The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

2-12 The descent

“That horn… are we under attack?” Lyra asked, her bow and arrows at the ready. Celia huddled close to Lyra’s legs, holding her skirt in unease.

“No,” said Iris who was still sipping her tea without an ounce of worry. “It just means that there are some complications. Therefore, be prepared for anything. If we’re under attack, the horn will be sounded thrice in a single beat.”

Erin was unconvinced of Iris’ words considering her Sixth Sense just went off. She focused her ears to the sounds outside of the cart, but the results were poor. The splashes of the road puddles and the pitter-patters of the rain overwhelmed every other sound. She could only hear the storm’s rage aside from the hooves trampling and the wheels turning on the soaked dirt of the roads.

“This is not uncommon, Miss Lyra. We don’t expect everything will always go according to plan,” explained Joshua.

The whole caravan then came to an abrupt stop. While everyone almost fell over from their place, Erin was the only unbothered by the sudden change of motion. She felt it coming with her Sixth Sense and she used her tails to prevent Celia from falling.

“We have stopped…” Joshua mused as he turned his gaze to the door.

“Shall I go and inspect the issue, Lady Iris?” Erin asked.

“No,” Iris answered. “The two of you are my personal guards. My safety is your top priority.”

Following the next minute, a knock resounded from the door. The knock had a peculiar rhythm.

“Come in,” Iris said with a raised voice.

The door opened and a man dressed in leather armor climbed in. Although Erin recognized him as one of the caravan guards, she gripped the hilt of her sword and Lyra’s finger on her arrows in the quiver.

The guard kneeled before them.

“Report,” Iris demanded.

“The main path is blocked by boulders and logs,” the guard said. “It would take more than half a day depending on the current weather.”

“Boulders and logs?”

“It’s not work of nature, Lady Iris. It was deliberately put there.”

“I see...” Iris pondered stilly.

“The scouts suspect this to be the work of bandits. We have another path. It’s a few hours slower than the main path. It’s wide enough to fit two caravans.”

“And the catch?”

The guard gulped at Iris’ question. “This path is a cliff. The edge is steep and the fall is long.”

“Lady Iris, I know I’m speaking out of line but I highly recommend that we turn back,” Erin suggested.

“That’s impossible,” the guard said.

Everyone raised their eyebrows at his words.

“The road back is also blocked.”

Erin clutched her chest, where she hid the Magic Relay rod. “Did the scouts see any monsters?” she asked.

“No, they haven’t,” the guard answered.

“Are you sure?” Erin questioned.

“Respectfully speaking, Lady Erin, it couldn’t have been monsters. They don’t have the smarts for something of this degree. Furthermore, it’s a downpour. Monsters and animals don’t hunt in the rain unless they’re short on food.”

A crease formed on Erin’s brows as trepidation set in. While it was true that beasts don’t normally hunt in the rain, the same couldn’t necessarily be said for the monsters that were out on the hunt for the loose end to their puppeteer of a master. “This hurdle might be the handiwork of the owner of the Magic Relay rod,” Erin concluded in her mind.

“What do the others say about this?” Iris asked.

“The rain is already delaying the journey by hours. If we make any unscheduled stops, we might be late by about a day more.”

“So the others decided to take the cliff path?”

The guard nodded.

Iris sighed and gave a nod too. She then waved her hand at the guard. The guard bowed with his head and took his leave.

“This is extremely unwise. You know that, don’t you, Lady Iris?” Erin couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s more than unwise,” Iris admitted readily. “It’s plain greedy and stupid but who am I to judge? We can’t afford any more delays or we’ll risk giving our rivals an edge over us.. If we let some weather and bandits deter us, our rivals will take advantage of this.”

Lyra scoffed. “Never thought you’re the kind to be bothered by what people say about you.”

“Reputation is just another form of currency, Miss Lyra,” Iris retorted with a smile.

After a minute more or so, the caravans began moving once again. Erin could feel the cart turning into a different path and the unease in her heart stirred greater than before.

“This is really a bad idea,” Erin mulled.

“The competition is fierce, Lady Erin,” Joshua said. “Our rivals will take whatever opportunity they can to ruin us.”

“For the sake of an argument, what if it isn’t bandits?” Lyra threw such a question.

“I have nothing but the utter confidence in the ability of our guards.” Iris directed a grin at Erin and Lyra. “Whatever beset unto our path, I have faith the two of you will live up to the praises of the Guild.”

“Speaking of the guards,” Erin scowled. “Why us? I can tell a lot of the adventurers out there are more capable than us. So why didn’t you choose them instead?”

Iris continued drinking her tea at a relaxed pace, a sip at a time. “Yes, they’re capable but if strength is the only trait I’m looking for, I can get them anywhere. I choose the two of you because Aedan trusts you. And trust goes a long way. If you want real allies or friends, trust is the thing you look for.”

“You trust us but I’m sure you are aware that the feeling’s not mutual.”

“I am aware and I don’t expect to earn your trust this easily. Not after the displays I have put in front of you. But whatever, cast aside such worries for now. Sit down, Lady Erin. Your tea’s getting cold.”

Erin eyed the Umbrum scrutinizingly for a few seconds before taking her seat and drinking a few sips from her tea. “It is getting cold...” she mused in her heart.

Erin wanted nothing but to put herself at ease for the duration of the journey. However, that was something she couldn’t easily achieve, not as long as she was in the same room as Iris. As defenseless as the Umbrum was presenting herself to be, Erin wasn’t naive to believe that to be the reality.

Another thing Erin just couldn’t wrap around was Iris’ persistence in gaining her trust. Iris had been doing nothing but trying to get her trust ever since they became acquainted. Erin didn’t know why but her hunch told her it wasn’t for anything good, at least not in a relative sense. The Umbrum wasn’t even reserved when it came to the intimate matters of nightly companionship.

Before Erin’s thoughts descended any further into a spiral, her Sixth Sense reeled her thoughts back to the present.

[Sixth Sense activated. Threat detected.]

Her eyes widened. The lack of the word “imminent” was absent from the notice. She was about to warn the others when a faint red flash streaked into the cart through the blinded windows. And the whole cart shook violently. Their cups tumbled from the small table, spilling their teas.

Celia let out a sharp cry. Lyra dropped her bow and embraced Celia in her arms to comfort her. “There there, it’s alright. It’s probably nothing.”

The caravans came to another abrupt stop. The horn sounded, thrice in a single beat.

“We’re under attack,” Joshua gasped out the obvious.

Everything was quiet then. No movements made. No sounds but the fall of the heavy rain outside. They waited in trepidation for the one moment. All of them held their breath.

“Razor Grizzly!” someone shouted from the outside.

“You got to be joking!” Erin screamed in her mind. She gestured at Lyra to cupped Celia’s ears, which Lyra did. Celia was staring into the wall, her eyes widening as the noises outside drowned out.

A red flash followed that loud utterance. Screams trailed behind shortly, accompanied with tremors. A roar that shook the earth swallowed the air. The rushing of feet and hooves resounded in awful rhythm. Sounds of metal and flesh clashing ensued. Cries of battle echoed loudly. The snarls and growls of monsters were heard clearly by everyone in the caravan.

Celia shrieked. Her hands gripped tightly onto Lyra’s shirt. Lyra could do nothing but offer words of assurance as she stroked her back gently.

“It ain’t bandits,” Erin muttered under her breath. Her hand clutching tighter on her chest. “And it could even control a Razor Grizzly? That’s so fucking fair!”

“Red lightning...” Iris frowned. “It is as I have heard from the reports but a Razor Grizzly… this is highly unexpected. How competent is that Necromancer?”

“Lady Iris, I—”

“I know, Erin. I have been informed of this danger and your true purpose in becoming my personal guard.”

Erin was surprised by Iris' calm demeanor but it was no time to be. “Then you know what those monsters aftering. If I stay here, I’ll be bringing death to everyone here.”

“Our caravans are enchanted with protection spells. It would take a Wyvern to deal significant damage on the caravans. And the adventurers we hired are not too shabby themselves as you had already pointed it out minutes ago.”

“We’re on a cliff!” Erin bellowed. “Even if they can’t destroy the caravans, they can just push it off. Don’t you see? They lured us here for that reason. And it’s raining heavily out there. What’s to say that this cliff can even hold the weight?”

Iris turned her frown upside down, into her usual complacent smile. “You severely underestimated your allies, Lady Erin. Being attacked by monsters or humans isn’t the first time for us. We have handled it and we will handle it again this time.”

“You underestimated the enemy. I know what they are—”

A loud bang on the door interrupted Erin.

“Lady Iris, we’re under attack by monsters!” a man shouted from behind the door. His shadow from beyond the covered window exhibited his panic well. “There’s too many of them! We’re surrounded on all sides!”

“What kind of monsters?” Iris shouted back.

“Many kinds! Goblins, Serks, Dire Wolves, Rock—” before his sentence was complete, he was silenced by a rock to his head. His head splattered into bits, smudging the window.

Even amidst the rain and thunder, Erin could hear the steps of the monsters from outside the cart. This was a good indication of the monsters’ numbers. She didn’t even need her heightened hearing to pick up on those sounds.

The roar of the Razor Grizzly trembled the earth once again. Red lightning descended as crimson flashes streaked through the narrow gaps of the caravan. More screams followed.

“I stand corrected, Lady Erin,” Iris said. “The threat is much greater than we anticipated. To be able to amass such a frightening amount of monsters... this might even be the work of some powerful organization.”

“There must be hundreds out there. Guess now we know what happened to the recent dwindling numbers of monsters.” Joshua surmised. “We surely wouldn’t lose with our own numbers and strength but we will suffer a lot of casualties.”

“Shouldn’t we help them?” Lyra asked.

“If you leave, what about the girl?” Joshua asked back.

“So we just let them fend for themselves? We need to do something.”

“So off you go and leave your employer vulnerable?” Iris feigned her disbelief melodramatically. “Miss Lyra, you are not the caravans’ guard, you are mine. I am your priority. Fending off the monsters is not your job, it’s the others’. Your job is to ensure my safety and surely, the little girl’s too, wouldn’t you agree?”

Lyra bit her lips in frustration. She was never a charitable person but she was neither the kind to stand at the side without extending a hand while everyone else risked their lives.

Erin clicked her tongue and stood up. She tied her hair up into a ponytail and walked to the door.

“Erin, where are you going?” Lyra grabbed the Fox-kin’s hand, stopping her in her tracks.

Erin knew Lyra couldn’t be convinced no matter what reason she gave. Instead of words, she unleashed a tiny spark of lightning to Lyra’s grip.

Lyra yelped and her grip loosened.

Erin seized this moment and dashed out of the caravan, not before telling Lyra to guard the two and Celia with her best. She avoided gazing at Celia’s eyes to prevent doubts from forming around her decision. She knew she was going against her employer’s orders but she had enough sacrifices. She had experienced it enough in her past life. She had stepped on others for her gain in order to attain the title of Sword Saint. She had even wronged those that trusted her. This was her second life, a second chance.

“Holy fuck…!” Erin uttered at the sight. The adventurer-guards were holding their own against the monsters but the numbers were in the triple. The area was riddled with all sorts of monsters. There were even Orcs and Trolls but thankfully, their number was in the single.

An Orc rushed at Erin the instant it set its sights on her. Erin dodged low and unsheathed her saber upwards, turning the Orc into two halves.

[Experience gained +5% - Level Progression: 85%]

Goblins lunged at her from all sides. She parted her footwork and drew a circle with her extended leg and her saber, lopping off the Goblins’ heads.

[Experience gained +2%]

[Experience gained +2%]

[Experience gained +2%]

[Experience gained +2% - Level Progression: 93%]

A troll took interest in her and came trampling its way through. It was pushing everything away in its path and some of the monsters were trampled by its charge. The Troll was wielding a tree log as its weapon.

“Thank the spirits for the rain,” Erin muttered and lazily pointed at the Troll. She fired a lightning bolt at the Troll. The small bolt erupted into a colossal discharge as the drenched body of the troll became the cause of the Troll’s own demise. The lightning spread fast and far but stopped its discharge before reaching Erin herself. She eyed the charred Troll victoriously.

[Experience gained +5% - Level Progression: 98%]

The monsters only had numbers to their advantage. Each of the monsters were outleveled by the adventurers. The Goblins and Dire Wolves which tried to attack the Tuskrogs were stomped into a splatter of flesh and blood. The adventurers and guard had accumulated a lot of wounded from the ambush but the fatalities could be counted in one hand.

The circumstances weren’t as dire as she feared, or at least that was Erin’s wishful thinking.

[Sixth Sense activated. Dire threat detected.]

“Oh shite of hell.” Erin’s eyes widened. Her pupils cast the reflection of a continuous crimson gleam.

Atop of the small hill by the path, stood a large bear-like monster in all of its might. It’s odd-looking razor-like claws were as big as its head and its tusks were half the length of its arm. Its body was clad in red lightning.

“Level thirty-two...” Erin gasped out her shock as she appraised the Razor Grizzly. And as she expected, its status read; Spellbound. “I can’t stay here.”

Though she remembered her reason for travelling in a group, she just couldn’t in good conscience lead all these people to their deaths while knowing she could have prevented it. The sheer number of the monsters were unexpected but doable for them. However, the Razor Grizzly might as well be the straw that broke the camel’s back. What’s more, the terrain they were fighting on was completely against their odds.

The Razor Grizzly was firing off large thunderbolts at random places. The adventurers and guards were quick with their feet and the caravans were able to withstand the attacks. However, the ground they were on would give out first.

“This is bad,” Erin murmured.

Erin whistled with all of her breath, a sharp melody spread out into the air. The Razor Grizzly's attention was reeled and it instantly found Erin in its sights.

Making sure the Razor Grizzly had its interest on her, Erin began to run back to where they came from, away from the caravans. When Erin glanced over her shoulder, she was shocked to find the Razor Grizzly being faster than its size had led to believe.

“How the f—” before her complaint could fully escape from her lips, the Razor Grizzly tossed a piece of the ground at her. She turned around and easily cleaved through the boulder with Arcane Edge but the force from the toss alone threw Erin a couple of feet back. She was shocked by the strength in that toss. It made her even more convinced that she was no opponent of this monster no matter how wise she fought.

The Razor Grizzly roared to the sky. The thunder descended upon it, turning the natural color of thunder into that of blood red. It then launched a huge bolt of red lightning at Erin.

Erin leaped off the ground and received the lightning assault head on. She imbued lightning of her own into her saber, a spell of Lightning Magic she learned on her own accord after being inspired by Arcane Edge, Lightning Infusion. Her blade caught the red lightning and in a split second, the crimson lightning streaked to her whole body. Erin endured the searing the pain by gritting her teeth. Using the strength of her tails, she swung in the air and threw the lightning she received back at the Razor Grizzly, added with her own lightning attack.

The Razor Grizzly fired off another lightning bolt.

The air rippled violently as the earth trembled. The deafening clash of thunders raised a cloud of mud instead of dust due to the rain.

The shockwave threw the Razor Grizzly back and Erin was launched off the cliff. She wasted no time to draw her other sword. She imbued both her swords with Arcane Edge and stabbed into the wall of the cliff as she fell, slowing her descent drastically. She had no doubts Revenant would revive her if she died but considering it was something given by the same Goddess who gave her Lust Deviant, she wasn’t too keen on trying the skill out.

She reached the bottom safely after a long descent. Her arms throbbed in pain but she bore with it. She threw her gaze up the wall, observing the distance.

“Yeah… I’m not getting back up through this way. The rain made the wall too slippery to be climbed.”

Her attention was quickly shifted to her back as the sounds of steps approached her. The word “Wight” and “Spellbound” appeared in her appraisal result from the approaching individual. The individual was dragging a bastard sword through the mud as it limped towards her.

“Well… at least now I know what happened to you, Marcus,” Erin muttered ruefully. 


Erinthea - Faerie-kin: Three-Tailed Fox-kin

Level: 12 | Status: Moderate Exhaustion

Might: 20 | Arcane: 20 | Finesse: 19

Magic Arts
Spirit Magic Lv. 8 | Arcane Edge Lv. 3 | Arcane Armor Lv. 6 | Lightning Magic Lv. 1

Combat Arts
Sword Art Lv. 7 | Fleet Foot Lv. 5 | Brawler Lv. 4

Innate Skills
Appraisal Lv. Ex | Night Vision Lv. Ex | Sixth Sense Lv. Ex | Toxin Resistance Lv. 1 | Lust Deviant Lv. Ex

Unique Talent
Mystic Blade Lv. Ex | Revenant Lv. Ex


Level Progression: 98%

Remaining Skill Points: 0

Remaining Ability Points: 0

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