The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

4-46 Maiden’s confession

Big thanks and shoutout to my new patrons; Gasgadur | Ryiah Bowers | Warakorn Sawatphantnit

“Huh, this is intriguing,” Aedan muttered as he peered at the vial of dark reddish liquid. “This is pure… That son of a bitch managed to do it.”

“Do what?” Erin asked.

“Extracting just the essence of Demons that gave them their power and ability but leave behind the impurities that corrupt the victim’s mind.”

“That’s something that can be done?” Lilian blurted in disbelief.

“It has already been done. This vial right here is the proof.”

“People have always envied the versatility of a Demon’s strength,” Siv mused. “If this is known to the world, people will go to war for this.”

“Good thing Erin decided to bring this to you first then,” Nivia said.

After destroying the lair where the Demoids were supposedly created, the guild wasn’t Erin’s immediate destination. Instead, she returned to the manor. It wasn’t because she distrust Rigetta but because she refused to believe the guild was not without spies for Marduk or the viceroy or just some other party with malefic intentions. Thus, she decided to bring the vial here first and consult with the others before making a decision.

Currently, everyone was gathered in a vast room that appeared to be some kind of a meeting room. As vast as the room was, everyone was gathered in one corner.

“You don’t trust the guild?” Lyra questioned. “Considering the discretion of the adventurers’ information is at stake here, surely the guild will have a strict hiring process and a stern management of their employees, no?”

“Even if that’s the case, it’s impossible for them to manage every single one of them perfectly. In the end, the management is composed of people and people can be bribed or blackmailed. We can’t be sure that the guild isn’t compromised, not when we stole something so important from the Covenant. If Marduk’s actions so far are anything to go by, he will surely make a huge move this time.”

Nivia looked to Amyra, who was sitting by the roundtable with both of her legs perched on it. “Amyra, is Guild Master Rigetta trustworthy?”

Since neither Erin nor Aedan made any comments on the Augur’s crude sitting posture, no one did either.

“As far as I’m aware, she is. I remember she beat a nobleman into a pulp for trying to blackmail her after he failed to bribe her.”

“No hidden malicious motives?”

“If there is, I’m not aware of it.”

“What are you thinking, Erin?” Lyra asked.

“I’m thinking whether we should show this vial to her.”

“Just do it,” Aedan said.

“What? Just do it?”

“The fastest way to see if someone is trustworthy? Tempt them with precious bait. We have the bait.” Aedan tapped the vial. “And it’s more than precious.”

Nivia frowned. “That’s a parlous suggestion, Aedan.”

“Do you have a better idea?”

Nivia looked away. “No,” she admitted. “But surely you have other ideas, no?”

“If we’re not against time, then yes. But we don’t know how much time we have left. Once they have finished moving their entire operation, they won’t hesitate to kill Erin. If they have someone like Varus, it’s quite possible that they would have another powerhouse. And it isn’t just the Covenant we need to worry about. The viceroy is planning something too.”

Nivia sighed. “Fine. So, how do we go about this?”

Aedan smiled wryly. “You won’t like this part.”

Nivia furrowed her brows. “Why?”

“Rigetta and Erin certainly can’t meet in the guild. They’ll have to meet someplace else and I have just the place in mind.”

“Which is?”

“The House of Lilies.”

Amyra slumped forward and broke into a chortle. Everyone else aside from Nivia had a knowing expression. Even if they had never heard of the name, they could tell what kind of place it was just by its name.

Nivia frowned at Amyra’s reaction and everyone’s cramped smile. “What kind of place is that?”

“It’s a brothel for lilies,” Aedan answered with a half-suppressed chuckle.


After the discussion, everyone retired to their rooms as it was late into the night. Aedan was the only one who didn’t return to his room. Instead, he headed to his lab to continue studying the vial of pure Demonic essence. Erin had wanted to join but to her stupefaction, Aedan urged her to get some rest instead.

In spite of the battles she had just fought, Erin was only a little bit exhausted. She wasn’t surprised by her steadfast constitution. Her level had increased a lot recently. This much was nothing compared to her prime. She took a quick hot bath to wash away her sweat and the dirt that accumulated on her body from the battles. The bath was already prepared for her long before she stepped into her bedroom and it was being kept warm with magic.

After her bath, she threw herself onto her bed while wearing nothing but a loose silk robe that displayed much of her deep cleavage and her impressive supple thighs and posterior. Though she wasn’t tired, she was still in need of some respite. The kind of respite that required the aid of a companion in bed. It was a shame Lyra and Siv weren’t with her right now. They two were sleeping in their own rooms.

As much as they loved sex, they simply couldn’t keep up with Erin. Her stamina and vigour had increased along with her level. Not to mention, there was her Lust skill too. It was impossible for the two to keep up with her zest. To avoid Erin’s lustful grasp, they had requested their own rooms, though Erin was sure they would come back to her just after a single day. After all, they were addicted to her touch.

Just as Erin started groping her own ample bosom and her other hand going down to the trickling hole between her legs, there was a knock on her door. As she was in heat and safe in the manor, she had dropped her guard and failed to notice someone was approaching her room. She instantly pulled herself out of her lustful stupor and straightened her robe. “Come in,” she said. She didn’t need to ask who it was as she could tell by their scent.

The door swung open gently and a girl wearing a habit with dark brown hair walked into the room. Her gaze was cast down as she entered and she did not raise her gaze even when the door closed shut behind her by itself.

“Aera, what brings you here?” Erin asked.

“I need your help, Erin…”

“With what?”

Finally, Aera raised her gaze. “Kiss me,” she said.

“Um… why?”

“Please… just kiss me,” she begged with her eyes turning hazy.

Erin obliged with a wry smile. She held Aera’s shoulders firmly and gently planted her lips against Aera’s own. It was just a light touch but enough to feel each other’s warmth.

Aera was shivering and her shoulders were tense. But after the kiss, her shivering stopped and her shoulders loosened. When their lips parted, Aera was left panting and her cheeks flushed a deep red.

“You were angry?” Erin muttered. She could feel her intense rage when she kissed her but it all receded after the kiss. “What’s wrong?”

Aera said nothing but merely slumped forward, entrusting her weight to Erin and laying her head on her chest. Her arms crept behind Erin and wrapped her into an embrace.

Erin sighed and scooped Aera into her arm and princess-carried her to the bed. She sat on the edge and lay Aera on her lap. “Are you angry that I didn’t bring you along?”

“...I was infuriated, Erin. I thought you betrayed me. I know how absurd of a logic that was but I couldn’t help but think that. I came so close to chasing you down.”

“But you didn’t, Aera.”

“I didn’t… because of Aedan.”

“Aedan? He did something?”

“H-he… he kissed me.”

“Oh?” Erin blurted in surprise and then, a mischievous grin formed on her lips. “And why did you sound so guilty about it, Aera?”

“W-we… did more than just kissing… He groped me and… touched me all over.”

“Did he force himself on you?”

Aera shook her head. “I let him. I knew he was just trying to help me but… he’s your lover and I—”

“Shh~” Erin shushed her lovingly with a finger on her lips. “Did you hate what he did?”

Aera cast her gaze back down. “No… I did not hate it.”

Erin smirked. “Did you like it?” she asked, caressing the back of her head.

Aera nodded after a brief hesitation.

“What about me, Aera? Do you like me?”

“Of course, I do, Erin. We’re sisters by faith.”

“I’m not talking about that, Aera. If we were not bound by faith, would you still see me as you do now?”

“I-I… I don’t know.”

Erin tittered. “You don’t know or you don’t want me to know?” she teased. It had been a long day and this kind of recreation was just what Erin needed. It felt good teasing a maiden in love.

Aera did not answer. Instead, she continued looking down at the ground but guilt painted her expression.

“You like him, don’t you?”

Aera raised her head with a flustered expression. “I-it’s not like that, Erin. It’s just…”

“Aera, I can feel your lust and it isn’t directed at me.”

“Y-you’re wrong… Erin.”

“I am not but I am curious. Why do you feel guilty and ashamed, Aera?”

“...Because he’s your lover.”

“Aye, he’s my lover and so are Siv, Lyra, and a few others.”

“I-if I laid with him… it would feel like I’m stealing him away from you.”

Erin chuckled. “Foolish Aera. Do you think you can steal him from me just because you laid with him once?”

“No… but I don’t want to hurt you, Erin. I don’t want you to hate me…”

“I won’t hate you if you slept with Aedan, Aera. Hell, I don’t mind if you slept with anyone else in the group. Just… no men, alright? Except for Aedan, of course.”

Aera stared at Erin with incredulity. She knew Erin was very open with her relationship but she didn’t think she would be this open. Though she was startled and slightly intimidated, she couldn’t help but feel glad about how things turned out. This way, she could embrace her feelings without guilt.

“Was this also why you were so angry? You thought I would forbid you from loving Aedan?”

Aera nodded faintly.

“Stupid girl,” Erin said and flicked her forehead. “I’m hurt that you think this little of me?”

“But I saw how you treat your women, Erin… You looked like you would tear someone to pieces if they even looked at your woman the wrong way.”

“Well… that thought certainly has come to mind but I won’t act on it. Just because I accept my lust, doesn’t mean I would allow it to control me.”

“So… you don’t see me in that way?”

“Hmm? In what way, my dear Aera?” Erin’s smirk widened.

“In… a romantic way…” Aera’s voice was so soft that Erin wouldn’t have heard it if she didn’t have an enhanced sense of hearing.

“Dear me… why would you ever think that way, Aera?”

“L-Lilian told me so… She said you would devour every woman that you came across.”

Erin smiled wryly. She certainly would if she didn’t put such a huge responsibility on herself. “I certainly would love to make you into my woman but I’m not going to force anyone. However, I won’t give up that easily. Understand?”

Aera swallowed a huge lump in her throat and nodded.

“Good.” She patted Aera’s head. “Now, what do you want to do?”

“Huh? What do you mean—”

“The truth is… I’m starved for some love, Aera. My lust is brimming. I really want to devour you right here and now but… you don’t want me to be your first, do you?”

“I-I don’t mind… but I do wish Aedan to be my first.” Aera was getting redder and redder as she spoke her intention.

Erin tittered. “Well then, let’s go to him, shall we?”

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