The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 62 - chapter 62

The Guangyao Army is an army that has been honed through failure.After gunfire, fire, slaughter, and bloodwashing, it fought several times from three hundred battleships when it was first established to dozens or even dozens. Walk on the edge of life and death.

During this period, one person gave a lot of support to the Guangyao Army-the then Speaker of the Union Senkel Consetlin.

According to Silia’s memories, he would leave the Union Capital Blue Xixing at regular intervals to go to a laboratory on Egret, where he was born, to check his health. These clips are often obscure and difficult to identify, but Heinrich can clearly feel that Celia is not in a good mood at this time, and those fast-moving scattered pictures are the result of him deliberately blurring this memory.

It is worth noting that every time he went for a full-body examination, Speaker Consertlin, his granddaughter, and laboratory director Edna were both.

Silia’s memory did not clearly reveal the reason, but it was a very unusual thing—knowing that he was not a marshal at that time, just a general who had just been promoted not long before, and there were sixty-two generals like this. Under the influence of genetic surgery, they all maintained their prosperous years, but with the exception of Celia, all the admirals had more than 30 years of deep qualifications.

A small medical examination can be supervised by the Speaker of the Labor Union in person. How deep is the water behind Celia?

Celia’s time as Admiral was probably the period when his relationship with Edna progressed.

He often appeared in the consciousness, that is, the lush mint field on the egret star. The young Edna was wearing a white dress sitting on a lounger, bare white and beautiful feet, giggling and walking around holding a book and sillia:

“Is this really busy? Get me that glass of mint juice!”

“What are you looking at? Don’t go, sit down!”

And Silia turned back and shoved her glasses on the bridge of her nose, and said helplessly, “I have a lot of military reports to read …” He still took the mint juice and leaned over to Edna.

They sat in the fields reading, drinking tea, chatting, and spending warm and relaxing afternoons together. In the evening, a heavily guarded airship landed on the Egret star, Silia bid farewell to Edna, and boarded the journey back to the army of the Blue Star.

It may be a period of concealment and peace between them. If time goes on like this, maybe they will really get married later and become a happy and happy partner ever since.

However, the world is impermanent. In the winter of the Galactic Era, in the winter of 3,100, Speaker Senkel Konsettling was assassinated on his way to rescue him and died.

A grand funeral was held in the capital, and a black enamel crystal coffin burst into tears. Celia, dressed in military uniform, and lined up with a group of senior officers of the Alliance Military Department, left the crowd and went to Edna.

“The grief changes smoothly,” he raised Edna, and whispered, “the speaker will not be able to …”

Edna grabbed his hand, raised her tearful eyes and stared at him, “Gavan, I need your help.”

Silia froze.

“The speaker re-election will be held next month, including a total of seven candidates in my father’s office. The number of votes will ultimately determine the next speaker.”


“I need your vote,” Edna said with a firm voice. “Remember, it’s not my father’s need, nor the Consettelin family’s need-it’s me, and I need your personal vote.”

Later, many cases have proved that Edna Conceitlin is completely worthy of her politician blood. With the help of her keen and unique female intuition, her political literacy and smell are sometimes even stronger than Silia.

Of the seven candidates at that time, her father, Douglas Conceitlin, actually had little hope, winning only 12% of the total votes; however, after Celia cast her own vote, within 24 hours, the political direction of the Union military was completely changed.

On behalf of the Guangyao Corps, all four votes were cast to Consettelin after a short intra-group vote; on behalf of the Military Commission, six votes had not been cast, but the Guangyao Corps made four statements in the afternoon of the same day. The garrison of each galaxy moved with the wind, and more than 40 percent of the votes were given to Consettelin the next day …

When Celia got out of the regular meeting of the military department on the third day and found that the situation was wrong, the Consettelin family has crazy absorbed more than half of the total votes in the military!

Celia did not expect that the final result was supposed to be a first-class top-secret voting content, and the moment he clicked the submit button, it was circulated through various channels, and the black hands behind the scenes are of course self-evident. And his personal insignificant vote, after being enlarged by the Guangyao Army, the Alliance Military Commission, and even the local garrison, eventually shaken the entire voting system.

Silia and Edna finally broke out in the first violent quarrel they had known, and in the end Silia ran away in anger and refused to attend the Consettelin family gathering-this is a very big thing because He had planned to formally get engaged at the party with Edna.

However, all this has been done.

Two weeks later, the results of the re-election vote were announced, and Douglas Conceitlin was successfully elected with a 17% lead in the second place, becoming the next speaker of the league.

At that time, the commander of the Guangyao Army, Gavin Silia, trained on the South Star, refused to attend his inauguration ceremony, and did not even sign a joint congratulatory message.

The end of this incident was that Edna personally flew to Extreme South Star and persuaded Silia for more than half a month before reluctantly calming his anger at the cost of adding two deputy speakers.

Celia led his troops back to Lan Xixing, and the storm was not mentioned in front of the media. On the face of it, everything has passed, but the temporary reconciliation cannot cover up the fact that the sighted person can see the fact–

As a descendant of the politician’s family, Edna Bisilia also first saw the huge political potential of her boyfriend.

And their feelings, from this moment on, will never return.

In the Galactic Age of 3,120, Celia was elected as the Marshal of the Three Armed Forces by virtue of his profound military achievements and popularity, and has since become the first military in the Alliance.

At the inauguration ceremony, Silia wore a white military uniform, gloves and boots of the same color, a titanium silver saber worn around her waist, and three gold military emblems on her chest and shoulders, symbolizing the military power of the sea, air and land in the ancient earth era. His expressionless back was straight, and the Thirteen Iron Guards of the Guangyao Army swarmed down and walked to the high platform. He took the double s-machine Phoenix from the Speaker, a silver ring, and wore his left middle finger.

All galaxies have witnessed this scene.

He glanced down at the stage, and the electric light and flint faced Edna, and immediately touched.

Instantly, his memory was so deep that the picture was still clear after hundreds of years of baptism. In the luxurious auditorium, Edna wore an expensive and exquisite suit, a feathered hat and silk gloves. The crowd applauded gracefully; her eyes were still filled with joy and love, but it was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Silia looked away.

It is worth noting that Caroline, who was the guard of the Speaker at that time, was sitting not far away, and at this time was still a young woman who had not yet reached the world. If a camera happened to fly across the air, you would find that the three men, Edna, Celia, and Caroline, were exactly opposite each other, forming a perfect equilateral triangle.

All fate is clear, at this moment there is a faint hint.


The second year after Silia became the commander of the Alliance, she led her army to travel to the frontiers; in the eighth year, the surrounding galaxies were basically declared calm.

This battle established his own status as a military **** and the prestige of the Alliance’s galaxy. Since then, the number of voluntary military service among 18- to 25-year-olds has increased by 30%, and the number of applicants for the Guangyao Army has doubled.

At this time, there was no major war in the Milky Way, and the alliance entered the first peace period in hundreds of years.

In a relatively calm environment, Silia once again put the engagement on the agenda.

In fact, at this time Edna was already a very close Marshal girlfriend, they matched each other’s identity, the bottom of the door was quite the same, and Edna, as a rare ega woman, was more recognized by the people, and generally felt that they deserve to be paired.

If nothing else, they would very likely have an Egret engagement ceremony. Celia even had the venue set up, and she was born on the mint field-but the plan could not keep up with the changes. A small accident happened before the ceremony.

That night Silia returned from the military commission to her private suburban house, and she saw a **** junior officer leaning against the door. He immediately stepped forward to support the officer, but was struggling to grab his hand. The opening message was a powerful message: “Yuan … Marshal, Snake … Snake constellation broke out!”

Celia’s pupils tightened instantly.

“The deputy commander killed … killed the soldiers, the joint protest of the army, was killed … hundreds of people were killed … Now the local military barracks are blocked, communications are supervised, people who release the news … all … all … “

The officer gasped for a few breaths, and tears ran down the corner of his eyes: “We hid on the merchant ship and fled to Lan Xixing, but the gendarmerie came to arrest just after landing … only I escaped, I can only come to you …”

Silia’s fingers trembled slightly, and he stroked the officer’s messy hair for a while: “It’s okay, I know. What’s your name?”

“Kaleyan …” The officer’s mouth bleeds blood from his mouth: “–My name is Kaleyan.”

The grand corruption case in the history of the Alliance began.

No one expected that Celia’s action was so high: Kareyan informed that night, the captain of the gendarmerie was arrested and jailed, and the Capital Guard was officially disarmed; the next day the Field Marshal guard arrived in the constellation of the snake, Thirteen Iron Guards As a wolf like a tiger, the first thing to land is to arrest and bind the garrison commander of the Serpent Constellation.

Very local circumstances were reported to the Marshal. That afternoon, Silia personally led troops to surround the military building. In the face of the rush to Speaker Douglas, he only said one sentence:

“The military department needs to clear the portal and go back to the parliament.”

It turns out that even if Douglas wanted to control it, it was useless. Very much, this fire was burned from the military to the parliament, and many have been unveiled, making it too late for lawmakers to escape.

Corruption, embezzlement, theft of arms, neglect of duty … A staggering number of crimes have been exposed, and in just two months dozens of lawmakers have been dismissed. At the beginning Speaker Douglas also wanted to forcibly block the investigation, but as more and more evidence involved the Consettelin family, he even had to shut his mouth.

It was the coalition political group’s shock for two months. The anti-corruption storm blew from the local garrison to the Central Military Headquarters, and swept the High Parliament from the Central Military Headquarters. Every day, different officials are “invited to talk”, and most of them will not go home again; immediately afterwards, their families are monitored, their accounts are frozen, and all assets are liquidated.

This is not bad. After all, the members of the administrative system can go “talk” first, and maybe they can avoid being destined to be liquidated. However, the army and Celia almost covered the sky, and the officers involved did not have any “talk”. The opportunity to talk is directly to disarm the in-situ prison, and then immediately liquidate the assets-if the liquidation is wrong, naturally someone will come to talk to you. But if the “wrong” is too big, then it’s impossible to talk at all: you **** go to a military court to talk to the marshal in person.

The storm raged for four months, and the Union Parliament was dismissed by 62 members. Forty military officers at the military headquarters were arrested and 39 generals were named, including eight generals. Originally Silia had to continue to investigate, but many shady scenes have reached an unimaginable level, and further down will find Speaker Douglas himself.

“You must stop!” That night, Edna forcibly connected to the Marshal’s office phone, and yelled at Silia in front of the guard: “The parliament is a mess! If you continue like this, the administrative system will be paralyzed! You must stop going crazy immediately, now Just stop me! “

Silia stood at her desk and asked indifferently, “What do you want to do?”

“Revoke the investigation team, immediately release the current detained officials to go home, and smooth out the situation from now on! All previously sealed materials were destroyed …”

“Do not.”

“–what did you say?”

“I said no.” Silia’s voice was very calm, and said, “I will temporarily suspend, but those materials will be permanently saved as the basis for the resumption of the investigation in the future. In addition, the relevant evidence pointing to Speaker Consertlin has been retained. , I will make my choice again when the next election. “

Edna seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then slowly asked, “Do you have to talk to me like this?”

The answer to her was silent.

“Gavin … Do you remember, the day before yesterday was the day we were planning to get engaged?”

Silia looked away and whispered, “I went to Egret Star that day.”

“You went to Egret,” Edna said coldly, “but you didn’t come to pick me up before you went.”

The spacious office was quiet, and the two were facing each other across a light screen, each breathing clearly.

For a long time, Edna smiled bitterly: “Forget it, it is not delayed anyway, let’s talk next time.”

The hologram disappeared on the light screen and she cut off the communication.

Celia sat down slowly, holding her forehead in one hand, and could not see any expression on her face. After a moment he waved his hands silently, and the two guards immediately retreated out of pardon.

“You can come in, Kaleyan.” Silia whispered.

A silent voice stood outside the gate, and Kaleyan immediately hesitated, Mo Moyan came in with a tea tray, a little embarrassed on his face: “Sorry Marshal, I didn’t mean it …”

“It doesn’t matter. What kind of tea?”

“Thin, mint–“

Carleyan took a look at Silia, hesitated for a few seconds, and carefully put the tea cup in front of him. “In fact, I think Miss Edna knew about the mutiny of the constellation Serpent, but …”

“I know, so she wants to get engaged early.”

“… In fact, there are many good girls in the world, Marshal.” Carleyan swallowed, carefully: “And the reputation of the local consulate of the Consettelin family is not good, Miss Edna just wants to tie you up On their big ship, if they were replaced by a girl of innocent origin and good character— “

“Kaleyan,” Silia sank, “shut up.”

Carleyan stopped abruptly and whispered, “Sorry, Marshal.”

Celia took a cup of tea and took a sip. His eyes were drooping in the heat, and he could not see any expression. Calleyan was restless, thinking he should have dropped the cup and told him to get out of the way, but after a long time he heard Silia’s voice was very peaceful, and asked, “Have you ever thought about returning to the zodiac sign?”

…… Does this mean sending him back to his place of origin? Carleyan’s eyes dimmed immediately and he said, “I can go at any time … Thank you for taking care of this time, and I will explain to the sir when I go back.”

In fact, he couldn’t explain at all. Although Silia covered him in front of the council, he disappeared and reappeared. The local garrison could not hide it, and his officer would immediately find something strange. Too many people were dragged down by this political storm. Celia had a high weight. They couldn’t move, but it was absolutely no problem to kill him.

The more he thought about it, the more bitter he became, and he felt a little bit arrogant. He just wanted to pretend to be a good person, and just listened to Silia, shaking his head and asking, “How can you explain it to the sergeant by yourself? Knowing that you have a hundred lives, Not dead enough-so, there are several places for soldiers by my side, would you like to come and be my guard? “

For a moment, Kaleyan didn’t believe his ears, but felt that his heart was pounding, and his blood was all over his head.

“But I–but I’m just a junior officer, not a graduate of the Capital Military Academy–“

“I haven’t been to a military academy,” Silia yelled.

Carleyan opened and closed his mouth in vain, and opened and closed his mouth again and again, and finally squeezed a little voice out of his throat after several repetitions: “That’s good … OK, I promise … No, I want to be … No I It means I’m very honored … “

However, Kaleyan’s allegiance was doomed to finish.

Celia got up and patted him on the shoulder, shoved an empty tea cup into his hand, and turned out of the office. l3l42k novel reading network

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