The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 93

Kaleyan stared at Heinrich. At that moment, he really wanted to see what the emperor’s skin was made of. How could it be so thick? After a while, he shook his head in wonder, sighing, ” Emperor, you are really … ”

Heinrich looked innocent, and even tilted his head in disappointment. ****** $ 100 + degree + search ++ small + speak + net + watch + most + new + chapter + section ****

Calleyang finally gave a thumbs helplessly, showing that he was convinced, then got up and rolled up his cuffs, and ordered people: “Bring the white sword of Lord Silia.”

Kaleyan publicly asked Silia for a gift during his title ceremony, which is this platinum sword. At that time, Silia did not expect this, and he felt hesitant about subconsciously, but in the eyes of the public, it was not easy to reject it arbitrarily, only to be given to him.

However, as soon as the platinum sword was shot, Silia reacted to what was going on: this sword was used by him in his early years. When the marshal began to use the double s mech phoenix, this sword was put on the shelf. Now, what is the difference between Calleyan publicly begging him when he is a general, and publicly rejecting the marshal’s power?

But in the eyes of everyone, it was not easy to regret it. Celia had to say that it was just a temporary gift. After the better blade was developed for Kaleyan in the future, the sword had to be recovered.

At that time, Kaleyan said nothing, Gao Xingxing agreed, and always came back with a platinum sword, like an amulet.

“Marshal.” The lieutenant walked quickly through the hall, holding up the countermagnetism box.

Calleyan grabbed the sword from the box and yanked it out of the sheath. I saw that the blue light swept across the entire platinum sword body like a flame, and Kaleyan strode into the field, Shen said, “Then there is a request, Your Majesty!”

Heinrich smiled, without further ado, stabbed at Carleyang with his wrist!

The blow took almost 10% of the force, and the 3s gun’s body immediately flashed a gorgeous black light, sweeping in a fan shape! Kaleyan stepped back immediately, listening only to the sound of a deafening sound, the long sword hit the tip of the gun, and the huge shock almost let the hilt out of hand!

–I! rub! you! Zu! Zong!

At that moment, all the ancestors of the emperor’s family were greeted countless times by Kaleyan, their good grandson Heinrich shook the gun, and the sound of countless metal impacts, such as heavy rain and pear blossom, completely surrounded the field!

There was a gasp on the league table, and the civil servants were still surprised, but the generals yelled at the same time-you **** too bullying!

This fierce hand is Yan Wu? Is it learning? !! Just take 3s weapons to fight, what does it mean to be so endless! Not to mention that the opponent is the Alliance Commander, even if it is against the Empire’s own generals, this is too much!

“Be careful!” Just listening to the emperor shouting, the gun body was stabbed back like lightning!

I saw the black-gold streamer at the tip of the gun burst out, and Kaleyan had no time to escape, and had to hurdle his sword in a hurry. “Ding!” A sharp stab sounded, and the electromagnetic flame emitted by the sword was canceled stiffly. When the tip of the gun hit, there were numerous cracks in the sword body, followed by several cracks!

“I fuck–” Kaleyan yelled, the flash of light swept around the spear by the electric light and flint, and rushed to the emperor!

The spear is a long-range weapon. Although it has been shortened in close combat, it is still nearly 1.5 meters long. Coupled with the ubiquitous high-voltage electromagnetic in the gun body, he was stunned by such a powerful person as Heinrich, and it was simply invincible, a human-shaped battery.

Although the distance from Heinrich’s hand to the tip of the gun is relatively vacuum, it is not easy to break in. The deadly black gold streamer is flying in the sky at any time. hurt!

Originally, Kaleyan was afraid that this was difficult to let go, but it was beaten like this, it was almost angrily burning into his eyes, and he rushed forward along the gun body with a black heart full of black gold flames. , Screaming and slamming into the emperor’s chest with a heavy sword: “You fucking–be careful–”


Calleyan was indeed the former head of the guard. He launched Weilai with two brushes. Heinrich quickly retracted his gun and returned to defense, and barely blocked the shock of the stone!

So Rao, he was still hit by that huge force, and he took a half step back, and when his hand holding the handle of the gun drew, the blue tendons exploded: “-OK!”

This roar shook the mountain, not so much as to applaud the opponent, in fact, shocked Kaleyan in both ears! At this moment, Heinrich’s rifle slid down the sword body, waved his arm out of the harsh sound of the metal phase, and flew Carleyan out!


Carleyan fell heavily several meters away, and everyone in the alliance immediately rose up, and before he rushed out, General Abel screamed angrily: “Stop!”

A few generals gritted their teeth and stopped, and saw Kaleyan reluctantly stood up, and his throat knot slipped up and down—it was swallowing blood.

Everyone on the field saw the scores clearly, Heinrich’s ice-blue eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked a little gloomy and happy. He turned his spear to the side, stared at Calebyan coldly, and asked, “All right, Marshal Calebyan?”

“Good skills …” Carleyan took a moment to stand still, gritted his teeth and wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth: “I did not expect that the dignified emperor was so proficient in melee, and escaped from training in the past?”

Of course, no melee is needed to win the battle. The commander is only required to take precautions when he is in town. Only when the army defeated and was defeated by the enemy all the way to the flagship, the coach would need to fight while running under the cover of the guard.

“Yeah,” Heinrich said indifferently to the obvious satire, and said lightly, “It was just because he often ran away that he practiced this way. Running and running, he established an empire.”

Although this sounded very quiet, but the sound was plain and no mood, and there was a complex taste under the detail. The alliance was stunned up and down, and then suddenly saw an Alliance guard walking quickly from the entrance of the main hall, saluting to the front, and loudly said: “Marshal Kaleyan! The leader of the Celia army let me take it Message, can you say it now? ”

Although the main hall was noisy, the voice of the commander was loud, and the entire alliance suddenly calmed down, and even Kaleyan turned his head immediately.

Then a wonderful thing happened: just as Kaleyan was about to speak to the soldier, I saw the entire Empire general sitting upright, straightening his back, and only listening to the emperor saying: “—— Say it! ”

Kaleyan: “…”

Everyone in the alliance: “……………”

The commander’s mouth twitched twice and turned to the emperor to salute: “Your Majesty, the commander of the Silia Army heard that you are performing martial arts in the hall. Would you like to ask His Majesty to prepare a lottery?”

The question is simple, the emperor and the martyrs said: “The empire tradition is that the winner will receive a letter of commendation and a piece of diamond fruit … how, do your regiments like diamond fruit?”

The commander shook his head: “Thank you for your enthusiasm. The commander of the army said that Marshal Kaleyan was an admiral, his military strategy was acceptable, and his personal martial arts were flat. If he continued to fight, he would certainly not be defeated, and the alliance gave in.

From the alliance to the empire, there was a shudder. I saw that the commander pulled out a paper letter from his pocket, unfolded, stepped forward, and handed it to the emperor:

“This is a letter of commendation issued by the commander of the legion, please accept it!”

A silence.

The hall was completely silent.

“Alas!” A laugh came from somewhere, and then the entire league grinned. Even the most upright Lieutenant General Mo Wen covered his face in his arms, and his shoulders shook with a smile.

The bad ones are, for example, Kaleyan. The smile on his face cannot be concealed, and he smiles while covering his mouth and coughing: “The chief of the legion is so busy with official duties, really … hahahaha! Hahahaha! … ”

The expressions on the faces of the Empire generals were all brilliant, and the words were indescribable. The emperor looked at the commendation book in tears and laughed, only to see that it really read, “The Gemini Emperor Seth Heinrich is brave and extraordinary, and hereby proves that he is encouraged to use the words”. There is also the signature of Gavin Silia in the lower right corner!

“Silla, this is …”

The emperor did not finish speaking, but was interrupted by the commander: “The chief said that other prizes are temporarily unavailable, but after returning to the alliance, he can send them to the empire, please do not mind.” He turned around and said to Kaleyan A salute: “Marshal! The regiment has something to bring you and your generals!”

Kaleyan and the Alliance immediately smiled and closed, and sat upright, listening only to the commander: “The chief of the army said,” You are here for peace talks! ”

“Dark Star Church is still raging in the empire territory, and it is about to break into Egret Star, but what kind of sword are you still playing here! Really so talented, why not go hand in hand with Dark Star Church ?! You ca n’t tell the priorities, you just drag a common person better than you, what general do you want!-Go to the military academy and rebuild it! ”

The commander bowed and said coldly, “The commander of the army is finished.”

When he said a word, he replied that after saluting all the members of the league, his face was full of sincerity. The people in the Empire did not even know what to look for. Some turned their faces and couldn’t bear to see them. Some buried their heads and didn’t dare to show up. The arrogant arrogance just disappeared without a trace—half a moment. Admiral Aaron twitched and said, “Marshal … Marshal Silia learned …”

The empire was extremely embarrassed. The emperor looked at the alliance and looked at the commendation book in his hand. After a long time, he suddenly smiled very slowly, saying slowly:

“The words of your captain are well written—”

As he said, he carefully folded the commendation book in half, put it in his chest pocket, beckoned, and beckoned: “Come! No comparison! No drinking!”


It was a lively drink, and the alliances that were defeated to the family and the empire that had been reprimanded to the face were not to blame. Instead, you can do your best.

During the evening meeting, many people were unstable, leaning crazily on the shoulders of their colleagues, walking along the way, crying and crying, “Why don’t I have a wife —”

“So lonely–”

“There are no daughters-in-law, women —”

Carleyan twitched and said, how can you have daughters-in-law? The inequality policy of the empire will continue, and soon the omega will smuggle into the alliance in batches.

The attendant of the palace took the alliance mission to the inner palace to settle, and respectfully distributed the residence to everyone. The new Kremlin is not only large but also magnificent. The emperor did not deduct them in this regard. Everyone was assigned extremely spacious and luxurious royal suites, such as Kareyan, Abel, and indoor gardens.

Calleyan had doubts about the emperor’s arrangement, but when he saw that Silia lived with them, and was next to him upstairs, he said nothing more.

That night, because drinking and fighting spent too much energy, the alliance mission did not hold internal meetings, but quickly disbanded and went to sleep. Even Kareyan talked to Silia’s internal newsletter for a few words, then lay down with the lights off, and soon fell asleep in alcohol and exhaustion.

The Winter Palace under the starry sky is wrapped in silver, and the silver window veneers and crystal decorations sparkle under the light. There was silence in the Guobin Building, and the emperor stepped on the thick carpet, as if a large beast predator could not make a sound, and stood in front of the spacious and exquisite suite door at the end of the corridor.

A groove emerged silently from the originally empty wall. The emperor picked up the card and swiped, and the door opened with a click.


Silia, leaning on the sofa in the living room, suddenly looked up and saw Heinrich leaning gracefully against the door frame, teasing: “The legal spouse you have been commended, the prize is still owed … what is it? 2k novel reading network

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