The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 694

Chapter 691 : Do your best, go deep into the tiger’s

Facing Du Anze’s Hongmen Banquet, Wang Feng insisted on going. Zhao Yun and Huo Xingye couldn’t stop them, and the two of them rushed to find Guo Jia.

Guo Jia is the newly-appointed Zhenhou and the supervising army. He speaks very hard and should be able to stop Wang Feng. It’s just that Guo Jia often takes people out in the past few days, not in the military camp.

Fortunately, Zhao Yun was about to send someone to find him, and he happened to ran into Guo Jia who had just returned to the camp.

“My lord, something happened!”

Zhao Yun hurriedly came up to see him, and informed Du Anze of the banquet.

Who knows that Guo Jia was not surprised, and smiled: “Due Anze’s character dictates that he will never watch us retreat. It is only natural for him to have this trick!”

Zhao Yun asked: “My lord has long known that Du Anze will set a trap?”

Guo Jia nodded, and then said: “Go, go to see Lord Hou!”

When they came to the Central Military Camp, Guo Jia and Wang Feng bowed their hands.

Wang Feng smiled and said, “Fengxiao also came to persuade me?”

Who knows Guo Jia shook his head and said: “No, I think Hou Ye should go!”

Wang Feng was overjoyed and said with a smile: “Bong Xiao understands me.”

Zhao Yun and Huo Xingye were anxious, but they knew that there was something to be said. After all, Guo Jia’s was just a little bit past, and it was impossible for Wang Feng to commit a dangerous situation.

Guo Jia continued: “This is a rare opportunity for Daxia to seize the opportunity given by God! We Daxia cherishes the brotherly covenant, sends troops to assist, and does not hesitate to lose our troops. However, after the incident, Yan Guo had to cherish it, and instead avenged her gratitude and killer With this good opportunity, Daxia will not be afraid to abandon the covenant. However, the opportunity is a good opportunity, but it can’t put Hou Ye in danger, otherwise our class will not have the face to see your Majesty face to face.”

“Yes, you must never let Hou Ye get into trouble!” Zhao Yun and Huo Qubing said firmly.

Wang Feng knew about Guo Jia’s ambitions, so he asked, “Can Feng Xiao have a good way?”

Guo Jia nodded, and said: “Everyone, wait a minute, I’ll get some things.”

After finishing speaking, Guo Jia turned around and left. After a while, he returned with a brocade box in his hand. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also came after hearing the news and had already heard of the passing.

When he entered the military account, Zhang Fei was still cursing: “That son of a **** Du Anze. My old Zhang killed him now, so he dare to be against Hou Ye! His aunt!”

“Second brother, stop!”

“Brother, can you hold it back? I can’t hold it anyway!”


The two stopped cursing when they entered the house, but seeing the two carrying the Qinglong Yanyue and holding the eighth snake spear, Wang Feng knew that their determination would never let him get into a dangerous place.

Guo Jia entered the military account and said with a smile: “Let you all wait a long time.”

Wang Feng looked at the brocade box in Guo Jia’s hand and asked, “Bong Xiao, is this the way you said?”

Guo Jia nodded, and then opened the brocade box. There was a human skin mask as thin as a cicada’s wings lying in it. Looking at its outline and appearance, he was extremely imaginative with Wang Feng.

Everyone was curious, and immediately gathered around and pointed.

Guo Jia explained: “This is the mask I asked the imperial concubine to rush to make overnight before leaving Beijing. Because it was rushed to make it, it was a bit rougher, but Du Anze was not familiar with Lord Hou and should be able to fool them. So my plan It was for the dead soldier to pretend to be Lord Hou and bring Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun to the banquet. The dead soldier was killed by Du Anze at his sacrifice. When the three of Guan Yu left the camp, they spread the news and caused a sensation. But’Hou Ye ‘It’s impossible to go alone. You must be accompanied by someone by your side, so this trip is more dangerous for the three of you. Once you can’t make it out, it will be dangerous.”

Since it is an acting, it is natural to perform a full set. You can only bring your personal guards to the fake Hou Ye to the banquet, but it is not reasonable from the common sense that it will be suspected by the Yan people. Therefore, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun can only take a risk. They are famous, and the fake Master Hou takes them to the banquet. This shows that the fake Master Hou is real.

Zhang Fei immediately yelled: “My lord, please rest assured, the three of us brothers are willing to go!”

Guan Yu also clenched the Qinglong Yanyue Knife tightly, his expression not irritated and pretentious: “Please rest assured, my lord!”

Zhao Yun held his fist and said: “Zhao Yun is willing to go too!”

Wang Feng frowned and said, “No! It’s too dangerous!”

Guo Jia smiled and said: “Hou Ye, the three of them are all six-rank top masters. They are brave enough to be brave. I have already investigated. Du Anze’s army is attacking the city, so there are only a few thousand people in his camp. , And in order not to arouse our suspicion, Du Anze will not arrange too many soldiers to move, so for the three Guan Yu, as long as they don’t love fighting, they can escape safely! I have been in the group of Wanjun, and Pianye will not touch him, I believe they.”

Zhang Fei exclaimed: “Yes, Lord Hou, don’t you worry about our martial arts?”

Wang Feng glared at Zhang Fei, and said, “Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, I am not worried, I am only worried about you! If you kill the red eye and just focus on the killing and forget the plan, wouldn’t it be troublesome?”

Zhang Fei smiled and scratched his head awkwardly.

At this time, Guan Yu said, “Don’t worry, Lord Hou, I will stare at my second brother and will not let this happen.”

Zhao Yun also persuaded: “Master Hou, this is the best way, so let’s do it like this.”

“Yes, Lord Hou!” Huo Xingye also persuaded.

Wang Feng nodded finally, agreeing.

Then the plan started.

The dead man arranged by Guo Jia is of the same figure and height as Wang Feng. He wears a mask on his face with natural gum, and it is difficult to tear off with force. Then put on Wang Feng’s armor and dyed his hair whiter. After a while, the second Xiaoyonghou appeared.

Wang Feng was also very curious about this substitute, and looked carefully.

In fact, without careful observation, you will find that the fake is different from the real one. Wang Feng is a brave man, known for his bravery, standing there quietly, with majesty in his eyes. And the dead man is young, although he pretends to be a good way, but after all, he is pretending to be.

Secondly, the mask was made after all, and some blemishes, such as the scars and moles on Xiaoyonghou’s face, were not disguised, but the skin was worn out and covered with wrinkles.

Furthermore, the voice is also the biggest difference. After all, Xiaoyonghou is sixty years old, and the dead man is forty, and his voice is completely different.

Anyone who is a little familiar with Xiaoyonghou can tell the truth.

Fortunately, Du Anze only met Wang Feng from a distance, and the two had never communicated closely, so there was no problem in fooling Du Anze.

At the same time, the three brothers, Zhao Guan and Zhang, also began to prepare.

To be safe, they put on the inner armor. The outer armor on their bodies was so strong that ordinary crossbow arrows could not be shot through.

After    was ready, several people set off immediately.

At this time in the Yan State Army Camp, Du Anze had already set up a banquet in the military tent. The swordsmen and archers were also hiding in a tent not far away. When Wang Feng came, the swordsmen and archers would come out to hide. Outside the military account, and then waited for Du Anze to make a cup break.

As soon as the signal came out, the swordsmen and archers rushed into the military tent, mainly capturing alive. If the opponent resists fiercely, they can shoot the opponent, but they must be captured alive.

As long as the brave lord of Da Xia is captured, the follow-up plan can be implemented. Du Anze is going to let Da Xia’s soldiers and horses be damaged here, and the crime is naturally blamed on Wei Guo! When the time comes, Emperor Daxia will be furious even if he is to blame, because the distance is too far, and he doesn’t know the truth, so the blame will not be on Yan Guo’s head.

Moreover, when the time comes, the State of Yan can destroy the State of Wei, avenge the brave prince of the State of Xia, and occupy the righteousness of the brothers and allies.

“Xia Guo, Xia Guo, your wolf ambitions, then I will let you pay some price.” Du Anze sneered cruelly.

Half an hour later, the lieutenant came to report: “General, Xia Guo’s Xiaoyonghou is already outside the barracks.”

Du Anze immediately got up and said, “This general will meet him personally!”

Immediately brought his lieutenant to the camp gate, and saw the brave Hou Wangfeng who was attending the banquet.

I saw Wang Feng sitting on top of a good horse, showing no anger and prestige, beside him, three burly good generals accompanied him. Seeing these three people, Du Anze had a toothache. The mighty names of these three people have resounded in the territory of Wei State. They were supposed to be good generals of Yan State, but they were forced away by some bastards, and Da Xia was in vain. As soon as I saw it today, the three of them had their own strangeness. They were really remorseful, remorseful!

Further on, there are guards of thirty or forty people.

This formation is indeed a gesture of going to a banquet. It does not bring many people, and it seems to be aggressive, and it also takes the generals under his command, which seems to be valued.

So I lied to Du Anze immediately, and Du Anze thought that the other party didn’t find it was a trap, so he was determined.

“In Du Anze, we warmly welcome Xiaoyong Hou Dajia! There is a place to be missed, and I look forward to Hou Ye Haihan.” Du Anze said with a fist.

Wang Feng dismounted, and smiled in return: “General Du is too polite. Daxia and your country are alliances, brothers and friendships, not outsiders, so there is no need to be so polite!”

Du Anze nodded and said, “In fact, Du wanted to entertain Lord Hou a long time ago, but he was entangled by the military, so he was delayed. Now Wei is guarding a city and the battle is bright, so he immediately invited Lord Hou, thanks to Lord Hou and Your country’s assistance! Lord Hou, please enter the camp, the banquet is ready Okay!” Wang Feng nodded and followed him into the camp.

After entering the barracks, he did not find too many soldiers from the Yan Kingdom.

Du Anze also specifically explained: “The army is attacking the city, and I am sitting behind the town, so there are only 8,000 people in the camp, and most of them are injured.”

Wang Feng nodded and said with a smile: “General Du, you are the marshal of the soldiers and horses. You can sit behind the town and give the siege to the generals.”

The two talked and laughed, constantly deep inside the barracks.

Zhao Yun stared around coldly, remembering the situation in the general’s camp in his mind, so that he could break through. And Guan Yu stared at Zhang Fei, for fear that this servant could not understand the courtesy of the fake Hou Ye and Du Anze, and then shot Du Anze to death.

Everyone came to the Central Military Camp, and then walked in.

The camp tent was brightly lit. When Du Anze invited Wang Feng to sit on the upper left side, he saw that the three brothers of Zhao Guan and Zhang were standing behind Wang Feng with a weapon in his hand, and had no intention of taking a seat.

Du Anze smiled and said: “The three generals, please also take your seat. Come here, take the weapons of the three generals and take good care of them!”

Zhao Yun smiled and clasped his fists and said: “General Du, as a general, it is a rule not to leave the body, so let the general take care of it, and we can just keep it by our side.”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yun knelt down and sat down and put the gentian bright silver spear beside him.

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