The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 676

Chapter 673 : Xia State Cavalry vs. Yuan State Caval

Huo Qubing was just eighteen years old.

To be someone else, at this age you will have to study and try to get a fame. Either join the army and work hard to earn military merit, hoping to get ahead in the future, and more people will be mediocre.

But Huo Qubing has become a deputy general, commanding 80,000 cavalry.

This was just half a year. He changed from an ordinary soldier to a deputy general soldier, almost ascending to the sky in one step, becoming a general in Daxia State Middle School whose promotion speed was second only to Yue Fei, and no one was older than him.

Eighteen years old, the young man was awkwardly old, but he has already begun to cross the grassland.

Although there is Han Xin’s recommendation, the more important factor is that your majesty has resisted all opinions. It is the reward that your majesty personally drafted, and said to the civil and military ministers:

“Champion Hou opened up the territory for Daxia and took the Anbei area. Let him sit there. I can sit back and relax. However, when the champion Hou is old, Huo Qubing is the one who inherited his spirit! Although Huo Qubing is young, but I believe he will be the second champion, bravely crowning the three armies.”

When Huo Qubing heard these words, he was moved to tears. What can be more happier than being recognized in a person’s life?

Your Majesty trusts himself, so he reuses himself and delegates the heavy responsibility to himself. For Huo Qubing, who wants to serve the country, he can only use his life to defend his trust in himself.

Now your Majesty’s imperial conquest of the Qin State and handing over the safety of the Dongqi area to himself is equivalent to handing over the back to himself. If he can’t stop the Yuan Guo cavalry, he is a sinner of the ages!

Therefore, Huo Qubing did not dare to be careless, and kept training his cavalry. Although the time was not long, the effect was very satisfactory to him.

Now the Cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty is here, a total of 150,000 people.

He has only 80,000 cavalry, which is far inferior to the Yuan Dynasty cavalry. Although there are 100,000 infantry, he is not suitable for offensive and needs to be drawn into a defensive line and stationed in the north. Once Huo Qubing was truly defeated, this line of defense could also stop the Yuan army from plundering south. At the same time, Chang Shenghou in Suzhou and Zhenyuanhou in Ganzhou are all ready and ready to come to help.

But will you lose?

Huo Qubing looked at the 80,000 cavalry he had trained himself. They were almost equipped with Daxia’s best horses and equipment, as well as 5,000 heavy armored iron dragon knights. What’s the fear of the opponent’s 150,000 soldiers and horses!

He Huo Qubing wants to tell the people of the world that your majesty’s reuse is correct! He wanted to fight so that his soldiers would run into a panic, his own soldiers and horses were standing at the border, and this group of Xiaoxiao had to retreat Baili!

“Send the order to the whole army, ready to go!”

Huo Qubing walked out carrying the hook and sickle, and then shouted.

The generals led the order to rectify the soldiers and horses, and the 80,000 cavalry was divided into three parts. The main force is 40,000 cavalry led by Huo Qubing himself, and the remaining two parts each have 20,000 winged.

Subsequently, the army marched!

The cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty attacked from the north of Mohe County, where the terrain was the flattest and could drive straight in. The two nearby counties were either mountainous or dense with rivers, which was not conducive to fast marching.

Huo Qubing had been guarding the northern part of Mohe County, so the two armies could meet soon.

Two days later, Huo Qubing led his troops to Luocheng Mansion, the northernmost tip of Mohe County. The eagle report from the scouts showed that the Yuan Dynasty cavalry immediately arrived at Luoyangpo. It was one hundred and twenty miles away from Los Angeles Mansion, which meant that the two sides were only more than a hundred miles away.

Obviously, the goal of the Yuan Dynasty cavalry was the Luocheng Mansion. They robbed the Luocheng Mansion and continued to drive south, attacking Mohe County City, and then continued to looting southwest.

In addition, Guo Jia also sent a secret letter. These 150,000 troops are just marching ahead. They are the most elite cavalry of the Yuan Khan. They will first go to the Dongqi area to create fear, and the 150,000 troops will not be able to win Dongqi. In the region, Daxia invested 700,000 to 800,000 yuan. The subsequent march of the 500,000 yuan army by the Khan of the Yuan Kingdom was slow, so it will be a while later, which is almost the majority of the troops of the Yuan Kingdom.

However, Huo Qubing does not need to consider the follow-up Yuan army. His task is to annihilate this first marching army, but he does not have much time left. He needs to annihilate this first marching army before the Yuan country’s follow-up army arrives. Step on the ground to depress the morale of the Yuan army.

At the same time, A Gu Da, the leader of the Yuan Dynasty cavalry, also received news from the scouts that Xia’s cavalry had arrived, and the number was about seven to eighty thousand.

A Gu Da smiled suddenly.

As the younger brother of the Khan of the Yuan Kingdom and the leader of the Ghost Army, he personally led the strongest cavalry of the Yuan Kingdom to come here this time, and did not put Xia Guo’s cavalry in his eyes at all.

“Xia Guo is really no one to use. Use a little guy who doesn’t have the same hair! Pass the order, speed up, wipe out the opponent, let Xia Guo know the strength of our ghost army, and teach the Emperor Xia a good lesson! ”

A Gu Da immediately passed the order, and the cavalry under him yelled, showing arrogance one by one, and quickly slapped the horses.

At the same time, Huo Qubing also led the troops.

Looking down from a height, on the flat and wide ground, two groups of black cavalry from the north and the south were approaching quickly.

Ninety Mile…Eighty Mile…Sixty Mile…

The distance is getting closer and closer, the Yuan country cavalry roars with knives, full of excitement, the formation is scattered and there is no regulation. This is the character of Yuanren. They believe in wolf spirit and use charge and encirclement to hunt down their prey.

On the other hand, Huo Qubing’s soldiers and horses, although they are running fast, the queues are in order and not chaotic, that is, there are rules and regulations.

The distance between the two sides is closer, and they can already see each other.

Yuanren roared louder. Their number was almost double that of Xia Jun. In addition, the formation was scattered, and it grew into a bar. It appeared to be even larger in scale. It was overwhelmingly crowded, and they were all over a dozen miles in length. The Daxia soldiers had no fear and still maintained the array. They held the reins in one hand and continued to charge, and the other hand held the weapon in their hands tightly.

The collision between the two armies began immediately.

Although the formation of the Yuan army was scattered, when the two sides approached, the four thousand heavy armored cavalry of the Yuan Kingdom’s ghost army rushed to the forefront. They were dressed in heavy armor, their horses were also armored, and they carried machetes, just like fully armed. Tiefutu.

The same heavy armored cavalry, the iron dragon cavalry is also fully armed, but much more streamlined than them.

At the same time, the Iron Dragon Cavalry also rushed to the forefront. It seems that the intentions of the two sides are the same, to tear each other with powerful force. The heavy armored cavalry that both sides are proud of, who is strong and who is weak?

It will be clear soon.

The charging armies finally collided.

It is as if two pieces of steel collided fiercely, splashing sparks, and like ink falling into the water, spreading out instantly, a chaos.

The heavy armored cavalry of the ghost army raised their swords and slashed, but unfortunately the iron dragon knight is holding a horse . The three or four-meter-long horse is made of meteorite. It is the most precious soldier of the iron dragon cavalry. They thought they would be able to block the attack by wearing heavy armor, but when Ma Jian’s sharp edge pierced their chests, directly pierced the iron armor, and pierced their chests, they realized that they had encountered the nemesis!

In an instant, the heavy armored cavalry of the Yuan army collapsed, and they were not the opponent of the Iron Dragon Cavalry at all!

This heavy-armored cavalry, carefully assembled by Xiao Rui, strives for perfection from war horses to armors to weapons. The heavy-armored cavalry of the Ghost Army is very strong, but when they encounter strong middle players, they will It looks rubbish.

While the iron dragon cavalry crushed the opponent, the Daxia cavalry behind also completely rushed into the Yuan country camp. The seemingly large-scale Yuan army swallowed the Daxia cavalry, but in fact the Daxia cavalry deliberately entered their encirclement. in.

What Huo Qubing is best at is to intersperse and annihilate the entire cavalry regiment, as small as a small group of twelve, and cooperate with each other to begin to cut the already chaotic Yuan army camp.

From a small glimpse, you will find that among Huo Qubing’s cavalry, the smallest team is not Shiwu, but a combination of twelve, forming an arrow cluster formation, with six people on both sides holding hooks and sickles. This weapon invented by Yue Fei is specially designed to deal with war horses. , The effect is excellent. The middle four specialize in dealing with horse cavalry, and can move inside and outside. The last two were in the rear wing, armed with Zhuge Liannu and shot.

Da Xia’s troops are weaker than the Yuan Army, but sometimes it’s true that it’s not something you can win with too many people. The Yuan Army is too loose, and Da Xia’s soldiers have the ability to slap their horses, and they tell the Yuan people that it’s not. Living on the grassland is a master at playing horses!

Xia Jun relied on fast movement, dodge, and circuitous interspersed, and soon cut the Yuan army’s camp into countless small parts.

The leader of the Yuan army, Aguda, noticed something wrong. He found that the opponent was too thief, and ran away. His soldiers and horses were just chasing after him, and the opponent suddenly came back and forth with a carbine. Although there are a lot of people on one’s side, and when a small group fights, 24 people can chase down the other’s 12 people, but these 12 people rely on the camp and are not afraid of the 24 people’s offensive.

What made Aguda even more alarmed was that Xia Jun’s cavalry was equipped with gunpowder.

Only then did he understand why the ears of Xia Jun’s war horse were blocked by cloth, which was to prevent the gunpowder from exploding and causing the war horse to panic!

That’s right!

Huo Qubing was indeed equipped with gunpowder.

It is similar to the dynamite bag, but there is no iron tribulus or the like in it to avoid accidental injury. In fact, the cavalry is very mobile. You can throw the gunpowder and the opponent can run away. The power of the gunpowder can hardly hurt the opponent.

However, Huo Qubing used gunpowder not to use gunpowder to injure the Yuan army, but to use the loud noise of the gunpowder explosion to deter war horses.

When the horse was frightened, it was not under the control of the Yuan army’s cavalry, while Daxia’s horse was trained and its ears were blocked, so it was slightly affected.

Therefore, the number of Yuan army can be counted as the number of yuan is more than that of the other. It is nothing more than the result of one more shot!

Gradually, the battlefield became fierce, and the fighting was in full swing, but the result was already bright. Although the Yuan army occupied a large number of people, it was beaten by Huo Qubing!

It was really hanging, just like playing with a child, Huo Qubing’s soldiers and horses used the mobility of the cavalry to the extreme, deepening the essence of guerrilla tactics.

In the battlefield, the most relaxed are the iron dragon knights, because they are the overwhelming heavy armored cavalry who killed the ghost army!

Originally, the heavy armored cavalry was a head-to-head battle. It should be the most tragic. Who told the Iron Dragon Cavalry to have the advantage, and the horses were too sharp, directly piercing the armor of the Yuan army. And their bright armor can block the Yuan army’s slashing attack, you say irritating but not irritating.

The invincible ghost army heavy armored cavalry was killed and suffered heavy losses, almost annihilated.

In the end, Aguda was so angry that he saw the obvious defeat and had to withdraw his troops.

Want to escape?

Huo Qubing immediately led his troops to catch up.

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