The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 53 - chapter 53

53, chapter 53

“Ahhhh, I don’t have enough energy–!”

“To die, to die, to die-!”

“Abusive Mech Armor Armor Armor — !!!”

Gavin could not bear it, saying, “Shut up!”

The griffins bounced between the buildings, crooked and evaded the guns and bullets raining behind them. That was really funny. Except for Heinrich’s somber look inside, the ninth fleet’s internal channel almost laughed.

“The total amount of energy is only enough to fire the giant gun once! Can’t fly! Ah, ah, my rear deck has been damaged too!” The griffin ran away while retrieving the damage of the shell, and screamed in pain: “This is the ninth fleet Flock of cubs, go back and let Admiral Aaron practice them-! “

In order to capture the driver, the emperor simply lost his blood. Dense mechs and fighters are encircled in a loop, countless lasers are firing like arrows, and the poor little gryphon has only 22% of its energy left—if it wasn’t for the emperor’s order that he would be captured, now it It has been melted into a pile of five-dimensional alloy fragments by gunfire.

Rao is so it also provided a lot of jokes to the soldiers. Whenever it jumped around the building like a rabbit, many drivers laughed sadly while taking pictures.

“We’ve run thousands of kilometers! I can’t do it anymore! Ah ah ah hurry up and think of a way-!”

“No way!” Gavin growled. “Unless you kill Heinrich in one shot! Can you ?!”

“I can! I can! Let me turn the muzzle!”


Griffin: “…”

“So you just don’t want to kill–!” Gryphon screamed across the night sky after five seconds: “Is the difference between sleeping and sleeping really so big?!?”

“Who is the pilot?” Someone in the ninth fleet frequency asked: “How is it like the living treasure, how long has this been running?”

“No way-Your Majesty said he was going to capture … The second team! The second team scrambled from the right side! The left and right angled giant guns are ready!”

“Hahahaha jumped up again! So dangerous, take a picture!”

No one thinks the griffon that can only run and jump is threatening, and it should only be a matter of time before it is captured. From the beginning of the tension to the gradual relaxation, the drivers finally laughed, and the laughter converged into an ocean of joy in the public frequency.

However, in contrast, the high-level command frequency is dignified.

“One hundred and twenty kilometers,” Deputy Commander Brandon of the Ninth Fleet reported a number, and said, “Your Majesty, if you don’t allow us to fire directly on the Griffin cockpit, the other party will really run away. “

Heinrich looked so calmly, staring at the front screen without saying a word.

Everyone thought that he ordered the capture because he did not want to damage the mech. Only he knew that the 3s mech was not so easy to break, even if only the core light brain was left, it could be repaired.

He insisted on catching the rat because he didn’t want to hurt Gavin in the cockpit.

This scene is actually no stranger to the emperor. Fifty years ago, the Ninth Fleet completely annihilated the Glory Legion, and then hunted down the scarred Mech Phoenix in the sky. At the time, it was the same. Phoenix was flying in front, suffixed with countless large and small warships, and artillery fire intertwined a magnificent picture in space, like the magnificent scene of the universe at the beginning of the world.

and then?

The Phoenix was hit without a doubt, and the empire achieved a glorious and great victory.

Then Silia died.

That scene was a horrible look for Heinrich, like a midnight nightmare that entangled him for half a century. He wondered if he would lead the emperor to chase down the Phoenix if time went back? The conclusion is that as emperor, he had no choice but to do some things, but he would rather die than want to go through it again.

“The army was ordered not to attack the enemy’s cockpit … I want to capture it.” After a long silence, Heinrich finally coldly said, “It is the first priority to capture the enemy driver.”

The commanders exchanged surprise glances within their respective mechas.

“But Your Majesty, this man has been running for a long time. The enemy’s driving skills are really …”

“Yes, yes, the high speed of each other makes it really difficult for us to hit the core of the energy without damaging the cockpit-“

Even the deputy commander yelled: “The griffon’s cockpit is very solid. If we adjust the frequency of the gunfire, it should not endanger the life of the pilot? …”

Heinrich’s eyes flashed.

In the next second, the rushed out of the crowd, like a black giant bird falling from the sky, grabbed the back of the griffin in the air!

“White-bladed battle!” Griffin roared, “They’re doing it! Be careful of the rear!”

The mech white-blade battle is no stranger to all pilots. When they attend school at the military school, all training is completed under the white-blade situation. Mech combat is the foundation of the foundation.

However, when real swords and real guns are on the battlefield, most of the mechas rely on spiritual links and firepower equipment. Unless the last moment when they are exhausted, who will take off the firepower to fight the enemy empty-handed?

Therefore, the griffon didn’t respond for a moment, until the carapace was caught by the volley, and the whole mech almost came off the ground. Immediately after that, Lu suddenly fell to the ground and kicked out of balance the lion griffin. He reached for his cockpit!

The heavy rain stopped and all the mechas came together. The Griffin roared, suddenly raised his hand to grab the seat, and exhausted his energy to push it into the chaser!

This action almost overstretched the power limit of Griffon’s arms. Its elbows, wrists and other joints made a sharp noise at that moment. Immediately afterwards, he knocked down a piece of mech, and the griffin jumped out of the chaos and ran across the encircle to the east!

The deputy commander arrived in time and roared: “Catch it!”

The more sensitive fighters in the air turned around immediately, but were immediately stopped by the emperor. He rushed up with a lunge, obviously faster than the endangered griffin, and almost immediately stood in front of the Chijin giant.

“Useless, Gavin!” Heinrich yelled, “You have no energy!”

In the Griffon’s cab, the energy column has changed from bright red to a terrible purple. The blow from the cricket just now caused its energy value to drop to less than 15%. The entire cab is shrouded in flashing purple light, and the mechanical sound repeats continuously: “Warning, warning, please replenish energy immediately or leave the body, otherwise the cockpit will be forcibly ejected and the cockpit will be forcibly ejected …”

The griffin’s nerve band stretched out, holding Gavin’s hand tightly.

Gavin’s face glowed with a jade-like hard texture in the shadows, his eyes calmed and cold, and the sky’s full rays of light reflected on his black eyes.

“The number of reports of spiritual bolts-80%, 95%, 120% …”

“260%, 372% … 400%!”

The flying index on the screen finally stopped at the terrible 400%. At that moment, Gavin’s thinking and the 3s mech completely coincided–

The next second, the griffin shot violently.

“Your Majesty!” In the cockpit, the nerve band quickly lifted Heinrich up.

Although the Sea of ​​Spiritual Power effectively relieved the impulse, the emperor’s forehead hit the podium, and his blood-stained side face looked extremely rigid and cold: “I’m fine. How is it?”

“The Griffin ’s spiritual connection has exceeded 400%! Never before! We are now fighting Marshal Silia directly!”

狴 犴 ‘s panic makes sense. The higher the number of connections, the faster the mecha moves. When the connection is broken, the command is immediately formed in the driver’s mind, and the mecha will immediately make the corresponding action. That step can be saved.

Don’t look at the instructions, it only takes a few tenths of a second-sometimes those tenths of a second is the difference between life and death. In particular, all kinds of high-precision weapons are now developing rapidly. It used to take seven or eight seconds to send a giant bomb. Now 0.62 seconds can blast the opponent into slag!

So whether it is possible to break the spiritual connection to 100% is to judge the difference between top drivers and first-class drivers; while the empire was just fifty years old, the highest spiritual connection in the record was completed by the emperor himself, 260% Fourteen-At that time, the emperor already felt that he was a mech. He flew directly in the universe and even felt the feeling of being close to the sun at a close distance.

As for 400 percent?

That’s something I haven’t heard before, which is theoretically impossible.

Heinrich gritted his teeth, and for a moment he could only drive 狴 犴 back quickly. However, the movement of the griffin was too fast. It was like a red-golden lightning, and rushed to the gall in a blink of an eye!

狴 犴 Even before the two swords had time to cast, he was suddenly smitten with white smoke. The ji fierce fighting of the two steel giants made the fighters retreat. Several were too late to retreat and were immediately involved in the battle group. They were touched by the arm of the mech and immediately burst into a spark in the sky.

The fighter pilots were embarrassed and jumped down with their parachute. On top of their heads, the gryphons roared and shook the world, and a leg of the sweeping church flew away!

“Your Majesty! Use an electromagnetic gun!”

Heinrich drank: “No! All energy is concentrated on the protective cover!”

It turns out that the mech’s judgment is not as good as that of human brain. When the cricket flew to the highest point, I saw the grenade on the shoulder of the griffin finally spinning out, and the muzzle flashed white light at the target-

At that moment, the gun light burst out, hitting the puppet with thunder, and a waterfall-like sparkle splashed on the protective cover!

I had to admire the emperor’s judgment on the occasion of a critical strike. The griffin shot desperately, concentrating all the energy in the end. Taking the electromagnetic cannon and its bombardment would only lose both.

The huge fuselage suddenly stopped in the air, and Shen Shen asked, “What do you do now, Your Majesty?”

On the ground, the Griffin maintained its final movement, and the pupils representing the energy flashed quickly, dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye. The cab was dark, and Gavin’s wrists were strangled by nerve bands, and sweat dripped on the podium with the drama’s breathing.

If there is still energy now, with his terrible 400% mental rate, He will surely die.

— But it’s too late to say anything now.

The emperor gazed at him in the sky, his gaze passing through the display in the cockpit, with a touch of something that was almost tender. The wind blew from heaven and earth, and they stared at each other in this way until Xun slowly pulled out two swords from behind and crossed in front of them.

“Your Majesty …?” I asked in a low voice.

Heinrich’s answer was to pull out his two knives and dive suddenly towards Gavin on the ground!

If this is done, the griffin’s gravity can split the gryphon completely, and then the fighters swarmed on the cockpit will be completely dead on the ground.

The cockpit itself does not carry any firepower equipment. Even if Gavin has three heads and six arms, he can’t stop so many people. In the end, it will definitely be a life to be arrested.

At that moment, Gavin’s eyes only got closer and closer to the golden salamander, and the magnificent arc of the double-knife; the sound of the wind immediately split into his eyes, and at the moment when the gryphon was about to disappear, suddenly a muffled thunder sounded in the night sky behind him ish–


The interplanetary nuclear bomb fell from the sky, and instantly blasted a large empire fleet into the sky.

狴 犴 Turned abruptly, and the roar rang through the world: “——someone!”

The fleet dropped into the sea of ​​clouds, dotted with a lot of stars and lights, and the eagle totem on the ship was particularly vigorous under the light.

Heinrich’s pupils tightened-the Shining Legion turned out to be the Shining Legion that has survived the bloodbath after the disintegration of the alliance!

Just then a few coughs sounded in the open channel, followed by a lazy voice:

“——Ladies and gentlemen, and Her Majesty Heinrich, my dear little white-faced, good evening everyone! I am Kareyan, acting commander of the Guangyao Army, long time no see?

Heinrich: “…”


The Ninth Fleet: “…”

There was a silence on the ground, and then a few bangs came and shook the mountain suddenly not far away; the flames soared from the ground, and instantly burst into the clouds in the shocking eyes of everyone!

“Oh, Lord Yunes, your arsenal of Dark Star Church buried on Pluto has blown up.” Carleyan scratched his head in midair and said innocently, “What can I do now?” L3l42k novel reading network

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