The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 102 Graduation Exam

How many points do you need for the graduation exam?
This question is vexing, especially for someone who has complete control over test scores.

Too many exams, it's not suitable, after all, you are a scumbag, and you can get a leap forward after attending a cram school, which is too unconvincing, and it will be troublesome if you get caught.

The most troublesome thing is Wang Jiayuan. She knows that she has been busy with the competition this holiday. If she really gets the results of Tsinghua University and Peking University, it will not be easy to explain.

There are fewer exams, and it's even more inappropriate. After all, Teacher Bai still has high hopes for himself, and this time the exam is not good. If you get a good result in the college entrance examination in the future, it will be easier for people to make irresponsible remarks.

How can I make the results look more natural?

Han Xiaodong was very embarrassed.

In this matter, Han Xiaodong actually thinks too much, because he has never experienced such a situation, so he always hopes that everything is logical, but sometimes there is really no logic at all in the exam, two people with similar levels , answering the same set of test papers, one may have just reviewed the questions in the test paper, and the other has not happened to review, then there will be a gap.

Of course, this situation is limited to two people of equal strength, but it seems that there is no one with Han Xiaodong's strength in this cram school.

Invincibility has invincible troubles, the most important one of which is how to keep yourself from appearing so high-profile.

Just when he was worrying, he suddenly saw a big poster pasted at the entrance of the cram school - fight hard through the cold and heat, and strive to enter the 600 line!
six hundred?

Han Xiaodong's heart skipped a beat. When he took the entrance exam last time, Mr. Tang gave him a set of mock questions. At that time, he got exactly 500 points through very accurate calculations.

The reason why the scores can be controlled so accurately is because the last set of questions did not include Chinese and English compositions, and they were all basic exams, so for Han Xiaodong, all the answers were controllable.

This mock exam is obviously not that simple, so it may not be easy to control the score, but it is easy to manage with a goal. A score of [-] is a very interesting score. The average score of C University is in the early [-]s, so it is impossible to pass the exam. Just swinging up and down, if the score is lowered and controlled between [-] and [-], it will not seem so abrupt to say that I have been admitted to C University after a year of hard work in the third year of high school .

The most important thing is that he got a score of 430 in the midterm exam last time. After a holiday of tutoring, a score of [-] is acceptable.

It's easy to talk about having a goal, and Han Xiaodong began to distribute his points happily.

On the second day of class, all the students in the cram school had their first and only simulated exam since they entered the class.

To say that this cram school is different from other classes, in other classes, one test every three days, one test every five days, but this class is different, the teacher is just like in school, patiently teaching, hands-on tutoring, just not The exam, now that it is suddenly taken, the students are still a little unaccustomed to it.

Because there was an exam, almost all the students in the cram school were present, except Xie Ming and Duanmuxiu.

Xie Ming and Han Xiaodong knew it, not to mention the exam, it is estimated that it would be impossible to see him in the next two years, the relevant department has already filed a case, and Xie Ming is currently squatting in the detention center.

Duanmuxiu hadn't shown up since that conflict, because everyone just met by chance, so Han Xiaodong didn't pay much attention to this person.

But this time after the exam is over and the results are sent out, the summer cram school is about to end. At this time, Duanmuxiu hasn't appeared yet, so it's hard not to attract people's attention.

After all, during the conflict with Xie Ming, Duanmuxiu said a few words for himself, and Han Xiaodong still cared a little about this person, so he asked little K, where is Duanmuxiu now.

Unexpectedly, Xiao K's answer surprised Han Xiaodong, saying that he had been in Italy for a long time.Currently living in a castle in Florence.

Han Xiaodong almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He thinks he has met some rich people during this time, no matter Wang Hao, Wang Jiayuan, Lu Ying or Xie Ming.

The family is considered to have a small amount of assets. It is no exaggeration to say that compared with Han Xiaodong, these people can be regarded as wealthy.

But now he knows what it means that there are heavens and humans and there are people outside the sky. This Duanmuxiu ran abroad when he disagreed with him, and lived in some ancient castle!

If Xiao K said that he was staying in a hotel or something, Han Xiaodong would not be surprised. After all, it is not too difficult for rich people to go abroad.

But living in an old castle... In Han Xiaodong's impression, that's not a local tyrant, but an aristocrat.

Han Xiaodong didn't know Duanmuxiu's identity, and he didn't bother to know, but he felt that such a strange breed suddenly appeared around him, which was quite surprising.

He is not interested in other people's private gossip, not to mention that although Duanmuxiu gave him a business card, the two of them may have no intersection in the future. Dad and uncle's problems were settled in advance.

So I didn't ask Little K to investigate carefully.

Usually he doesn't take the initiative to bring it up, and little K is too lazy to meddle in other people's business. If everyone Han Xiaodong has come into contact with has to be checked, then it is not prudence, but voyeurism.

The exam went well.

I have to say that the teachers in this cram school are of a very high level, and the questions they ask are much more difficult than the general practice questions, but they are difficult but not beyond the outline, that is the teacher's true skill.

But even so, these questions are just a few more detours in Han Xiaodong's mind. A few days ago, he asked Xiao K to prepare him for advanced mathematics courses, because he always felt that he didn't have so much time to do it. Wait, C major is just a threshold. If you want to catch up with your father, you can't just be satisfied with reaching the score line.

Since the appearance of Little K, Han Xiaodong has transformed from what some parents called his own child into someone else's child, but no matter what status he becomes, Lin Yun doesn't seem to have time to care about it.Because she is too busy.

Han Xiaodong sometimes doesn't understand why Lin Yun is so much busier than others when it's just going to work. He knows that his mother is working hard, but there must be a limit to working hard, right?But in his memory, Lin Yun never seemed to rest.

In the eyes of some people, she is definitely not a qualified mother.

Although this has given Han Xiaodong a lot of freedom, as a child who lost his father since childhood, Han Xiaodong still feels a little lost occasionally.

But this also created his independent character.

For him, not to trouble his busy mother is the best reward for his mother.

So when the results were announced the next day after school, Han Xiaodong felt elated. He ranked 570 out of more than 100 children in 34 one, which was about the same as he expected.

But when he saw the names of the three No. 30 people, he still felt completely relieved.

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