The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

4-92 Repose

“You came,” Aedan muttered as soon as Erin had trod close enough to him, without turning his gaze away from the devastated view of the once glorious and splendorous city of Sephrodia Valley.

Two days went by like an arrow but the privations felt like a perpetual minute in these dire times. Things were getting better but the loss and anguish still permeated the city.

The high cliff he was sitting upon offered him an overview of nearly the entire city. If he laced his eyes with Mana, he could have the entirety of the city in his sight, but there was no probable reason for him to do that. The current view was depressing enough as it was.

“Were you expecting me to ignore your invitation?” Erin retorted as she made her way up the gentle slope and sat down beside Aedan.

Aedan cast a sidelong glance and his eyes were given a treat. “Are you expecting something… salacious to happen?” Aedan asked, gazing upon Erin’s choice of wardrobe.

The Fox-kin was wearing a simple sleeveless halter crop top with a pair of shorts, unlike her usual simple one-piece robe with a high slit. Both of the two were tantalising in their own way but the former was a tad more alluring due to its novelty on Erin. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail, allowing her nape and neck to breathe and also giving her overall appearance an even more sultry feel.

“I don’t need to expect something like that to happen. It will happen,” Erin answered confidently without a shred of embarrassment. “I wore these because I don’t have anything else to wear. These are Lyra’s.”

“I can certainly tell,” Aedan said as his eyes landed on Erin’s ample bosom that was being accentuated by her tight-fitting top.

Erin rolled her eyes. “Did you call me here just to ogle at my bosom?”

Aedan chuckled. “It certainly wasn’t my intention but I welcome the unexpected side benefit.”

“Tell me now, or I’m making myself scarce.”

Aedan said nothing and simply stared at Erin with a faint grin. His amused gaze spelt out his words for Erin.

Erin sighed. “Just tell me, will you?”

“Alright alright, I had my fun. The High Lord of House Valdrun had invited us to a luncheon in a week’s time, along with his wife, High Lady Melissa.”

Erin raised an eyebrow. “And who are these ‘us’ you’re referring to?”

“Just you and me. He wants to thank the leader of the Aeryons and the Fae who assisted in the Aeryons’ relief efforts.”

“And what was your reply?”

Aedan shook his shoulders. “Haven’t given him one yet. I want to know your opinion.”

“Having a closed-door conversation with the two principals of a prominent house is certainly very beneficial to us. You know that too, obviously. Unless of course, there is some reason that I am not privy to. Is there?”

“No reason to decline at all. I just wanted you to have a say in this.”

“How considerate.”

“You know me so well.”

Erin rolled her eyes once more. Not a moment went by that Aedan wasn’t being vexing. She sometimes suspected Aedan made it his goal to be as vexing as possible.

“But you are aware of the implications should we accept this invitation, aren't you?”

“I am,” Erin answered firmly. “This is not my first nor my second or third time dealing with nobles. I know what lies underneath this simple luncheon.”

“Good to know.”

“Is this all you have to say?”

“What else are you expecting? My remarks on your recent sexual escapades?”

Erin frowned and looked away. “Do you have to phrase it in such a manner?”

“It’s short and straightforward.”

“...Everyone knows?” Erin asked in an unusually timid fashion.

“They certainly heard your… voice of ecstasy, but they could never fathom what’s really happening behind those curtains. Aside from the Aeryons, you’re still a dignified Fae with a chaste field.”

“Why would they think I’m chaste?”

“Fae are typically sexually frigid, sort of. You and Lilian are exceptions, that goes without saying. Your reputation is intact, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Thank my stars, then.”

“If you’re that worried, maybe you shouldn’t have done it in the first place?”

“I was starved for… sex…” Erin’s voice trailed off. “I used Mystic Blade far too many times.”

“Why don’t you search for an alternative?”

“You think I didn’t?”

“No luck?”

“Luck has nothing with the zero-sum of my efforts. I’m merely still… lacking in knowledge and practice. I don’t doubt my success. It’s just a matter of time. After all, I did succeed in creating this.” Erin thrust out her arm with her hand splayed open. A sword manifested out of thin air in her hand.

“If time is the only issue here, mayhaps you can look for a teacher?”

“And who would teach me?”

Aedan smiled brightly and spread out his hands.

“Is there anything you do not know?”

“There’s plenty.”

“Such as?”

“Being a pleasant and agreeable person?”

Erin sighed inwardly. “Point taken.”

Aedan tittered. Then, the light in his eyes changed. His gaze turned solemn. “The nobles aren’t the hassle here.”

“I know,” Erin responded. “The Ruvans.”

“The Venerers, to be precise. Azaela, to be exact. I’m sure you have heard of the Ruvan’s infamy but… do you know Azaela is looking for me?”

“Just you?”

“As far as I know, her interest is just in me. I believe it’s a matter of faith, rather than some personal grudges. The Aeryons are the luminaries in the outcome of the havoc. She may be trying to recover people’s trust in Ruvanity through the words of an Aeryon.”

“The leader of the Aeryons, to be precise.”

“But that’s just my guess. She could be seeking me out for an entirely different reason.”

“Are you going to accept her summon?”

Aedan guffawed. “My dear, Erin. Azaela is the one looking for me. If she wants to have an audience with me, she should come to me.”

“I’m barely her opponent and you are even less so. Your words are bold, stupidly so.”

“I’m not afraid, Erin. I may not have the combat prowess to match her, my other… aspects are more than enough to ruin her should she dare to get physical. I have the people on my side.”

Erin felt a shiver crawling down her spine. She felt as if she was offered a glimpse of what Aedan had been and what he could have been.

“It’s time you embrace strength in other aspects as well, Erin. You can’t always rely on your combat prowess.”

“Easier said than done,” Erin muttered.

“You are a Fae and you are friends with a High Lady. Your relationship with the adventurer’s guild is also warm. You need not always raise your sword or your fist to put someone in place.”

“Speaking of the adventurer’s guild, have you heard anything about Rigetta?”

“She’s busy, that’s all I know. A lot of quests and commissions are flooding in. It’s a matter of course. In a way, it’s a good thing. Business is good for the adventurers. Everyone’s so busy.”

“And we are here, sitting atop a cliff, just talking our hearts out while everyone is working till they sweat blood.”

“Well… everything that I wished to convey to you has been said. So, you’re free to participate in the hardships and alleviate some of the burdens.”

Erin looked at Aedan dubiously. “Do you have a timetable?”

“I don’t?”

“Then why are you dismissing me in such a hurry?”

“You’re the one who’s feeling guilty over your dawdling.”

“You know damn well I’m just mulling whimsically. Will it kill you to not be a pain in the arse for a single moment?”


“You know what, be silent. I don’t want to hear another hogwash from you.”

Aedan shut his lips and sniggered inwardly.

Though Erin still had an irked expression, she joined her hand with Aedan’s and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Dear me—”

“Don’t spoil this,” she warned.

Aedan smiled and kept his lips shut.

“How do I fashion a Combat Art that rivals Mystic Blade?” Erin asked after a short silence.


“You said you would be my teacher. Now, teach me.”

Aedan held up his left arm and straightened his fingers. He coated his hand in Mana and moulded the edges until they were as thin as paper. Then, he concentrated Mana onto the edges, but he did not let the edges be dulled by the surging Mana. He kept the volume under control until the edges were glowing with a soft blue radiance.

“Hmm… isn’t this just Arcane Edge?” Erin questioned.

“Arcane Edge doesn’t increase the sharpness of a blade, in spite of its given name, but merely enhances the strength behind a slash. This trick, however, makes the edge sharper. As sharp as obsidian but a million times its durability. Moreover, there’s another trick to this trick.”

“Which is?”

With the hand that was coated in his Mana, Aedan touched the ground lightly. It was just a gentle tap of the soil. However, a deep hole was formed on the spot where he touched.

“Whoa…” Erin gasped. “What was that?”

“The moment I touched the soil, I released the Mana imbued in the edges. The key moment here is the release of the imbued Mana at the right moment, maximising the force of a blow or strike.”

“A point-blank release of Aura Shot, so to say.”

“Close, but no. An Aura Shot is condensed. It’s duller than this trick, but in exchange, it hits harder. However, this skill that I’m showing, weighs heavily on its ability to tear or cut through your mark. Aura Shot focuses on power and range but this trick focuses on precision. A well-placed and well-timed strike using this trick can be more effective than an Aura Shot.”

Erin was already intrigued by the alternative Aedan presented but now that she was given a firsthand demonstration, she was beyond enticed by the skill. She hopped up from her seat and immediately started practising the craft.

Aedan couldn’t help but chuckle at Erin’s enthusiasm. It was moments like these that Aedan had doubts about Erin’s past incarnation. Or more precisely, Erin’s orientation in her former life. He imagined a grown man skipping gleefully and he almost burst out laughing.

“Life is certainly full of wonders,” Aedan muttered.



“Don’t give me that answer. I heard you.”

“Then take it as it is, sweetheart.”

Erin groaned inwardly and decided not to pursue it any further. She brandished her sword through the conjuration of Bespoke. Then, she began imitating what Aedan had shown her. She poured Mana into her sword instead of simply using Arcane Edge to circumvent the hassle. There would be no point to this otherwise.

Squinting her eyes, Erin saw the glow around her blade begin to shudder, a telltale sign of Mana overloading. Recalling the steps she was shown, she redirected the flow of the Mana to the edges of her blade. Once converged, the Mana shuddered even more violently. She tried to keep the Mana contained but the shaking glow intensified.

“Fuck…” Erin swore.

“Careful now. If you don’t keep it under control, it will blow up right in your face.”

“Not helping, Aedan.”

As the glow grew in radiance, so did Erin’s concentration. Just as the glow looked to be on the verge of exploding, it diminished in radiance and shrunk in size. Meanwhile, the shuddering also gradually ceased. Erin breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing such a sight.

“I knew you could do it. You’re a natural after all.”

“Aedan, no one will think you dumb even if you stop talking for a minute.”

“You don’t like compliments?”

“Not backhanded ones.”

“I would never.”

Erin clicked her tongue and spun towards Aedan, bringing her sword around.

Aedan leaned backwards and avoided the blade that sliced through the empty space where his head had been.

“Holy shit, that was close!”

“At least, your wits are not just present in your words.”

Aedan feigned an offended expression. “I’m hurt, my dear Erin. How could you?”

Erin pointed her sword at him. “Since we both have all the time to ourselves for today, how about a duel?”

Aedan was taken back but only for a moment. His lips then curled into a grin. “Fine by me, but I have to warn you, given my current level of prowess, I shall not hold back.”

Erin returned the grin. “The feelings are mutual, sweetheart.”

Aedan snickered. “Good to know,” he said and moulded his Mana into the shape of a sabre.

And a fierce battle ensued that shook the entire city, which caused another wave of panic, but that was a story for another day.

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