The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

2-7 Seed of regret (R18)

Huge thanks and shoutout to my new Patrons; Nicholas Paterson | BLACKYVult | 芽衣

Lyra let off a relieved sigh as she slumped into the double-size bed. She lay there unmoving, allowing exhaustion to come and collect her consciousness. They were finally back in their own rooms. Nivia and Celia had also retreated to theirs. Lyra heaved off a huge sigh that reeked of the liquors she had consumed with caution thrown into the wind. She was no greenhorn when it came to alcohol and spirits but even so, the amount she had downed might even put a Dwarrow into a deep drunken stupor.

Even so, Lyra at least was able to retain most of her senses, as opposed to her partner, Erin, who retained all of her motor functions but nothing but slurs came out of her supple alluring lips that were glistened with her sweat.

As for they came to be in this state, the reason can be traced back a few hours, when the moon was still in slumber. Along with Celia in tow, Erin, Lyra, and Nivia spent the whole day celebrating Erin’s achievement of becoming a starred adventurer. Their discussion started off gloomy with a serious subject but when the topic shifted to Erin’s elevation of her status as an adventurer. Lyra held some skepticism towards the guild's words but was utterly convinced of the guild's sincerity when Erin showed Lyra her adventurer tag, which had a small star shape engraved at the back. Lyra was even more thrilled than Erin herself as she proposed a celebration for this occasion. The proposal was met with opposition by Nivia but Erin accepted it, much to Nivia’s surprise.

“It has been tense for these past few days. I want to fully let loose for just this while,” Erin had said.

And so, they all adjourned to Merry Night, the only credible bar in town, once dusk descended. Celia was brought along as they didn’t have anyone else to look after her. Erin and Lyra were the only out of the four who ordered liquor. It was then Erin learned the hard truth about Fae. Their disposition in favor of the Spirits came at a price that was dismaying to Erin. Faerie-kin had low tolerance towards alcoholic substances that weren’t brewed with Faerie ingredients, but that downside could easily be offset by a spell of Spirit Magic. However, it was a spell that Erin had yet to learn. Therefore, she tossed herself into stupor, knowing full well of her own susceptibility after the first sip.

As Argon Raze, liquors were a huge part of her life. She wasn’t excessively fond of them but it was her go-to choice of celebration for just about any occasion. Which was why she was adamant with drinking her liquor despite knowing her pathetic weakness as a Fox-kin. By the end of their celebration, Erin was no longer of her own mind but a completely different person, one without inhibition to her words. By the time they reached their rooms, Erin had uttered so many suggestive remarks that even turned the likes of Lyra beet red.

“You look ripe for ravishing, are you aware of that, my dear sweet Lyra?” Erin remarked, licking her lips as she stood towering over Lyra beside the bed. “Your rear, your modest chest, your nubile toned skin, if I could choose, I will pick your body over mine. These two lumps of fat are such a hindrance.”

Even intoxicated, Lyra couldn’t help but raised an eyebrow to Erin’s words. The Fox-kin had been throwing random slurs and ribald remarks ever since they left the bar but none of those held this much passion and intention. Looking at her gaze, Lyra knew she was in for a treat for the night. She was about to see a whole different side of Erin.

Erin climbed onto the bed on her hands and knees. She moved above Lyra, gazing scrutinizingly at the short-haired woman who oozed out streams of feminine allure in the strange guise of a boy’s charm. It was contrasting yet harmonizing. In all honesty, Erin never realized how fitting Lyra was to her preferences, until this very moment. She gulped at her late epiphany. Her hand moved by itself. Her fingers traced down the faint plunge of Lyra’s tunic but stopped short before going any deeper. Erin tittered, retracting her finger. Her wanting gaze met with Lyra’s inviting gaze.

Instead of calming her down, Lyra riled her up further. She grinned seductively at the reddened Erin. She took off her tunic and trousers, baring her undergarment-clad body to the flushed Erin who looked ready to pounce at any given moment.

In response, Erin let her hair free from her ponytail style, draping it over her shoulders and back. She took off the beige blouse Nivia had given to her, a garment of Fae’s craft. Instead of a brassiere, Erin had her bosom bandaged. Although it felt more restrictive, it did help with her movements and it was less intrusive— and less alluring— in her own sights. Straddling over Lyra, rubbing her crotch against Lyra’s hips, Erin was about to let loose the bandages clasped around her bulging chest before an intrusive yet familiar scent froze her actions.

“What’s wrong?” Lyra asked.

Erin gave not an answer of a proper sentence but a mere groan of vexation. She got off Lyra and the bed, and headed for the door. With a soured and vexed expression, not to mention near-naked torso, Erin flung the door wide-open on the first knock.

A woman of dark skin, pointed ears, and long violet hair greeted her with a smile that displayed nothing but the sheerest confidence. Needless to say, it was Iris and she was in a dress that accentuated her curves and humps to the utmost precision. The deep plunge and the revealing sides of her dress served to show her intentions and anticipation of this meeting.

“Iris...” Erin chewed her name as if she had just swallowed a bitter medicine.

“Lady Erin,” Iris greeted, her eyes gazing up and down at the near-naked Erin. “I have to say, you’re bolder than I thought. Perhaps you’re inviting me or...” Iris glanced over her shoulder and saw Lyra who was also half-dressed on the bed.

“Or what?” Erin leaned forward. “Spit it out.”

“It seems I was intruding. I hope to be just us two alone.”

“Ah,” Erin muttered as she confirmed Iris’ resolve. She took a whiff and instantly knew Iris was lonely and in need of some comfort. Erin grinned. She took Iris by the hand and pulled her into the room before a squeal could even escape the Umbrum’s lips. She slammed the door shut and dragged the Umbrum to the bed.

Iris could only stare in shock. She heard much about Erin, how she was gentle and kind but with a firm discipline. She had even affirmed it herself but now, Erin was none of those. All became clear when the whiff of alcohol drifted into her nose.

“E-Erin… I don’t think I’m comfortable with...”

“Oh shush,” Erin said. She glared enticingly at the worrying Lyra. “I have heard from one of your previous mates. You have always wanted to experience bedding more than one girl at once, haven’t you?”

Lyra stuttered for a reply but fell short on “I-I...”

Erin tittered. “What? Don’t like it when you’re the one being bedded?”

Suddenly, Iris embraced Erin from behind, feeling up her come partner’s body. “My my, I’m liking this Erin so much more.” Iris had already stripped herself down to her bare skin before the two realized. She dragged the still-standing Erin to bed in tandem.

“You’re fond of me before?” Erin replied with an amorous tone.

“Who isn’t?” Iris chuckled. “The adoration of the town. What the men and women wouldn’t give to have one night in bed with you? Just how sinful can you be, Erin?”

“Not as sinful as you, whore,” Erin retorted without any thought to her prudence.

“I am no whore, vixen.” Iris began to nibble on Erin’s shoulder and neck as Lyra watched on in shock of the rapid development. “I won’t deny I have countless partners but I don’t just do this with anyone.”

Erin clicked her tongue. She turned around and pounced on Iris, trapping her wrist under her own grip on the bed. She locked eyes with the Umbrum. “That’s what every whore tries to tell themselves.”

“Be that as it may, what does it matter now?” Instead of struggling, Iris brushed her fingers gently around the back of Erin’s palm. “Let’s just enjoy this, shall we? Our status and ethics be damned.”

At this moment, only it awakened.

[Lust Deviant activated.]

Strangely enough, Lust Deviant had not awakened for the past few days. It intrigued Erin but she didn’t arrive at any answers. Not even Nivia and Aedan knew. The Dragon-kin muttered only some lines that expressed his disinterest and random theories regarding her skill’s inactive state. Whether she bought his words or didn’t, Erin herself wasn’t clear about that.

An air of lust filled the entire room.

The hesitating Lyra succumbed to the temptation after breathing in the salacious tenor. She crawled towards Erin and brough the Fox-kin’s face to meet her lips. Their tongue found each other on the entrance of their mouths. They fought for the right for entry but ultimately, Lyra’s more experienced tongue won, not that Erin minded the results.

As the two engaged in a passionate bout of their tongues, Iris' hands, which were now free, moved to untangle the bandages around Erin’s bulging chest. In seconds, Erin’s bountiful bosom sprang free from their prison with undulating motion. Iris began to play with them as she removed the Fox-kin’s last piece of clothing, her trousers, and proceeded to grind her hips against Erin’s nether regions.

Erin moaned into Lyra’s mouth as she felt her freed mounds caressed with the utmost care and her crotch being stimulated to the brim. Her wetting snatch created a faint splashing sound as Iris increased the speed of her obscene movement.

Lyra parted her lips from Erin’s and moved to her chest, which were still being fondled by Iris. With a face of indignance, Lyra cast off her last pieces of garments before straddling her womanhood on Iris’ face. The Umbrum was surprised but she welcomed it. She wasted not a second and proceeded to dine on the drenched snatch with a few hairs.

Lyra moaned loudly against her own will. She wanted to mess with the Umbrum but she underestimated just how skilled Iris was with her tongue. Still, Lyra focused on the pair in front of her, Erin’s perky breasts. She put them in her mouth and her hands squeezed them into shape.

Erin threw her head back as she let out a moan that echoed through the walls, or it would have if Nivia hadn’t cast a spell beforehand. The Elf had done so after the first night Lyra had moved into the same room as Erin. Celia should not be hearing this and Nivia herself wasn’t fond of the act, much less the suggestive sounds of the act itself. So she cast a sound barrier around Erin’s room that would only become active during the night until dawn. However, nothing much could be done to the mild tremor that the two make but it was still better than hearing the sounds in tandem.

The three drowned in their lust and their efforts to reach the peak of their ecstasy. With the alcohol and Lust Deviant, Erin was pretty much at the bottom most stage of her debauchery, a coitus with two partners. One was her unofficial subject of affection and the other one was essentially an individual she resented to a certain degree. Lyra was still half of her sound mind but with all the pleasure flowing into her sensitive parts, she was in too much bliss to give a single shit about ethics and her own prejudicial views. She knew she would come to regret this at dawn but until then, she wanted to revel in this suffocating pleasure she found herself in.

Now that none of them had next to no inhibitions in the strive for rapture, Lyra begged Erin to indulge in a kink that she just recently discovered. Erin had disapproved of this kink due to the risk it came with but in Erin’s current state, Lyra was sure Erin wouldn’t even hesitate.

And Lyra was proven right as Erin acted on her wish without missing a beat. Erin changed their position. Lyra at the bottom, Erin on her thighs, and Iris on her face with the Umbrum’s shaved cunt full in her face. Even though she wasn’t intoxicated or affected by Lust Deviant, Lyra still doubted herself of her own submissive nature to the demands of Iris, an individual she saw as a potential rival in love. For the pleasure that the Umbrum had given her, Lyra intended to repay that debt in folds. She unleashed all of knowledge in pleasuring a woman’s secret spot unto Iris’ throbbing and drenched cunt. Lyra even nibbled on her clit, inciting a shrill of pleasure from the Umbrum.

As for Erin, her fingers reached the spot where her crotch was grinding against Lyra’s. She unleashed a spark of lightning on that point, inducing a mild sense of pain but an endless wave of pleasure through their genitals. They both screamed as bliss took hold of their nerves.

It was on the first lesson with Nivia after her return from her excursion. She discovered her affinity with Lightning Magic. Niva had hoped Erin to have a wind affinity like herself but Erin’s affinity with lightning was unexpected. The volatile and wild nature of lightning was a stark contrast to what Fae were known for but nevertheless, this was Erin’s affinity.

The Fox-kin had used it accidentally during her coitus session with Lyra. It shocked the two, literally. Though Lyra found it exhilarating, Erin was against the idea due to harmful side effects. Erin had never been so against Lyra’s suggestion so Lyra herself did not push for it.

In the entanglement of a human, a Fox-kin, an Umbrum, and finally, lust, the three basked themselves in ecstasy and degeneracy until the absence of their stamina caught on to them. Screams of delight and pain mixed within the debauchery until the break of dawn. Only then did the mild tremor, felt by the whole floor, came to a halt.

[Experience gained +20% - Level Progression: 80%]


Erinthea - Faerie-kin: Three-Tailed Fox-kin

Level: 12 | Status: Carnally Relieved

Might: 20 | Arcane: 18 | Finesse: 19

Magic Arts - Spirit Magic Lv. 8 | Arcane Edge Lv. 3 | Arcane Armor Lv. 5 | Lightning Magic Lv. 1

Combat Arts - Sword Art Lv. 7 | Fleet Foot Lv. 5 | Brawler Lv. 4

Innate Skills - Appraisal Lv. Ex | Night Vision Lv. Ex | Sixth Sense Lv. Ex | Toxin Resistance Lv. 1 | Lust Deviant Lv. Ex

Unique Talent - Mystic Blade Lv. Ex | Revenant Lv. Ex


Level Progression: 80%

Remaining Skill Points: 2

Remaining Ability Points: 2


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