The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 53 It's Useless to Know the Murderer

Wang Jiayuan looked up at Han Xiaodong, then shook her head again:
"It's not him. He bought his car at the beginning of this year. Besides, he didn't have a driver's license at that time, so this matter has become an unsolved case."

Han Xiaodong was helpless for a while, so the two sat in the coffee shop and fell into a brief silence.

"I've finished telling you about my brother, you are not allowed to mention it in front of him." Wang Jiayuan took a sip of coffee and broke the deadlock first. "Oh, I know." Han Xiaodong responded softly.

Wang Jiayuan glanced at Han Xiaodong, and put the cup on the table:
"Starting tomorrow, my brother will do his best to train you to be a qualified driver. Since you are already like this, I will not stop you, but we have agreed that you are only allowed to win, not to lose!"

Han Xiaodong didn't expect Wang Jiayuan to change so quickly, he didn't react too much all of a sudden, he just nodded vigorously subconsciously.

"Also, my brother will be taken care of by you. If you can, help me recover and get back on his feet. If you can do this, I won't stop you from doing anything next time!

If you let him be hit again, I will also make you regret it for the rest of your life! Looking at Wang Jiayuan with a fierce face, Han Xiaodong continued to nod frantically.

At this time, Wang Jiayuan was cuter than ever in his eyes.

This brother and sister have put in a lot of effort for themselves, and I really have no reason to let them down. Even for them, this game can only be won but not lost.

After Wang Jiayuan threatened and intimidated her, seeing Han Xiaodong honestly agreed, she leaned back on the chair and said in a low voice:
"Be sure to come back safely, and don't have any accidents."

Han Xiaodong knew that what she said was the truth, and suddenly a warm current surged in his heart. He didn't know when, suddenly, many people who really cared about him appeared in his life.

For him, this is the most precious treasure worth cherishing.

Suddenly, he remembered something, and hurriedly asked: "You said that your brother was wronged, could it be the car accident on Huancheng Road last year?"

When Wang Jiayuan heard him bring up this matter again, she nodded, confirming his guess.

"Isn't that what drag racing gangs did? I remember there was an uproar at the time, saying that a group of drag racing gangs driving luxury cars killed passers-by late at night. If you find those people, wouldn't it be clear if you asked them?"

Hearing what he said, Wang Jiayuan smiled and shook her head:

"There are drag racing gangs, and now they sometimes race on the road around the city, but most of the time they move to Moon Mountain, and Xie Ming is one of them. But they were not the ones who hit people in that accident."

"No?" Han Xiaodong was completely confused, it was different from what the news said.

"It's really not, there are no good people in this group, they are all masters with a little spare money to fight for courage, my brother was the king of the track in Pingshi at the time.

The results on the official track have always been very good. Those people asked my brother to compete several times, but he refused.

In the end, he got so annoyed that he competed with them at Moon-Watching Mountain, and in the end, he dumped those people so much that he couldn't even see his taillights. "

Wang Jiayuan explained in detail the grievances between Wang Hao and the Drag Racing Party.

"14 minutes and 6 seconds?" Han Xiaodong still remembers this number.

"Well, that was the time they lost, so they were naturally unconvinced. They said it wasn't an urban track, so it didn't count, and they wanted to ask my brother out. My brother was negotiating with the foreign team at the time, so he refused to agree.

On the night of the accident, as soon as the drag racing party set off, the BMW m3 with a license plate appeared. They all thought it was my brother who was going to fight, so they drove all the way, and something happened. "

Han Xiaodong was dumbfounded when he heard it. It turned out that neither the media nor the market, the rumored version was true. No one had ever mentioned that decked BMW m3. Thinking about it, Wang Hao should have faced tremendous pressure this year.

"Help me check the video from that day." Han Xiaodong secretly said to Xiao K.

"The accident files of the traffic team are being investigated." A sweet female voice rang out.

"What happened?" Han Xiaodong asked angrily.

"I'm siri, do you have a question?" the voice replied.

"Change, change, change back, there is nothing positive." Han Xiaodong said with disgust.

"This voice is the most popular now, you idiot." Xiao K finally returned with a childish voice in the machine.

"Stop talking about those useless things, did you find out?"

Just as Han Xiaodong finished asking, a surveillance video appeared in his mind. Indeed, no matter from which angle he looked at it, it was Wang Hao's BMW.

"Can you make it clearer? I want to see faces."

Although Wang Jiayuan said it, Han Xiaodong was still not reconciled. He always felt that Xiao K's ability must be much better than the traffic team's equipment.

Sure enough, Little K lived up to his trust. As a fixed-frame photo was continuously enlarged and refreshed, the face of the BMW driver became more and more clear.

When that face was fully presented, Han Xiaodong's doubts were suddenly pushed to the top.

"Xie Ming?"

Han Xiaodong was in a daze again.

Didn't it mean that Xie Ming bought the car half a year later?Why is it in this car?

"Adjust Xie Ming's car purchase record." Han Xiaodong ordered again.

After a while, all the entry and exit records and registration records of Xie Ming's BMW m3 appeared in front of him.

Time shows that the BMW was indeed bought at the beginning of the year.

"I'll wipe it! What's the trouble?!" Han Xiaodong was dazed by this bizarre accident.

Now we know who the murderer is, but seeing him get away with it, but there is no evidence, it is really maddening.

"Can I ask you something?" Han Xiaodong suddenly asked Wang Jiayuan.

Wang Jiayuan nodded, motioning for him to ask casually.

"Xie Ming's car... who did you learn from?" This question was not a whim of Han Xiaodong.

Although Xie Ming is a person who is always talking and drinking, he is actually very timid. Generally speaking, this kind of person can at most dress up the car, and modify the appearance to make it look good.

However, judging from his several contacts with Xie Ming, Xie Ming's driving skills are actually of a certain level.

When Han Xiaodong asked such a question, Wang Jiayuan was taken aback for a moment, paused, and then whispered, "My brother."

"Ah?" Han Xiaodong exclaimed in disbelief.

"Our two families are family friends, Xie Ming was not like this before, and he and I actually grew up together.

My brother also liked him very much at the time. When he was fifteen or sixteen, he often followed my brother to the racing track, and my brother secretly taught him how to drive.

After my brother's accident, he didn't show up again, and then he got to know those drag racing gangs, and then he began to change a little bit, and became what he is now. "

When Wang Jiayuan talked about Xie Ming, she shook her head and sighed as she spoke, as if she felt sorry for the depravity of a playmate.

After listening to her, Han Xiaodong thought for a while before whispering:

"Fifteen and six...then it's right, this is a realistic version of the farmer and the snake."

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