The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 66

Three days later, Venus, Andromeda, and the Glory Legion slowly landed on the huge tarmac.

Kaleyan took a group of adjutants off the bridge, followed by the test “gtx0012” in the left hand. The straight-up Union uniform covered up the lieutenant’s figure very well, and no one knew that his calf under the military pants was shaking at the moment.

The representative of the parliament, Mr. Terva, and the representative of the military general, Admiral Abel, were surrounded by the crowd and waited under the bridge. At the sight of Kaleyan, their expressions changed at the same time:

“A beautiful victory, Lieutenant General Kaleyan!” Mr. Terva was enthusiastic and unreserved. He stepped forward and took a hand to hold Kaleyan and shook it vigorously: “It has been hard all the way, the Council will remember your contribution and Merit! ”

Kaleyan extruded a twisted smile and glanced at Admiral Abel: “You have won …”

Abel was silent and said nothing.

Telva didn’t care: “This is the test subject gtx0012? Why haven’t you injected the gene corrector?-It must be too hastily for the return trip. If the military department can’t afford the staff, I can let the academy help, they Has always been very interested in the test subject … ”

“No, congressman.” Abel said finally, his voice low and humming: “The military department has arranged it.”

The two giants finally confronted each other, and their eyes crackled with countless sparks.

Kalejan took a half-step step, not easily noticeable.

“That being the case, I’m waiting for your good news in Parliament.” After a while, Terva sneered coldly, turning and striding towards the private airship.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and Carleyan breathed a sigh of relief-but he was destined to escape today, and Telva had not gone far. I saw Abel suddenly rushed up like a black bear, and gave him a slap with his head covered. !!


Kaleyan fell to the ground instantly, and only heard Abel yell in faintness: “Why didn’t he capture the star! The waste of greed and fear of death! Obviously, you can kill the Ninth Fleet of the Empire! The waste is all you destroyed!”

Not far away, Telva was a tadpole, and when he was about to rush back to his account, he was pulled by his life and death. After a while, he finally got on the airship.

Carleyan was dizzy, and sat on the ground for a long time before being shaken and aroused by the lieutenant. Abel’s wrath remained, and the huge body close to two meters seemed like a fierce black bear, pointing at him angrily: “I also scold you!”

Kaleyan’s eyes circled, and he felt helpless: “Yeah … yes, you are right …”

“Why did you shrink as soon as the legislature dragged its feet? Is there still a soldier’s backbone! What about rushing up in a hurry, lay down the star, will it not be executed by the parliament?”

“Even if the execution is carried out and the military department is standing in front of it! Will the military department keep watching you being executed? Coward! Lust for fear of death! These gangs are only thinking of senior officials and old foxes …”

Admiral Abel spit, and several adjutants around him were beaten. Calleyang barely blocked it, his face full of pain and anxiety, finally managed to wait for Ebel to spit the saliva almost, then he wiped his face with his sleeve and grinned, “The words are like this, but you have to give it away when you turn it down Either to the Empire or to Dark Star Hall … ”

Aibel immediately had nothing to say, but hummed with dissatisfaction, glanced around, and then glanced at Gavin, who was standing upright.

“This is the test body on the star? The council’s immortal group?”

Aibel strode forward, looked Gavin up and down in disgust for a while, and then stretched out his hand to pinch his hair. Carleyan lifted his eyes to see this scene, and suddenly felt bad: “Hey wait–”

The tragedy has not happened yet, Aibel habitually raised his big fan-like hand, and waved it with or without thinking: “It’s disgusting to see this stuff!”


The giant palm was steadily held ten centimeters above his head. Abel was startled, and saw the “test subject” looking at him coldly, his eyes flashing with an incomparable coldness:

“A gentleman can’t help it. Didn’t his mother teach you when he was young?”

Immediately after that, there was a loud bang, and Ebel’s bear-like body was pushed back two steps, and he sat down on the ground with a heavy butt!

“This, this, this is not, this, this, this …” Aibel only felt that thousands of grass-mud horses were banging in his head, and the whole man was simply stunned: “What is this ?!”

With a terrible expression on his face, Carleyan put his hand down from his face: “This is the failed test body on Red Saturn, and the one on Pluto was thrown out of the spacecraft by this one.”

“But isn’t this one going to Egret ?! Isn’t it missing at the Royal Military Academy?”

“I don’t know why he’s on the star …”

“Why don’t you know? Why did this one throw that one out of the spaceship? What did this mean that this one threw that one out of the spaceship? Now the council wants that test subject—”

Abel suddenly became silent, and then his pupils tightened, staring at Gavin in disbelief.

Carleyan sighed in his heart, “Are you sure you want to say here, Admiral?”

Admiral Black Bear finally woke up like a dream. While staring at Gavin with a mix of shock, reverence, and doubt, he got up and hurried back to the airship.

“… That’s the way it is, and then we’ll go back to Mercury together.” Twenty minutes later, Kaleyan ended his narrative with a helpless shrug.

Calleyan and Abel shrank under the narrow front seat, behind a large luxurious leather seat, Gavin was sitting casually in the window to look out, as if they were not whispering to the two nearby.

Aibel quietly poked his head from the back of his chair, and quickly looked back before turning back. Facial muscles trembled because he was too stiff: “Kaleyan, you must answer my question honestly.”


“If he is really the test subject on Saturn, why do you think he failed?”

Kaleyan’s heart jumped, but his face was not abnormal: “Do you think he is really Marshal Silia? Impossible, the theory of soul refraction is to project the frequency of thoughts directly and completely, and there should be no memory. Any damage. A blank memory of the test subject indicates that the soul is not completely refracted, or only a false mirror image, in which case the person who wakes up is nothing more than a replica. ”

Abel stared at him with brass-like eyes and asked for a while: “Is it possible …”

“Impossible, something that hasn’t been successful for fifty years. Do you think it’s successful now?”

Abel stopped talking, frowning staring at his hand on his knee. After a long time, he only listened to him hesitantly: “In fact, I have heard a legend, but I do n’t know the truth—they say that the refraction of the soul has not been successful so far because the council deleted the memory of the marshal, causing the frequency of thinking to be wrong … One day when the marshal woke up, it means that the frequency of thinking is up, so it should be waking up– ”

Abelton paused and said, “Not only Parliament but Marshal who needs Marshal Silia. You and I all know what the military is like now, and morale and people’s hearts have been dissipated. The □ campaign did not receive any results. What does this mean?-Of course, I am not saying that dozens of generals in the military can’t support daily operations, but whether there is that backbone is not the same. ”

Carleyan’s eyes sank, and he licked his lips, and said, “But you can’t just say this is true because you need it, Admiral.”

“Is it really possible to find a way to prove it!” Aibel waved his hand impatiently, almost hitting Kaleyan’s nose: “The key now is that we need that person, do you understand? The one who does n’t even have independent thinking, but this one can run, jump, and argue with the council. How can we send him away? ”

Carleyan stopped talking, and Abel knew that he was upset, and he also urged him to say: “I know that you guys have a deep relationship with the Marshal, and don’t want to let this be a failure or a real body … This muddy water. But you think if the marshal is here to live, you let him choose, will he stand by and watch the alliance go today? Will the marshal live for the alliance, the alliance is like his life, Where does your selfishness put his own will? ”

“It’s just a failure,” Carleyan said coldly.

“You–” Abel reluctantly resisted the controversial **, rolled his eyes and patted the armrest of the seat heavily: “In short, the failed product is as good as the real body, now we just need such a person! You must let him put The gene solution hit, and then we will hold a press conference to announce the news that the Marshal is back! ”

What more did Kaleyan want to say, Abel got up and walked out of the cockpit, humming and smoking outside.

Aibel stood in front of the deck lobby and exhaled a deep breath of white smoke.

The price of real tobacco this year has exceeded people’s imagination. Perhaps some imperial nobles can still afford it, but basically everyone uses cheap electronic tobacco. More popular among young people are electronic hallucinogens and obsessions. These were contraband in the ancient times of the ancient earth, but now they have become highly sought after new fashions after the dependence has been removed.

At the time of Silia’s administration, senior military officials had to sneak an e-cigarette to hide. In just 50 years, all kinds of strange and fashionable things have become popular. If it weren’t for the lieutenants of several years ago when they attacked soft drugs, it would be hard to say what the bottom officers would rot …

Abel sighed, threw the cigarette **** to the cleaning robot, and was about to return to the cockpit to continue to draw Kareyan, and suddenly turned and stunned: “You–”

Gavin was standing at the other end of the hall, silently watching the field with his feet receding rapidly.

The airship was sweeping toward the main city of Venus, and the sunset gradually disappeared into the mountains. The golden red afterglow continued into a long line, all reflected in the quiet eyes of Gavin. At that moment, the scene was so magnificent, Abel took a moment to subconsciously and said, “You–”

Gavin turned to him.

They stared at each other in the unmanned hall. After a long time, Ebel opened his mouth, his voice was vague but uncertain: “–Do you remember me?”

Gavin looked back indifferently. “The impression is not very clear.”

“No-wait, do you still have an impression?”


“But Kaleyan said you have no memory at all ?!”

“Obviously he didn’t fully tell the truth.”

Abel stared at Gavin in front of him with a surprised and unexpected expression, wondering what to say for a moment. After a while, Gavin glanced at him from the glass, as if searching for memories in his mind: “——Your name is Lev Ebel, the general commander of the Eighth Army of the Alliance. After the battle of the Dark Star Church, he acted without authorization for maintenance Kaleyan broke into the Marshal’s office with a gun, and picked up a pot of hot tea and poured it on my body … I remember so much, in fact, I was also curious how the matter ended, fine or detention? ”

“… was fined five thousand Union Coins for misbehaving,” Abel murmured, “Oh my God, who are you?”

I do not know when Kaleyan came out of the rear compartment, leaning on the door of the hall and looked at them with a complex expression. Gavin’s expression was calm: “I don’t know, but the past is meaningless unless I remember it.”

Abel shook his head slightly, gasping, looking up and down at this omega boy who had the same face as Celia, and seemed a little unacceptable. After a long while, he finally gritted his teeth and determined, Shen said: “Whether you are a real marshal or not, you must become a marshal-the alliance needs you, even as a spiritual representative without any practical effect, we are the most That’s all it takes. ”

“What if I say no?”

“… What do you mean?”

Gavin hugged his arm and turned to rest on the floor-to-ceiling glass. This pose left him with one side of his cheek completely hidden in the shadows. Abel only saw a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: “What is the alliance? ”

“The alliance is …”

“The Alliance is the regime, and the hawks, doves, and neutrals are the parties that make up this regime. The full name of the Alliance is the Milky Way and part of the Outer Galaxy Alliance Republic, which consists of 5,720 governing provinces and 17,646 Alliance planets. Its population was at its peak. The total used to reach 2.486 trillion-now tell me, can these people represent the Alliance? ”

Abel was a little timid: “Yes-yeah …”

“Then you say the league needs me,” Gavin said slightly, asking, “Do they need me?”

Aibel froze instantly.

“These people can live in both the league and the empire. Judging from the current situation, living in the empire may be happier. As for the alliance in your mouth, it is actually an alliance parliament or a broader alliance regime. It is just a What can be replaced at any time, what really matters is what it represents, something more ethereal and elusive. ”

Gavin paused and said, “——It’s the spirit of the alliance.”

Calleyan seemed to understand something, but Abel stood still.

“The Union Parliament ensures the freedom of the people now, but the spirit of the Union ensures the freedom of the people forever. The latter does not need anyone to be its” spiritual representative “, but the former needs a cover to hide their non-union nature, so you are resurrected I.”

Gavin’s smile deepened, and Abel was a little helpless under his eyes, stuttering stupidly: “Then you mean you don’t want to …”

“He didn’t mean that,” Carleyan groaned.

Abel looked at Gavin with a distressed look.

“After I woke up from Red Saturn …” Gavin suddenly indifferently said, “… because of some mistakes, I went to the Egret Royal Military Academy, where I restored some memories.”

After receiving the news from the parliament, Abel felt strange. At that time, he thought it was a trick played by the Consettelin family. Now he knew that it was true, and he was surprised.

“From Egret to Pluto, from Pluto to here, every step I take is driven by various coincidences of destiny. Nothing has been consciously done by myself. But although I I have never pursued the answer, ‘Why was it created’, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want it. ”

“I want to know what kind of person I used to be, what kind of dreams I am willing to die for, and what beliefs I want to die for. I want to know what right things I have done, and there is still the possibility that those mistakes have not changed, and I have no time to do it There is still no opportunity to make up. I am willing to cooperate with you in pursuit of these answers, but not for the needs of the so-called Union Parliament. ”

Abel waited for a while before gradually coming to understand, could not help but justify: “But Marshal Silia never pursued anything for himself, everything he did was for the alliance, the alliance is his life-”

Carleyan tried to retort, but was interrupted by Gavin: “No, Silia is not such a noble person.”

Abel was grieved, but saw Gavin coldly:

“He just died for his personal beliefs. He was not owed by anyone, and there is nothing to admire.”

In the end, Kaleyan’s opposition had no effect. After arriving at the main city of Venus, Abel’s people took Gavin away and arranged for a genetic evolution fluid injection.

The first injection is only a few minutes, but subsequent continuous injections and gene corrections are a long and arduous process. It shortened the process of Gavin’s appearance change on Egret star sharply. Within 72 hours, his bones grew, cell division accelerated, and sexual development was forced to mature to the level of a 24- to 26-year-old adult in the ancient earth age. .

During this period, men’s physiological conditions were the most mature and prosperous. For more than 200 years after Celia became marshal, the public image has been maintained at this stage.

In order to achieve the best public opinion results, both the Parliament and the military agreed that the current Marshal must also appear at this age. Fortunately, Gavin’s body is now close to adulthood, and there is not much genetic modification in all aspects, and the burning growth pain has only lasted for three days.

During this period, he was locked up in a closed laboratory. To prevent genetic contamination, Kareyan could not visit him. In fact, this is a good thing for Gavin, because according to Griffin, the unfinished genetic modification makes Gavin look strange: “In the past two days, your left hand has been 5 cm longer than your right hand, and your eyes are large and small. Hahahaha-!!! ”

By the morning of the fourth day, when Gavin awakened from the bed soaked with cold sweat, the heat and soreness that had accompanied him for 72 hours disappeared. He moved his fingers and felt a little weak, but it was a normal phenomenon that slowly recovered after collapse.

“–It’s done,” Griffin affirmed, floating in the air like a slick light ball: “Come and see.”

Gavin stepped tentatively on the ground, took a step forward a moment later, and walked to the glass mirror.

A mirrorless young man with dark hair and fair complexion is shown in the mirror, with a thin but very straight figure. Standing from shoulder to waist and legs shows a habitual purge.

The contour of his eyebrows is very deep, the bridge of his nose is straight, his lips are thin and tight, and the line from the chin to the neck is long and neat. This kind of appearance has a kind of grim demureness, even a little unfriendly, at first glance, it is the kind of person with strong will and unconvincing.

-This is Celia.

This is the alliance commander Gavin Silia, who has been championed by the Alliance’s hundreds of billions of soldiers for hundreds of years.

The author has something to say:

Yesterday’s thing was scary. I was sitting in a colleague’s car, and when I got a red light, I heard her say, “Hahahaha, look at the front of the car and a glove is stretched out like a human hand hahaha-ah? Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! “Then I looked intently, would I rub it and rot, would you be so scary in broad daylight? !!

Then I always felt that it was a fake hand. My colleague firmly believed that she saw the manual hand and broke the police …

The police said they would follow up, but I have n’t responded to this day. I turned on the lights to sleep last night …

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