The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 637

Chapter 634 : No country is innocent under the disas

Before Xiao Rui visited the country, he went to the north for half a year and learned about the situation of the people, but neither Anxi 14 prefectures nor Anbei 14 prefectures have been there. That is the territory expanded by Daxiaxin, even if there are Zhang Liang, Xiao He, and Ye Wendao. Management can sit back and relax, but as the king of a country, Xiao Rui also wants to see.

This is like marrying a sweet wife. It is said that the country is beautiful, but she is far away in her hometown. He can only listen to the beauty and beauty, but it is beyond the reach and sighs.

That eager mood, I should be able to experience it.

And as Xiao Rui said, he now has time, the court runs steadily inside and outside, and the border is peaceful. If he doesn’t go now, he won’t be able to go to fight in the future.

Of course, there are certain risks. After all, Xiao Rui has just ascended the throne, and no one will travel around the world in the second year as an emperor, and he is not afraid that the throne will not be firmly seated and people will be pryed.

Xiao Rui is really not afraid. Now the guard battalion is still in the hands of Zhang Jinfu, the loyal and yonglord. Ye Xiu’s son, Ye Qiu, is responsible for the guard camp outside the city. The two fathers and sons of the Ye family are loyal and brave. Then Guo Ziyi is promoted to the Ministry of War. Everything is under Xiao Rui’s control.

Before Xia Huang abdicated, all the factors of restlessness were resolved. There was no need for Xiao Rui to clean up from the beginning, avoiding a long time to balance the layout, so Xiao Rui was able to carry out his plan happily and freely.

Li Yuanfang would be able to break through the super-grade realm before the end of the year, and then the Qinglian swordsman would need to stay in the palace to guard him, so Xiao Rui took Li Yuanfang, Gai Nie, Wang Dazhi, and Jia Xu.

Wang Dazhi is also taking Dahuandan, his progress is slower than that of Li Yuanfang, and his age is there, it is difficult to become a super product, but it should be no problem to become a half-step super product.

There are three masters who protect Xiao Rui, and the safety is guaranteed, so they can naturally visit the WeChat account with confidence. Originally, I was worried that Jia Xu would be lazy, but I couldn’t wait to follow it. It seems that the easy life is good, but besides the ordinary life, there should be some waves and magnificent.

After Xiao Rui left Jia’s residence, Jia Xu also changed into formal clothes and visited Huo Xingye.

Huo Xingye was also taken aback when he heard that Jia Xu was visiting.

“Why did he come! I don’t know him well.” Huo Xingye was puzzled, but after that, worry arose in his heart.

Jia Xu is your Majesty’s. Although he now has a third-rank idle position, everyone knows that he himself does not want to enter the court. Otherwise, with his merits from the dragon, it is not difficult to enter the cabinet and participate in political affairs.

Now Jia Xu’s visit seems to be the intention of his majesty.

“Your Majesty seems to be moving me.” Huo Xingye sighed.

After speaking, Huo Xingye immediately got up to greet Jia Xu.

The unfamiliar two exchanged a few words in front of the mansion. Huo Xingye warmly invited Jia Xu into the mansion to have tea. The two drank the tea and chatted.

Looking at the timing, Jia Xu finally started his purpose of coming here. “I heard that when Daren Huo was young, he used to go south to the north with the emperor, and he was a brave general on the battlefield!”

Huo Xingye laughed and said: “Lord Jia laughed. If you talk about the great battlefield back then, who would be the opponent of King Ruyang and the military princes? I’m just a pawn, and I can accompany you to fight with the emperor for not giving up.”

Jia Xu asked: “When people are old, they yearn for the years when they were young. Does Mr. Huo have this idea?”

Huo Xingye was startled, and heard what Jia Xu said.

If you say yes, then your majesty’s intention is probably to transfer yourself out of Beijing as a military commander, and if you say no, then naturally there is something else going on.

From the very beginning, I supported the wrong person and stood in the wrong team. Your Majesty did not clean up himself directly. He has done his best. Now I can see if I know how to scrutinize it.

“I have an idea, I’m just about to go out and see, Master Jia is willing to help?” Although Huo Xingye was unwilling, he responded with a smile.

Jia Xu also laughed. Huo Xingye is indeed not easy. He didn’t say anything when he came here. He just tried a word, and he guessed everything and accepted all the arrangements straightforwardly. This is the smartest, because it can get the most benefits.

“Since Master Huo has spoken, Jia naturally helps. Originally, Jia had a lot of things to say, but it doesn’t seem to be necessary now. In fact, with Master Huo’s ability, even if he goes out to lead soldiers, he is a good general.” Jia Xu replied .

Huo Xingye nodded.

On the second day, Huo Xingye took the initiative to pay a visit to his Majesty, feeling deeply that he was not competent enough to be qualified for the position of the Ministry of War, and begged to resign from the position of the Ministry of War.

After Xiao Rui stayed a few sentences, he agreed to Huo Xingye’s request. Originally, he wanted him to go to Ganzhou, but after thinking about it, it was fine, so he transferred him to Licheng Army Town in Fuzhou to lead the troops. Because Han Ming had already gone to Suzhou, the military affairs of Licheng Army Town were in charge of the general army, and now it is just right to send Huo Xingye there.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Ziyi, the Minister of War, was promoted to Shangshu.

In this way, the cabinet and the six ministries’ arrangements have been completely completed.

The next time passed quickly.

After the autumnal equinox, it is winter.

Last time Xiao Rui gave Yuan Yuan a popular character who played cotton and found something to do for her to make her life more exciting. And she is also dedicated to her duties and likes this job very much, passing on the craftsmanship of playing cotton to women and children.

After the winter solstice, the weather dropped sharply, and the people planted cotton. At this time, they all knew how to play cotton. The cotton was soft and fluffy, and it was sewn into the inner lining of the clothes to make it warm.

The thermal insulation effect of cotton is better than cotton wool and catkins. With cotton wool, in the face of the sudden drop in temperature, the gloomy eyebrows in previous years can also breathe a sigh of relief.

When the time comes to the heavy snow festival, entering the severe winter at the end of October, the temperature in Daxia is estimated to be minus 20 degrees.

It is said that there was ice on the Qijiang River, which broke Qin Huangle. He immediately arranged for Qin Jun to see if he could step on the ice to cross the river and attack Daxia. The result was disappointing. Although Qijiang was frozen, The river is not closed, and the thickness of the ice is not too thick, which can’t support large-scale soldiers and horses and heavy trampling.

Speaking of Qin, it is natural to talk about the 100,000 soldiers and horses led by Meng Yi. They entered the grassland. Before they attacked Ganzhou and Suzhou in Daxia, they were attacked by the Mongolian tribes of the Yuan Dynasty and Guo Jia was hiding. How could the Mongolian tribe let the Qin army attack Daxia!

So Meng Yi had no choice but to deal with the Mongolian tribe first, and this deal was delayed for a long time, and the grassland began to snow blizzard, Meng Yi had no choice but to withdraw his troops and retreat to the territory of Qin.

Such a cold day is also a torment for the marching war.

And this period of time has come. Chang Sheng Hou Tian Boyuan and Zhenyuan Hou Han Ming have made Ganzhou and Suzhou built as solid soups. Each state has 100,000 guards. Even if the Qin Army breaks through the grassland and kills them, they will stop there. Daxia’s border line is outside.

When the time passed the winter solstice, Xiaohan and Dahan followed, and it was only two months before the end of the year.

In the warmth of spring, Xiao Rui was reviewing the memorial sent by the Hubu. The memorial introduced the basic conditions of the states in the cold winter. Although Xiao Rui has made a lot of efforts to promote cotton and fully open up coal mines, in the face of such a cold winter, there are still many poor people who have not survived.

The only good news is that the number has dropped significantly compared with previous years and compared with other countries.

Cotton and coal still played a vital role.

At the same time, the memorial of the Ministry of Households also introduced the fluctuation of cotton prices and coal prices. In some areas, prices have been driving up. Unscrupulous merchants have taken risks for the sake of profits.

Fortunately, Xiao Rui had the foresight and had long allowed the Ministry of Households to set up a new department to supervise and manage market prices, in order to prevent businesses from being smoked by profits.

The fate of these merchants was miserable. The court issued a fine of hundreds of thousands. If there was no money, they would use houses and items to deduct them, and punished merchants who dared to be greedy for nothing, which greatly deterred other merchants.

The court cut taxes to promote business, but also learned that the law abides by the law.

“The situation in Daxia is very severe, what about other countries?” Xiao Rui put down the memorial and asked Wang Dazhi.

Wang Dazhi respectfully said: “In reply to your Majesty, Mr. Guo sent a secret letter from Yuan Guo, saying that the temperature in Yuan Guo is extremely low, and when it reaches the point of throwing the hot water in the bowl into the air, it becomes snow. Many small tribes can only submit to the big tribes. Survive, or else you can only go to extinction. In this cold winter, the number of people who have frozen to death in the Yuan Dynasty is a terrible number.”

Xiao Rui nodded, Daxia is 20 degrees below zero, isn’t it true that Yuan Guo has 40 degrees below zero. The cold winter of minus 40 degrees can indeed throw hot water into snow.

In such a cold day, the Yuan people had no cotton or coal, so they could only rely on yurts and sheepskins for warmth. People who were slightly older and had poor cold tolerance would not be able to survive this cold winter.

This is a disaster between heaven and earth, which can be resisted by humans, and the Khan of the Yuan Dynasty cannot change it. Moreover, before the change, soldiers had been sent south to plunder Qi, but this time, Yue Fei, Li Cunxiao, and Yang Yuji’s heavy guards defeated the Yuan army’s intentions of plundering several times. To supplies.

But what is even more terrifying for Yuan Guo is after winter.

In the coming spring, the weather temperature will rise slowly, and the snow will not melt, which will restrict the growth of pasture. Their cattle, sheep and horses have survived a winter, the pasture has been exhausted, new pasture cannot be produced, and no material can be obtained. China is a devastating blow.

At this time, Wang Dazhi continued: “Yan Guo and Wei Guo also suffered a cold winter But the situation is better than that of Daxia. But the loss is also heavier.”

“Where is Qin State?” Xiao Rui is now most concerned about Qin State, and now all of Qin State’s situation has to be reported to Xiao Rui.

Over the past two months, Qin’s winning king, Qin Zheng, finally killed the traitors in Dongqi 16th prefecture. On the bright side, Dongqi 16th prefecture has been very stable, but even the old folks of Qi country have been sitting too much. , Secretly intensified Qi Min’s hatred, so the waves were still turbulent under steady conditions.

However, Emperor Qin greatly commended the King of Winning, and on the birthday of Emperor Qin, the King of Winning Qin Zheng had already returned to the capital of Qin.

“My Majesty, Qin also suffered from severe cold and cooling. Information from West Factory shows that the number of refugees who died of freezing in the capital of Qin alone is thousands of people. This is the largest number of times in the history of Qin, let alone the entire territory of Qin. “Wang Dazhi replied.

Xiao Rui nodded, and then asked: “Where’s Lai, is there any latest situation?”

Wang Da shook his head straight.

After Laoya entered Qin’s harem, it was difficult to inquire about information, and Chuan Jianguo didn’t dare to inquire deeply for fear of being noticed by Li Wei’s people.

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