The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 45 - charpter45

45, hrpter45

Gavin’s estrus lasted a week.

On the day of the thorough marking, he estrus violently twice, and then the frequency dropped to once a day, until one night after seven days, he finally woke up from the chaos. Soreness and hunger finally came back.

He returned to normal.

Oeg’s estrus period is once a year, young people will be relatively frequent, but at most it can not exceed twice a year. The first estrous period of the second pregnancy will naturally be delayed. Some oegs, even in order to avoid estrus, prefer to conceive rather than be pressed on the bed for a full week.

Gavin sat up with a headache, leaning against the rock and couldn’t help retching.

“–Are you okay?” Heinrich came over and wrapped his coat around him, trying to pat his back, but Gavin suddenly raised his hand to stop him before he could move.

At that moment Gavin faced him side by side, Moonlight cast an ambiguous shadow on his face, and neither of them spoke.

After a moment he barely got up, held the rock a short distance away, and sat still in the shade.

The silent refusal was very obvious. Heinrich stood for a while and sat down silently looking at him, unable to tell what expression was on his face.

The moon has reached mid-day, as if a giant sphere occupying half of the sky. The cold light shone through the wasteland, and there was a slight whistling in the distance. I wonder whether the wind was blowing across the wilderness or the wolves howling at the moon. Looking down from the rocky mountain towards the sky, the Milky Way seems like a bright Bai Lian across the sky, disappearing into the vast sky in the distance.

They just sat there all night.

Early the next morning, Heinrich went hunting, came back with a few gophers and hares, went to the fire to roast himself, and handed Gavin two fat and roasted rabbit legs. Unexpectedly, Gavin nodded politely and said, “Thank you.”

Heinrich stared at him with cold blue eyes, and half a moment suddenly asked, “Thank me?”

“Thank you for taking care of me.”

When Gavin said this, he was as kind as possible, without any reluctance or embarrassment. Heinrich knew that he had already done psychological construction, and after overnight precipitation, he became the indestructible and flawless Celia. The mark did not have any effect on his psychology.

“… I don’t think you need anyone to take care of it.” Heinrich turned his head and looked at the fire coldly.

“It’s not shame to accept your weakness and take care of others.”

“That estrus too–“

“It’s not beyond my control.”

Gavin stomped the rabbit’s leg, threw the branch, and picked a few thorn leaves to wipe his hands. When he did all this, his movements were natural and smooth, and there were almost no abnormalities, but Heinrich suddenly found that his thumbs in both hands were slightly trembling, and he couldn’t see it without looking carefully.

Heinrich moved slightly.

“Interesting?” He asked suddenly.

Gavin moved.

“I hate it on the surface but pretend to be indifferent, forcing myself to accept those objective views that are reasonable, and not even indulging in selfishness. Is this interesting? You have been like this since you were in the league. Gao Daquan’s standards come from my requirements, and I wish I could reflect on my words and deeds countless times a day … “

Gavin reprimanded: “Nothing! Don’t guess!”

Heinrich strode closer and grabbed him.

Galactic Empire Blade 45, hrpter45 Address

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