The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 1391 Battle 5 Slags

In K's analysis, to find the place of glory that the prayer spoke of, at least one had to wait until dawn.

But Han Xiaodong promised Wang Jiayuan that he would appear in front of her before dawn. If he follows this schedule, he will definitely kneel down for this durian.

This is a big problem for him, if he waits until dawn and still gets nothing, it will be a big loss, a waste of time is a small waste of time, delaying the military situation of that aunt, I am afraid that he will die as ugly as possible.

"That... this is just your guess, right? If it's really that easy to find out, after so many years, has someone discovered that pyramid already? Can it be our turn?"

Han Xiaodong has no idea about K's speculation. It doesn't matter if he guesses wrong in normal times. At worst, he guesses again from the beginning, but not now!

Time waits for no one, he only has one chance, and if he fails to guess correctly, he has to leave. Han Xiaodong doesn't want to take such a big risk of offending Wang Jiayuan.

"Prayer has been with Dongmenshe for so many years, and he definitely knows many of his secrets, but he only picked this one to tell us that there must be a reason. Either this clue is fatal to Dongmenshe, or this clue is in that kind of secret. best choice in the situation.

If it's the former, he can do it by himself, so I deduce that he must have chosen a clue that will allow us to get it the fastest.Other than that, I can't think of any other explanation. "

K's tone was unusually firm and full of confidence, but Han Xiaodong was still hesitant. Just when he was about to raise an objection, K said again:
"Besides, just after Prayer died, Dongmenshe teamed up with Fangzhou. This is a sign of guilt. I said there is nothing tricky about it. Do you believe it?"

Well, the last one is really an irrefutable reason. Han Xiaodong smacked his lips, finally sighed, and conceded:

"But what should Wang Jiayuan do? Even if Saturn is on the decline, after all, he still has a lot of artifacts in his hands. Now that Dongmenshe is added, I'm afraid they will make them push themselves."

His worries were not unnecessary. Dongmenshe's power was too strong. If he joined forces with Saturn, even if he couldn't gain an advantage in the frontal battlefield, he was fully capable of beheading or something.

"If you're worried, why don't you call her to make sure?" From K's tone, it seemed that it felt that this was completely groundless worry.

"Forget it, how about..." Hearing that he was asked to contact the little lioness whose hair had already exploded at such a time, Han Xiaodong asked himself if he had the guts.Even if it's a girlfriend, it doesn't work, isn't this asking him to hit the window!
Before Han Xiaodong finished speaking, the sound of a phone call rang in his mind.


"Who are you calling?" Han Xiaodong was taken aback. Although he was asking in his head, a bad premonition had already arisen in his heart. Sure enough, before K could answer...

"What are you doing? What are you making trouble at this time?!" Wang Jiayuan's roar came from the other end of the phone.

"I...that's..." Han Xiaodong was interrupted by Wang Jiayuan before he knew what to say.

"You're not coming back, are you? Then there's no need to come back! We can do it without you!" roared the angry Hedong Lion.

"It's not... I..." Han Xiaodong felt the coldness behind him.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Before Han Xiaodong finished speaking, the phone had already hung up.

"It's over, it's over, it's over~! It's trouble! It's trouble! You won't make me feel bad, will you? Tell me, what should I do?" As soon as the phone was hung up, Han Xiaodong jumped up on the spot.

From the phone call, he could hear that Wang Jiayuan's tone was very bad, which made his heart rise in his throat in an instant, and he couldn't call again, so he could only find K, the culprit, to settle the score.

"Why are you panicking?" K said indifferently, "I'll show you something."

Before Han Xiaodong understood what he was going to do, he saw a ferocious monster rushing towards him. He subconsciously dodged to his side, but found that he couldn't dodge at all. The monster seemed to be stuck in front of his eyes, just like him. moved together.

It wasn't until a lightsaber split the giant beast in half that Han Xiaodong realized that this was the image projected by K on his retina.

After the giant beast landed, Han Xiaodong was startled by the picture in front of him. Countless monsters were fighting with Baige's soldiers. Although Baige's soldiers had the upper hand in terms of equipment and skills, those monsters had obvious physical fitness. I don't know how much better than ordinary soldiers.

What's more terrible is that there are so many of them. Apart from those fighting fiercely on the battlefield, there are countless monsters rushing in like waves behind them, and they have the momentum to drown these lonely soldiers directly.

After the warrior with the lightsaber cut down a monster, he didn't continue to attack, but raised his head slightly and squatted on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light shot straight from her shoulder towards the wave of monsters, directly punching a big hole in the dense monster wall.

Afterwards, she swung her body sideways, and hundreds of monsters instantly turned into a cloud of steaming gas and dissipated into the air.

"This is... Xiaobai?" After watching for a while, Han Xiaodong understood whose perspective K was showing him.

"Who else could it be? Fang Zhou can turn the tide of the battle in an hour, so we probably only know her?" K said leisurely, looking very proud.

"Where is the air force? This kind of combat air force dispatch should be easy to solve, right?" Han Xiaodong asked a little puzzled after turning off the screen.

"As far as I know, Ark has activated a jamming device that can electronically jam fixed airspace. We have already lost four space shuttles, and we dare not deploy the air force easily. Playing the role of Xiaobai is also a gain and a loss."

K's answer made Han Xiaodong a little frustrated. It seems that they still underestimated the power of the Ark, which was obviously caused by the artifact.

According to K's description, the number of similar artifacts should not be many, and they can only support offensive operations or the defense of fixed airspace, otherwise the Ark would not be so battered.

"If it's just a frontal battlefield, I'll be relieved, but this can only mean that the crisis has eased. From the tone of our family leader just now, it is obvious that he is dissatisfied with me. He still has to deal with me when he goes back."

Knowing that Xiaobai had reversed the situation, Han Xiaodong breathed a sigh of relief, and then, thinking of Wang Jiayuan's words just now that he doesn't need to come back, his mood suddenly became depressed again.

"She doesn't have time. Creator's spies have broken into White Dove's command center." Although the situation sounded bad, from the tone of his voice, K didn't show much worry at all.

"Are you kidding me? Isn't that very dangerous?" Han Xiaodong raised his heart just now, and this time he was really worried about Wang Jiayuan's safety.

"Don't be surprised, the leader of your family is not a soft persimmon, not to mention there are no souls in the formation, let alone a hundred or so young people, even if you use a magic general, you may not be able to take advantage of it.

Maybe you have to throw your life there. Now when it comes to force value, you probably won't even be ranked in the top three. You are a worthless fighting scum, and you don't know how to reflect on yourself. "

After being teased all the time, Han Xiaodong finally lost his temper. He had to admit that what K said made sense.

I really don't have time to improve my strength recently. If it is really only about the value of force, he may not be able to beat Xiaobai, Wuhun, and Wang Jiayuan.

Knowing that the three great masters gathered there, it might not be of any use if he went there, he had no choice but to bow his head resignedly: "Okay, then I'll listen to you, let's ignore that side for now, tell me, what should I do now .”

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