The sword that rule over womens


The man bringing his wagon with a perverted expression seeing the naked body of Elva and the thin see through clothes that Candy wore.

The man greeted Ace. But was soon disheartened by seeing his 10 inch erect dick held by candy and his testicles were being rubbed my Elva.

Hey boss, let's move quickly otherwise it'll take a whole week to reach there, and the bandits have also increased their looting, the man said, trying to sit on his seat.

Ace nodded and began to sit on the wagon. 

Here, I'll help you. Ace said to candy as she was having trouble climbing up.

Thankyou master. She blushed and held his hand.

No fair master, you did not give me this treatment. Elva pouted.

She looked very cute like a baby demanding for her mother's breast milk.

Don't worry Elva you'll be the first one who i pound tonight, Ace said pointing at his dick.

Tchh.... The man clicked his tounge. Suck a show off he's deliberately showing off these girls. He thought inwardly.

May we start traveling? The man asked.

Yes , love at full speed. We have to reach as soon a possible.

Hearing this the man whipped the horse and it began to run. As soon as the wagon started moving a evil grin appeared on his face.

Row, are you there ? Ace asked.

Yes master, we were preparing to migrate.

Good! You guys go ahead we'll be catching up with you. 

This was the conversation they had by telepathy.



After some times , it was already night. The moon was shining bright the sky was clear, every stars could be seen.

Ace , Candy and Elva hugged each other and were sleeping inside a blanket.

Everything was going smoothly but suddenly Ace got a message.



Wake up, master..

Ace woke up only to when he felt his mind feeling the loads of voices 


Mm... What happened, Ace said rubbing his eyes.

Master I saw some thugs in the roadway, they are probably thiefs. They are around 20 people in number. Row informed.

Okay, I'll manage about that. Ace answered and put his monstrous size dick on Candy's pussy after removing it from Elva's pussy and then he again went to sleep.

The wagon moved forward.





After 50 minutes the wagon man stopped the wagon and stepped down from his place.

He checked whether Ace and other were asleep or not. After confirming it he met a man who was wearing a black robe.

You can do the job right? The man in robe asked.

Yes, I have done this many times. The wagon man replied

Good, now go otherwise they'll wake up. After 600 metres our group is ready to rob and kill them.

Hearing this the wagon men went back.

Where were you ? Ace asked.

He was trembling in fear, but somehow he managed to give a proper answer.

I needed to pee. The man said 

Fair enough. Now let's go Ace said.





After 10 minutes a cry could be heard on a far distance. Hearing this the wagon man increased the speed saying we need to help them.

There was a lady and a man who were all alone.

Let's go, help them. The man said.

Ace did not say anything but the man moved towards the lady.

He stopped his carriage. Went down and asked.... Hello miss, do you have any problem?

Yes, I'm in pain. Very much pain. A pain that is eating me from inside. I can't bear it. The only way to stop this pain is to rob your passanger! Saying this she gave a sadistic smile.

The thiefs from the bushes started coming out  one by one.

The wagon man also stated moving towards them with a smile.

Sorry brother, I need to do this to earn money ! Otherwise how can a ugly man like get some pussy to fuck ?

Ace sighed, he way it coming. We was awake all the time a had already listened to the comunication. And not to forget about his magic sence.

Ohh I see, Ace said in a calm expression!

Row,Come out! Ace ordered

Then around 200+ wolf came and stood behind Ace. Seeing them all the men had already wet their pants. 

Attack them! But leave the girl and that man over there, he said while pointing his finger at the wagon man.

With this the massacre of 20+ men began by the hands of wolfs.

The thiefs were afraid, so afraid that they began pleading for forgiveness while laying down on the ground. Most of the thiefs had their neck attacked by the wolfs. And some wolf even skinned the humans. 

Soon everyone was dead, only the girl and the wagon man was left.

Ace stood up and wore his underwear which had a hole, large enough for his dick and hairy balls to to popped out.

He moved towards the man...

Thankyou....for letting me unlock it. Hahahaha..... Ace laughed like a maniac. Just as he stopped laughing the man was laying on the ground with each of his bone broken. Ace was so fast that human eye's couldn't see him moving.

The girl cried like a baby, Don kill me... Don't kill me... I'll be your slave for my life she said.

Okay I'll give you a chance... Clean my Anus by your tounge. Ace said.

Okay.... Yes... I can definitely do that the girl said in joy. I'll make sure to lick every part of your asshole, I will clean your Smelly exit door.

She was in tears but after saying this she began walking towards Ace..





Her head rolled down on the ground..... She was in two pieces now, Ace with his wind magic cut her neck afterall he had to free the girl from pain.

I have freed you from your pain, Ace started laughing again.

Ace walked towards Row and said 


Yes master!

Send one of your fastest men to pull our wagon.

Hearing this Row sent a big wolf who was jacked up.

Ace released the horse which was carrying them before and attached the wolf to the wagon.

After this he went back to the wagon and saw two naked bodies of his girls. He was that even after suck incident, they were sleeping like a baby.

A hastily climbed up and then spread Elva's ass cheeks revealing her Smelly pink asshole.

He quickly took a sniff and put his nose inside Elva's smelly anus, using her ass like a pillow he slept the night very comfortably.

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