The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 68

— “Save us …”

“Save us …”

“Come … Come and save us-!”

Like the endless ghosts in the abyss, the tragic wailing circling from the bottom of the elevator shaft that is unfathomable, Silia glanced at her feet, and suddenly felt as if there was a layer of invisible gray mist covering it!

“Gavin–” Gryphon’s panic voice didn’t fall, Silia grabbed it, and at the same time pulled back the spiritual link that it had never broken, and completely divergent in an instant!

The narrow metal space was filled with silent and screaming: “Save us! Whoever it is, please save us-!”

As if lightning struck through the night, countless pictures burst into the depths of Celia’s mind:

He was standing on the space battleship podium, and the console was filled with excited researchers. In the hall echoed the countdown of the interplanetary electromagnetic cannon test launch. After another thirty seconds, this unprecedented giant electromagnetic cannon will drag a long and gorgeous tail light across the space like a meteor.

The young Alliance Commander lowered his eyes and suddenly felt a slight wind blowing over his ears, and then a distant voice gradually sounded: “Anyone? Can anyone hear us?”

“Please hear us!”

“Stop it … stop it all!”

“Please hear us—!”

Celia suddenly looked up: “Who are you?”

“Marshal?” Everyone around them looked back in wonder, while a researcher suddenly stood up, pointed at the surveillance video and said, “What’s around Marshal? Fog!”

“It’s an unknown electromagnetic wave, pull Marshal away!”

The captain of the guard Heinrich rushed forward, but before he had time to move, Silia waved and stopped. He closed his eyes and focused his thoughts, only to hear the helpless call for help in the wind became clear instantly: “We are astronomical stars, we live in the form of electromagnetic waves!”

“Stop the missile launch, electromagnetic interference will kill us!”

“Please, Commander of Humankind! Only you can hear us, please!”

-Celia’s face changed instantly.

“Fourteen, thirteen, twelve … nine, eight, seven, six …” The countdown in the hall became louder and louder. Missile experts stared at the monitor screen, and saw the electromagnetic muzzle of the ship’s external body suddenly flashing eye-catching White light. Just as the missile was about to launch, Celia opened her eyes and yelled, “——Stop!”

“Yuan, Marshal ?!”

Everyone was horrified. At the launch of the thousand troops, Silia suddenly drew his gun, and a shot broke the green launch button on the console dozens of meters away: “I said stop! Stop firing, immediately!”

With a loud bang, the chief engineer flew out subconsciously, and pushed the power to the drawbar to the bottom!

“Three, two, one-the launch procedure was suspended, warning, warning, the launch procedure was suspended …”

Red light flashed in the hall, and the missile stopped in the barrel at the last second. Everyone around was shocked. The chief engineer grabbed the lever and turned around, gasping and looking at the Alliance Commander.

For a moment the surroundings were extremely quiet, and Silia breathed a sigh of relief:

“Sorry, I just discovered that the magnetic field conditions in the vicinity are different. Let the Academy of Sciences submit a report after the survey … Missile testing continues, and the entire army is notified to jump to a light year before bombing.”

No one knows that when he said this, the Uranus gathered in a breeze, and quietly passed from the Alliance Commander’s ears:

“Thank you, Human Commander!”

“The Uranus owes you a favor, and we will meet again!”


The picture of memory suddenly disappeared, Celia suddenly looked back, and suddenly felt that a whirlwind was blowing in the elevator without warning:

“Please! Marshal human! Please hear us!”

“Hurry up and save us, Dark Star Church is coming to kill us!”

“… Ultraman?” Silia extracted this important term from his memory: “Have we ever met?”

There are many small and trivial sounds in the sound of the wind. It is probably that Uranus people communicate with each other with unique frequencies. After a few seconds, they screamed at the same time: “Yes, you saved us! We help, but there are traitors among us! ”

“Dark Star Church caught us in the counter magnetic field and forced us to surrender your legacy!”

“But your legacy has returned to Uranus, and if we shut it down, we will die in the counter magnetic field!”

Communicating with the Uranus is a strenuous task. They are confused and fused with each other in the form of electromagnetic waves, and they are noisy and mixed together. Silia interrupted them immediately: “Wait, I was looking for you‘ I ’? I may just be a copy of my soul ’s reflection…”

“Soul cannot be copied!” The Utopian sharply said, “Yes, it is you who come to us!”

Silia froze for a moment, then an inexplicable complex feeling rose from the bottom of her heart.

It turned out that the experiment on Saturn was successful, and I did …

But what is the so-called legacy, and why “has gone back to Uranus”? Yunes captured the Uranus because-

“Please help us destroy the counter magnetic field!” Perhaps the elevator is getting closer to the 250th floor, the power of the counter magnetic field is getting stronger and stronger, and the voice of the Uranus star is suddenly desperate: “I want you Come to Ultima, but watch out for Yunez! ”


“Be sure to come to Uranus! Be careful about Yunes! Dark Star Hall is going to the constellation Serpent-”

Ding Dong!

The number above the elevator was fixed at 250. A very uncomfortable aura suddenly covered this small metal space. The air was filled with static electricity, and the voice of the Uranus had suddenly disappeared.

“… against the magnetic field,” Silia murmured.

He grabbed the griffin, instantly turned into gloves, and suddenly got up and clung to the top of the elevator, his whole body like a thin layer of paper. At the same time, the elevator door slowly opened, and there was a short corridor outside. At the end, a dark star apprentice patrolling here heard the sound and looked at the elevator empty.

“Who is there?”

It was quiet around.

“Who is there?”

The apprentice became vigilant and raised his gun slowly towards the elevator. The surroundings were so quiet that he could only hear his own breathing, but the moment he stepped into the elevator door, a sudden wind blew from his head, Celia fell into the air, his apprentice’s head tightly clasped with his knees, a beautiful neat He twisted his waist and pressed him to the ground!


The apprentice couldn’t make a sound, so Silia pushed out of the elevator like a lightning, squeezed to the corner of the wall and grabbed his right shoulder with a hand and chopped it off, while covering his mouth with an iron clamp: “Don’t call! Or kill you!”

The lightning-like pain ran through the nerves, and the apprentice’s face was cold and sweaty, but he could only make a helpless sound of “唔唔”.

“Barnet is in?”

“Hmm …”

Celia relaxed his hand a little, and the apprentice immediately yelled, “Come on-oh!”

There was a snapping sound, and his left shoulder was also cut cleanly. This severe pain made the apprentice fall to the ground immediately, and he had no strength except shivering. Silia picked up the gun he had fallen to the ground, slowly facing the apprentice’s temple, and said, “I’m not going to kill you for the apprentice’s sake … Barnett is in the n? The magnetic field control room is in the n? ”

The apprentice shuddered, and his eyes could not help expressing a look of fear and forgiveness. Silia watched for a while, then let go of the hand that blocked his mouth slightly. Sure enough, he only heard his voice shuddering dumbly: “Zone 3, 3b, Lord Barnett lives in zone 3b-”

“What about the magnetic field control room?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t know …”

As soon as Celia moved his hand, the apprentice collapsed and screamed, “Don’t kill me, I really all—”

哐 When a loud bang sounded, Silia smashed a gun into the back of the apprentice, and immediately smashed him to death.

“Griffon, scan area 3b.”

The griffin, a mere wink, didn’t wait for Silia to tell the second time to find out the result, and quickly projected the shortest path to the destination in the air, at the same time wondering: “Oh-wrong, Why are there so many people in Area 3b … ”

Those people were green thermal images in the projection, and Silia quickly glanced off the apprentice’s black robe and put it on himself, grabbing his gun and walking forward.

The entire 250th floor is like an intricate large labyrinth, and the walls on both sides are mostly temporarily constructed electromagnetic materials. It can be seen that this has been transformed in a hurry. These materials constitute an anti-magnetic field and at the same time greatly interfere with the Gryphon’s scanning system. Silia and the other Dark Star apprentices on patrol have encountered several times along the way. Fortunately, they escaped each time by disguise.

Soon, the 3b zone markings appeared on the front wall. Celia was clinging to the wall and silently stretched his head to look at the corner. Suddenly the pupils enlarged slightly–

A figure curled up quietly outside the turn.

It was a naked boy with a naked body. The large skin of honey under the lights made people dare not look squarely, his head was deeply down, and most of his face was hidden under the bangs.

However, Silia recognized him in an instant-it was himself!

When I woke up on Red Saturn, I was not genetically modified!

Celia’s eyebrows were completely twisted. From the corner, the expression suddenly turned into an unpleasant disgust and disgust—the test subject had blue and red crisscross on the upper body, wide legs, and lower and upper body. trace. I can imagine what Barnett did to it here, and then just leave it here no matter what, just like a **** toy that you just throw away!

“This pervert …” Silia whispered, and suddenly heard the griffin be careful: “Uh, Gavin?”


“I received a communication request. It was … was sent …”


This is the first time that Griffin has received communications from other imperial mechs since it was “unusual”. The significance of this is no different than when a treason fled to a foreign country and suddenly received a call from his own president one day. The griffin was connected to the video with an uneasy mood. Unexpectedly, Heinrich’s voice came, full of unstoppable excitement: “Gavin, I–”

His voice stopped abruptly, Heinli hoped the boy in front of him, his expression blank.

“… You misunderstood.” Silia grabbed the gryphon and twisted to herself, calmly: “Not what you think.”

“No you are now–”

The voice stopped abruptly again, Heinli hoped that the adult body in front of Silia, his expression blank.

“… This is a misunderstanding.” Silia touched her face. “——Gene corrector.”

Heinrich’s mind was instantly filled with all kinds of unsightly yellow lenses. His trembling hands pointed at Celia and the test subject, his mouth closed several times before he could barely make a sound: “You-you- -you guys–”

“Look at the porn,” Mario Silia said. “It was Barnett.”

Heinrich was immersed in the fragrant imagination of his brain, and only a moment later reflected on who Barnett was-when he invaded the Royal Military Academy in the Mech League with Osrod, he was later beaten by the puppet and Phoenix together. Back, I did not expect that this cannon fodder was still alive, and even dared to do this to Silia as a test subject!

Heinrich only felt that there was a wicked fire in his heart and he rushed overhead: “Where are you now? What is going on ?!”

Silia moved forward carefully, explaining things quickly and simply. The emperor was indeed a genius playing with politics. When Silia said that he came to Barnett, he immediately responded: “Do you want to assassinate this person on the parliament’s site, and excuse the Dark Star Church and the parliament?”

“Not only that, Barnett belongs to Osrod, and Osrod and Yunes have been fighting each other for power for a long time.”

The emperor shook his head immediately when he heard the words: “But your plan is too hasty, and it is impossible to leave no flaws. I am afraid that Oslod will not turn his hate on Younes?”

Silia leaned over the corridor, and saw two half-open bedroom doors at the end, soft and luxurious lights and humming sounds through the door gap. He stared tightly at the door and raised the corner of his mouth. There was something cold in his smile: “No, Osrod doesn’t care about flaws. He only lacks one reason … Yunes still sees the big picture, Oslod is just a waste that can only see small profits in front of him. ”

At this time, only a squeaking sound was heard, the bedroom door was pushed open, and two identical test subjects came out.

The Griffin flew in Silia’s ear, and the camera was facing the bedroom door, so Heinrich also saw this scene that made him bloody: the two were dragging another test subject in their hands, but only Softly slumped on the ground, it looks like the whole body’s bones are broken, apparently being severely sexually abused and beaten!

“Barnett!” Heinrich rose up horribly, his eyes burning with terrifying anger: “I must-I must-!”

“Why don’t I know how much you love the inflatable doll.” Silia said casually, as the two subjects approached themselves, they suddenly reached out and caught one.

The test subject had no soul and acted purely on spiritual instructions. This one was hooked, and the other didn’t stop, numbly dragging his companion forward. Silia didn’t care about it, just stared at the eyes of the test subject in her hand, and raised her mental threshold to the limit-

Like linking the mech’s virtual nerve plug, the test subject bounced suddenly and looked up at Silia.

Suddenly, Silia’s eyebrows jumped slightly: the test subject was human, after all, the setting of the mental plug in the brain was more complicated than that of the mech mental plug, and even he had a sense of weakness.

But immediately after the test subject obediently extended his hand, Celia breathed a little breath and turned the gryphon into a tiny light dagger into its palm.

The test subject turned around and stood there for a while, as if two contradictory instructions in the mental plug were fighting each other. After a while, instructions from Silia finally prevailed, as it shuffled as it came, slowly walking towards the bedroom door.

No one spoke in the hallway, only the footsteps of the test subject fell to the ground, the air was so tight that it almost solidified. After ten seconds, the subject finally stood in front of the open door and raised his light dagger.

In the bedroom, Barnett must also want to enjoy the gentleness of the countryside, not even noticing a walking dead **** | Love Doll, already showed him a butcher knife-

At this moment, the light dagger automatically focused, and the test subject suddenly raised his hands to split, and the blue fan-shaped electromagnetic light cried to Barnett!

Everything happened in the same second, so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye.

At the moment the blue light was split, Barnett suddenly jumped out of the big bed, and fell down like a huge raptor: “Who–”

With a bang, he knocked the test subject to the ground, and twisted his head with his hands and palms!

The blood of the test subject’s head and neck raged, and Barnett seized the light dagger in his hand. He was about to look carefully but suddenly felt wrong: “Mecha ?!”

At the same time, at the end of the corridor, Celia suddenly raised his hand and drank a moment before Barnett threw the light dagger far away: “Griffon-”

At that moment, no matter how fast Barnett reacted, it was too late. The five-dimensional alloy was instantly deformed, and the griffin turned into a half-meter-long barb. After listening to the noise, he pierced himself from Barnett. Throat!

With a rush, Barnett fell to his knees, staring at the figure at the end of the corridor, before he squeezed out a few words: “West … Silia …”

As soon as Celia reached out, the gryphon suddenly turned back into a saber.

“You, you sure …”

With every word Barnett had, a lot of blood came out of his mouth, but Silia was expressionless and looked at him coldly, and fell to the ground.

“What’s going on?” “What’s the sound?” At the same time, footsteps were heard deep in the maze of corridors, and the apprentices on patrol were alarmed. Celia glanced around quickly, and saw countless corridors in all directions, and for a moment it was impossible to tell which direction the Dark Star apprentice rushed over.

Fortunately, at the moment of the killing, the griffin suddenly pointed the blade toward the two o’clock in front of him: “There!”

Silia rushed into the lane like a lightning. After a few steps, the terrain changed again, and there were four left and right forks. Griffin was scanning the escape route nervously. Suddenly there was a rushing run from the fork. In a moment, a black shadow flew out of the fork!

Speaking of it later, when the attacker slashed with his knife in the air, at the moment when the attack came on the head, Celia pulled back his sword with a hand-


The bright sound of golden stone excitement caused earaches, Silia stared at the apprentice’s face, and finally a look of surprise came out:


The author has something to say: Remember who Claire was? The bad boy who was beaten by Gavin at the Royal Military Academy, who later teamed up with Dean, Gavin and others to participate in the Mech League ~ l3l42k Novel Reading Network

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