The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 3 - chapter3

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Gavin’s days in the ward were not pleasant at all.

Every day, countless military doctors in white coats perform various physical examinations on him, during which time he has been handcuffed without any resistance.

This is not to say what the military doctors can do to him-although the ninth fleet claims to be fully alpha, even medical and logistics are all male, but the military discipline is strict and can not be underestimated; who dares to carry everyone on their own to omega, The army must have hit him together!

But the problem is that alpha nature has a desire for and protection for omega. An omega that is sweet and pure has not been marked. It is like an aphrodisiac that can walk. It makes the whole army boil up and down. Every day, soldiers who look for various reasons to come to the medic to watch the crowd can line up on the planet Saturn 30 times.

Fortunately, they had handcuffed Gavin, otherwise there would have been more bloodshed.

After the routine blood test that day, Gavin was returned to the ward by the medic lieutenant. As he passed the long metal corridor, he saw the sky outside the window. Numerous tiny lights flickered in the sky, like a rushing sea of ​​stars.

“That was the Royal Fleet who came to the ceremony.”

Gavin looked back, the lieutenant stared at the ground under his feet, and although his expression was pretending to be calm, his tone unconsciously leaked a meaning of trying to get close.

“… Sacrifice?”

“Red Saturn is the war dead of the Alliance Commander Silia. Her Majesty and the military generals will worship once every ten years … Of course it is confidential, and it is only a state visit. Do you want to go out and see? The Royal Fleet But it ’s hard to see! ”

Gavin stood in front of the glass window at night, looking at the starry sky approaching the sky, and wondered why there was suddenly a kind of deep sadness, like a dark tide flowing from the bottom of his heart.

“Why is this necessary? It just keeps the dead from rest.”

The lieutenant said: “What did you say?”

“It’s nothing.”

Gavin lowered his head, for some reason he was very sad.

He didn’t know where this emotion came from, either because of the death of the strange marshal or because of the arrival and worship of the emperor; if he wanted to scrutinize it, as if he heard the word Alliance, he could not help feeling For a while, heavy and sad.

As if something was lost forever.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it …” The Lieutenant hurriedly bent down. “Do you want some water? May I take you back?”

Gavin looked up at the lieutenant. This typical empire alpha was nearly eight feet tall, with very firm facial lines. At first glance, he looked like a soldier, but his instinctual feelings made him full of flaws.

Gavin stared at him, and half a moment suddenly smiled slightly:

“No, please take me to see the Royal Fleet … will you?”

Aaron stood in front of the tower’s console, a heart trembling for no reason.

This is actually very unreasonable. All the ceremonial needs have been prepared. The imperial **** work of the Royal Fleet is impeccable. There is nothing to worry about this military admiral.

He grabbed the coffee cup for a few seconds and turned around to ask the colonel: “Is the area around the tarmac cleaned up?”

“Having cleared the third pass half an hour ago.”

“What about signal docking?”

“Contact has been made with the Royal Fleet Leader.”

“That omega?”

“…” The Colonel said inexplicably: “Isn’t it entrusted to the medical squadron?”

Aaron had just wanted to say something, and an lieutenant hurried in panic: “General! The lieutenant of the third medical team has an emergency request for an interview!”


“That, that omega is dead!”

The cup of coffee in Aaron’s hands fell to the ground, but what he really wanted to do was to lift the cup and smash the lieutenant’s face severely: “People ?!”

“In, out! Should I let him in?”

Aaron pushed away from the lieutenant, and rushed out of the command room.

Because of the need to welcome the Royal Fleet, most of the Admiral ’s Guards were transferred to the tarmac, while the other staff were concentrated outside the medical unit, but there were very few people in the command tower.

Omega’s death was too sudden. When Aaron rushed out, there was only a colonel and an aide, and the three ran outside the command room. The lieutenant in the corner of the corridor was half-knelt with their backs on their backs, and the teenager was lying on the ground Dead body.

“What the **** is going on ?!” Aaron strode forward and suddenly felt wrong before reaching behind the lieutenant.

“Hey you……”

The voice did not fall, the lieutenant’s body was suddenly lifted by the chest, and he fell to the side like a heavy cloth bag; immediately after Gavin was like an arrow off the string, an instant “bang!” on the floor!

哐 When a loud noise, the boy’s thinned hands are like iron tongs, and stuck Aaron’s neck and yelled, “Do not move!”

The cold sweat brush of the two men came down, and even the hand that pulled the gun was stiff.

Aaron and Gavin’s faces were only one palm away, and he could clearly see himself from the teenager’s eyes, including the laser muzzle on his forehead.

“You …” He moved his lips. “You can’t escape.”

Gavin replied that he gave him a sharp butt, and hit him with blood in the mouth and nose.

“Let’s discuss this topic slowly on our way to flee, and now stand up to me-you two, back off and throw the gun over!”

The colonel and the lieutenant looked at each other, slowly dropped the pistol and shivered, “Don’t be impulsive …”

Gavin was unconvinced, kicking a pistol far away, holding Aaron’s neck to lift him slowly, blocking him in front of him like a meat shield, and slowly backing out of the gate.

“… You can’t escape, all my soldiers are outside the door, and you will be shot into a sieve as soon as you go out …” Aaron’s tone was reluctantly calm, and it sounded a little weird and tightened: “Let down the gun and obey us When we return to the empire, children of your age will get the best care and treatment, and no one will embarrass you … Why should you die here? You are just an omega, I really thought that you could hijack me from this planet Escape? ”

“You are so considerate, Your Grand Admiral, who has been hijacked by Omega.” Gavin affixed to Aaron’s ear with a smile, and said, “Let’s just keep a review of your weakness and incompetence.”


“What are you, shut up honestly!”

Aaron hasn’t responded yet, and Gavin bends his knees to his butt, seriously, “Hurry up, or you will burst your chrysanthemum!”

Aaron: “… !!!”

Admiral Aaron was stabbed in the air by Tian Lei, and was instantly beaten away.


They pressed back to the end of the hallway, and Gavin rubbed Aaron’s hair, forced his left eye to the pupillary control device and glanced, and the alloy door slipped open instantly.

“Go!” Gavin dragged Aaron into a dash and rushed out, just as the colonel flew into the command room, and sounded the alarm within two seconds!

A sharp beep sounded across the apron, like cold water splashing into the oil, and thousands of soldiers outside the tower exploded!

“The Admiral has been hijacked!”

“Sniper ready! The airborne squad is ready—!”

Countless small elevators soared quickly, and surrounded them like a swarm, and the dense muzzle of the sky aimed directly at them. If this was a face-to-face shot, the bone scum couldn’t be left, and Aaron’s sweat instantly ran from his chin to his chin: “Don’t-don’t be impulsive!”

“Shut up!” Gavin held his jaw fiercely against his chin, and screamed, “Let them prepare me a spaceship and oil, and you go with me!”

“Where to go ?! The 100,000th Army of the Ninth Fleet, you can’t escape!”

“I must have scrapped you before that!”

“Are you **** omega!” Aaron’s three views were subverted, and growled: “Enough! Don’t give you some color to see, you really are Laozi …”


The shock of the drama liè came from the sky and instantly shook the whole land!

Countless lifts fell from low altitude, and the sky was full of heavy rain of metal and artillery fire. Aaron was hit by a gun barrel that came somewhere, and he flew a few meters away and fell to the ground.

“What’s going on ?!” He climbed up, holding his bleeding forehead, and was pressed back to the ground by a shot from Gavin: “–Stay! Don’t move!”

“You …” Aaron was about to yell, and suddenly saw the distant night sky, and suddenly became completely rigid.

I saw Skyrim not knowing when a huge ghost mech appeared, and the fire shot across the sky, hitting the Royal fleet leader!

The royal flagship carrying the Seth Heinrich emperor completely exploded, and the colorful fireworks bloomed in the air, and the night was half as day!

“Her Majesty, Emperor …”

This change was too sudden, everyone’s shock did not pass, and I saw a sharp arc drawn by Mech in the air:

“Seth Heinrich!”

“The traitor of the Alliance, today is your death—!”

The high-energy particle light knife rises from the hand of the mech, and splits into the smoky royal flagship!

At this time, the 100,000 soldiers and horses of the Ninth Fleet were on the ground, and the Royal Fleet had been scattered by the Ghost Mech; the power of the high-energy particle light knife was no less than that of the interstellar nuclear bomb. If the sword was split, the Royal flagship included the Emperor Everyone will be fried into meat!

Aaron lost his voice: “Your Majesty!”

Just at the moment of the moment, the whole world was frozen–

Immediately after a cloud of unimaginable snow erupted from the smoky flagship, a huge alloy arm protruded from the light instantly, “Boom!” A loud bang that caught the light knife from the sky !!



The exclamation sounded from all directions, and saw the black smoke dissipated from the sky. A golden mech like a dragon held a giant sword, and a sword waved the ghost mech hundreds of meters away!

——3s gold mech!

Exclusive armor of the Emperor Seth Heinrich!

“Who is the traitor of the Alliance, you and I are clear.” Heinrich’s voice was low and majestic, and the earth and the mountains were slightly shaken. “It seems that only by clearing you can you return the dead truly. Peace. ”

He shook his sword, and a violent hurricane blew between heaven and earth: “Admiral Aaron–!”

Aaron stood up, “Yes!”

Aaron could no longer afford to reach the muzzle above his head, and immediately pulled the cufflinks with force, and a wide red-gold armband was hooped under the elbow, and a blood-red energy fluid quickly connected at both ends of the armband. , A huge energy burst out-

Gavin suddenly realized something, and his pupils tightened.

Obviously there is no memory, but when he sees the armband, his instincts are immediately filled with all his consciousness: this is s-class high-purity mechnic fluid

Energy and soul of smart mech!

This is … this is what he needs!

The armband fell off in the light, quickly deformed and expanded, and the layers of alloy armor instantly wrapped Aaron and Gavin close together. A few seconds later, the crimson golden mech male lion appeared on the plain, roaring angry!

Emperor Seth Heinrich stood in the cab and quietly looked away.

The Red Gryphon is one of the only 3s-class mechs in the empire. Aside from Aaron’s powerful combat capabilities, the technical content of the Gryphon itself is far ahead of the average level of the Milky Way for several centuries. It can be called a god. The invincible turret that blocks the demon.

Although the Ghost Mech of the Fugitive Army is indeed strong, the Griffin and Puppet team together are enough to destroy the entire planet, and it is even more important to blast the Fugitive Army into the interstellar fly ash.

It should have been so long, he thought coldly.

These gangs survived 50 years ago by betraying the alliance to survive the empire. Now they are pulling the alliance against the empire and even attempting to disturb the peace of the dead; they should have gone to **** with dirty blood and heads. Apologize for the dead!

——The idea of ​​Her Majesty is very beautiful, and of course Aaron also thinks so.

The problem is that the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny; Admiral Aaron should have known that since landing on Red Saturn, the heroic spirit of Marshal Silia has not blessed him even once.

“Why are you here?” Aaron asked, gaping. “Who let you in ?!”

Gavin stood in the cab, shrugged with an innocent look, then shot his gun cleanly, and shot Aaron with a gunshot to bleed his blood.

“Griffon! Griffin!” Aaron rolled her head in pain, covering her head: “Are you infected by the virus again? Do not let anyone other than the owner enter the cockpit. Isn’t this the first article of the smart mech code? You Did you download anything messy online ?! ”

“Uh …” Numerous green nerve bands stretched out of the cockpit, tentatively orbiting Gawain, a deep mechanical voice snorted and said, “Sorry, Lord Aaron, the mental threshold of the intruder. Than you, I can hardly resist such a high-end invasion … ”

Aaron’s old blood stuck in her throat: “Don’t kid me! An omega has a higher mental threshold than me! Go back and watch the porn!”

“No, I don’t think I have any problems with amateurs …”

“Shut up! Get your nerves in!”

With a gun in his hand, Gavin took a few steps deep into the cab. Different from people’s imagination, there is no manual operation platform inside the advanced mech, and there are few buttons and joysticks. Numerous green ribbon nerves are suspended in the dark-that is the true soul of the mech.

The intelligent mech communicates with people in this way. The nerve band connects the manipulator’s brain, which controls the mech with thoughts to fight.

Eyesight and hand speed are no longer important, and the mental strength of the operator directly determines the outcome of the battle.

Gavin raised his hand subconsciously and reached the green nerve band.

This is your world, and a voice in the subconscious tells him.

This is your territory, your territory, and you are born the King of Kings.

A pistol fell to the ground, and Gavin suddenly opened his arms. Numerous mech nerves rushed up and surrounded him.

Aaron was preparing to connect with the nerve band. Hearing the movement, he suddenly turned back and was completely stunned by the spectacular sight!

The sight in front of him suddenly changed, and the thin body of the boy seemed to be sleeping with a terrible beast of spiritual power; it suddenly woke up under the envelop of numerous nerve bands, and issued a pleasant and cheerful roar!

Under the shock of this unimaginable spiritual force, the Milky Way descended from the sky like a waterfall, submerging the entire world into a shining sea of ​​stars; this spectacle was so magnificent that Aaron was too late to even make a sound and was dragged directly into the other In the world of thoughts.

He couldn’t keep his consciousness at all. He just felt that he was in a vast universe, with hundreds of billions of stars shining, watching him gently in the distant space.

“Silla … Master …”

He murmured subconsciously, struggling to reach out to grasp the figure in memory, but the scene was like a mirror and a moonlight, and it broke apart as soon as he touched it.

His consciousness gradually faded, and he soon fell into the dark abyss.

“I can’t surrender to you,” Griffin’s voice rang from the depths of the universe. “You are strong, even Bialon is … but I don’t recognize you as the master.”

Gavin stood quietly in the sea of ​​stars, and then coldly said, “Who wants you to admit it?”

Griffin: “…”

“You are a bit misunderstood, in fact, I am not the kind of person who uses mech as a comrade in arms. In my eyes, you are just mechanical.”

Gavin raised his hand, and the high-energy particle flow instantly converged above the arm:

“You don’t need to admit it, just obey your orders-don’t play with me and me. I will definitely kill you if you lose this battle.”

Griffin: “…”

The griffin only felt that he had encountered a hooligan, and innumerable grass and mud horses rushed past in his heart.

Over the red earth planet plain, the ghost armor and the golden puppet confronted each other, the atmosphere was tense at once; a few seconds later, the light energy on the shoulder of the mech griffon slammed, and then—


The high-energy particle cannon crossed a long arc and flew romantically to the front of the fleet, instantly blowing the emperor 200 meters.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to Minna Sang for his message and collection, kneeling and thanking Huahua! !! !! !! !!

Thanks to Yunyun Luo for the long review! !! !! !! !! Don’t worry if you enter the v, you will send long points for non-v chapters.

Thanks to sjpg071, White Emperor (4 mines), Zibuyu, Ye Gou_, Little Rot Snake, Outside the Riverside City (5 Mines), Ye Gou_, Yelang bonfire, Today is the attacking fangs, Yaocao Hehe Bi, xi_ Yun Mo, Qing Qingzi Ji, Jianglong 18 touch, undyed (3 mines), maki ~, Xingge, Su Su (2 mines), bones head to head, 61 grams of Sumu bow (3 mines ), Fish obediently, outside the riverside city ((+ ﹏ +) 5 mines), Cang Meow in white, 11123506, no return, Yan Ye is the total attack (= mouth = 6 mines), sangxiaotao, herosly11, jkjyuhsts Mine! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Thanks for the snow star (2 grenades), the blue shirt soaked with a green, the smiling wasteland, and the grenade when you wake up! !! !! !! !! !!

Thanks to Long Qi and Mu Qing Jin Yan for their rocket launchers! !! !! !! !! !!

I will continue to work hard, bow! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! 2k novel reading network

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