The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 671

Chapter 668 : Tianshi: Who should freeze first when

The plan is worked out, the next step is to start the offense.

The next day, the feast before the army was sent, rewarding the whole army, eating good wine and food, let the soldiers relax and relax.

On the second day, the army set off from the three Xiongguans, divided into eight groups, and entered the capital of Qin.

Xiao Rui’s imperial conquest, followed Han Xin to the middle. That is to kill directly from Zhongtingguan to Qindu, passing through six counties, and the distance is nearly 1,500 miles, which is the shortest distance. Like Chen Qingzhi and Yue Fei, they need to attack from a far away place, and they need to go round and round first, and the distance is farther. However, their marching speed is faster, so regardless of the battle, the time spent is almost the same.

Gongsunye also accompanied him on this expedition, and relying on his eagle falcon to pass the news, he could grasp the situation of the other Seven Route Army as quickly as possible.

Xiao Rui’s imperial conquest, naturally, he didn’t need him to lead troops to kill the enemy. He was sitting in the back, Han Xin led the troops in front, and he could report to Xiao Rui when he encountered war. Han Xin was solely responsible for how to fight the enemy.

To reach Qin Capital this time, Xiao Rui’s Middle Road Army had to pass through six counties, from east to west they were Shanxi County, Balcony County, Shannan County, Fenglin County, Heishui County, and Xianyang County.

Now that the Atrium Pass is the Shanxi County of the Qin State, but before the Atrium Pass was controlled by the Yan State. When Yan State soldiers are fine, they often leave the pass and enter the territory of the Qin State to Sa Sahuan, so there is no Qin inhabited within a hundred miles outside the Guan. , I’m afraid of being murdered by soldiers of Yan State.

Therefore, in the first three days, the army did not encounter any obstacles during its march, and slowly began to penetrate into Shanxi County.

Before leaving, the State of Qin had already discussed three lines of defense in response to the Great Xia’s troops. For the army in the Middle Road, the three lines of defense were set up in Shanxi County, Terrace County, and Fenglin County. According to Qin State Daxia’s troops were divided into eight divisions, and his troops were also allocated, but the intelligence was limited, and it is still impossible to investigate the strength of the various defense lines.

However, from a conventional point of view, Xiao Rui’s imperial commander in the middle road army has a strength of 400,000, which is of great significance. Therefore, the strength of the Qin State to block the middle road army is not rare. Each of these three lines of defense will not be less than 300,000 troops .

Although the specific strength of the Qin State could not be found, the Qin State Commander who fought against the army in the middle was able to investigate it.

The commander-in-chief of the first line of defense is named Liu Shuai. Although he is not the Bai family and the Meng family, he is the son-in-law of the Bai family and the uncle of the Bai Meng family. A veteran who leads the army well and manages the army strictly. Meng Tian asked him to garrison in Shanxi County as the first barrier against the army in the middle road, and he saw his skills and methods.

The commander-in-chief of the second line of defense is named Zhang Chao, who has nothing to do with the Bai and Meng families.

As for the commander of the third line of defense, it is not someone else, but Meng Tian himself.

As for the generals of the State of Qin who blocked the other seven soldiers and horses, they were all good generals of the State of Qin. This time, in order to deal with the soldiers and horses of the Great Xia, the State of Qin used the strength of his family.

On the fifth day of the march, the army in the middle road encountered Yizhaofucheng in Shanxi County, named Miaoshanfu. This Fucheng blocked the way and naturally had to take it. But this Fucheng is small in size and has a population of less than 100,000. The opponent of the 400,000 army, now that the army is under pressure, has not attacked at all, and has taken this place.

In fact, as long as the news that Daxia was about to attack Qin, the people in the eastern counties of Qin were able to flee, and those who could not escape guarded their homes.

The State of Qin also had no troops stationed in the provinces, so he could only give up and concentrate his troops to protect important positions.

For example, when Liu Shuai was the first line of defense in Shanxi County, he relied on the county town of Shanxi County, and formed a line of defense with the two government cities next to the county town, and became a roadblock to the army in the middle.

If Xiao Rui’s soldiers and horses want to continue marching westward, they must annihilate each other.

Therefore, winning the Miaoshan City is not a victory, this is the city that Qin State gave up. As for the abandoned people in the city, Xiao Rui did not embarrass them. He just arrested and executed the main officials with official status in the city. Even if they vowed to take refuge in Daxia, they would never show mercy. Without officials, the common people would not take the initiative to make troubles, which would also ensure the stability of the rear.

After that, the army continued to march and took two more capitals on the way. It didn’t take much effort, because there was no defense at all. Moreover, the strategy after winning is the same, to appease Qin Min, kill officials, to appease and deter, as long as the people are not stupid, they will basically be honest.

After these two cities, there are still more than a hundred miles away from the prefecture of Shanxi County, and then the real start of the war.

At this time, the guard of Shanxi County, veteran Liu Shuai, led an army of 300,000 people, and had been waiting here for a long time. In the two nearby mansions, there are 50,000 troops each, for a total of 400,000 troops, fighting against Xia!

Liu Shuai didn’t know the situation of the other lines of defense, and he didn’t care, because he understood that even if the other lines of defense were fought hard, they didn’t have the key here, because he was facing the emperor of Xia. If the emperor of the enemy country drove him personally, the opponent’s soldiers and horses must be brave and good at fighting, and relying on the city to block the opponent would be a tragic battle.

If he can stop the opponent and repel the opponent, it will definitely boost the morale of Qin and the floating people. If you can kill Emperor Xia, then…

Liu Shuai dreamed of not daring to hope.

But if you fail, it’s really worse.

“Is the scout back? Where is Xia Jun?” Liu Shuai asked anxiously.

Judging by the distance, after the opponent has taken the city of Fuji, it is time to come down today. Why is the future still so late? Is it possible that the opponent’s 400,000 army is in trouble?

Impossible, it was a smooth journey from Tengcheng to Juncheng, and it was time to come. The delay in the future will keep the minds raised by the officers and men still unable to let go, and the longer it is delayed, the easier it is for uneasy emotions to breed.

Soon the scout came to report: “Return to the general, Xia Guo’s soldiers and horses are fifty miles away, and the opponent’s soldiers and horses are marching slowly, just like Emperor Xia is on a parade!”

According to the usual practice, the emperor’s imperial conquest, and the advancing troops had already arrived at the prefecture of the prefecture. Who knew that Xia Guo’s soldiers did not follow their routines. Not only was the marching speed slow, the marching troops did not come to deter.

Liu Shuai frowned immediately and couldn’t help cursing: “What the **** is the Emperor Xia? They really think Qin is their home!”

“That is, it made us wait so long in the cold wind!” The lieutenants beside them also cursed.

“That’s right! Isn’t the Emperor Xia cold in such a cold day? Let’s be colder, it’s better to freeze them to death! If you dare to violate our Qin country, we will freeze to death.” A young lieutenant cursed.

Liu Shuai’s expression changed. He looked at the lieutenant next to him. Rong Jia was wearing thick clothes. If it gets colder, they have fur to keep him warm. But what about his soldiers? Their clothes are too thin.

If the weather is colder, will the soldiers of Xia freeze to death first, or the soldiers of Qin?

When Liu Shuai came here, Meng Tian told him that the soldiers of Xia State were all wearing cotton-padded clothes. At that time, Liu Shuai disagreed, but when Meng Tian gave Liu Shuai the cotton-padded coat, Liu Shuai was shocked.

At this moment, Liu Shuai knew the reason why Xia Guo’s soldiers and horses were moving slowly. They were waiting for the weather to get cold. Although it would restrict the movements of Xia Guo’s soldiers and make it difficult to attack the city, they did not do anything to Qin’s soldiers. It is even more a disaster.

Anyhow, the soldiers of Xia State are not cold, they can hold the swords and guns, and the soldiers of Qin State trembles with cold. If they can’t hold the swords and guns securely, wouldn’t they be slaughtered?

Liu Shuai felt terrified, but he dared not say these things, even the lieutenant next to him. If you say it and let the soldiers know, the military will be even more distracted.

During this period of time, rumors have spread, and rumors can no longer affect the hearts of the military and the people.

The current Liu Shuai hoped that Xia Guo would attack quickly, and he was not afraid of fighting to the death. He was afraid that he would be sent to death in an aggrieved manner.

“It seems that Xia Guo’s other army of Lu is also the conspiracy!” Liu Shuai sighed, thinking to himself.

Yes, Liu Shuai guessed right.

Daxia’s other seven soldiers and horses were not moving fast, and the fastest were Chen Qingzhi and Yue Fei’s soldiers and horses.

Chen Qingzhi and Gan Ning left the pass from Nanliguan, each with 150,000 troops. They headed west from Jiuquan County to the south of Shanxi County, and attacked Qindu in a roundabout way. Qi Jiguang and Yue Fei left the pass from Beishuguan, and each Leading an army of 150,000, from Zichuan County, north of Shanxi County, attacked the capital of Qin in a roundabout way.

Needless to say, Xiao Rui’s army in the middle road, Li Cunxiao, Yang Youji, and Dian Wei also led 150,000 troops each from the atrium pass. They walked on the two wings of the middle road army, not straight, and the route was also curved.

Therefore, the marching speed of the Seven Route Army is fast or slow, but if a longitude line is drawn from north to south, their positions are basically on this longitude line, but they are at different latitudes.

Although there are pros and cons to the division of troops in eight directions, the disadvantage is naturally that the troops are too scattered and easy to be contained by the Qin State. But the benefits are also obvious, because once you win, it will bloom everywhere, and you will be able to get Qin State as fast as possible.

Obviously, whether it is Xiao Rui or Han Xin or Zhang Liang and Xiao He, they are full of confidence in Daxia soldiers and are not afraid of being pinned. They think that Qin has no ability to contain and block Daxia. .

At this time, when there was still six or seventy miles away from Shanxi County, Eagle Falcon sent the other seven roads over. What Xiao Rui did not expect was that it was not their middle road army who fought Qin’s soldiers first. It is Li Cunxiao’s soldier and horse.

Li Cunxiao’s 150,000 soldiers and horses walked in the area bordering Shanxi County and Jiuquan County. After they captured two insignificant capital cities, they encountered the Qin army as they continued their march.

This Qin army has a regular Qin army of 130,000, and 70,000 forcibly recruited people, so it has 200,000 troops. They set up a pocket formation between the two mountains. Once Li Cunxiao’s soldiers pass the two mountains, they may be outflanked and get into trouble.

The general headed by the name is Bai Lin, who is naturally a child of the Bai family. He is full of confidence that he can wipe out this Great Xia enemy army.

It’s just that he was so happy and proud that he ignored it. Since Daxia is divided into eight soldiers, Li Cunxiao chose this route. Wouldn’t he know that there are two mountains, which are good places to ambush?

Knowing and acting sideways, besides arrogance, there is another possibility, and that is to be expected.

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