The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 35 - chapter 35

35, ptr35

The moment was too sudden, and both Gavin and Charlie had no time to react. When they saw the man holding a gun, he shot. The hall flew in a flash of light and banged, breaking the whole glass door.

Charlie: “…”


“Woo —” countless huge pale faces were found in the darkness, and then the giant birds flew out.

Gavin yelled, “Run!”

They haven’t run so fast in their lives, the champions of the 100-meter race have to give up. Just listening to the birds hissing closely behind them, the corridor of several hundred meters came to an end in an instant, and there were two left and right forks in front of them.

“This way!” Charlie shouted immediately, seeing a dim light on the left.

Gavin paused, and suddenly glimpsed that the driver not far behind had been thrown to the ground by a giant bird, and immediately rushed back. Charlie hesitated to follow him half a second later, but before a two-step run, he came face-to-face with a weird giant bird, and even his voice changed suddenly: “I fuck–!”

Gavin slipped on his back toward the sky, and the whole person passed under the giant birds, and then “Clang!” A right-handed crossblade struck, and he slammed a few beaks that stabbed in front of him, grabbed his left hand. The driver whose blood was all over his body said, “Run!”

Who knew that when he looked up, his face was covered with blood, his eyes staring at Gavin.

Gavin was awkward, but it was too late to get up and leave. The man screamed, and pressed Gavin tightly to his neck!

The lp mech driver, who was almost the elite of the army elite, had ten fingers with blue tendons like iron tongs, and Gavin was too late to struggle, and immediately heard a terrible gurgling noise in his throat.

At that moment, he couldn’t even think, suffocation made his eyes dark, and I only saw the man’s face twisted and deformed, and a splash of blood ran down his body–the birds were hovering above his head, His back pierced his body.

However, his hands did not relax at all, and the light in his eyes was bright, and there was an intermittent “snoring” sound in his mouth.

Gavin couldn’t make a sound, holding his dagger spasmly in his right hand, trying to point at the man several times, but eventually softened.

-He can’t get it.

Even in this critical moment where you live or die, he can’t get it.

“Woo–” A ghost bird descended from the sky, and its cataract-like eyelids suddenly rolled over, revealing two cloudy eyes, staring at Gavin with a mocking look.

At this moment it doesn’t look like a bird anymore, and that look is personal. Gavin opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but he couldn’t make a sound.

… is it finished?

Gavin closed his eyes, and after three seconds just heard a blast from the top of his head: “Give me-open-!!!”

Just listening to the sound of a bang, Charlie ’s soldier descended from the sky, and flew the man out like a baseball!

The man slammed into the wall and fell down softly, his head covered with blood. Gavin suddenly got up and coughed, listening only to the scream of the ghost bird, and slammed his mouth at Charlie!

Everything happened between the flashes of light, Charlie pulled out the arc knife, yelled madly, and slammed the knife’s tip into the giant bird’s mouth!

The black blood splashed and the screams of the ghost birds were deafening. Gavin struggling to get up, covering his throat, seeing that all the strange birds in the hallway had been given orders, rushing here frantically, drowning Charlie in an instant.

Gavin gasped for convulsions, and immediately turned to catch the ghost bird with the arc knife in his mouth. The monster’s eyes were no different at this time, just like its peers covered with white crickets, struggling frantically on the ground, the **** hand of Gavin grabbed the bird’s beak fiercely, and the arc The sword was pulled out, and it cut off its fierce and huge head.

“Charlie!” Gavin yelled, “hold it!”

Charlie’s scream came from the ghost birds, and Gavinti rushed into it, cutting it indiscriminately when he saw the white shadow. During the killing, he didn’t know how many times he was stabbed by the bird’s beak, and he couldn’t even feel the pain. He only knew that he tried his best to chop the sword, and the blue arc shot from the blade to the west. Cut one into two.

The croak rang through his head, and the entire corridor almost turned into a **** sea hell. The corpse of giant birds was flying all over the sky, and human blood and animal blood mixed together and splashed over the wall, because the field of vision was black and red, and it was even hard to see Charlie, who was struggling on the **** ground.

“Hold it up! Don’t die!” Gavin stuck in the ground, bracing Charlie up to his shoulders and yelling, “Don’t die!”

Charlie’s abdomen was punctured, his intestines almost came out, and his mouth was constantly bleeding. Gavin dragged him limping to the end of the corridor, only to see the faint light on the fork on the left, and he stumbled into it.

The giant bird roared and chased behind him, and Gavin did not dare to fight a few times when he slashed back, leaving only a few slashes. Fortunately, the fork was not long, and soon a red iron fire door appeared on the wall. At this time, there was no time to look at the map again. Gavin dragged Charlie into exhaustion with all his strength and slammed in. He banged back! Close the door!

Just listening to the squeak of a torrential rain, giant birds hit the door panels for a full ten seconds before they stopped.

Gavin slumped against the door before he relaxed, shaking to the ground, then suddenly remembered something, grabbed his backpack and started to flip over the treatment device.

“I, I’m going to die …” Charlie yelled, “Ga, Gavin …”

“Shut up!” Gavin immediately scolded, and the drama Liè panted to turn on the medical rays.

He knew some first-aid on the battlefield, first plugged Charlie’s intestines back, then took off his coat to block several wounds that penetrated the abdomen, and irradiated with medical radiation back and forth. The eversion muscles gradually closed, and Gavin saw that the turbulent blood had stopped, and then pulled out the blood supply needle to quickly deploy it and entered Charlie’s carotid artery.

This series was only a few minutes, but it was very long for Gavin. After finally Charlie’s abdomen was finally blocked, and his mouth no longer bleeds blood, Gavin put the therapeutic device in his hand and got up and said, “Take a picture of yourself.”

Charlie’s gaze was unspeakable in the dim, half a while, “… be careful.”

Gavin nodded casually, not even noticing how much sadness and sorrow in his tone were abandoned by his companions: “I will come back later.”

He only wore a short-sleeved t-shirt, covered with blood, grabbed the arc knife, opened the iron door and rushed out!

At this moment the birds outside the door had not completely dissipated, and the sound of the iron door opening immediately shocked them. However, Gavin moved extremely fast, and when he closed the door, he clicked out like an arrow off the string!


“Woo —!”

Neighing one after another, countless white shadows hovered down like bloodthirsty devil. Gavin rushed out of the fork like lightning, only felt a pain behind him, immediately turned around and caught the beak-like beak of a ghost bird, chopped it into two pieces with a knife!

Without Charlie’s burden, he acted almost like lightning, and he was killed in a short span of more than ten meters to see blood, and even frightened a few giant birds and flew back. Suddenly he rushed back to the corridor and glanced at the driver falling to the ground. His entire left arm was almost wiped out by giant birds, and the sight was almost creepy.

“Wake up! Hey!” Gavin rushed over to help him, pressing the carotid artery, and found that there was still a weak pulse, immediately lifted the man and ran to the fire door.

“Don’t …” The popularity went away, gasping, “Don’t worry … I … now …”

Gavin scolded: “Stop!”

Fortunately, he came to kill and kill too many birds, and the rest of the white shadows flew far into the darkness. Gavin dragged the man back to the fire door during these few seconds, and slammed the door shut, listening to Charlie in the corner and asking, “Who!”

Gavin looked back: “Are you stupid?”

Charlie realized that it was him, and he was stupid immediately: “You … what are you doing back?”

Gavin was inexplicable, too lazy to talk to him, grabbed the treatment instrument and began to heal the driver.

This man was very seriously injured, and was almost fainted several times. Both Gavin and Charlie were rescued by changing hands and taking blood injection needles. Rao is so pale. His whole body is very hot, and he only stares at Gavin in the haze, panting, “You … you go away …”

Gavin tightly tied his left arm with a cloth strip and asked sharply, “Who wants you to kill me?”

“They … all want … you … hurry …”

The driver drama lière gasped, suddenly grabbed Gavin with his dying force, and opened his mouth to bleed: “If I … be confused, just kill me … don’t … let me be charged ……system……”

Charlie asked, “Who controls you ?!”

“Hurry, go quickly …”

Gavin stared at the driver’s painful and twisted face, his pupils tightened, and he immediately remembered a secret.

Although research on hypnotic control has been banned during the Alliance period, the Black Market Institute has repeatedly banned it. Legend has it that on some remote planets, some people can already use drugs, technology, and their own strong mental power to remotely control people whose mental threshold is lower than themselves.

However, after all, the rumors are rumors, and no one has ever seen them. In the past, it was said that a notorious interstellar cult organization had studied it very much, and could even control a large number of masters to die for them, but then this cult organization was wiped out by the alliance, and the legend is gone.

What was the name of the interstellar cult organization, Gavin had some impressions in his mind, but he couldn’t remember it anyway, and he had a headache after thinking again.

“Come on … I … let me be alone …” The driver’s voice faded gradually, and after a few seconds, a snoring sound of blood clogged in his throat.

“What can I do?” Charlie said anxiously, seeing the driver lift his head, his eyes full of red hatred, and he rushed to Gavin again!

“Ahhhhh!” Charlie screamed back in horror–said time and time, and Gavin grabbed the driver with his hand and split it, leaving him fainted with a clean palm!

With a plop, the man fell heavily to the ground, and Charlie screamed even louder: “Ah ah ah he’s dead ?!”

“No.” Gavin squatted, touching the man’s neck. “Just passed out.”

Charlie was relieved and leaned against the wall in shock.

“We can’t take him away, we have to hide him here first.” Gavin looked around and saw that there was a safety staircase behind the fire door. There were only dim lights up and down. Fortunately, the door lock was still very secure, and the giant birds could not enter for a while.

The driver was deeply in a coma, and the weight of the lp was not something he could easily bear. It was obviously impossible to take him down. For this reason, I can only hide him in this relatively safe place. After the rematch is over, notify the competition committee and take someone to rescue him.

Gavin and Charlie jointly moved him to the corner to hide it, and left water and dry food. He wrote a note not to run around when he woke up and put it on his brain. After having done all this, they discussed and decided to go up the safety stairs, as close to the ground as possible.

At this moment, Gavin didn’t know what was waiting for him.

He walked upstairs with a flashlight, his back thinned and straightened, blood stains from shoulder to waist. However, the figure is not terribly scary. On the contrary, there is a kind of domineering and incisiveness from the inside out, as if the invincible God of War, let people see.

“… It is indeed Silia.”

A hundred meters above the ground, a samurai warrior with a black body covered his head and turned off the projector.

There was silence on the side. Someone said coldly, “What about the Alliance God, hasn’t it been made? Or don’t kill him so happily, catch us first …”

There were a few unexplained laughter all around.

A moment later someone said, “Silia is getting weaker and weaker, but he didn’t kill the kid?”

“‘Non-wartime swordsmen will never be killed, and death will not hurt people’. He said such pedantic words as a woman for a long time!”

“But I was really excited to think of the humiliating expression on his face–“

“Hahahaha …”

Laughter blew away with the wind, and the dust whistled. Several black armored warriors steadily advanced in the storm, and disappeared into the yellow sand of the sky—

The author has something to say:

Because the scene in my head scared me when I was writing, I went to bed with the lights on these two nights …

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