The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 144

Chapter 141

Lian Ru Ning couldn’t determine this from a single case, so she needed to find all the apostles’ information, and then investigate in depth.

Hao Jian has these materials, and Hao Jian didn’t ask her exactly what she was going to do. She got the materials, thought about it, and asked: “Have you found the answer you want to know?”

Hao Jian was sour in her heart, but very satisfied. She smiled slightly and gave Lian Ru Ning a relieved smile: “It’s coming.”

She knows and recalls more and more things, but most of them are under the subconscious mind, so sometimes she will have some inexplicable emotions. It is clear that the surface consciousness has no relevant memories. If it is not for rational restraint, these emotions are afraid to be. Will not be suppressed.

Just like when she looked at Lian Ru Ning, she would have a feeling of passing through her to see another Lian Ru Ning. At this time, the sourness could swallow her and drown her. But she clearly realized that what she wanted was Lian Ru Ning, even though she didn’t know what Lian Ru Ning was doing, but she was extremely at ease.

This is an extremely contradictory mood, but it is also what she hopes for.

—Deep Consciousness Boundary Line—

She already knew that this was the world that once existed, her relationship with Lian Runing was real, and her final zombieization was also real. So why did she return to this world? And why is there a system that didn’t exist in the previous life? And why are the life trajectories of some people completely different from now?

Combined with the clues she found out from the rules of the system, she felt that it was very likely that her zombie herself had been reactivated in her brain cells.

But in this way, it is impossible to say that my own experience will be different from the memory, and some people who are not in the memory will meet in this life.

And why is the encounter between her and Lian Ru-ning in this life different from what she remembered?

She had a thought: Is the system related to her brain?

If she has become a zombie, then the brain cells are reactivated, and she has the consciousness of being a human again. Except that there is something wrong with the little sister, the experience before the end of the world is exactly the same as in the memory. In other words, after the end of the world, these experiences, including the encounter with the little junior sister, have all been modified.

Since she can recall the memory before the zombieization, it means that there is no amnesia, unless it is a ghost of the system!

She confirmed that Lian Runing had no memory of meeting on campus, but their experiences had happened together in memory, but because of the more systems, many problems were not as difficult as in memory.

Based on these, Hao Jian had a bold guess—Is Xiao Jiemei separated from the image of her brain cells?

Because the little junior sister knows everything she knows, did the tacit understanding between the two come from the same memory, so the system says that they have the highest degree of agreement?

If it was before the appearance of the system and the central processing system, she would not have such a guess, but who made this system and the central processing system come out so weird?

They have their own goals, and they and other hosts may be chess pieces, so she has this kind of fantasy.

In order to verify whether Lian Ru Ning knew something she had never known, she suggested that the two of them did not need to let the other party know what they did.

She even thought that if Lian Ru Ning is a so-called NPC, she would definitely not have self-consciousness. If Lian Ru Ning had doubts about the world without her intervention, she would investigate some systems. Things related to this world show that Lian Ru Ning must have formed a self-awareness, and is no longer limited to the appearance in her memory.

After all, when the system is very worried that she will expose the truth of this world, it is impossible for the central processing system to control an NPC to do something to trace itself.

The reason why Hao Jian feels sour is because she remembers that she loves to practice Ruling, which is the obsession of her life.

However, the current Lian Ru Ning is not the Lian Ru Ning in her memory, nor is she the one in her memory. They are one person, but not the same person; they love the same person, but they all love the same person.

Today, Hao Jian is more calm and sensible than the self in the memory, almost a cold machine, so she dare not say that she is still the self in the memory.


“A Jian, even if this world is fake, my love for you is real.” Seeing the mood swings in her eyes, Lian Ru Ning felt something, so she stepped forward and hugged her.

At this moment, the sourness in Hao Jian’s heart dissipated, and the emotions that were still inflicting just now were smoothed out, and the feelings in the deep consciousness also tended to Lian Ruling, as if she had made a decision that had been tangled for a long time. .

Lian Ru Ning also felt that there was something on her body that had been restraining her left, and she suddenly became relaxed, and her mood was unprecedentedly happy.

Although she and Hao Jian agreed to hide what they had done, it was not that they could not say anything between them, at least she would tell Hao Jian that Le Yan was an apostle.

She guessed from Le Yan’s words that Le Yan already knew Hao Jian’s identity, so she also reminded Hao Jian to be careful not to take Le Yan against her.

Hao Jian said with a smile: “Didn’t you say that what Researcher Le cares most is research? She may not be too interested in the contest between the apostles.”

Lian Runing didn’t think so: “Researcher Le is indeed devoted to research, but what she cares most now is the truth of this world. If the price of knowing the truth of this world is for her to kill other apostles, do you think How would she choose?”

Le Yan is too pure, and her persistence in research and the truth is too pure. She is indeed a scientific researcher who doesn’t care about foreign objects, but is only obsessed with research. But in the same way, she is also a person who ignores foreign objects, as long as it is beneficial to her research or helps her to unravel the truth, then she also does not care about the changes of foreign objects or the lives of outsiders.

After Lian Runing’s words were spoken, Hao Jian suddenly felt that she had surpassed herself, and her analysis and speculation of human nature became more mature and rational.

“I know, you have to be careful too.” Hao Jian smiled brightly, calmly and confidently.

After Lian Ru Ning returned with the information, she thought for a while, and didn’t plan to study it alone, but instead asked Lian Ruji for help.

Now Lian Ruji still works in the archives, because he is familiar with computer office software, and has taught himself some software for document collection and division, so he was asked to do the work of collecting archives.

However, because the level is not enough, the files he came into contact with were not classified items. Lian Runing wanted to know the past of the apostles and could browse through their files. It’s just that Lian Ru Ning is not an official high-level person, and suddenly wants to read the apostle’s files, so I still have to report to the top.

I don’t know where the report went, Lian Ruji quickly got a response: “If Researcher Lian Runing wants to retrieve their files, it is still possible, but these files are not allowed to be passed on.”

Lian Ruji didn’t know when his sister had such a big face. When Lian Ruing came to the archives to retrieve the files, he asked: “Sister Ning, is it the power that Sister Hao gave you? what?”

In fact, Lian Runing was a little puzzled. Although she could only access the apostle’s files in the archives, it was strange to think that a scientific researcher who had nothing to do with the apostle could obtain such permission.

However, she knew that Hao Jian was only a security consultant for the asylum management office, and she did not have the authority to let her conduct activities in the archives.

But if you think about Hao Jian, the answer will come out quickly-Wen Shanggao.

Lian Ru-ning only contacted Wen Shanggao once, and that was the only time when Hao Jian went to Yuncheng when Wen Shanggao contacted her.

Lian Runing knows that Hao Jian’s other identity must be monitored, and I am afraid that the background of the three generations of ancestors will have to be investigated clearly, so Wen Shanggao knows her relationship with Hao Jian, and also knows their every move.

Hao Jian never concealed that she told Lian Ru-ning about the apostle. Was it because of her negligence or arrogance? It’s impossible, so she knows that Wen Shanggao will pay attention to this matter, which also shows that these actions are within Wen Shanggao’s permission.

So Lian Ru-ning had such a big concern for the apostles and wanted to investigate them, Wen Shanggao knew, and even opened the door to her convenience.

Lian Runing felt a little nervous thinking about this. She worried that her actions would reveal Hao Jian’s identity. However, at this juncture, it was abnormal for her to suddenly change her mind, right?

No matter what, she was able to cope with the changes. It would be better for Wen Shanggao to focus on her than if he doubted Hao Jian.

She and Lian Ruji’s investigation of the apostles went smoothly. As the brothers and sisters used the software to sort out all the information, the source of each apostle’s power was clear and clear at a glance.

Lian Ruji looked at the information and wondered: “Why does Ning Jie think that this repeated thing can be the source of the apostle’s power?”

For example, Zeng Jianxiong in Zeng District’s underground kitchen cooks day after day, Xie Zichao moves bricks and builds walls regardless of heat and cold, and is no different from a peasant worker who works hard, and Fang Fang, Long Chaofeng, etc. have their own insistences. Things.

Officials know that the things they insist on doing are weird, and they all infer that this is the source of their power, but they still can’t figure out the principle of this, why ordinary people can’t have the power of apostles by repeating such things?

Of course, these were all worked out by Wen Shanggao who organized the “special response team” after the government began to slack off. Only the members of the “special response team”, official high-level officials and individuals knew about it.

The Apostles Association and the Apostles are now increasing the number of times they repeat one thing for hierarchical matters. These are all collected as data by the “special response group”, and they don’t know that their details have been figured out. Up.

Lian Ru Ning’s speculation is not entirely from Hao Jian’s knowledge. In fact, it is from the observations during the days when she was acting with Kelly. She hasn’t told anyone yet, only when she talked about Le Yan, she revealed a little bit. .

Lian Ruji also slowly pondered over it while helping Lian Runing was busy, and he was shocked by this new discovery.

After listening to what he said, Lian Runing also wondered why he could get the source of strength by doing one thing repeatedly.

Of course, her focus is different from Lian Ruji. Lian Ruji wants to know the principle of gaining power, and she is just thinking about what those apostles are repeating now, whether they like or care most, if Yes, how did the forces behind the apostle determine these?

If the purpose of the forces behind the apostles is to let the apostles kill each other and distinguish between high and low, then why not choose some more advantageous people as apostles in the first place?

People like Long Chaofeng who are afraid of zombies and dare not kill monsters at all, but are easily satisfied and don’t want to rely on the power of the apostles to get too much attention. If they face other apostles, do they have to be at a disadvantage?

Unless it is said that the selection of the apostle cannot be controlled by that force, because limited material conditions restrict them! What material conditions?

If we say that the candidates for the apostles were Hao Jian and the others from the beginning, even if the forces were dissatisfied with those weak apostles who had no chance of winning in the struggle, they had to choose from them… In this way, all explanations are not reasonable. Is it? !

Combined with the fact that the forces seem to have the ability to be a prophet, know that she and Hao Jian will fall in love, and also know that Hao Jian cares about her the most… If the apostle appears after she meets Hao Jian, it will indicate that it will read Brain waves, but the prophet is very intriguing.

When Lian Ru-ning collected all the information of the apostles and studied it, an answer that she thought was very reasonable took shape.

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