The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 60 - charpter60


“Yes,” Heinrich interrupted. “I want to open the cockpit of the Phoenix.”

At that moment, Edna almost thought that she had heard it wrong, but when she was taken into a huge proving ground, she realized that Heinrich had to do more than just open the cockpit–

He will also dissect Silia’s body. (txt free e-book download: txtshuji.)

“You’re crazy …” She stared at the emperor in horror, her voice trembling slightly: “In case Gavin is not Silia, in case this is just a trap for the exiled army, you just dissected his body directly like this … you are not afraid Regret it ?! “

“I can stand it,” Heinrich said indifferently. “I’ve been here for fifty years, and now I can stand everything.”

They stood on the suspended promenade and looked over the huge proving ground under the railings. The silver-white cockpit of the Phoenix was erected in the electromagnetic field. Two thousand and sixty cutting robots were ready. Everyone looked up and waited for the emperor’s order. .

Heinrich slowly spoke and spit out a word: “On.”

Instantly all the robots started, and numerous sawtooths flew open and cut the cockpit door. The electromagnetic field was full of sparks, and Phoenix’s last spiritual plug was forcibly released. Soon, the heavy vacuum chamber lock was completely cut off, and the giant mechanical arm extended to grab the latch—

With a loud noise, the heavy hatch, which had been closed for half a century, was slowly opened.

Edna’s pupils tightened and she stepped back halfway.

However, it is still behind her that crashed: as the door landed, a large driver’s seat slowly rose out of the dark cabin. Although it was covered with intricate neural nets and wires, it was still faint to see lying on his back. The half figure in the seat-

“No …” Edna gasped shortly, hissing: “No, stop now … no–!”

She covered her eyes suddenly, but the emperor stood still, rock-like.

Celia’s body is only half because his left upper body was crushed into blood mud when he forced the landing of Red Saturn. Fifty years after the cockpit was vacuum-sealed, the collapsed cockpit and wires had become a whole, wrapping his broken body firmly inside.

Heinrich stared hard at the driver’s seat, his eyes were bloodshot, but his expression was silent and cold like a knife:

“Extract DNA from the body … identify it.”

In fact, all the researchers’ hands were shaking at this time, Silia died too badly, and the entire bottom of the driver’s seat was covered with solid blood. At first glance, you can imagine the blood splashing like a fountain.

But no one spoke or even made an extra sound. The two researchers shivered into the pliers from the gap in the wire, took out a part of the body tissue, and sent it for testing.

After a while, the communicator in front of the emperor rang, and the stammering voice of the research team leader came: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this is impossible, the remains-the remains are alpha …”

Edna closed her eyes suddenly.

“Do you think I would be surprised?” Heinrich murmured, his voice hoarse and unable to hear emotions: “No, I already knew that. The Phoenix body was melted by more than 50% during the battle of Venus Fortress, Silia There is no chance of surviving even a robot, let alone appearing in a press conference unscathed just a month later … Yes, I had vague speculation at that time, but I never dared to go deep miss you.”

“I’ve been deceiving myself. Maybe the thermostat of the Phoenix cockpit can withstand tens of thousands of degrees of heat. Maybe Celia has some unknown way to escape … but now I want to come. It was just self-deception. At that moment, Silia was really dead. “

Heinrich paused and whispered, “He was killed twice by me.”

Edna’s eyes were full of tears, and her vision was blurry: “Then … you …”

“I can’t help it. I can’t go back on this road. Some things are not something you don’t want it to happen. It won’t happen. Celia is the commander of the league. In that case, who will he not sacrifice? And I stand. In contrast, can I send thousands of empire soldiers to a dead end in order to keep him alone? “

Heinrich shook his head and whispered after a while: “There are more important things than feelings. This is true for me and so is Silia.”

Edna stared at him with shock and resentment, but only saw him open the communicator with one hand, and said indifferently: “Notify the biochemical team-remove the remains and prepare for craniotomy!”

No one knows how tormented the emperor was at that moment, not even Edna.

Just as no one knew why the emperor would craniate Marshal Silia’s body, many researchers at the time felt Heinrich was crazy, or he was distorted by the exiles and was psychologically distorted-when this order was given The biochemical team didn’t even dare to do it for more than ten minutes, all waiting for the emperor to recover his life.

However, they were not destined to wait until the emperor changed his mind. In the end, they could only catch the ducks on the shelves, cut off the crisscross neural nets and wires in the driver’s seat, and the whole group of hands shivered and lifted Silia’s broken body.

The operation was performed in a completely closed state. Only three minutes later, the communicator heard a shocked voice from the researchers: “Your Majesty, we found something in the Marshal’s brain! It is … it is a signal emission Device! “

There was an uproar in the test field, so silent that even a needle fell to the ground. Heinrich was silent for a few seconds, then turned and walked towards the operating room downstairs.

Edna stretched out her hand to stop it, but when she raised it halfway, she suddenly fell down.

The operating room was also stiff, and Heinrich pushed in. The pace was so fast that the research team leader could hardly keep up with him.

“We found this in the Marshal’s brain, and identified it as a launcher …” The surgeon presented a plate in shock, but Heinrich’s sight was first cast on the operating table, a few seconds After the clock turned to the blood-stained silver button on the dial.

——This is a typical bioelectromagnetic resonance device, Heinrich first determined this.

The Alliance’s superior technology in bioelectromagnetism is fully reflected in this small button: until now the empire could not use such a small device to refract primate thought waves, and the human brain has a capacity of thousands A hundred times, if replaced by the Royal Academy of Sciences, at least a table-size resonator can barely reflect 12% of human thinking.

The Alliance’s technology in this regard is simply beyond the age.

Heinrich was breathing shortly, and reached out his hand with a few tremblings before finally making up his mind to gently lift the button.

“There should be a receiver with this transmitter, but we can’t track where it is.” The research team leader said, “Unfortunately, the research of the Empire in this area is not as good as the Alliance. It has been used, can we take it apart and take a look? “

“No, I know …” Heinrich wanted to say that he knew this had been used, otherwise how would Silia be resurrected? But he hadn’t spoken yet. Suddenly a whirlwind rose from the buttons and swept the entire operating room instantly!

“This is–” The researchers looked at each other.

Heinrich stepped for a moment and opened his eyes in shock!

——It turns out to be wind!

It’s the wind from the sky star!

Innumerable voices contain the power of life, vigorous and enthusiastic, like flying elves, whistling past Heinrich’s ear:

“Who are you?” He heard the numerous voices converging, and asked curiously, “You are not a human marshal, who are you?”

“…” The emperor opened his mouth, but was speechless. A strong wave of thought hit his brain and nerves like a violent storm. Countless pieces of memory are like automatic screenings. They are ridiculous, and millions of frames are passing by at the same time.

“Why aren’t Marshals coming to see us?” The voice asked again. “Why is it different from the promise?”

“who are you?”

“Have you hidden the Marshal in the n?”

Heinrich was speechless at all, and he realized that this was the Uranus!

At that time, Silia stood on the starry sky and listened to the wind, telling him that he was listening to the starry sky, and it turned out that this was what he meant!

“Oh-did the Marshal tell you?” The Uroman immediately captured the images in his mind and laughed: “You can hear us now, it’s rare.”

“Yeah, only Marshals could have …”

“Where’s the Marshal? Why don’t you come see us?”

Numerous astronomical stars fluttered around, flying around the emperor, setting off a whirlpool of wind. Heinrich only felt dark before his eyes, and the researchers couldn’t hear the panic screams. He could only do his best to focus his thoughts-[Why do you want to see Silia? 】

“Because he has left us the most precious heritage,” the voices of the Uro stars people said, “Now we are going to return everything to him as promised.”

[… What is the most precious heritage? 】

“What do you think? What do you think?”

Heinrich’s mind was buzzing like an engine, and the Urostars smiled proudly, seemingly full of their own pranks: “Don’t you know? You’re stupid!”

“Don’t you really know? Also said to be a Marshal student!”

“It’s memory, don’t you know that?”

Heinrich’s pupils tightened, and there seemed to be nothing between the electric light and the flint, but then there was a sudden flower in front of him, and all the noise disappeared–

The surrounding operating room was no longer chaotic, but turned into a slow night breeze.

Heinrich looked around suddenly, only to see the starry sky above his head, a grass field under his feet, and long and short worms came from the distance; the young Celia was lying under the laurel, her eyes closed as if sleeping.

And another boy in a black robe was walking across the lawn at this moment, walking towards him in the sound of rustling footsteps.

Silia under the tree didn’t move and didn’t open his eyes, it seemed like he was asleep, but at that moment Heinrich realized that he could never really sleep … He finally understood that what he saw was Silia’s memory.

-Silia’s secret and unknown memory for five hundred years.

The author has something to say:

Three thousand words and four hours, Nyima is such a sad reminder of existence

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