The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

2-15 Ardor tumble (R18)

By nightfall, Erin and Siv eventually found shelter in an abandoned chapel long claimed by the grasps of nature. It was now nothing more than a ruin. It had been a nest for all manners of monsters but they had all but fled. This was a sign of just how threatening the Razor Grizzly truly was. But thanks to its presence, Erin and Siv could rest easy as they make their camp for the night in this derelict ruin. Due to the absence of a roof, the moon greeted them with a smile amongst the glittering black field.

The rain had ceased by the arrival of night. They were fortunate enough to get their hands on a couple of rabbits to stave off their hunger. The ruins gave them much needed cover and hampered any potential for ambushes.

The crackling of a stoked fire, the cries of the cicadas, the mellow whispers of the wind, and the unforeseen dangers lurking around the corner at every following second, Erin was beginning to forget how such a life was after nights of warm and soft beds. Oddly enough, being in her current circumstances brought her more comfort than the nights with a warm bed. The anticipation of nightmares wasn’t as strong as the nights with a roof over head and a bed to cradle her exhausted body.

Being in the wild, among nature, gave her a sense of control of her own wellbeing. She enjoyed the feeling of a bed but she could never be at ease with how tender it felt. She had spent most of her life in the harshness of the wild, living within walls and borders was still something she saw as a luxury despite in her past life already having a taste in the kind of luxury mere commoners could only dream of. Those nights were made bearable by the presence of Lyra and if she wasn’t present, the fear of her Lust Deviant skill encroaching her was there as her company. So to say, none of those sheltered nights were spent in true solitude.

But now, Lyra was not by her side and Lust Deviant was quite tame for the past few nights. While she was thankful for Lust Deviant not acting up but at the same time, it was unsettling for not knowing the reason why. Aside from such worries, there wasn't even a single monster within a mile thanks to the recent presence of the Razor Grizzly. It was a truly peaceful night and it was unsettling to her for her nights have been nothing but eventful as of late. She never had any problems with solitude before but after her time with Lyra, she knew she could never go back to a life of solitude. A queer feeling of conflict. It was either peace and solitude, or turmoil and companionship.

“This is curious,” Siv muttered, her gaze fixed on Erin.

“What is?” Erin responded to her remark dryly. She was all curled up with her knees, enthralled by the sound of the burning wood of the campfire.

“You stoked the fire well, skin the rabbit fast, drained the blood without flinching, sitting on soiled grounds without a single protest, but yet, your shoulders are shaking and your face is...” Siv trailed off.

“Go on,” Erin nudged.

“...pale. You look pale, Lady Erin. I meant no disrespect, milady. It’s just... your actions say you’re accustomed to the wild but you’re somehow afraid of… all of this.”

Erin smiled sorrowfully. “Fear, huh… I wonder if it’s that simple...”

“Is it something you can’t say?” Siv asked.

Erin shook her head.

“Something hard to put into words?”

Erin shrugged.

“Lady Erin, I may not be the best at this but… if there’s anything I can do, please make your request. I am still in your debt, milady.”

Erin looked at the Wolf-kin who was staring back at her with serious eyes. She had the disposition and the physique of a warrior but when it came to offhand exchanges, her words were nothing short of redolent and cumbersome. Erin found it hard to give a suitable response that wouldn’t lead Siv to another bungling response.

“Or am I unworthy for any of your requests, Lady Erin?”

Erin sighed and groaned in her heart. Her honesty was too much for Erin. It was even more fiddly when Siv only had good intentions.

“I’ll be fine,” Erin said. “I’m just… adjusting. It’s been a while since I felt so… alone.”

“I see,” Siv replied with her gaze cast down. Whether she was disappointed at herself or merely absorbing her understanding, Erin didn’t know which.

Erin was glad Lust Deviant didn’t act up but at this point, the absence of the predicament that the skill always brought made Erin feel empty. She was craving for the warmth of a person’s touch. She had thought her cravings were the result of her Lust Deviant skill but with that skill being dormant as of late, she came to accept that she might simply be lustful in nature. Lust Deviant had merely taken off her inhibition for the things she wished to pursue.

She had realized. She admitted it. When she was Argon Raze, she had always been afraid to take the first step when it came to affairs of coition. She was afraid such indulgence would completely mar her discipline with the ways of the sword, but after she had taken the first step, she couldn’t stop. Even now, she was craving intimate warmth and companionship; and Lust Deviant was not an excuse she could use this time.

To distract herself from her desires, she groomed her tails with her hands. It couldn’t quell her desires but it provided some relief and distraction, albeit minor.

“Lady Erin...” Siv called out, her face spelled caution.

“What is it?” Erin responded, only then she realized she was panting quite heavily. Warmth touched her cheeks. She could tell they were bright red even without a mirror.

“You’re in heat,” said Siv, without a tinge of discomfort.

In contrast to Siv, Erin herself was in more than mere discomfort. Lust Deviant wasn’t present to slur her sentences but it was all the same, she failed to find any words to respond.

“I may not be a worthy replacement for your lover but if you don’t mind my pedigree, I’m willing to offer my body.”

Erin’s jaw slackened as she stared at Siv with an astounded gaze. Her ears twitched at the licentious offer.

“Or do you find that notion appalling?”

Hearing her words, Erin shook herself back to reality. “Why would I find you appalling?”

“It’s small but the bigotry is there. Other races see Beast-kin as filthy. They label those who would mate with Beast-kin as freaks. No one says it outright but it’s there.”

In Erin’s eyes, Siv was a proud and steadfast warrior. She was devoted to her duty and she didn’t allow any preconception to cloud her judgement. A strong fighter but now, her meek look of uncertainty invoked an endearing feeling from Erin. Coupled with her current aroused state, there was no way she could stop herself. Lyra’s face flashed past her mind but her delicate regions banished all restraint from her mind.

Erin wasn’t drunk, neither was she influenced by Lust Deviant. She was simply titillated on her own accord. She had once hated those who indulged in dalliances but in the end, her hate was merely a self-projection.

“The weather is nice. The moon is generous with its light. And no monsters or any potential threats nearby...” Erin assessed her surroundings and it all came back favourable.

“L-Lady Erin?” Siv nudged at the flushed Erin.

An amorous smile adorned the Fox’s lips as she approached the Wolf with an ardent gaze. Erin crawled on all fours towards the agape Siv. Her shadow slowly loomed over Siv’s. The Wolf-kin could only look on as the Fox-kin began to prey on her.

“If you’re truly offering yourself, then I will not hesitate to partake in you,” Erin whispered softly into Siv’s ears. Her tails, as if responding to her desires, gently wrapped around Siv and pulled her close.

Siv nodded with a gulp.

“Forgive me for this, Lyra.”

Erin threw her lips onto Siv’s. It was a dimple at first but when Erin felt Siv loosened her resistance, she thrust her tongue into her mouth. She felt Siv recoiling from the act but she held the Wolf-kin in place by clamping her cheeks from both sides. Siv flailed with her limbs and tail but her legs were pressed under Erin’s thighs and her arms were trapped by Erin’s hands on her sides. Her tail lost its will to struggle and soon lay gently on the floor.

When Erin had her fill, she parted her lips from Siv’s. Their eyes met but both of them held a different outlook. Erin’s gaze was filled with anticipation but Siv’s gaze spelled consternation. Under her hands, Erin felt Siv trembling. Realization dawned on the Fox-kin.

“Is this your first time?” Erin asked.

“We can only choose a mate when we come of age. I was still years away when I left the tribe,” Siv answered firmly.

“Then… how about now?”

“You need not worry, milady. I reached adulthood a year ago.”

“But we’re both—”

“My tribe never dictated any requirement. The mate we chose is our own responsibility. In a way, a test of our own ability at judgement. And I judge you to be worthy of being my mate.”

“Y-your mate...”

It was Siv’s turn to smile. “Rest assured, Lady Erin. My tribe had also never specified a duration or a limit for a mating bond. You are allowed to treat this as a single night of passion, milady.” Saying so, Siv entwined her fingers behind Erin’s neck.

A grin appeared on Erin’s lips. “If you have any hesitations, now’s the time to say it.”

“Dominate me, milady.”

It was a permission but Erin wittingly perceived it as a challenge. Her tails flared up along with her ears. She unclasped the Wolf-kin’s leather armor and removed every last piece of apparels from her body, revelling in the luscious dark skin of Siv, basking in the glorious moon beam. Her bosom wasn’t as big hers but it was enough to make a bulge under her clothing. For a Beast-kin, her nether regions were surprisingly barren. Erin later learned that Beast-kin females don’t have much hair as opposed to their male counterpart.

Her abdomen was as toned as Lyra’s but her dark skin made the mark of her strength more subtle to the eyes. As Erin devoured Siv with her gaze, she proceeded to undress herself. Being all too familiar with the process at this point, it took not a minute for her to be in the bare. Cold wind touched her skin but she was not bothered for she was soon about to drown in warmth.

This was Erin’s first time being the one with more experience. She was to lead the session and this simple notion gave rise to a strange thrill to her. Her breaths quickened with every passing moment. After the lips, she traced down, moving to the neck. She licked and nibbled around it before moving to the collar and slowly to the shoulders, all the while leaving the Wolf-kin moaning in pleasure. Unlike herself and Lyra, Siv let out her voice without a hint of shame. She brazenly let the night receive her delightful cries with full glamour.

Taking her cries as approval, Erin finally moved her tasting to her bosom, those firm and perky mounds of hers. Contrary to her physique, they were soft to the touch. Erin began her tasting from the peak and slowly made her way to the base. She did not neglect to emphasize the pliancy by moulding it with her hands. She gave both of her mounds and peaks equal attention, not one more than the other. Aside from her moans, Siv did not utter any request, unlike Lyra, Maria, and Iris. She was just patiently yielding herself to every deed made by Erin but her moans were indicative enough that she was accepting every deed with delight.

Once Erin had enough of all the side dishes, it was time for the main course. Erin did not rush her appetite. She took in the sights of the throbbing snatch with glee. She gently blew on the entrance, incurring a shrill from Siv. They were both sweaty from their battles and they had to have any opportunity to clean themselves but Erin did not mind any of that. In fact, the particular scent after a battle had only made Siv more appetizing.

Erin placed her hand on the entrance, rubbing it fervently but staved off from inserting a finger. Siv’s honeypot throbbed intermittently as if begging for deeper affection. However, Erin only smiled and caressed the entrance, flicking the bud every other moment, all the while letting Siv moan in a biding pleasure.

“P-please, milady… I can’t—” Siv eventually begged in her own voice but she didn’t even finish pleading before Erin proceeded to feast on her honeypot. Siv howled out her ecstasy towards the smiling moon. She grasped Erin’s head and pressed down without restraint.

Erin was surprised by the sudden assertiveness but she wasn’t rejecting it. She allowed Siv to indulge in her own selfishness. After all, Erin brought this upon herself. This was what she wanted. She teased her purposefully, in hopes of getting a reaction from the Wolf-kin. And she had succeeded.

Despite being her first time, Siv was quick to reach the zenith of her pleasure as she squirted her womanly juice at Erin’s face. The Fox-kin received Siv’s ecstasy in stride. By the time Siv’s pleasure had receded, Erin’s face was drenched in the Wolf-kin’s gleeful essence.

“So this is how it feels like...” Siv remarked as she tried to allay her rasping breath.

Erin on the other hand, was not even short on breath. She was panting, but that was the result of anticipation. Her vigour did not even wane. Matching their gaze, Erin inserted a finger into Siv’s womanhood. The Wolf-kin shrieked but her voice was muffled by a kiss from the Fox-kin. Having prior experience not seconds ago, Siv moved her tongue as it danced a sweet melody with Erin’s. Siv’s own hands began to explore Erin’s body. Arriving at her hips, Siv gave a gentle squeeze, incurring a moan from Erin. They parted the kiss and grinned at each other, seeing through their respective wishes.

Erin lay on her back with her arms spread. She even parted her legs as a welcoming gesture for Siv.

“Your turn,” Erin challenged.

Siv growled with pleasure, showing a smile with her fangs. Unlike Erin who was gentle, Siv was a greenhorn and knew only vehemence. Therefore, Siv perched Erin’s hips on in an embrace and feasted on the overflowing honeypot with great passion. Erin was completely thrown off by Siv’s behavior but she accepted it nonetheless. This was the first time she had a partner this aggressive and she was enjoying every moment of it.

It was Siv’s first time but during the one whole hour of their coitus session, Siv had managed to peak Erin’s ecstasy for god knows how many times. Perhaps it was the instincts of a beast, Siv pleasured Erin’s tails and ears without being asked to. She even knew where to touch and how much strength she needed to pour into her touch in order to make Erin feel extremely delighted.

Siv was a Beast-kin. Her race was known for their physical strength and plentiful vigour. She was able to match Erin in stamina. For the whole session, the two fought for dominance as neither one was willing to submit. Siv had been submissive at the start but after getting the hang of the reins, she was giving her all to recover her dominance. Unbeknownst to the two, their struggles had caused much grievance to the integrity of the ruin. By the time they exhausted themselves, there were portions of walls missing and a few small craters and fractures scattered across the ground. Even the campfire wasn’t spared from this manner of fate. And due to the two’s intensity and ferocity with their passion and desire, animals and beasts who had returned from their retreat were once again in withdrawal.

“Good gods… what has become of me…?” Erin asked herself as her exhaustion slowly overtook her with Siv, who had already fallen asleep, snuggling by her side.

[Experience gained +20% - Level Progression: 95%]

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