The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 71

At that moment, countless people stood up arrogantly, the tables and chairs were knocked to the ground, and many people were smashed to their feet without notice.


“No, no …”

“Really! Really Marshal Silia!”

The crowd came like a wave. Diplomats couldn’t even care about their image. They pushed towards each other and rushed to the door. Someone even stepped on their shoes and didn’t notice it.

Silia looked at all this quietly, without any expression on her face, not even moving her eyebrows.

He walked into the magnificent meeting place, and the moment he stepped on the ground, it seemed that there was an invisible force that forced everyone to retreat involuntarily and made way for him. Everyone’s face was incredibly awe-inspiring, and the screams disappeared like boiling water pressed down by the lid.

Silia followed the path of the crowd to the high platform, everyone’s eyes were staring at him, and somebody suddenly shivered, “Marshal, are you really back?”

The sound, though faint, was clearly harsh in the silent hall.

It’s like a stone thrown into the water, and the ripples quickly ripple and expand, and slowly everyone commotions again: “Is it true, Marshal?”

“Marshal, do you remember us! Clock face galaxy!”

“Will you continue our military contract ?! We are the autonomous provinces outside the galaxy!”

“Will the Alliance fight the Empire immediately, please answer our Marshal!”

The noisy rapidly expanded upright, almost overturning the roof. Celia seemed to be blind to everything around him, and his cold sides were still motionless, so he walked straight through the crowd and stepped onto the stage in the different eyes of the MPs.

At that moment, Speaker Marcas happened to put down the miniature communicator, seemingly inadvertently nodding at Celia.

However, this action was too fast, not even noticed by Douglas Conceitlin, who stood next to him, but stepped forward suddenly: “Marshal, the alliance welcomes you back-”

When the words did not fall, a black figure stood up arrogantly, reached out and stopped Silia.

Douglas froze and stared at Yunes.

“Silla,” he said coldly, and reached for Silia’s wrist.

All of a sudden, the hustle and bustle went away quickly, the panicked speaker, Douglas in doubt, and the many eyes cast by the excited crowd turned into a blurred background in the eyes of the two.

“Master Younes …” Speaker Markas took a step forward and paused again.

“Is that you?” Yunes’s voice was hoarse and cold, and only the two of them could hear: “-dear Silia?”

Yunes’ snake-like pupil seemed to penetrate the heart, piercing straight into Silia’s eye socket. The latter’s face didn’t have the slightest wave, his eyes remained motionless like standing water, and even—the pulse on his wrist didn’t change at all.

Unez’s eyes changed slightly.

Is this really a test subject?

So who killed Barnett last night? !!

“Master Yunes.” Douglas stepped forward suddenly, motioning his eyes to let go quickly.

After all, the scene was in full view, and the test station would be exposed for too long. Yunes stared at Silia for a few seconds without a word, slowly released his hand, and took a half step back.

Douglas finally breathed a sigh of relief, and motioned to the confidant to lead the “test subject” to the seat, and turned and coughed a few times to the excited crowd: “Dear guests-”

He repeated it several times before the crowd barely quieted, listening only to his black-armored Yunes: “Dear guests, please allow me to introduce you to the new ally of the Alliance Parliament. He is from the Dark Star government. The representative, who has the same meaning as Marshal Silia, has made an indelible contribution in the process of re-establishing the government of the alliance. On behalf of the alliance government, I would like to express my sincere and warm thanks to Mr. Younes! ”

The guests were clearly absent-minded, and a few seconds of applause rang out after a pause.

But Yunies didn’t mind, standing up and staring at the diplomats from various galaxies, and then a cold smile appeared:

“Good evening, gentlemen and ladies.”

Silia’s eyes changed suddenly from the first word he pronounced, but everyone around him was unaware.

“On behalf of the Dark Star Church, I would like to thank the envoys of the independent galaxies for coming to this unforgettable event. Everything tonight will be destined to be remembered by history. When people remember the dark Star Church’s rise again in the future, everyone, The names will accompany the glory and brilliance of Dark Star Hall, and will always remain in the history of the universe. ”

Yunes yawned, a cold smile on his face.

——At this time, his voice seemed to have changed a bit, more hoarse and deeper than usual, and the ending even caused a slight vibration of the air, which sounded like a dementing feeling.

The audience in the audience seemed to be unaware. The VIPs in the front row first calmed down, all of them stared blankly at Yunes, and then the quiet range quickly expanded in a fan shape, until the commotion of the back row visitors gradually stopped.

Speaker Markas seemed wrong, and suddenly turned to look at Douglas.

However, Douglas stood with confidence, and his eyes were not unexpected.

“Dark Star Hall was once a great and brilliant organization, with nearly half of the power of the Milky Way, but we lost everything on the way to expansion. We were confined in a five-dimensional space, and jiē touched higher and mysterious technology. With the unimaginable power present here, today, with a great mission, stood before the world again. ”

Yunez’s voice seemed to have a magical power, and the whole hall fell into a dead silence with his words.

Speaker Marcus stared at the dull eyes of the VIPs in the audience. After a moment, he turned his head to see Silia, only to find that his face was sinking in water, and there was an indescribable light in Wei’s eyes.

“West …” Markas’s extremely slight voice was interrupted by a hand suddenly resting on his shoulder as soon as he exited, listening only to Douglas’s voice sounding behind him: “What’s wrong with you, Speaker?”

Marcus turned back in fright: “Douglas, what’s going on with these people?”

Douglas narrowed his wrinkled eyes and said coldly, “Hypnosis.”

“Hypnosis … hypnosis ?!”

“Dark Star Hall is a pioneer in harnessing human spiritual power, and Lord Yunes is even more outstanding. His spiritual threshold is no less than that of Marshal Silia during his heyday. Because of this, their dedicated help to parliament It is even more valuable, and it is a powerful help on our way to countering the empire. ”

“But this way …”

Markas didn’t finish talking, only listening to Yunes’ voice suddenly raised:

“——Please go back and tell the governors of the galaxies. As long as they want to cooperate, Dark Star Church will never be stubborn to give a helping hand. The great technology and power we have are their indispensable resources Is also an indispensable help to achieve the great cause! ”

There was a slight agitation in the audience, and many diplomats showed a frenzy of admiration on their faces.

This scene made Speaker Marcus scary. Turning his head, he saw a condescending smile on the corner of Yunes’ mouth. The expression appeared on his pale and cold face. It felt really chilling. If these people were conscious If you are sober, you will feel creepy.

“Let’s get back to business-in order to show the sincerity of Dark Star Church’s cooperation with the Alliance, we deliberately helped the parliament catch the spy from the empire and brought him here.”

As soon as Yunes raised his hand, two black armored warriors carried an electric light flashing iron cage out of the gate, and saw the blood-stained Dean hung in the cage!

Dean’s appearance was hard to say whether he was still awake. A large rib fracture caused obvious deformation of the chest cavity. Dry blood flowed back from the two arms to the shoulder socket and chest, leaving a startling dark black mark. Although the intellects of the audience have been manipulated by the audience, seeing this cruel scene, they still gave a low exclamation.

“The name of the spy is Dean Lageri, the only son of Major General Lageri of the Imperial Ministry. He was lurked by the empire to the Alliance Government and stole a large amount of important information. Dark Star Church caught the spy at the request of the Parliament However, he would rather die than plead guilty. The parliament had no choice but to sentence him to death. ”

Yunes turned back sharply: “–Marshal Silia.”

Silia sat quietly there.

“Everyone knows that you and the empire have the same hatred …” Yunes smiled coldly and said, “Since you have returned to the alliance, then please personally execute the death penalty for the spy of this empire.” ”

At that moment Silia understood why the gendarmerie had prepared a test helmet for the test subject.

If they were only going to let the test subject enter the field and sit down, sticking to the end like a stake, it would be a simple task. But now Yunes intends to kill Dean with his hand-the complexity of this task requires the preparation of sophisticated procedures in order for the test subject to behave as planned.

A dark star warrior walked to Yunes with a gun and slumped and raised his hand high. Yunes took the gun and turned to Silia, with a profound cold smile under his eyes.

Silia stared blankly at this series of actions. After a few seconds of silence in the audience, he only slowly stood up and walked to Yunes.

“Take the blood of this person to sacrifice the hero who died in the Alliance.” Yunes said coldly, uttering the whole voice: “–Marshal Silia, starting from the first shot today, you will represent the Alliance to the Empire Revenge Xue hate! ”

Silia didn’t even move her eyelids, reached out to take the gun, and turned to Dean, who was hanging in the cage.

There was a slight commotion from the audience, and it seemed that some people felt that it was inappropriate, but in the blink of an eye, Yunes suppressed it with a stronger spirit. Every ten seconds or so everyone stared at the muzzle of the black hole. The ladies in the front row were pale, but could not turn their eyes anyway.

“…” Dean lifted his head reluctantly in the cage, his cracked lips moved, and his voice was like a mosquito: “Gavin …”

There was no expression on Celia’s face.

“Hand Marshal,” Yunes said intensified, and asked, “Are you not going to avenge the soldiers who died? Are you not going to counterattack the empire? I can now guarantee on behalf of Dark Star Church, as long as the alliance cooperates Sincerity, we can immediately— ”

“Gavin …” Dean repeated again, tears seeping from the corners of his bloodstained eyes.

However, Silia did not listen to any of them.

He slowly clasped his hand on the trigger, leaning his head slightly, as if listening to other movements, and then suddenly turned to the door—

There seemed to be an invisible lead in the air, and just as it was about to burn to its end, I heard only a heavy sound-oh!

“Yunes-!” A few dark star warriors entered the door, and Osrod was the first to yell, “Don’t dream, I don’t agree!”

All the changes happened in an instant-Oslod rushed to the high platform in a short stride, and suddenly drew his sword away!

Then Silia and Yunes moved.

Celia lost his gun and stretched out his hand. The Gryphon volley turned into a red gold saber and grabbed his wrist and split it. Yunes grabbed the waist scabbard, and the black electric light knife suddenly popped out, drawing a fan-shaped light in the air!


The two’s counterattack turned into the same loud noise, chopped on Oslod’s knife from both left and right!

The huge force completely broke the blade between the electric light and flint, and even Oslod fell out!

“You!” Osrod didn’t yell at him, and saw that the blades of Yunes and Silia turned at the same time in the air. The next time, “Ding!” A loud deafening sound, and the two arrived instantly. Come together!

“Sure enough you! Celia-!”

“Crap,” Silia yelled, and flung Yunes out of the sword!

Now Douglas knows that it is no longer dull, and then turns back and asks, “What’s going on ?!”

Abel didn’t hear anything, and Kaleyan was watching the movement on the court, as if he didn’t know he was asking himself. Douglas turned to Speaker Marcus in a desperate anger, and the Speaker suddenly realized, and then asked: “What’s going on?”

“I …” Douglas could bear the curse **, “Lieutenant General Kaleyan! How did this happen ?!”

“Ask me?” Kaleyan just returned, and asked inexplicably, “What did you do, didn’t you want the Marshal?”


Calleyan pointed to the field: “Marshal.” What expression can you say?

Douglas almost smoked, grabbed the communicator and shouted, “The gendarmerie! Call the gendarmerie to the court to control the field! Hurry!”

Who knows the panic screamed in the communicator: “No good Mr. Douglas, the satellite shows that our space fortress has been breached! The transition gate is occupied by a foreign fleet, please immediately issue an orange secondary air alarm! ”

“This … what’s going on?” Douglas’s face turned pale and almost crumbling: “Quickly, let the Guangyao Army be prepared to meet, and then ask the ground mech team to protect the auditorium …”

There were noisy running and screams over the communicator. After a while, the monitor’s panic sounded again. This time, the tone almost changed. “Mr. Douglas! The radar shows that the ground mech team has entered the Guangyao Army station. There was no call response from the headquarters of the Guangyao Army … ”

Douglas slammed the communicator and stared at Kaleyan with red eyes: “What the **** are you doing ?!”

Calleyan pointed his nose in surprise, or looked innocent: “You … you ask me? I’m sitting here early in the morning, I don’t know anything …”

He was even more hateful than Silia, who had ridiculed his skills, and perhaps he was about to pounce on him. Douglas trembled with anger, but calmed down a few seconds later, staring at Calebyan and asking, “-what did Silia let you do?”

His eyes were almost terrifying, and even Speaker Marcus shuddered.

“… Nothing, Mr. Douglas.” Carleyan finally put away the smile that made him so eager to look at him, and said lightly, “Don’t you think it’s ridiculous? Since hundreds of years ago, the Consettelin family Since you were still in power, you have been forcing the military to ask ‘what did Silia do to you?’, But until today you have no idea what Silia wants to do … ”


“It’s a plan, Silia.” On the other side of the venue, Yunes slowly got up from the ground and said slowly, then turned sharply to Osrod: “–Stop!”

Osrod was about to rush over, and he stifled suddenly.

He and the intruders who broke in looked very embarrassed. Apparently, after Barnett’s death, they had a fierce conflict with the group of Yunes, but suffered a big loss-this is conceivable, The differences between the Dark Star Warriors’ generations are very clear. Although Osrod himself is extremely tyrannical, it is more than a hundred years behind their faction, and it is difficult to bridge the gap in strength.

Unez’s men immediately surrounded a few people who broke in with Osrod, and the field was suddenly tense. Yunes glanced up and down Oslod and asked coldly, “How did you get away?”

“Snakes have snakes, rats and rats,” Osrod was about to get angry, and Silia yelled, “It’s your problem not to shut him up, don’t you understand Yunes? I haven’t grown a bit over the years.”

Yunes immediately retorted, but just opened his mouth and snorted again: “Do you think I will be easily provoked by you?”

“You think you have the value of being provoked by me.” Silia smiled.

It’s this familiar and hateful face … Yunez saved all the doubts and gritted his teeth directly to confirm: “You killed Barnett! You killed him, and then gave me the trouble, in order to stir up Is Dark Star Hall’s internal conflict correct ?! ”

Silia did not answer, turning to Osrod and asking, “Do you believe it?”

The provocation was almost without concealment.

If Osrod says he believes that the Alliance’s people killed the Dark Star Warrior, Yunes’ plan to cooperate with the Alliance to counterattack the Empire will inevitably be aborted. As Oslo, who has always opposed this plan, this has only benefited him and did no harm.

If he said he didn’t believe that the killer who insisted on killing Barnett was Yunes, then Yunes must peel off a layer of skin in front of the Presbyterian Church, or lose most of his power. As Oslo, who has always been competing with him for power and profit, the potential benefits are even greater.

In any case, the situation has reached the worst situation for Unez, unless a little–

Osrod was willing to spare Barnett’s death and stand on the same front as Yunes.

But would he be willing to do so?

“You know …” Osrod narrowed his eyes to Silia, slowly: “I might avenge Barnett, and I will deal with you with Yunes.”

Silia didn’t even raise her eyelids. “If you really think so, you won’t be looking for life to come to Yunes to settle accounts.”

Although this was a nasty word, it was not without reason. Oslo suddenly hesitated, only to hear him smile again: “But if I were you, now go back to the Dark Star Church directly to report to the elders. Ba Knight is a high-level warrior, Yunes killed him for no reason, and tried to kill you together. This bold behavior will surely make the elders understand the true colors of his concealed evils … Once the elders have shot, the intensity can Is n’t that what you cry now and tears up and toss, ca n’t you even imagine that? ”

Oslod was a little shaken when he heard his words, and Yunes sneered at once when he looked at him: “Do you think you can go if you want to go?”

“You won’t be able to walk alone, but if I help you hold Yunes-” Celia picked the tip of the knife and a faint smile on her lips: “It’s all done, don’t say Brother doesn’t hurt you. ”

Yunes suddenly turned his head and stared at Silia. His eyes were extremely gloomy, and he asked for a moment: “Do you think he really wants to let you go, Osrod? Don’t you forget who was the first to bring the knife? It’s yours, if he really wants to help you, why not help you hack me ?! ”

The two factions confronted each other, and the air was so tight that they were choking. Osrod’s eyes slowly patrolled on both of them, and a moment later his hoarse voice said, “I know, he just wants to stir up a quarrel between you and me.”

A smile of Celia was reflected on the bright blade of Akim Saber: “Oh, will I succeed?”

The conference hall was so silent that almost even a needle fell to the ground. Osrod clenched his fist, his nails pierced the flesh of his palm, but he felt only a moment of twisted pleasure.

“You will.” He took a half step back, suddenly got up and swept backwards, screaming sharply: “–help me block Yunes!”

Everyone moved at that moment!

Oslod’s Dark Star Warrior backed up all at once, rushing to the door like lightning!

Yunes stepped forward, but then the cold light flashed in front of him, “Cang!” A heavy metal clash, and saw Silia’s horizontal sword blocking him in front of him!

——It was too heavy at that moment, and even made the mouth of the tiger numb, and the opposing blade trembled under the unimaginable force. Unies and Silia froze with each other, their eyes were less than a palm away, and a few seconds later the man with a pair of snake pupils smiled slyly.

“Do you think I’m still the one I lost to you four hundred years ago?-Silia, you’re wrong.”

When the words didn’t fall, Silia caught a glimpse of something. As soon as he looked up, the scene behind Yunes suddenly jumped into sight, making his face suddenly change! l3l42k novel reading network

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