The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 75

It takes twenty-four days to fly from Venus, the consortium’s capital, Andromeda to Uranus, including transitions.

The conditions for military warships cannot be very good, but in the case of only two people, the conditions are still very good. The automatic cleaning system cleans up the living area every day, the temperature is suitable for fresh air, and the entertainment facilities are complete. Every day, the intelligent service system will make a rich package of ingredients without the need for two passengers to worry.

Celia also found a reserved area in the ship’s laboratory. Organic soil can be used to grow fast-growing fruits and vegetables. It can be fully mature in two to three days, and the taste is quite good because the temperature is properly controlled.

Considering that Heinrich was handcuffed all day and unable to move, Celia specially planted a vitamin-rich berry to help him regulate endocrine. As a result, the water content of the berry was large. Heinrich asked to go to the toilet every hour. Silia could only turn the gryphon into a pistol, and went with him against his head.

The emperor was also very bachelor when standing up, standing in the toilet and holding it in his hands | Then, suddenly asked, “What are you doing?”


Celia looked up suddenly, so the two eyes met in front of the mirror, Heinrich immediately seized the evidence of the crime: “You peep at me!”

Celia: “…”

If this is on Empire Street, an alpha who claims to have been sexually harassed by omega can definitely be stabbed to death by the onlookers. Heinrich will be happy to do it, and he will do this trick in two days. At first Silia ignored him, and then got bored. When the emperor’s old skills were re-applied, he replied casually: “I’ll see what happens?”


“It’s not like I haven’t seen it yet. Is it smaller when I look at it again?”

“…” Heinrich finally found himself falling behind. “Oh … oh, is it good-looking?”

“Good-looking, good-looking.” Silia couldn’t help but shouted, “I think you just take off your clothes, the birds, and you have to come to the toilet every hour to take off your pants, how about it?”

This is a military battleship. The emperor can no longer pull his face to streak naked, so he has to put away the bird suddenly: “You are just afraid of trouble …”

“You just toss it every hour.”

“Who told you to handcuff me?”

“Who told you to be shackled by me?”

The two clawed out of the toilet, and Silia shackled Heinrich back to the command hall. The emperor looked at the red-golden griffon handcuffs on his wrist, and suddenly hummed and asked, “If I resisted, would you really kill me?”

“I’ll detain you to Union Prison.”

“What about your estrus?”


“Do you have the heart to ask me to eat under Douglas?”

“Why not bear it?” Silia paused, then suddenly re-sentered: “Just keep him in too, and you two will be in the prison to accompany the birds.”

Heinrich chuckled a laugh, and Silia shook her head with a smile, as if she felt very ridiculous.

He sat in the armchair opposite Heinrich, reading a book, a hardcover version of a cowhide that he didn’t know from which corner. This year’s paper books are very expensive, especially the cover is covered with gold and silver, which is thick enough to smash a strong alpha like Heinrich into the head, and it has a very special military history. A limited edition souvenir from the emperor to the top of the Ninth Fleet.

Celia looked at the book stand on his knees with interest, and after a while couldn’t help but ask: “Did the League of Legends and the Empire really have a battle loss ratio of 25 to 9 during the first Galaxy war?”

The emperor looked up at the ceiling: “Hmm.”

“The league was beaten to run?”


“Almost forced to relocate?”


Celia turned a page, and shook her head and smiled, “I really should detain you to kill the birds with Douglas.”

The emperor’s face was a little red, and his eyes wandered for a long time and he couldn’t figure out how to refute it. In the end, he was speechless, and he snorted heavily, “Douglas is the father of Edna Conceitlin, and you have the patience to shut him down? When his daughter shed tears in front of you, you still have to die?”

Silia’s memory has not completely returned, even if it has been remembered, it is very vague, only vaguely knows what relationship Edna has with herself. But knowing is one thing, and feelings are another. He has a limited subconscious impression of Edna’s survivorship, not to mention seeing her with President Caroline at the Royal Military Academy, so she had no other ideas. Already.

So he just shook his head: “It’s two different things. It doesn’t matter if she cries or not.”

Heinrich sneered: “Isn’t pity for Hongxiang again?”

“Douglas’ presence has hampered the development of the alliance and this person must be removed.”

“Even if his daughter is crying, must she be eliminated?”

“It’s okay to say it.”

“She will tearfully ask you so much …”

“What’s the matter with you today?” Silia finally looked up from the book and asked Qi: “Is this difficult to understand, am I crying at you and you will dissolve the army? I will cry for a while to dissolve the parliament?” Then if I beg your tears, please, will you abdicate? ”

Heinrich actually thought about it for a while, and said for a while: “The empire is not mine. I can’t do this.”

As soon as Silia was about to look down and read a book, he heard him say, “But abdication can be considered.”

When the Emperor said this, he was very serious, without any jokes. Celia looked up at him, obviously a little surprised: “Oh, who do you want to inherit the throne?”

“Our children.”

“…” Rao is full of taunting skills of Silia. At this moment, he couldn’t help twitching his lips and looked at Heinrich, but saw that the face of a man with a hard face like a bronze sculpture was full of seriousness: “Silla, we Children will be the most suitable people in this universe to bring humans forward. If the emperor would become an obstacle to the empire, I need someone to replace me with a justification and use the power of the emperor to change the existence of the emperor And overthrow and rebuild the existing empire of the empire. This person must have the so-called ‘destiny’ as the background, that is, you and my child will be the best and only candidate. ”

Celia’s eyes slowly changed. He closed the book and stared at Heinrich, before he asked hoarsely: “How do you suddenly think of this?”

“I’ve been thinking about this. Do you remember when I tried to open Phoenix?”

At that time, Heinrich tried everything to get the Phoenix, and even made Aaron a cover, took someone into the military school to steal the mech, and almost caught the military student Gavin hiding in the laboratory. “At that time, I wanted to get you … the DNA in the body, so as to train a child to be the heir. This child will inherit your unparalleled reputation and popular support. Once born, you will have the support of people with different political opinions, so that one day when When he challenged the empire ’s existing government, resistance from all walks of life would be much less … People would think that he was born with the mission of introducing the spirit of democracy into the empire. Celia, he would have very crucial political significance. I have to have this child. ”

It was quiet all around, listening only to the slight hum of the driving system.

Silia stroked the book cover subconsciously, after a long time coldly: “You seem to be suggesting the constitutional monarchy …”

In fact, if you change to ordinary people, the first reaction at this time must be: “Do you want to use my child as a political tool?”

But the thinking of the marshal and the emperor was obviously on the other frequency band. Heinrich’s upper body looked forward and Shen said: “I’m not sure that is the only way out, but I will make various attempts until I leave. On the right path. ”


After that conversation, Silia was silent for a long time, as if to ponder over the truth and feasibility of Heinrich’s words in his heart. Until two days later, they were sitting by the huge floor-to-ceiling portholes and drinking tea. The emperor was trying to use his mental power to counter the Griffin, and suddenly he heard Silia suddenly say: “Regional reform usually takes a long time. Inrich. ”

The emperor raised his head unexpectedly, and then responded a moment later: “So?”

“Just 50 years after the establishment of the Gemini Empire, most of the existing aristocratic classes were the rich and the arms dealers who made war investment in the emperor during the first galactic war, as well as some of the relics who came from the upper families of the Alliance. In the war era, they It is your powerful alliance to contribute money and provide all kinds of information for the emperor. However, their rapid expansion in peacetime has posed a serious threat to the imperial power, so you are not happy with them. ”

“At the same time, over time, you find that you alone cannot solve many problems in this vast territory-a large part of which is caused by these aristocratic classes-so you have doubts about yourself and feel authoritarian | The system is too dangerous. It may make you take the wrong step and become the eternal sinner of the galaxy. ”

Heinrich frowned slightly. “… So what do you mean?”

“So, your dissatisfaction with Independence | Arbitration is ultimately because your mind and the aristocratic class cannot be unified, which is very rare in the history of the human empire. Usually the interests of the emperor are tied to the class of the great aristocracy and the landlord. The so-called dictatorship does not refer to the dictatorship of the emperor alone, but the dictatorship of the entire country led by the emperor. The system will naturally achieve this. You just need time. ”

Heinrich understood Silia’s meaning almost immediately this time: “You mean I won’t change my mind in a few years?”

Silia nodded and calmly nodded: “When you reach a consensus with the aristocratic class-either you change your mind or they change your mind, in this case I prefer to be you-from that moment on you You will find that the empire is running a lot smoother. Problems that could not be solved by me have now become handy. It seems that the monarchy is not so bad; at that time, I doubt if you will adhere to any constitutional monarchy. ”

They sat in front of the portholes, starry in the vast sky. In the distance, the Andromeda Nebula is as splendid as a chain. It slowly rotates along the entire spiral arm, and extends all the way to the dark depths.

Heinrich was silent for a long time.

“Everything comes from your speculation, Silia …” He whispered, “But people are different, and history may not repeat itself every time.”

Although he said so, it was not unreasonable to know Silia’s point of view subconsciously.

Celia has also been a dictator.

This is perhaps the most amazing part of the alliance system-the inevitable beginning of parliament after the continuation of the millennium, and the festering, and the rapidly expanding military forces need a strong leader to rule, this person is Gavin Sealy Asia.

In fact, in the series of events against the political invasion of the Consettelin family, the cleaning of the military and parliament **, and the pacification of the constellation of the Serpent ’s Constellation, Celia was almost speaking out; his policy could not be discussed through parliament Because the parliament was already the source of the problem at that time.

Of course, he can’t go to discuss with the military, after all, the army is not a place that advocates democracy, and military power will inevitably become a hotbed of dictatorship. So he took a few years of dictatorship against the coalition government like walking a tightrope. After several dangerous and efficient reforms, in the praise of the people, he found that he almost became the biggest opponent of democracy.

“The taste of power is very sweet …” Silia paused, as if sighing: “The feeling that it can be implemented immediately when there is an idea, and there is no delay in the implementation of the policy, and everyone feels at your pace. It is the temptation that everyone in power cannot refuse. ”

Heinrich said to me that was not the case. But after thinking about it, my situation is different because the interests of the imperial class are not unified. At that time, the coalition government was like a bird cage in Celia’s hand. Any stupid bird who wanted to make a head had to pass his hand, but it was not true independence. | Cut it?

Celia took a breath, and after a long while, spit it out slowly and completely, as if to spit out a cloud of breath in his lungs. “You’re saying very well now, dictatorships cure a serious alliance with a dose of medicine, then turn the monarchy into a constitutional monarchy, and go back to that best starting point. But you forget Time won’t make everything go in the best direction. Now your firm will is the biggest variable in the future. ”

He stood up and walked out of the hatch with his empty tea cup. Just came to the door and suddenly heard Heinrich’s calm voice coming from behind him: “Do you know that some beliefs will not be defeated by time?”

There was a slight disapproval in Celia’s eyes, and he only listened to Heinrich a little smile and said, “My dear, many times I can do what you can’t do, but you don’t believe it.”


Every night after they boarded the ship, he slept in a separate room. Heinrich was locked in bed with handcuffs transformed by griffins, and Silia’s bedroom was opposite the door. That night Heinrich thought repeatedly about what they were talking about, didn’t fall asleep until late at night, suddenly turned over and asked: “Griffon?”

The griffin asked, “What?”

“Can you loose me a little bit?”

“…” Griffin said painfully: “My Majesty, my loyalty to the empire is beyond doubt, but the order he gave me is to keep you locked. You also know that the marshal can be fierce …”

Heinrich didn’t even have the slightest sign to stab the mech. He just changed his tone and asked, “Did he keep you locked on me like this?”

“This … There are no rules on how to lock it down.”

“Then you asked me to stand up and shackle my hands. I can’t move my upper body. Isn’t it locked?”

Griffin froze, “Okay-it seems like it’s okay.”

“Can you do that?”

Griffin’s intuition seemed to be wrong, but he couldn’t tell what was wrong. It was embarrassed under the eyes of the emperor’s deterrent ice-blue eyes, and shouted, “Although it is not impossible …”

Celia’s control of the mech is purely spiritual, but the intelligence of the mech is not as good as the human’s independent thinking ability. Although the Griffin will fully obey Silia’s order to “lock the emperor’s hand”, it seems a little confused in the face of Heinrich’s sophistry, and thinks that changing the position to lock does not violate Silia’s hard order what.

If you replaced it with the most intelligent Kirin or Phoenix, you would slap the emperor out of the galaxy at this time. But Griffin only thought for a while, and asked, “So … what do you … what do you want to do?”

“I didn’t understand what Silia told me during the day, and wanted to ask him at night to ask.” The emperor heard the shake in Griffin’s tone, and suddenly his face sank: “——Do you still want to pull Phoenix’s little hand? ! ”

Griffin was shocked: “The Phoenix is ​​Gavin!”

“Now in your hand! I can match it to you tomorrow!”


The emperor’s eyes narrowed, and the griffin finally defeated completely: “I, I will still handcuff you … If you are not good for the marshal, I will stop it, I will stop it immediately!”

Heinrich then broke away from the bed full of heart, stood up in a tightly-cuffed posture by the griffin, and opened the door with his shoulders.

The bedroom opposite Silia was closed, but not locked. This is the habit of all the guards who are heavily guarded. It is convenient for bodyguards to rush in to save people if necessary; however, Heinrich now saves the tools to pry the door.

The bedroom was very quiet, and distant starlight spilled into the room from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the darkness slowly surrounded it like a quiet river. The whole person of Silia fell asleep deep in the big bed, Heinrich went to the bed and sat down, only to see his face in the shadow was as innocent and calm as the newborn baby, his lips were slightly open, because of the wetness of his breath It looks very moist with anger, and looks very kissy at first glance.

This way he is different from the day when the two men slap their tongues and swords, and loses all kinds of sharp counterattacks and rebuttals. It looks particularly soft and foolish. It emits a sweet cold air like a fast-melting ice cream, directly hooking people up. Licked.

Heinrich stared at him motionlessly, as if to take his face deep into his heart at this moment, and never forget it again. After a long time he bowed, and a dragonfly printed a kiss on the corner of the pale red lips.

——Omega’s constitution is easy to fatigue, poor vigilance, not easy to wake up when sleeping. Although this determines that they are in a weak position in natural competition, in the eyes of alpha, it is simply a cute trait.

Silia’s situation was relatively light, but Heinrich was spoiled. He stuck out his tongue and licked it a few times on the lips, and it felt as if he was licking a very soft and very sweet piece of honey. His breath was full of the seductive sweet smell of omega. The urge to go.

“Um …” Celia frowned as she felt something.

Heinrich smiled silently.

He lowered his head and kissed Silia’s earlobe gently, and then slid across the cheek to the corner of his lips, even sticking the tip of his tongue in and touching his slightly opened teeth. This caressing was a little provocative. After a while, he raised his head and looked at Silia up close again. His eyes fell on his eyebrows, which trembled slightly with his breathing, and he looked so quietly for a long time. His eyes were full of affection.

“I see where you look for inhibitors …”

Heinrich drew a smug smile, and then bit his tongue. The **** blood immediately burst out, and he bowed his head and kissed heavily. l3l42k novel reading network

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