The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 90

Little K didn't explain, but gave the order very resolutely.

Han Xiaodong has no choice, the distance to the last layer of road is getting closer and closer, now he can either use the established method to continue to slide down, hoping for a miracle to happen, or take a gamble as Xiao K said.

The former is a dead end, while the latter is life and death.

Trusting this kind of thing is easy to say, but in the face of life and death, if one person can trust another person without hesitation, it requires great courage.

What's more, Little K is not alone, but a voice in Han Xiaodong's mind.

When people face the choice of life and death, some people are hesitant and afraid, some are brave to take responsibility, some only believe in themselves, and some are more willing to entrust their lives to others.

But no matter what kind of person, in the end people will use whether he is alive or dead to measure his decision at that time, whether it is stupid or great.

Han Xiaodong couldn't think that far, because if he hesitated any longer, he might only end up in an ending that will be remembered by future generations.

At the same time, press the No. 3 and No. 4 brake buttons again, put away the deceleration hoe, Han Xiaodong slammed in the direction, stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the raptor ahead.

The spectators at the bottom of the mountain were completely stunned by what happened on the hillside. Although they couldn't see what happened in the smoke, the flickering blue flashes allowed them to more or less guess The situation Han Xiaodong is facing.

There were more than forty cars and seventy or eighty people in the entire parking lot, but it was as quiet as an open space. Everyone held their breath and concentrated, holding their binoculars and looking in the same direction.

Wang Hao remained silent, but clenched his fists tightly, and his nails had already sunk into the flesh.

Lu Ying bit her lip with a serious expression. She never thought that things would develop to this point.

Wang Jiayuan no longer had the courage to look up the mountain. She closed her eyes and turned around, facing the mountain road with her back, praying silently, tears streaming down her face.

Even the Thirteenth Young Master kept silent at this time, quietly watching the blue that appeared and disappeared in the cloud of smoke.

Although the ground was still in a mess just after the raptor, no one in the parking lot paid attention to their damaged car. At this moment, everyone's hearts were hanging on the slope where the two cars were fighting for their lives on the driver.

"Look! The BMW is moving!"

Someone yelled, and everyone adjusted the angle of their binoculars slightly, looking up the mountain, and saw that Xie Ming's BMW finally made a movement, started to turn around the hairpin, and began to sprint down the mountain like crazy.

"He can still run?" The crowd exclaimed. From the binoculars, it can be seen that the front of the BMW M3 has been smashed, the front bumper has completely disappeared, and the hood seems to have been dented, which is obviously affected. Very serious injury.

"Wuling seems to be accelerating!"

Someone yelled again.

Everyone's telescopes were attracted by the sound again, and they moved towards Han Xiaodong on the hillside.

"Brother, what is Han Xiaodong going to do?!"

When Wang Jiayuan heard the word speed up, she turned around suddenly, picked up the binoculars and looked up the mountain. Sure enough, amidst the thick smoke, a blue flash was speeding up and rushing towards the raptor.

"He's looking for a buffer." Wang Hao's answer was very slow, but he said every word very clearly.

"Looking for a buffer?" Wang Jiayuan didn't understand what Wang Hao meant.

"If he rushed straight down and the speed was too fast, he would definitely rush into the rubble. But before he fell into the road, he could hit the raptor moving in the same direction at a high enough speed, with the difference in tonnage between the two cars , will have a huge reaction force on Han Xiaodong's car, as if hitting a wall.

However, because the two cars are in the same direction, the relative impact speed is much smaller than that of a fixed object. The reduced rebound force will not only prevent it from continuing to move forward, but even stop it. "

Lu Ying didn't take her eyes off the two cars on the mountain, but she explained Han Xiaodong's reason for accelerating.

"That means he still has hope..."

"It's hard to say, it depends on how strong the impact is. Both cars are moving forward. If the impact force to stop is not enough, not only will they not stop, but on the contrary, they may rush out of the runway with the Raptor, and they will definitely die. Postnatal."

Although Lu Ying understood what Han Xiaodong was doing, from her point of view, the risk of this approach was astonishingly high, and the probability of success was probably not much higher than buying a lottery ticket.

Han Xiaodong on the ramp also understood the meaning of small at the moment of acceleration.Now he had to hit him at high speed before the raptor fell into the road, otherwise, he was sure to fly out with the raptor.

At the end of the throttle, Wuling Hongguang's engine tachometer has rushed to [-] rpm, and the engine made a huge roar. Wuling Hongguang roared and dived towards the Raptor with all its strength, fighting for life and death.


Another loud noise shook the valley!

The huge blocking force made Han Xiaodong rush forward. Although he was blocked by the seat belt, his head still hit the steering wheel heavily.

Different from the collision on the mountain, this time, he went all out and competed with the raptor at the fastest speed.

The protruding front bumper had already been hit badly, but this time it was completely destroyed.

Although the anti-collision structure has been improved after the modification of Little K, after all, this is a high-speed contest with a heavyweight opponent, and it is still unable to get rid of the influence of physics on the laws of objects.

Although the impact caused Han Xiaodong a lot of shock, he still pressed the brake button of the deceleration hoe reflexively at the last moment, and at the same time turned the steering wheel diagonally.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that the whole world was spinning, and Wuling Hongguang was completely out of control!
Brakes!This was his last sliver of consciousness before he fell into a coma.

He was awakened by a familiar voice, which was a little distant and empty, but it sounded very kind.

"Xiaodong! Xiaodong, wake up! Xiaodong!"


Han Xiaodong's mind went blank, he couldn't remember anything except the owner of the voice.

Why is uncle here?Where am I again?what happened?Why is my whole body hurting?Why can't I open my eyes?

Immediately afterwards, Han Xiaodong's body convulsed, and he felt a burst of electricity flow through his body instantly, and he opened his eyes with a jerk.

"You're awake! Great!"

Really Uncle Lin Jie!

Han Xiaodong regained consciousness in an instant, and he remembered the thrilling scene on the mountain just now, and also remembered his uncle's warning to him.If it weren't for the dilapidated raptor parked in the rubble, Han Xiaodong really couldn't believe that he survived.

But he didn't understand why his uncle appeared here.

"Uncle, why..." Han Xiaodong felt a pain in his chest just as he was about to ask.

"Don't move, you are injured. I was not sure about your situation just now, so I gave you an electric shock. Don't ask anything now. I will look for you later. Remember, don't trust anyone except your mother!"

After speaking, Lin Jie jumped out of the car and ran towards the raptor.

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