: the first is who crosses the forest to reach the destination first, and the second is who gets the most points midway through.

Regardless of the fact that the players are driving class mechs, in fact, the flight and navigation systems of these mechs have been turned off, and they can only walk through the forest. The forest of 40,000 kilometers in diameter is enough for them to trek for several days, and there is no fresh water halfway, everything must be self-reliant.

In order to compete for limited survival resources and to win more points, this journey is full of **** fights; and the lucky ones who defeated all opponents may not be able to walk out of the forest because there are many rare creatures deep in the forest. And the players who are eliminated by them every year are not a few.

The thrilling sword swordsman step by step is the true face of this journey.

Ran Zhu slashed the vine with his sword, striding across the rugged rocks.

Gavin sat in a daze in the technician’s cockpit, and Dean, who was untied, sat in the cockpit and turned on his armor. The virgin forest is difficult to walk, and after twentieth a difficult turn over the mound filled with dead animals, he finally can’t bear the embarrassing silence:

“I said … why do we go this way?”

This is nothing to talk about, because there is no road at all under their feet, they just go down in the direction when the chaos rushed into the jungle.

“Because the weak chickens are the least.” Unexpectedly, Gavin gave an answer immediately.

“What do you mean ?!”

“Mean the least chicken.”

Dean: “…”

There was silence in the cabin.

“Isn’t it a bonus to fight weak chickens?” Dean finally asked again after five minutes.

Gavin: “Others feel the same way.”

“……and so?!”

“So let others fight first.”

Dean: “…”

There was another silence.

“I thought the purpose of this kind of competition was to give yourself as many points as possible in the middle of the game, and after scoring enough points to rush out of the jungle, and then-” Five minutes later Dean could not help but speak.

“Then you were besieged by several military schools before rushing out because you have become the fattest sheep with the highest score.”

“how come?!”

“Why not?”

Dean stayed in the driver’s seat but couldn’t react. He just listened to Gavin and said lightly, “Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. We will wait for others to get the score, and then kill them no later … wait, After three days, someone will naturally come for cooperation. “

Dean Jie understands a bit, but still can’t be sure: “In this kind of place, you will join forces with an enemy you have never seen before. How can you be sure that someone will do this kind of thing?”

Gavin laughed.

“Of course I’m not sure, but coordination is the winning technique of soldiers …” He paused, indifferently: “I believe in the wisdom of my opponent.”

At the same time, at the other end of the forest, the two mechas finally separated after a fatal fight.

The victor was covered with scars, and with the system reward of 620, he turned around, and then faced Xueguang together.

“Ding!” The sound of the public frequency sounded: “Mecha Huahua attacked the opponent successfully, rewarded 400 points, and the opponent earned 620; the mech scale was cut, and the driver was eliminated.”

The unlucky winner lay on the ground, only a moment before he sighed heavily and punched him hard. The attacker returned with a full load, turned around proudly, was about to go far away, and was suddenly stabbed by thunder and generally stiff-

Two hundred meters away, a black mech stood on the hill and looked at it quietly.

“Rasgard …” The attacker took a half step back and trembled: “Star Academy Rasgard …!”

The black mech jumped down the hill and fell to the ground with a bang.

The attackers immediately raised their guns at them, but did not dare to act lightly. The players in the cockpit were all sweaty.

Star Academy Lasgarde, don’t look at it as a bt girl, but her genius name is very loud among the nearby military schools-it is said that her mental threshold is strong enough to ** control ** mech, is this year’s champion seed player It’s not a piece of cake to deal with yourself!

Besides, I just got a thousand points now. It’s just a thin and fat fish. Who would refuse to deliver the meat to his mouth? !!

The attacker shook his hands slightly, and even the mech was stiffly stiff-time passed by a minute and a second, and the atmosphere in the forest was extremely strange. Just as the attacker advanced and retreated, the black mech suddenly turned around.


The attacker widened his eyes, and saw that the black mech had disappeared.

“He’s gone, Lasgarde.” In the black mech, the technician lazily tilted his feet on the console, his voice sounded purr because of the lollipop in his mouth: “You really Do n’t you start? One thousand points, now the highest score on the field is only two thousand five-“

“Not yet.”

“Not yet? Beware of losing Dana, the old man crying with you!”

There was a silence in the headset. After a while, I heard only a soft question: “-lose?”

“In the first three days of the game, whoever scores the highest is the one who loses.” Lasgard leaned on the back of the chair and gently stroked the obedient mech nerve band in front of him. Keep below two thousand points, who is the real master … “

“If you keep less than two thousand points in the first three days of the game,” Gavin sat next to the bonfire, turning his roasted hare intently. “On the fourth day, we basically won.”

He grabbed a handful of spices and sprinkled it on the roast hare. The oily flesh gave out a sizzling scorch, and Dean’s eyes were straight.

In the afternoon of the first day of the game, they were constantly trekking. Gavin pointed out that the route was very correct. On the way, they did not meet any opponents. In the evening, they came out of the mech and settled in the camp, preparing for drinking water and dinner, and Dean had no choice but to go hunting.

This is actually quite normal-lp. Of course, we must seize every opportunity to show our ability as a male, in order to provide rich food and strong protection, so as to increase the chance of finding a spouse. You see, when a male animal is in estrus, she also knows to build a nest, eat a meal, and show her hunting ability to please her spouse. This is completely instinct written in the biological DNS.

Dean went with ambition, and Gavin calmly bid farewell to him, staying on fire and boiling water.

As a result, Dean came back panting an hour later. Although his expression was sullen, his eyes flashed with pride that could not be concealed-he even dragged back a few hundred kilograms of antelope!

With large curved horns, the antelope is as spectacular as Roshan!

“It’s all yours!” Dean dragged the antelope in front of Gavin, proudly, “eat it!”

“…” Gavin was dumbfounded and asked with a quivering voice: “Thank you … Thank you?”

As a qualified lp, he must not let himself do the heavy work. Dean grunted and dragged the antelope to the riverside.

Gavin silently watched him work hard, ten minutes passed … half an hour passed … an hour passed … the sun gradually became westerly, and the weary birds returned home, and the crow issued “呱-呱-” The scream flew over Dean, who was so hot.

“…” Gavin finally got up silently and walked towards the woods. He felt two stones in his hands and ran into them.

Ten minutes later, when he came out again, he was carrying two fat hares in his left hand, a handful of vanilla in his right hand, and a bag of wild berries in his pocket-dinner was finally available.

Gavin took the dagger three times, five times, and two to remove the hare. The blood was cleaned, the internal organs were dug out and buried in the soil, and the leaves were wrapped on the fire and roasted. The first hare was extremely fat and sprinkled with freshly picked fresh herbs. The oily scent quickly passed to the river. Dean sniffed the taste and turned his eyes away.

“Let’s eat,” Gavin calmly said. “Stop playing.”

Dean: “…”

Dean finally found out that he had become an lp that depended on prey and care!

Why are you still alive! Why don’t you hit him!

Dean’s face was numb, and he subconsciously bit the hare meat. The next second he suddenly noticed that the meat was so tender and full of oil that he never felt frustrated the glass heart into slag:

“How did you … how did you do that ?!”

“Talent.” Gavin shrugged and ripped the second hare to him.

Poor Dean’s three views have been destroyed: half a year ago, he still felt that he was a delicate creature that needed to be taken care of. He should be kept in a glass box and protected tightly. He could n’t just put it on the street; While enjoying the prey, I felt shameful that the rabbit meat was delicious.

Dean’s all bad.

“It’s nothing, just bake it casually.” Gavin said as he grilled, “If you join the army in the future, follow the troops to other planets to practice in the wild, then you know that everyone will actually do both hands … some generals The grilling technique is still good. Add a small stove for yourself. “

Dean lowered his head to slap the rabbit’s meat, and asked half-heartedly, “Gavin.”


“Actually your house is also the military department?”

Gavin snapped. “Why ask?”

“If you can train your child to be sent to a military academy like this, it is estimated that there are no other people except the few ** families in the military department-and you are more familiar with mecha than me. Smashing money and equipment, how can you train to this point? “

He grinned again and shook his head: “The military ministry did not want the child to be sent to a place like the Protection Association, and it was not incomprehensible to send the inhibitor to the military academy … but I wonder who dares to mark it Do you also belong to the military? “

Gavin was silent.

Dean looked up at him with a deep loss in his eyes: “Is it a very powerful lp?”


“I have no other meaning, just want to … want to know. I will also become a very powerful lp in the future, if one day you are willing to accept …”

“Dean,” Gavin interrupted him in distress. “I really only like girls.”

Dean once again experienced the confusion of the five thunder bombers. This time he was completely stiff for thirty seconds, and finally remembered a very important point: “Wait! What do you mean by” girl “means lp, bt, or … … “

“Of course,” Gavin said heartily. “Actually, I just don’t like being crushed.”

A thunder thunder broke, and Dean almost split into a spirit.

One said he didn’t like being crushed, he wanted to crush the other …

–what is this! What exactly is this! What a heresy is this? I bought a watch last year! No, no, I must have bought all the watches from all over the world last year!

Dean was almost staring at Gavin’s innocent face for a moment, then suddenly a sadness came from him: “What the **** is that marking your lp?”

“Oh, I was bitten by accident.” Gavin calmly touched his neck. “Anyway, it’s gone, let it go.”

He waved his hand indifferently, his expression full of disapproval.

It stands to reason that this attitude is good for other lps, but Dean is completely unhappy. Compared to the “sweet marked by other lp”, “sweet like to press another sweet” is like a brand new door, slowly opened in front of Dean, and there is an endless darkness and abyss.

Why is this so … Dean is desperate and feels like the whole world hasn’t been saved.

Dean tossed and turned for a long time when he slept that night, wondering in the air whether he really wanted to hit his bachelor for a lifetime, then closed his eyes dimly in the middle of the night.

Gavin was always calm. He pulled the technician cabin out of the mech and fell asleep next to the campfire.

As a result, this consciousness was doomed, and Gavin suddenly awakened from his sleep in the early morning, feeling that someone was walking around outside the technician’s cabin; he listened attentively, and several people were talking in a low voice, followed by the door above his head. “Dang!”


Gavin’s pupil tightened, and the door was suddenly pried up by some metal tool in the next second!

As soon as the cold air poured in, Gavin hadn’t had time to get up, and was immediately stabbed around his neck: “Do not move! Get up!”

Several people were standing around in the moonlight, all in jungle combat suits, and masks covering their faces tightly. The man who arrived in Gavin with a knife looked particularly fierce, dragging his hair to pinch him, and handcuffed with a click.

“Just the two of them,” someone whispered behind.

Gavin wanted to look back at Dean, but as soon as he moved, he was severely beaten by the blade: “Not allowed! Did you hear?”

Gavin’s throat was sore and he stopped immediately. After a while, I only heard the footsteps of Soso, and then someone asked, “All done?”

“Well, the team over there is over.”

“Okay, tell them to meet at the original location.” As the footsteps went from far to near, a kidnapper who looked like a leader walked past Gavin without returning his head. He waved his hand impatiently: “Take the two first go!”

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