The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 51 - chapter

Her Majesty Seth Heinrich was chased by the serpent and was out of breath, angrily: “Aaron–! I have to slap your intestines this time !!”

The emperor and marshal flew along the corridor, and the giant snake behind them chased after him, crashing over a large wall. Aaron sat on the back of the serpent, and when he heard that he drew his sword, countless arcs instantly smashed the metal corridor to the floor.

Heinrich was almost tripped over by a splash of gravel. Fortunately, Gavin was very attentive even if he ran away, and immediately pulled him when he saw it. In the chaos, the griffins came out of their hands and flew a red-gold semicircle in the air. Then the emperor scooped his hands and turned back arrogantly!

The big snake shrank back in the loud noise, and the gryphon screamed, “Admiral Aaron!”

“He wasn’t dead!” Heinrich was furious: “How come you still haven’t stayed ?!”

“Can’t change! Not enough energy!”

“… What about your energy?”

“Give it to Phoenix!”

The temperature in Heinrich’s body plummeted by 20 degrees, and snow was almost falling. Gavin was invisible, pointing calmly, pointing at a fork in the corridor: “This way!”

This fork is small and narrow, and the giant snake can’t get in for a while. It takes a while to break the channel with brute force. A fork was connected to a small accessory room. After two people squeezed the metal door of the accessory room, Heinrich managed to sort out a mess: “So Aaron is controlled by the Dark Star Church samurai? Can he come back?”

Gavin’s physical strength is no better than alpha. He held his knees and breathed for a while before he said, “But … yes, mind control is linked by the Serpent of the Nether, first find out which one.”

“Not the outside one?”

“Maybe, this kind of snake Dark Star Church raises a lot.”

“Is it possible to hypnotize soldiers like Aaron through snakes?” Heinrich, after all, only lived for two hundred years and spent half of his life fighting. He knew very little about the obscure secrets in the depths of the universe: “I just listen to you. The starry sky can reflect the soul, but the snake of the sky has never heard of … “

“When did I tell you that I didn’t want to adjust things?” Gavin obviously didn’t return his memory when he was in the alliance before, but he didn’t investigate this emergency, just casually said: “The soul that can be reflected on the sky is not the wind, but Higher intelligent life forms are stored in electromagnetic form. The Nether Serpent is a low-level creature that can easily accept third-party thinking intrusion, so it is generally used by the Dark Star Hall to lurk, detect, and monitor … they have a technology that allows People think into the snake’s brain, and when thousands of warriors fight in the shape of a snake, the ordinary army is absolutely invincible. “

Heinrich was quick-minded and immediately remembered that in the active history of Dark Star Hall more than 400 years ago, there were indeed a few small nations defeated due to the snake disaster. Presumably that was the masterpiece of Dark Star Hall. In contrast, the Alliance has never suffered a loss in the Dark Star Church war. Is Silia a little-known secret?

“You must kill that snake,” Gavin thought, glancing down the dark corridor outside the door, and said, “It’s not only a cult totem, but also a high-ranking samurai of the Dark Star Church who settled this town …”

The voice didn’t fall. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in the deep part of the accessories room. Heinrich turned back suddenly, and saw a black gap appear in the air for no reason, then Aaron stepped out.

He fell to the ground in a loud noise, slowly stood up, staring at Heinrich and Gavin with a sullen expression.

At that moment the cramped space was almost completely frozen.

“You …” Aaron’s voice was deep and hoarse. “Who the **** are you?”

At that moment Heinrich really wanted to kick it up. Who is Laozi? I am the emperor! But in the end he resisted the impulse, coldly: “The problem is not us, the problem is you, Anders Aaron. You are clearly an admiral of the empire, when did you become a Dark Star Warrior?”

Aaron shuddered a little, and the killings and violent violence in his mind abated slightly. Heinrich’s expression was cold, and his hard face suddenly emerged from the depths of his memory: the mighty fleet, the artillery battlefield, the bright red sky of Saturn in the moonlight, and the icy tombstone and tears …

“Heinrich …?” He murmured, turning his gaze to Gavin: “West … Celia?”

Gavin nodded slightly, but did not relax the red gold saber.

At this time, Gavin’s features were very close to the commander of Celia when he was a teenager. Aaron squinted to identify the half-wobble, and his mind was sober and blurred.

He thought of a scene many years ago: he was kneeling on the ground covered with bloodstains, with a silver blade on his neck; Celia held the handle and looked at himself with anger in his face, one mouth as if roaring, but the surroundings could not hear anything. clear.

When is this

He seemed to be in a noisy ocean, only the pain from the neck was extremely real. After a while, his own voice finally became clear: “… Kill if you kill! Kill me! Such a dirty ** alliance is tortured to death, I would rather die now and hurt! …”

“Shut up!” Silia slashed him back with a slash, “Even you rebelled with Heinrich? You really want to die ?!”

Aaron fell to the ground, only to feel that the whole body’s blood was over his head: “What about rebellion ?! It is the alliance that treats you marshal! Only by getting rid of those old guys can you make your own living, if you are alone | cut words … … “

With a loud slam, Silia knocked him over again.

The severe pain made Aaron tumbling and struggling, and the noisy surroundings became louder and louder, as if there were countless MPs standing in front of each other. Aaron’s heart was full of shame, anger, and unwillingness. He gritted his teeth and barely got up, hissing, “Anyway, you are waiting–“

Before the words fell, he was suddenly held by one hand and turned around to see Heinrich also kneeling.

Heinrich looked embarrassed, his head covered with blood and dust, but his eyes were forbearing and firm, and he shook his head gently.

“You …” Aaron couldn’t go on, and almost cried out.

Celia stared coldly at them, then turned and walked away. Aaron lifted his head with tears in his eyes, but only heard him coldly drop a sentence: “Don’t execute them, lock them up.”

There was a lot of discussion around, and several members of the parliament scrambled to stand up: “Marshal! How can you not execute these treasoners?” “What on earth do you want ?!”

However, Silia ignored it.

He walked to the door of the House and looked back at Aaron before leaving. That look was so indescribable that, to this day, hundreds of years later, it was deeply imprinted on the hearts of Imperial Admiral Anders Aaron–

The look was exactly the same as now.

“Celia …” Aaron murmured, staring blankly without focus: “Silla, Marshal …”

In the accessories room, Gavin clasped his saber hands loose and tightened. Aaron took a step forward, and seemed to be trying to identify what was happening, but then behind them suddenly-boom!

Pieces of metal fell, and a huge snake head came in from the broken door, almost like a hill. It looked like a lantern in the small-eyed accessory room, and then stared at Gavin.

This look was very different from when it was rampaging in the hall just now, it seemed to be cold and spiritual, and it seemed to have a human feeling … A nerve in Heinrich’s brain suddenly tightened, and he blurted out: “——what ?! “

The serpent vomited a letter, and for a moment the strange face seemed to smile.

“Really worthy of the emperor.” It spoke in a whispering voice, and tried hard to discern it: “And-Silia, you look like … 啧啧 …”

Gavin coldly: “Yunes.”

As soon as he reached out, the Griffin automatically reassembled a synthetic arm-type electromagnetic cannon, and the barrel was rotated to point at the snake’s head; however, the giant snake did not dodge, and laughed: “It was so easy to meet in private once, but you are too lazy to tell the old feelings? ? “

As soon as the words fell, I only heard “Boom!” Gavin blasted off the electromagnetic cannon on his shoulder!

The Nether Serpent’s body is as hard as iron, but even with tungsten cannons attacked in such a close range, even tungsten alloys can be turned into muddy mud. The shells burst out and three people lost their way at the same time. The snake screamed!

In front of it, a long space crack was split like lightning, and the electromagnetic gun flew into the dark void when it was about to fire, followed by a thunderous thunder!

Although this earthquake was not directly exploded in the electromagnetic gun chamber, it was not much worse. For a time, the whole building was shaking, the amplitude was so great that even the ceilings were shattered, and the broken walls fell like a storm.

The serpent twisted desperately, and the entire corridor was stuffed with its huge body. Gavin was standing unsteadily and was about to fall. Suddenly, the whole man was protected by Heinrich from the back. The two men stumbled and ran out of the hallway under the shock, rushing to the hall under a barely supported metal cylinder.

“Are you all right?” Gavin yelled.

Heinrich hoped for something at once, but he glanced down a few times, and finally had to regret to point Gavin a few flesh wounds on his arm: “No … nothing.”

“…” Gavin was speechless, patting his muscles on his arm. The griffin suddenly turned into a light brain and shouted anxiously: “What will Admiral Aaron do ?!”

The vibrations continued, Heinrich shook his head and said, “I’ll save him later!”

Gavin casually asked, “Are you familiar?”

“Love rival!”


“Just kidding,” Heinrich pressed Gavin into the corner and said, “We were good brothers from school, different from the” good brothers “like You and Yunes … and later became your guards together. , I joined the anti-alliance together. There is only one thing I feel sorry for him. “

“……what’s up?”

“Chen Qiao mutiny.” Heinrich said a word, sneer and sneer: “I deliberately pulled Aaron into the water beforehand, just feel that if there is him, you will not kill us in case of defeat- —It turned out that I made the right decision. You put pressure on parliament to change the execution to exile, but if only me was then … “

He paused, his voice blurring from one another to the next:

“Maybe now … there is no empire.”

Gavin froze slightly.

The mountains shook around and the snakes roared. They looked at each other in the grand scene, and the emperor’s ice-blue eyes were as deep as the sea.

Gavin opened his mouth and whispered, “Don’t be so arrogant.”

At the same time in the accessories room, the giant snake finally withdrew from the front half of the collapsed door. The huge body turned at a flexible speed that ordinary people couldn’t imagine, and rushed out with a pile of metal broken bricks!

At this time, the entire roof almost collapsed, and the serpent’s high head even reached out of the building. There was silence for a few seconds on the street, followed by an exclamation: “Help!” “There are snakes! There are snakes!” “Everyone escapes–“

The snake sneered scornfully, and suddenly bowed its head into the hall of law enforcement. It searched for Gavin in chaos all over the place, but the corner was very hidden. Heinrich first grabbed the Griffon electromagnetic cannon and shook the thick neck at the snake–

At that moment, it couldn’t be more accurate. The moment the snake turned his head, the electromagnetic cannon traversed the long arc, blasting its entire body and flying up!

This time it was too late to open the space door. The serpent of the sky smashed the entire building’s exterior wall, and several tons of heavy body completely flew onto the street.

At least seven or eight buildings and dozens of trees were knocked down by giant snakes falling from the sky. The residents screamed and ran away, deafening and crying for help. Heinrich threw the white-smoke electromagnetic cannon to Gavin, then hugged him, and climbed from the corner full of masonry.

The crowds on the street were clean and tidy, only the snake snake traversed the town, and the tail kept twitching. Gavin looked up at the night sky and whispered softly: “So much noise is coming, so the Dark Star Warriors in the nearby towns will come over …”

——He said yes, there was a sharp alarm sound in the distance. The Dark Star Warriors in several nearby settlements will be out of the wind and will gather above them.

However, Heinrich didn’t answer, and smiled strangely for a long time: “Silla-“

Gavin glanced at him, squinting slightly.

“This planet will soon be taken over by the empire. At dawn, the Ninth Fleet will occupy Pluto’s airspace. At that time, the land under our feet will completely return to the territory of the Empire.”

Heinrich stepped back half a step and opened his hands dashingly.

At the same time, in the distant night sky behind him, a star-shaped starry spot suddenly appeared—the Ninth Fleet of the Egret star, the only legion of the Gemini empire composed of full alpha.

“This seems to be the first time that we are frankly standing on the empire land with each other … Silia, do you have anything to say?”

Gavin stared at Heinrich, holding his saber for a while, standing slowly, no expression on his face.

“No?” Heinrich smiled and said, “I do.”

The emperor stretched out his hand to Gavin, looking like a solemn invitation, even with a courteous tone:

“Welcome you as emperor, dear Marshal Silia-welcome to the Gemini Empire.” @@ ## $ l && ~ w * h * w ~ && l $ ## @@ 2k 小说 读 网

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