The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

4-68 Unlikely duo

A man was running down the street with all the strength he could muster. His pants weren’t properly put on but he didn’t care. His end was nigh and it would meet him should he slow but little did he know, his efforts were all for nought. Just as he was about to turn a corner, an arrow plunged right through his head from the back of his head. His life and tale ended there. It was a terrible end but he would not be missed. After all, he was only paying the price for what he had done.

“And that’s the last of them,” Lilian muttered as she watched the rapist getting his head pierced from afar.

“For now,” Lyra added and lowered her bow. She and Lilian had been going around the city, looking for survivors while also slaying the ruffians and Demoids. “There’s just no end to them. And I’m not even getting paid for this.”

“Nonsense, my dear,” Lilian huffed in amusement. “Think of what Erin would say if she knew all you had done. Wouldn’t that suffice as a reward?”

Lyra sighed. “That does sound enticing but there’s a difference between her love and gold. I can’t exactly pay for my food using her love now, can I?”

Lilian shrugged. “Point taken. Anyway, what are we— Huh? A Spirit Swallow?”

“A Swallow?” Lyra followed Lilian’s line of sight and found a faintly cyan-glowing swallow flying towards them.

“It seems there’s a message for us,” Lilian said.

“From who?”

“Who else can it be other than Aedan or—”

“Erin!” Lyra exclaimed in great joy and relief.

Lilian nodded.

The swallow flew into Lilian’s open hands and dispersed into nothing, leaving behind a small roll of parchment in her hands. Lilian unrolled the parchment and scoured the written content. A smile immediately adorned her face.

“It’s from Erin, isn’t it?!”

“Yes, it is. She’s doing fine and she’s in the camp.”

Lyra heaved a heavy sigh of relief and slumped to the ground. “Oh, thank the stars. Thank the divines. Thank you… Just thank you all… She’s alive.”

“Do you have so little fate in her, Lyra?”

“I do have fate in her but she can be so… reckless and rash at times.”

“She has that Divine Gift of hers, don’t you remember?”

“I do remember but that doesn't mean she can be heedless. Furthermore, she told me it ain’t a good feeling to keep dying over and over but only to keep coming back alive. It’s not a pleasant feeling. She told me how a piece of her is lost every time she comes back from death. It’s worse than death.”

“And they say gods are gracious. I sure would like to know who exactly said those words. Well, I say we have done enough for today. I’m reaching my limit. Anymore, we will be the one that needs rescuing.”

“You’re right. We best not overdo it. It’s no use if we don’t even have the stamina to defend ourselves.”

Just as they thought about returning, an explosion resounded in the distance and drew their attention. They spun their gazes in the direction of the explosion.

“By the Spirits…” Lilian gasped. “That’s the noble district.”

“The Demoids broke through?”

“Or they attack from within. The Covenant’s plants. The chaos and destruction here are most likely just distractions.”

“Can’t say I feel bad for them considering how they left the common folks to fend for themselves.”

“I concur but it’s not exactly a good thing for us. The fall of the nobles might mean the growth of the Covenant. And that’s a terrible thing for us.”

“Still, rest first, strategize later. I can’t wait to be back in Erin’s embrace.”

Lilian tittered. “I can’t wait either. In fact, I think I waited long enough. I think it’s also time for me to have a taste of her. Would you allow me to, Lyra?”

“You should be asking her, not me.”

“So, you don’t mind?”

Lyra chuckled. “I don’t. As a matter of fact, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Oh, my, Lyra. You really know how to entice a woman.”

“I know more than that, Lilian. I’ll show you once we’re back at the camp. Come one, let us make haste.”

“Yes, let’s.”

The moment they started walking down the street taking them back to the camp, another explosion ensued but this time, it was very close to them. So close that they felt the shockwave through the ground and it almost toppled their balance.

“What in the hell’s name was that?!” Lyra cried out.

“Oh, dear. Nothing good, I gather.”

Then, a series of footsteps could be heard and felt. They were loud and heavy, enough to make the ground tremble with every step. A strange groan echoed down the street as the thumping steps inched their way closer to Lyra and Lilian.

“Definitely nothing good, my dear Lyra. We should run.”

“Yes, let’s.” Saying so, the two began to run.

As if hearing their haste, the footsteps picked up their pace and rushed towards the two.

“I think it’s chasing us, dearie,” Lilian said as they took off sprinting.

“I know, damn it! Just keep running!”

From behind them, they could hear the collapse of buildings and structures and also the destruction of the fallen debris and piled-up wreckage. They concluded whatever was chasing them was simply charging its way through all the obstacles and hurdles. Its size was not a hindrance to its advance.

“Lilian, we can’t just run back to the camp with that thing on our tail. We can lead that thing back to the camp.”

“Spirits be damned.” Lilian clicked her tongue. “You’re right. Let’s not go this way. Through here.”

They took a sharp turn and ran into an alley. The storming steps followed closely behind them but they didn’t dare to look back. Even if the heavy trembling steps weren’t enough to convince them of the threat chasing them, the roars emanating from behind were enough to keep them running without turning their heads.

“Lilian, do you have any idea what’s chasing us?!” Lyra yelled out as they ran with all of their might.

“I don’t but I can make a good guess. A Demoid.”

“Such a profound answer. I could never have guessed that.”

“You’re welcome,” Lilian retorted as they made another sharp turn that led them back to the street.

Something exploded behind them. Smoke and debris flew past them. They heard the sharp tone of the air before the explosion occurred, so they could only presume their pursuer threw something at them but missed.

“We can’t just keep running, Lilian.”

“I know.” Lilian’s eyes swept her surroundings. Her frantic gaze darted every corner of her vision desperately. Eventually, her gaze landed on a dark and narrow alley mostly untouched by the lights. “There. That alley there. We can hide there.”

Without a moment to lose, Lyra and Lilian dashed into the alley in front of them and took cover behind the barrels and crates that were left behind in the ensuing chaos. They crouched down and controlled their erratic breaths. They held their breaths and only expelled them when they could no longer hold on.

They watched their pursuer furtively from the alley in trepidation. They saw its colossal and imposing shadow first, looming over all that was in front of it. When their pursuer finally made its appearance known, Lyra nearly let out a gasp but Lilian clasped her mouth before a sound could be let out. The two stared with great unease at the gigantic deformed Demoid walking past them.

“What the fuck is that…?” Lyra gasped softly with a quivering voice after the abomination disappeared out of their sight, though they could still feel its heavy gait that echoed and trembled with every step. “Did you see that, Lilian? Those faces all over its body… I don’t think that’s a Demoid at all. That’s just a Demon.”

“Perhaps it’s a Demoid at the beginning but it grew into the abomination we saw. There’s no telling what Demons are capable of and it doesn’t change anything. They are a threat and they need to be culled.”

“It does change something, Lilian. Do you think we can take that thing down as easily as how we took down the others?”

“...No, but I hope we could be wrong.”

Suddenly, screams and cries erupted from where the Colossal Demoid was heading. It was the screams of children.

“Survivors… and they’re in danger. Lilian, we must help them.”

Lilian sighed. “I know. I’ll distract that thing while you go save the children.”

“Alright. Let’s go.”

They immediately rushed out of the alley and ran in the direction of the screams. They came upon an open square with the same scene of destruction and ruin as any other place. The deformed Demoid was standing in front of an overturned carriage, feasting on the horses that were pulling it. A group of children was huddling inside the passenger box.

“What are you going to do, Lilian?” Lyra asked.

“Just be ready to run towards the children after I distract the Demoid.” Lilian took out a small chunk of vivid green gemstone and held it tightly in her hand. It then began to glow brightly in her grip. “Now, Lyra. Run!”

Lyra did not hesitate nor argue with the Dryad and ran towards the overturned carriage. Meanwhile, Lilian placed her palm on the ground and the green glow was transferred into the soil below.

From below the Demoid, vines and roots burst forth and tangled themselves around the massive abomination. The Demoid screeched as it was constricted. It fought against the chains of nature but it could not compete with the rampant growth of the vines and roots.

Lyra reached the children at the same time. “The monster’s trapped for now. Come quickly, children. Follow me! It will be alright. I can take you to someplace safe where these monsters cannot get you.”

The children were stunned by the abrupt and rapidly-changing development but after some urging and encouragement from Lyra, they began to move. They were slow at first but as the Demoid let out another screech, they hastened their pace. There were two children that were too terrified to run and Lyra had to carry them into her arms.

“This way!” Lyra shouted loudly, drawing the children’s attention before they could run off erratically and randomly. “Run towards the nice lady over there! Quick!”

The children were quick to follow her orders and ran towards Lilian.

“Lyra, I cannot hold the Demoid down for long!” Lilian shouted as she struggled with all her might to restrain the Demoid’s movement but as seconds passed, the strength of the roots and vines receded. The Demoid eventually broke free of the restraints. It bounced its gaze between Lyra and Lilian and decided on chasing down Lyra as there was more prey to be had.

With two children in her arms, Lyra could not run as fast as she could and the Demoid was rapidly gaining on her. “Oh, bollocks!” Lyra muttered as she felt the heavy gait treading closer and closer to her faster than she could move.

The earth shifted under the Demoid’s feet and pillars of rock shot out from the ground. The pillars barred the Demoid’s way but only for a brief moment before its feet easily smashed through every single one of them. A mound was formed around one of the Demoid’s feet but it easily broke itself free of the minor impediment. However, the small hindrances bought enough time for Lyra to rejoin Lilian.

Together, they took the children and ran out of the square, all the while Lilian kept using her Magic Arts to stall the Demoid as much as possible. She raised walls of dirt and erupted pillars of rocks in the Demoid’s way but it simply charged right through all of them. The paltry vines and roots did nothing to slow the Demoid down with assistance from a Mana Cell.

“Lilian, that thing’s too fast for its size. We can’t outrun it! And the children can’t run for much longer.”

“It’s not… just… the children… Lyra,” Lilian said in between breaths. “I’m also… running… out of breath…”

“Fuck… what do we do…” Lyra muttered gravely as she glanced behind.

“Just keep moving,” said a voice from in front of them.

Lyra and Lilian looked in front of them and relief washed away the despair from their faces.

“Olivia!” the two shouted joyously in tandem.

“Just focus on bringing the children to safety. I’ll handle this abomination,” Olivia said and calmly approached the charging Demoid.

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