The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 1395 You Are Not Married

"Tomb passage? Isn't this pyramid just a cover-up to hide the space? Could it be that the interior of the space is also built according to the pyramid? this really a tomb?!"

Han Xiaodong can't understand the weird logic of the builder at all. Since it is called a space, the virtual image on the outside should be just to confuse people, and most of the inside and outside are very different.

You can make whatever you want inside, whether it is a palace or a fairyland, in short, people with this ability will make the interior and exterior of the space different.

It's like Alice in Wonderland, it looks like a tree hole, but entering it is another world.

But the space in front of him seems to be very unconventional. There is a pyramid on the outside and a pyramid on the inside. This is very funny. Such a practical approach is really not like Dongmenshe's style.

"It is very likely that this space has some special meaning. It must be the same. Don't worry about it, let's move on. Let's see what they have tried so hard to hide." K didn't care much about such formalism. It is more concerned about what mystery is inside the pyramid.

Holding a dagger in his hand, Han Xiaodong began to grope along the tomb passage. There was an endless road in front of him. The stone walls on both sides and the ceiling above his head were built of rough polished rocks.

Although he knew that these things might be constructed according to the rules of space and not real, Han Xiaodong still felt a sense of oppression, which made it difficult for him to breathe.

While walking, he calculated the distance he had traveled. After walking about two kilometers, Han Xiaodong finally saw a fork in front of him. There were endless tomb passages on both sides of the intersection. How should I choose.

"Why don't you use a low-light mirror to do a scan, who knows what mechanisms are available in these two roads." Han Xiaodong really didn't know which way to choose, so he simply proposed to use tools to solve the problem. There is a convenient way to not use it. This is not him style of.

"It's useless. I just tried it. This space adopts very strange rules. Only the space with a diameter of 100 meters and you as the center is an entity. It becomes an undetectable state." K directly denied his idea.

"How could this happen?" Han Xiaodong was very puzzled by the structure of the pyramid. It was the first time he heard that the effective distance was only a hundred or so meters away. This kind of thing made people feel unreliable, as if the space might collapse at any time .

"I don't know, maybe the technology at that time was not perfect, and I couldn't show the whole space. Therefore, I can only control the display distance within a certain range." K gave a guess very seriously.

"It means that the CPU and memory are not enough to display the complete map?" Han Xiaodong finally understood K's meaning, and he was angry and funny. It turns out that this space technology also depends on hardware to support it.

"That's almost what it means, don't worry, this won't affect you, and the space won't collapse or change easily.

On the contrary, just because the technology is relatively old and there are no more tricks, it is safer for you.I think it may also be the reason why they built the interior as a tomb passage, because there is no ability to build a wider space. "

Listening to K's explanation, wondering if this was a blessing in disguise, Han Xiaodong smiled wryly, and then returned to the troublesome question, which of the two roads in front of him should he choose.

"Just go, if there is danger, I will remind you, at least 100 meters around you are still within my control range." K's voice didn't sound very complicated, obviously, he didn't have any good solution.

Fortunately, he still knew how to guarantee his safety, so Han Xiaodong didn't worry so much, and walked down the road on the left.

After another kilometer or so, the passage began to turn into an upward staircase.

Thinking of climbing stairs, Han Xiaodong felt 1 unwilling, especially this kind of endless steps, which made people feel tired, but now there is no other way but to climb.

At the beginning, Han Xiaodong was still full of confidence, and quickly climbed up to the third and third levels, but after climbing to more than 1000 levels, he felt that his legs were filled with lead, and he couldn't move.

He could only go up step by step. Facing the almost invisible darkness, he cried out in his heart. This feeling was really bad. He couldn't help feeling absurd, as if if he really walked to the end, he would definitely You will see heaven.

After walking with heavy steps for another twenty minutes, a huge stone gate finally appeared in front of him.

Finally seeing hope, Han Xiaodong mustered up all his strength, ran two steps, reached out and grabbed the edge of the stone door, sat down on the steps, panting wildly.

"It's so torturous! Is Dongmenshe a pervert?! Could it be that the purpose of building such high steps is to exercise your body?" Han Xiaodong sat on the ground panting wildly, not forgetting to complain.

K didn't take his complaints seriously at all, and said leisurely: "If according to the design of the pyramid, this should be the tomb of the pharaoh. Director, open the door, let us see who is lying inside."

"Fuck your sister! My legs are weak! Can't you let me take a rest?! If you have the ability to drive yourself! I need to catch my breath first." Han Xiaodong ignored K's request at all, leaning on the stone door to rest on his own Woke up, he is not in a hurry now, since the gate is already in front of him, is it possible that he is still afraid that the things inside will escape?

"Your body needs to be exercised, it wasn't so weak before." K said with extreme disgust.

"Shut up!" Han Xiaodong said angrily.

"I'm telling the truth. You've been riding a car or a space shuttle recently. It won't work if your body keeps going like this. After all, you're not married yet." K's tone changed from distaste to even more distaste...

"Can you shut up?" Han Xiaodong was speechless. He could see that this guy didn't want to rest at all.

Sure enough, K began to change the direction of chatter: "I am doing this for your own good. Think about it, what would you do if one day you were confronted by the master of the creator? When you were attacked just now, your reaction was obviously worse than... ..."

"It's okay, okay, ancestor! I'll open the door! Can't you open the door?!"

Han Xiaodong couldn't stand the noise anymore, and stood up while holding the door. K was too loud, and even if he blocked his ears, he couldn't stop the intrusion of the sound, so he had to admit defeat.

Seeing that he had finally achieved his goal, K also became quiet.

Although no one was arguing anymore, Han Xiaodong was still very depressed. The stone door was in front of him, but there was neither knocker nor handle on the door. It was just a bare panel embedded in the door frame, and he didn't even know whether to push or pull.

"Can I blow the door open?" After struggling with the bare panel for a long time, pushing and pushing, bumping and bumping, the door just wouldn't move at all. Han Xiaodong had no choice but to apply for violence to solve the problem.

"No, the door must have a fixed development, and opening the door violently will definitely trigger the defense mechanism." K resolutely denied Han Xiaodong's idea, and there was no room for negotiation.

"Then what should I do? You have seen it too, it can't be pushed or pulled, there isn't even a keyhole, and it can't be violently destroyed. Could it be that you want to call Zhima to open the door?"

Han Xiaodong was furious, but he didn't dare to actually engage in violent destruction.

K was silent, and thought about it seriously for a while, then hesitantly asked: "How try to lift it?"

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