The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 1374 Good Guys and Bad Guys

"My mission?" Han Xiaodong had doubts about this question for the first time.

He had never thought about this issue before. Everything he did was a response he had to make under the pressure of others. Now that K brought it up, he was really caught off guard.

"That's right! My mission is to deliver the fire; your father's mission is to protect human beings from threats; Dongmenshe's mission is to create a world that he thinks is perfect.

So what is your mission?Do you spend the rest of your life with your mother?It's not impossible, as long as you want it to be like this.

Sometimes, the reason why we are influenced by others is by the strong sense of mission of that person. This is the so-called power of role models. I think it is time for you to think clearly about this. "

It was rare for K to be serious, and rare for Han Xiaodong to listen very seriously.

This is a question he has never thought about. In the past few years, he has been pursued and beaten by others, subconsciously walking in his father's footsteps.

There is no chance at all, stop and think about it, what is your mission?If K had asked himself this way before he said these words, Han Xiaodong felt that he would habitually think that his father's mission was his own.

However, after going through so many things, even though he never had time to think about it, Han Xiaodong gradually began to doubt it subconsciously.Now, after the layer of window paper was broken by K, he suddenly found that this mission had become blurred.

Because the mission was not realized by him, he was just accepting it mechanically, so when the more powerful Dongmenshe appeared, the mission inherited by the machine suddenly became weak.

Now that K raised such a question, Han Xiaodong felt uneasy, and even fell into an unprecedented panic for a moment.

A little confused, a little helpless, but it seems that there is something in his mind, ready to come out, but there is always a little bit of strength that can't break through.

Breaking the chick's shell is not an easy task, and it is even a very dangerous process. If you can't gather all your strength to complete the sky-shattering blow, it will end in a stillborn disastrous end.

The situation Han Xiaodong is facing is even more dangerous than that of the fledglings. What is in his hands now is not only his own life, but also countless familiar and unfamiliar people. Their lives are only in his mind.

Among these people, there are good people and bad people, great people and ordinary people, rich and poor, and even Dongmenshe who is extremely intelligent and ambitious.

This is not a battle between right and wrong, nor is it a choice between good and evil. Han Xiaodong knows very well that from an idealistic point of view, what Dongmenshe did was a wrong decision. The choice is not necessarily great and noble.

But most things in the world are so ambiguous. Absolute evil is as rare as absolute justice.

For justice, different eras have different definitions, and different cultures have different cultural understandings. This is not something he can completely dispel by himself.

Even, if Dongmenshe really succeeds, the so-called Big Bang really succeeds, a new civilization and a new race will really appear in this world and this universe.

Don't even think about it, for the species in the new world, Dongmenshe is just, great, and their God!

And himself, he, Han Xiaodong is evil, a devil, Satan who prevents God from creating the world.

But what about the current world?Compared with the new world, what about the human beings who live on the same earth and the same world as him?
Die, will die!But is death evil?No, even if there is no Dongmenshe, they will die, human beings will die of old age, and the solar system will also die of old age, but the person who decides to die is not Dongmenshe, but nature and time.

Why can the death determined by time be accepted by the world and call it the fairness of heaven, because time has no emotions, while Dongshemen has emotions, ideas, and missions.

Those who killed or deceived many people died because of his ideas, so he is evil, a demon who deprives others of their lives.

This is Han Xiaodong's pure and simple cognition, but today, he needs to rethink, think about his future path, what is his own mission?
"Can you pass all the people I've met before my eyes? Everyone." Han Xiaodong suddenly made a request that sounded a bit strange.

K didn't speak, but many faces quickly flashed before Han Xiaodong's eyes, first his mother, then his uncle, Wang Jiayuan, Duanmuxiu, He Xi, Zong La, Long Tianjiao.

Many familiar people flashed by in his world one by one, some of them are serious, some are funny, some are wise, some are loyal, everyone has their shining points, and everyone has their own shortcoming.

Soon, the image in front of him changed, Mr. Zhao, Lin Hui, Xie Ming, Colonel, Simul, Saturn, Zero, Dongmenshe, and even Gao Kaner.

His enemies slowly appeared before his eyes. Some of them had feuds with him, some had blood feuds with him, and some had died under his hands. Looking back now, these people are not all heinous, but they are trampling In the process of carrying out his own life, he hurt other people. This kind of inconsistency forced Han Xiaodong to take action against them.

When the last face appeared in front of his eyes, it was a person he hadn't even thought of - Albatross.

When the picture was finally fixed on this face, it didn't dissipate for a long time. Looking at this greasy face with a bit of a philistine, Han Xiaodong laughed involuntarily, and fell into silence after laughing.

After a long time, he said leisurely, "I'm really sorry that I didn't even have a decent funeral for him."

At this moment, he suddenly understood many things. He also knew that the last person was carefully selected by K. The order in which everyone appeared was not random. It was K who was guiding him to find his mission.

"I see." Han Xiaodong said softly.

"Have you really thought about it?" K asked lightly.

"Think about it." Han Xiaodong replied in a calm voice, as if all the troubles disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, his heart was extremely calm, and the irritability, restlessness and hesitation just now were all dispelled the moment he saw the albatross.

Han Xiaodong doesn't know what enlightenment is. He only heard that when a master is enlightened, the sky is full of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and the sky is full of gods and Buddhas, celebrating the birth of another great practitioner.

But in him, none of this happened. At that moment, he felt a lot of doubts and hesitation, all of which melted away, and everything became clear and clear, and there was no confusion or hesitation anymore.

"Maybe my understanding is not high, and my sense of mission is too simple." Han Xiaodong can only laugh at himself for this calm epiphany.

"Then can you tell us about your mission?" K asked curiously.

"I don't have any big ideals or missions, only a small bottom line, no one can hurt my relatives and friends.

For this bottom line, even if Dongmenshe grasps the righteousness of the world, even if he has supreme power, I will do my best to wipe him out. "

Han Xiaodong's tone of voice was calm, without any emotional fluctuations, but every word was spoken with force and could not be shaken in the slightest.

"Then what if Dongmenshe agrees to allow your relatives and friends to enter his new world?" K immediately asked another question.

"That would be very embarrassing, my relatives and friends and their relatives and friends, their relatives and friends and their relatives and friends' relatives and friends, their..."

"Enough! Shut up!" Hearing the tongue twister, K immediately stopped Han Xiaodong from continuing.

"I understand, that is to say, if Dong Menshe wants not to be your enemy, there is only one way, which is to protect the whole earth and incorporate it into his new world, right?"

Han Xiaodong showed a sly smile when he heard the words, and said leisurely: "You seem to have forgotten that Zong La is also my friend."

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