The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 226

Chapter 223 : Wei Dabao wants revenge!

The next day, when the sky did not break and the earth was dark, Xiao Rui got up early.

He belongs to the upper court and can’t wake up. He has to take a bite of “His Royal Highness” by the hardworking maid before he can pull it up. Instead of waking up naturally, there is no need for a maid to practice martial arts by himself.

When he had breakfast in the morning, Wu Zhanfa came to report. Just as dawn broke in the morning, the third division of the East Factory was in motion. Wei Zhongxian personally led a large number of Dongchang and Jin Yiwei out to arrest criminals all over the city!

It’s just that the criminals arrested are not real criminals, but officials!

Dongchang is responsible for spying and seizing, and secretly monitoring hundreds of officials, and the first division of Dongchang is in charge of capital affairs. Therefore, Zhengfeng, the head of the first division, must have the evidence of countless officials in his hands.

Imagine that you were reprimanded by your Majesty early, and you went home to eat at night and insulted your Majesty. The spies from Dongchang wrote it down to you in a small notebook! Your subordinates will give you gifts, what time and what time will they give you, write it down on your notebook! Which officials you privately interviewed, whether they were discussing state policy and state affairs, whether they were forming a party for private purposes, I will also write it down to you in a small book!

Duan Zhengfeng has these little books in his hands!

To lose money is to draw Wei Dabao’s blood and blood. He was already angry and attacked, so he naturally wanted to retaliate. Xiao Jing was anxious for the East Factory to show off his power, so he didn’t persuade him to stir up trouble. Therefore, Wei Dabao did not ask Hai Dabao for advice. Dispatched.

Wei Zhongxian was responsible for the arrest, holding the evidence that Duan Zhengfeng passed to him, he started the arrest directly! Although the 13 officials involved in the evidence were all officials below the fifth rank, they were inextricably related to Chu Wang Xiao Yiheng. This group of people was arrested into the East Factory and confessed to their crimes after being treated gently by Wei Zhongxian.

By the time Chu Wang Xiao Yiheng knew, it was too late.

Of course, it was already too late when Hai Dafu, the Dongchang palm print, knew about it.

Xiao Yiheng immediately enters the palace, and asks your Majesty to be fair. Although the thirteen officials are not his direct line or the direct line of his grandfather’s family, they are all the mainstays of the various government offices. Although they have no decision-making power, they are all people who do things. It is difficult to control these people and all the information of each government office is difficult. To run away from his discernment, it must be a great loss to be completely uprooted!

So he hurried into the palace, begging your Majesty to be fair.

Hai Dafu urgently summoned Wei Dabao. He slapped him when he saw each other. He slapped his cheeks with blood red, and the corners of his mouth were bloody.

“Who gave you the courage! Ordered the arrest privately! Now let them go immediately! Destroy all confessions!” Hai Dafu said angrily.

He is really angry. The world has said that Wei Dabao is his son, but he is not, but he is a distant nephew! Therefore, after Hai Dafu knew the relationship between the two, he would take the heavy responsibility of Wei Dabao. Otherwise, relying on Wei Dabao’s talents and IQ, as well as the shortcomings of greed, he would not be enough to serve as the manager of the East Factory!

But Hai Dafu can’t hold back the bond of family affection. After all, there is this nephew in front of him, and the Dongchang must be controlled by himself. If he is handed over to outsiders, he has been serving in the palace. If he can’t control it personally, he will be emptied and lost for a long time. Deception, when something really happened, your Majesty will be held accountable, and he will also be doomed.

Who knows, now it’s handed over to my nephew, but he has also placed one!

Wei Dabao was very afraid of Hai Dafu, covering his face and crying: “Uncle, the king of Chu deceived people too much. He stole all the money I had accumulated for several years, and he didn’t leave me a single hair! And it’s too late, this matter. It’s already gone.”

“Silver and silver, the **** knows silver!” Hai Dafu exasperated him and shouted, “Do you know who you are going to deal with? It’s the king of Chu, the dignified prince, and the last powerful prince. You think you have the ability to deal with him. ?”

“Uncle, of course it was not the nephew who dealt with him, it was King Jing!” Wei Dabao said solemnly.

Hai Dafu also almost lost his footing. He felt dizzy and his blood pressure was presumably rising. He said angrily, “Did you forget how the third director of the East Factory stepped down? Didn’t you forget it? There were no two months before and after, you actually did it again? You are involved with King Jing! No, have you been involved with King Jing a long time ago?”

Wei Dabao did not dare to speak, but keeping silent has always been related to acquiescence.

Hai Dafu pointed at him and said angrily: “Aren’t you telling the truth until now?”

Wei Dabao just let go: “The East Factory…The East Factory has just been established, I have no intention of befriending King King.”

Hai Dafu smiled without anger, “No intention to make friends? Do you have that ability? What kind of character is King King, so easy to make friends? Let’s talk, how much money did you collect!”

“No, no money.” Wei Dabao denied it.

Hai Dafu took a deep breath, his face suddenly became extremely calm, and coldly said: “If you don’t tell the truth, then our family can’t save you.”

Wei Dabao trembled in his heart and hurriedly admitted: “Fifty…no no, one million taels…only one million taels!”

Hai Dafu took a breath, and couldn’t help but shook his head and praised: “What a big handwriting, King Jing is really bold!”

Wei Dabao begged: “Uncle, I was also forced to desperate by the King of Chu. That is all my savings, equivalent to five hundred and eighty-three thousand six hundred and fourteen twenty-six articles in silver!”

Hai Dafu really wants to slap him back into her mother’s belly, his brain is not clever, he remembers **** well! All are accurate to the text.

“You, forget it, it’s not difficult for me. If you are lucky this time, I will slowly let you withdraw. The Dongchang office is not suitable for you, so you should go back to the Court of Internal Affairs and serve as your deputy. With him taking care of you, at least you will not go to a dead end! The responsibilities of the East Factory are getting greater and greater. If you can’t keep calm and restrain yourself, you will end sooner or later, and it will hurt me!” Hai Dafu sighed.

Wei Dabao opened his mouth. He is reluctant. The East Factory is more than a heavy responsibility, it is a huge power. He is a bit addicted now, but he dare not refute it because he knows that he is cheap. Uncle can slap himself.

“Since you have taken action this time, then let go of it, and hand over all the evidence of the officials in the Chu King’s line to King Jing. Then you pretend to be ignorant and let Duan Zhengfeng take responsibility. He betrayed him. He is in charge of the Dongchang First Division, which happens to fall within the scope of his duties! As for the officials who have been arrested, it is reasonable and justifiable. According to the law, you are righteous, even if the king of Chu bears hatred on you. Don’t dare to deal with you blatantly. After a while, I will come forward to lobby for you, saying that you are also blinded by Duan Zhengfeng, and this matter can pass.” Hai Dafu said immediately.

Wei Dabao nodded immediately and said: “Uncle rest assured, I will do it as soon as I go back. Duan Zhengfeng is my confidant and will surely take this responsibility for me.”

Hai Dafu said: “After Duan Zhengfeng bears the blame, Your Majesty will be able to explain it.”

Wei Dabao couldn’t help asking: “Uncle, can you bring down all the evidence of the officials from the Chu King’s line?”

Hai Dafu glanced at him, and said coldly: “Daydreaming! Those officials are just attached to King Chu, and the backbone of Chu King is not moving. How can they bring him down? At most, let him lose a piece of meat, and also took the opportunity to give it to the other princes. Chance. It hurts to lose a piece of meat.”

Wei Dabao is a little sorry.

“By the way, why does King Jing resent King Chu so much?” Hai Dafu asked.

Wei Dabao explained: “Uncle did not know, King King’s cousin, Yangzhou Governor’s son was killed. After King King investigated, it was Chu King sent someone to do it!”

Hai Dafu’s eyes shrank sharply, others are not clear. He served his Majesty, how could he not know that the Seventh Prince Xiao Rui had been to Yangzhou Mansion? and……

“What’s wrong? Uncle?” Wei Dabao asked.

Hai Dafu smiled and said, “It’s okay!”

Hai Dafu can achieve his current position, he must be Xia Huang’s confidant. He knows what to say and what not to say, let alone Wei Dabao is just a distant nephew, that is, his nephew, his son, and his secrets cannot be revealed. Because he knows too many secrets of His Majesty, once one of them leaks out, His Majesty will doubt him, and once he loses His Majesty’s trust, there will be nothing.

“Time is running out, do it as soon as I told you!” Hai Dafu warned again.

Wei Dabao didn’t dare to neglect, so he continued to do it.

Xiao Rui didn’t know the details, only knew that Xiao Yiheng entered the palace shortly after the person was arrested, and soon after he entered the palace, Xiao Jing also entered the palace.

Near noon, there was no turmoil in the palace, but Wei Zhongxian sent Tian Ergeng to spread the news. Wei Dabao actually let Sansi control Duan Zhengfeng, and Duan Zhengfeng confessed that it was he who spread the news of those officials and tricked Sansi. Arrested and interrogated.

Xiao Rui couldn’t help but admire Wei Dabao’s brilliance, and directly sacrificed his talents and shirked his own responsibility. So, the next step is Xiao Yiheng and Xiao Jing’s fight. However, judging from the current situation, Xiao Jing has a strong advantage and will inevitably try his best to bring down those officials and give Xiao Yiheng a heavy blow!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Rui heard that the first prince Xiao Lie and the sixth prince Xiao Ming entered the palace, and it seemed that they were also in trouble.

And Xiao Rui also considered whether or not to go. After all, he had been attacked by groups many times. This time, he finally attacked other people. What a pity to give up. However, Xiao Rui still had his own plan, and didn’t want to betray Xiao Yiheng.

At this time, the system jumped out: “Come and not be indecent, and the host does not intervene. It is not in line with the host’s insidious temperament!”

Xiao Rui was speechless, and said, “System, I can’t let out a fart on weekdays, so how can you tease me today?”

“Ding Dong…The new task is open, please check it out.”

I go!

Xiao Rui was a little speechless, and the system really couldn’t use common sense to speculate.

He hurriedly turned on the system, and he was immediately excited by this look.

actually came two missions!

“New mission 1: Same enemy, cut off Xiao Yiheng’s wings. When the mission is completed, the arrival value is +40.”

“Added task 2: win over allies, make friends with Cui Changwen, the clerk of the Ministry of Etiquette, the task is completed, the arrival value is +40.”

“Mission failed… Such a simple task, the host has the face to fail?”

Xiao Rui really wanted to touch the system’s forehead, reward it with a bone, then throw it out, and go…watch it slapped up.

These two missions are so fragrant, and the arrival value is strong enough. Once completed, it will be 80 points. Wouldn’t it be that you are about to come again? And this time the wish value has been gathered, you can make a wish!

Counselor, counselor, I want counselor!

was full of fighting spirit, Xiao Rui changed clothes and went into the palace immediately.

Father, my son is here.

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