The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

3-3 Comfort (R18)

Another R18 chapter, compensating for the lack of it for the past few dozen chapters. Next chapter will shift back to Aera's side.

The Beast-kin were well-known for their excellent sense of smell. Due to this quirk of theirs, even with their vision impaired, they could still perceive their surroundings clearly. In fact, they perceived things better with their nose than their eyes. It was widely believed that their nose could pick up a scent from a mile away. While this was an exaggeration, they could pick up a scent from many yards away, rendering any attempts at ambush redundant.

Siv was just like any other of her hide. She could smell a person from a distance away even if they were separated by walls. This was how she had found Erin. She followed her scent. A Fae’s scent was peculiar enough in itself and Erin’s scent was even more so. It was easily distinguishable among the other thousand scents that doused the streets. Siv had only taken a whiff and she was able to pick out Erin’s scent. She followed the trail and it led her to an inn. The trail ended there which she found weird. If Erin had left the inn, she would know. The only conclusion she arrived at was that Erin had put up a barrier that prevented her scent from leaking out of the room.

Siv easily made her way past the receptionist without being stopped. Not that there was any chance of that happening considering the woman behind the counter was fast asleep. It was night time but an inn was never closed. The receptionist had given into the call of her dream and dozed off. Siv was irked that an esteemed individual like Erin was living in a place with such security. But she did not act on her emotion. She calmed herself with the fact that Erin herself had no need of protection. She saw the Fae’s ability firsthand and she was convinced only a few fighters around these parts could stand a chance against her.

Along the tight and short hallway, Siv could hear the various sounds coming from the other side. The sounds she heard were questionable but it was not in her interest to care. She made her way to the door at the end of the hallway. The door itself was slightly cleaner and sturdy than the others. Even for a magic nescient like her, she could tell a spell was cast over the room. Considering she could hear no sound and smell no scent from beyond the door, she attributed the spell to none other than Erin.

Now that she was in front of Erin’s room, she began to hesitate. Doubts surfaced in her mind. It was nighttime. It would be considered rude to intrude but if it was Erin, she would happily accommodate but that would be taking advantage of her. Such thoughts were circling in Siv’s mind. Although she told herself she was only here to have a chat with Erin but deep down, she knew she came for something else, something improper. Erin was a Fae and she was a Beast-kin. She kept wondering if she had overstepped her boundary. As doubts began to pile, she came to a more critical realization. Erin, in all likelihood with her fox ears, should know she was standing in front of her room. It would be boorish to leave without saying a word. Taking a deep breath and drawing in courage, Siv knocked on the door a few times.

“Come in,” an immediate reply came from the other side of the door. Following that reply, the spell came undone. A wave of peculiar scent swept past her. Siv was no stranger to this scent as she herself had produced much of this scent a few days ago when she was alone with Erin. She could still remember that night vividly. It was the night she gave Erin her virtue.

As Siv entered the room, she flinched at the sight of a naked Erin, sitting at the edge of the bed with her legs crossed. The Fox-kin’s honeypot was hidden behind her legs but her bountiful mounds were bare. The five tails were flourishing beautifully and assertively behind her. What was even more shocking to Siv was the sight of Lyra, lying on the bed with her tongue lolled out and a face filled with exhaustion and ecstasy. Siv knew Lyra would be here but her current state wasn’t something Siv could ever imagine. She began to wonder just what Erin had done to reduce Lyra into this state.

“I-it seems I have come at a bad time...” Siv said, her voice was trembling.

“Nonsense,” Erin countered. “You came at the right time. Though I have to ask, does Lord Hegan know of this? I mean with you being here.”

“He does. I have asked for a few days to mourn. Just until the day of departure. Am I truly not intruding?” 

“Just the contrary, actually. I was quite careless with Lyra and I have left myself in a precarious situation. And you came at the right time.”

Siv swallowed a lump and failed to come up with a response.

Erin smiled and got up from the bed. She walked towards Siv with her drenched snatch dripping with every step.

Siv saw the trail of fluids clearly but she was still too in awe of the circumstances to move or speak, right until Erin was up to her face.

“You seek comfort, that’s why you came to me.” Erin’s hand moved to stroke Siv’s cheek. “Though I can’t say I know anything about loss, I do know a lot about solitude. You have just lost a family, that can’t be easy.”

“I’m the worst… I’m merely exploiting your kindness, Lady Erinthea...”

“There’s nothing wrong about that when I’m the one offering it to you knowingly. Just for this time, exploit my kindness to your content, Siv.” Erin whispered Siv’s name to her ears.

When Erin’s hot breath touched her ear, she shrieked with a shiver spread to her whole body. “Lady Erin...”

“Erin, just Erin,” Erin whispered ever so softly. Subtly but not underhandedly, she proceeded to undress Siv.

“Lady Erin… I...”

“Just Erin. Throw away the lady because I’m certainly no lady right now. I’m just a lustful wench who seeks to satiate her unbridled lust.”

Siv stared wide-eyed at Erin who was gazing at her with a gaze that could tempt women and men alike. She began to feel her own womanly hood throbbing with anticipation.

“I will alleviate your sorrows, Siv and you will alleviate my itch.”

“Y-yes… milady...” Siv said.

Erin sighed in resignation but she didn’t stop undressing Siv. The Wolf-kin’s apparel was simple but the clasp and knots were too much for the current lustful Erin. Losing to her lust, she tore off Siv’s armour and clothes without asking. 

Siv yelped in response but before she could ask any question, she had found herself thrown onto the bed. “E-Erin? You seemed different than normal...”

“This is who I am, Siv.” Erin looked straight into Siv’s eyes as she climbed onto the bed and hovered over her. “My prudence and self-restraint, they’re just there to mask my lust. The elegance and grace you saw in me are just a facade. Disgusted? Disappointed?”

Siv shook her head. A smile finally appeared on her face. “I am not. We all have a side that we don’t show to just anyone. I’m honoured and glad to be given this trust.” She slowly wrapped arms around Erin, pulling the Fae closer.

“Siv...” Erin muttered.

“Erin...” she muttered back. “Lift this veil of sorrow off of me.”

“It would be my pleasure, Siv.”

They shared a kiss and let their mounds pressed unto one another. The two were at the peak of their lust and the contact of their teats sent waves of pleasure through their body. Siv, who was still new to such pleasure, shrieked loudly for every tenant of the building to hear but Erin worked fast in recasting the spell. Erin sighed in relief as she made it barely in time. A second later, no doubt everyone in the building would be raising questions. Worse, it would attract unwanted solicitation.

Their embrace strengthened as their kiss deepened. Their tongue fought for dominance and to Erin’s surprise, she was losing. Her surprise dimmed as she remembered Siv’s first night. She was a natural. This remembrance only heightened Erin’s expectations. Their fingers found each other and they intertwined. Their hands embraced and they pressed their bodies deeper against each other.  Soon, even their legs coiled around one another. Their unnatural but passionate embrace turned them over, now with Siv on top and Erin at the Wolf-kin’s mercy.

“Oh my, I thought I would be the one lifting your sorrows,” Erin said, teasingly.

“Your cries of ecstasy and moans of pleasure will be enough to lift my sorrows. It will be my privilege to send you there.”

“How bold of you, Siv.”

“My tutor has taught me well.”

“Your tutor?”

“You, milady. It’s jargon amongst my people. It refers to the person who took one’s virtue.”

Erin laughed. “Droll but fitting.”

Seeing that laugh, Siv sunk her lips into Erin’s once again. Her mind exploded like fireworks. Pleasure scattered all over her head. The Fox-kin’s saliva was nectar to her taste. Her muffled moans were the sweetest melody to her ears. Her faint struggles were playful flails of a newborn. Everything about Erin’s antics was giving Siv pleasure. Not even ten minutes had passed and Siv found herself reaching the peak of her ecstasy. She shuddered like a small quake as pleasure hit. She released herself from the deep kiss and fell to Erin’s side.

“You came?” Erin asked.

“I-I did...” It wasn’t only saliva but tears too were oozing out from her.

Erin wiped her tears away. “You have done well. You and your brother. You protected a town.”

“I wish I hadn’t. That way, Wrev would have been alive. I hate myself for thinking that.”

“Your line of thoughts is more common than you think. It’s only natural to contemplate how different things could have been.”

“But towards you, milady, I don’t think about that at all. I don’t even want to.”

“You truly are a natural temptress, Siv,” Erin said and pecked at her lips.

“Milady… may I be coarse with my words?”

“It’s a little too late to ask about that, Siv. You may.”

“My cunt,” Siv said, lust-filled her gaze. “I want you to give me plenty of love and pleasure to it. I will give you the same.”

Erin raised an eyebrow. “How would you do that?”

Siv wordlessly moved to place herself above Erin with her drenched cunt above her face. She bent down and placed her own face against Erin’s honeypot that wouldn’t stop overflowing with her lovely fluids.

“Truly bold and natural you are, Siv.”

“Enough talking, milady,” Siv replied, sternly. 

The assertive tone sent shivers down Erin’s spine. Something was awakening within her.

Without further exchange of words, the two proceeded to insert their tongue in to each other’s snatch. Only now did Erin realize just how long Siv’s tongue was. It was long enough to reach the spots that normally only fingers could. The pleasure surging into her mind was too much for her to concentrate on instilling pleasure into Siv. She tried to resist but in the end, she submitted to the pleasure. She cried out her delight in front of the Wolf-kin’s twat and unleashed her fluids onto the Wolf-kin’s face.

Feeling the vibration of the air from Erin’s shout, Siv herself was induced with ecstasy but she didn’t stop savouring the Fae’s cunt.

“Right there, Siv! Right there! You’re so good! So good!” Erin cried shamelessly, neglecting Lyra who was waking up from all the ruckus. 

Upon seeing the sight before her, indignance wrought her face. “What is going on here?” she asked but neither of the two paid her any heed. Feeling left out, she grabbed one of Siv’s mounds with one hand and played with her tail with the other.

“M-Miss L-Lyra!?” Siv blurted out in surprise.

“How dare you make a move on Erin when I was unconscious?”

“It was Erin’s own gracious offer,” Siv shot back. She was, without any hint of subtlety, feeling more pleasure than before with Lyra grappling at her tail and breast.

“E-Erin?” Lyra was surprised at the lack of honorifics. She turned her gaze to Erin, who was still in her own ecstasy land. A smirk adorned Lyra’s lips. She moved to Erin’s below, coming face to face with Siv who was making a mess of the Fae’s womanly hood with her tongue.

“M-Miss Lyra?”

Lyra put her finger on her lips as a silent request for Siv to stay quiet. Without warning, she grabbed Erin’s tails and nibbled on them.

The cry that came out of Erin’s mouth then was a shriek that pierced the air and even hurt Siv’s ears a little. The pleasure was just that much for Erin to bear.

Erin regained her senses but she was still calming down from the overwhelming pleasure. “Lyra… what are you doing?!”

“Placating my jealousy,” Lyra said and continued playing with her tails. Now that Erin had five tails, the pleasure she received from having her tails groped was only stronger than ever.

Just like that, the night passed and dawn began to break. The time seemed to fly for others who were deep asleep but to a certain three, it was a near-endless hell of pleasure with none of the three were willing to let the other sleep in hopes of being the one to overwhelm others with ecstasy. Needless to say, the competition ended in a draw and the three were fast asleep long after dawn.

[Experience gained +20% - Level Progression: 39%]

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