The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 28

Chapter 27

As the sun rises, the surrounding temperature also rises.

Peng Mao sweated profusely while pushing a car, sweat dripping down uncontrollably. He exhausted all his strength, but the car didn’t move.

He couldn’t help cursing: “No matter how Chinese people like to buy cars, isn’t it good for green travel? Now it’s causing traffic congestion, so you don’t want to lose heart.”

“Tsk, it’s sour!” Hao Jian went to help him push it together. Although her arm was so painful that she was about to cramp, she gritted her teeth and held it back.

In fact, let alone her, Lian Ru Ning and Xin Ting both had arm soreness, but because they hadn’t killed many zombies in the previous two days, the soreness was not obvious. But yesterday the number of zombies killed has doubled, and the soreness of their arms has become more obvious today.


It was not until noon that they cleared a trail of about 1.5 meters and just enough to allow a car to drive out. During the period, scattered zombies appeared to attack them, and they were all cleaned up.

“Take a rest.” Hao Jian was already sweating, and the clothes and hair hadn’t been dried before, and the bath they took last night was for nothing.

Xin Ting took out the instant noodles cooked last night in her backpack. Hao Jian said that if it was cooked in the early morning, it would definitely arouse the vigilance of the villagers, so she cooked it last night.

After letting it cool, pour out the soup and put it into a bowl, then seal it with a condom. Although it was overnight, and the sealed tools were a bit unappetizing, but in this environment, food is good enough, so what are you fussy about?

I was eating, suddenly I heard the sound of an engine coming from somewhere. When they looked around, they saw two motorcycles jumped out of the Civic Avenue, more than fifty meters away, and the zombies that followed tens of meters behind were just like gourd babies, a vine leading a large string, which was counted by the naked eye. Unclear how many.

“Fuck!” The four of them were shocked. What is the sacred thing on these two motorcycles? Why did they provoke so many zombies?

Although they have the ability to kill zombies, they can’t bear so many zombies!

“Get in the car!” Hao Jian has quickly got into the driver’s seat.

Lian Ru Ning hurriedly sat in the passenger seat, while Peng Mao and Xin Ting didn’t care that the bowl of noodles had not been eaten yet, and even threw the bowl with noodles. They grabbed their weapons and climbed back into the car to make them.

In such a short time, the zombies at the intersection of Civic Avenue have found them across the road.

Although there is a guardrail isolation belt in the middle, after many car accidents, some guardrails have fallen down a long time ago, and these zombies flooded from this guardrail.

“Quick, quick!” Peng Mao suddenly patted the driver’s seat, urging Hao Jian.

Hao Jian was not afraid of danger, drove the car calmly, and accelerated again, knocking the zombies stuck in front of him into flight.

Before the zombies caught up, they passed the intersection of Civic Avenue. Although there are still some zombies chasing them, their speed is not as fast as cars, and the chasing figures are getting smaller and smaller…

They finally relieved the crisis temporarily!

Lian Ru Ning was so nervous that her hands were sweating. She turned her head, just fastened her seat belt, and raised her eyes to see that the windshield in front was soiled by the broken body of the zombie, and she could barely see the one hundred meters horizontally. Car: “Be careful ahead!”

Hao Jian slowed down in time to get around the obstacle, and then turned on the wiper to clean the part of the windshield that blocked her sight. Fortunately, she just remembered that there was an obstacle in the front position, otherwise she would hit it like this.

The four people who had escaped several times let out a sigh of relief, and lay on their chairs and wiped a lot of sweat.

Peng Mao felt that his urine was almost scared just now, but fortunately, the sky was endless. However, he recovered and felt that this road was a bit familiar: “This seems to be the road to the city?”

“I know, but you see that the car just came out from Civic Avenue, so if something happened there, we can’t go there anymore. I remember there is still a road ahead to go west. Although it has to pass through the city, it is only a few kilometers away, as long as it passes this area.”

“How do I think you are setting up fg?” Peng Mao suddenly said.


Looking at the bad road conditions ahead and the “significant number” of zombies, after a weird silence, Lian Ru Ning couldn’t help saying, “Don’t be a crow’s mouth.”

Peng Mao was a little wronged, it was obviously not his fg. However, everyone present consistently criticized him, and he had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit.

Because the people in the city want to flee, so the more you go to the city, the fewer vehicles there are on the road. However, because of the accidents that occurred during the chaos, the road conditions are varied:

There were street lights that were smashed across the road, there were cars that were parked on the side of the road, there were **** scattered on the ground after a dump truck rolled over, and there were zombies wandering around,…

It was impossible for them to get out of the car to clear the roadblock, so Hao Jian simply drove the car to the opposite road and drove in the opposite direction.


In the afternoon sun, the temperature in the car is rising rapidly, and the air-conditioning system in the car is broken. They are like being in a big steamer. In order to prevent the zombies from using the car window to invade, they can only roll about one centimeter of the car window to blow the air.

Hao Jian’s wild driving style made everyone a little worried, because she no longer knew how many zombies had been hit on the road, and even Xin Ting was worried that this fragile car would be damaged by her.

“The scenery here is beautiful, isn’t it?” Lian Ru Ning looked out the window and sighed lightly.

There are lush woods on both sides of this section of the road where the car drove. Flowerbeds were built on the sidewalks, which were planted with rhododendrons. The scent of birds and flowers in spring and the singing of cicadas in summer appeared in my mind.

“There is a forest park nearby. There are many animals in it. Although it is called a forest park, it is the only zoo here.” Peng Mao said again.

As soon as they finished speaking, a leopard jumped out in front of them. Hao Jian didn’t have time to brake, so he ran into it.

“…Is the leopard an animal under national protection?” Hao Jian asked.

“Yes, and it’s level one.” Lian Runing nodded solemnly.

Hao Jian pursed his lips, and Peng Mao patted the seat back again: “Hurry up and drive, it’s chasing you!”

Hao Jian glanced at the rearview mirror, and found that the leopard who had just been hit by her was chasing them unscathed, as if he would not give up until he could catch them, and its speed was much faster than those of the zombies!

“It’s not Grade 1 protected animals now?” Hao Jian heaved a sigh of relief.

“Fuck, are you still in the mood to entangle this?!” Seeing that the leopard had touched the rear of the car, Peng Mao couldn’t help but explode.

“Do you see if you have an emergency syrup on your body?” Hao Jian said again, but the accelerator under his feet was stepped to the bottom.

“…” Do you have time to talk while driving?

Lian Ru Ning clutched the door handle tightly. She was pretty sure that Hao Jian was playing a racing game now, knowing that her heart was about to jump out.

Fortunately, there were not many obstacles in this road. After they threw away the possibly zombie leopard in the shortest time, their speed dropped again.

Xin Ting couldn’t help it, and he held up the front seat and threw up into the sky. She hadn’t had time to finish the noodles at noon, but her stomach was empty when she vomited.

Peng Mao quickly brought her a bottle of water: “You drink some water and then take a break. If you are sick, you should close your eyes and go to sleep. I will tell you the first time if there is a situation.”

“Thank you!” Xin Ting took the water, but did not close her eyes to rest.


If you leave the forest park, you can see the tall buildings in front, full of modern atmosphere. The area of ​​green plants there also dropped sharply, only some plants were planted on both sides of the road.

A spacious, straight road separates the side from here, like a moat, separating two different worlds.

There are only broken cars parked on the side of the road where cars go on weekdays. Even though the traffic lights are still flashing conscientiously, they seem to be playing a one-man show. There was no anger on the road, only a lot of zombies walked through.

They had no time to feel that the formerly prosperous urban area had become the desolate it is today, because they found that the leopard had caught up again.

“Turn left, go straight to the left, and you will reach the Nanjiang Highway in the suburbs through a viaduct.” Peng Mao instructed.

Nanjiang Highway is a national highway from Nanshi to Jiangshi, a county-level city in Jiangshi. There are several intersections over there that are provincial and county roads that can go to Nanfangcheng. Although it has to take a long detour, it is better than being trapped in the urban area of ​​Jiangshi.

Their movement attracts not only the leopards behind, but also the zombies in front. Now they finally understand how sacred the people on those two motorcycles are—under such circumstances, can they become Goal? !

There was obviously a crack in the car window, but they were all sweating, and their adrenaline was soaring. Seeing that they are getting closer and closer to the viaduct, they are likely to escape, but they see a sign standing crookedly in front of them-construction ahead, please go around!

I saw a gap of almost one meter wide on the bridge body at the turn of the viaduct, and a car was stuck in the middle with its head facing down. No matter how you look at it, driving on the viaduct is a dead end.

Peng Mao remembered: “I read the news a few days ago and said that a large truck in motion suddenly lost control and hit the bridge pier, and cracks appeared on the bridge.”

Hao Jian pursed his lips, the car hit the steering wheel and drove to the right.

“Can it crack so badly with just one hit?” Lian Ru Ning was surprised.

“Perhaps everyone was trying to escape and didn’t pay attention to the road conditions, including some overweight cars, which caused the bridge to break!” Peng Mao shrugged his shoulders. He did not expect the situation of the viaduct.

The intersection to turn back has passed long ago, and when they found that the viaduct was broken and the zombies behind were pressing harder, they could only drive where there was a way. However, this road can only lead to the urban area, and they are going to the most dangerous place.

“Point out the way.” Hao Jian didn’t give up.

Lian Ru Ning turned out his mobile phone silently. Although this area is also an urban area, it belongs to the edge of the urban area. There are only some newly developed real estate, parks and schools. If you want to avoid the city center and choose another way out of the city, you have to drive another seven kilometers.

“The first exit road is at least five or six kilometers in a more prosperous area. There are many shopping malls, real estate and residential buildings. After five or six kilometers is the express line. The second exit road has to follow this The road runs for more than ten kilometers and enters another section of Nanjiang Highway.”

The car passed the row upon row of tall buildings, and a river appeared in front of their vision. The river was wider than the river they had encountered before, and the water looked very clear. The surface of the river was reflected in the blue of the sky, like a mirror.

There is a Jiangxin Island in the middle of the river. The only bridge is blocked by a green truck, and behind it are rows of fences welded with iron thorns. The surroundings of the island are surrounded by barbed wire, and only the tents and the figures of people patrolling inside can be vaguely seen.

“There is a guard! There should be a place for temporary refuge!” Peng Mao was a little excited.

Hao Jian looked at Lian Runing, who also turned to look at her. After a while, I practiced Ru Ning Dao: “Let’s go over and inquire about the news, the guards must get more news than us.”

“it is good.”

Peng Mao and Xin Ting also had no objection. It would be better to say that when they saw the guards, they would feel more stable in their hearts.

Since two dams were built on the riverside, it was easy for the car to drive up from the roadside, but it was difficult to drive to the next dam, so Hao Jian parked the car at the nearest place, taking advantage of the leopards and zombies behind. , And they quickly withdrew to the bridge.

There are many corpses of zombies lying on the dam, and there are many empty bullet casings scattered around, and there are bullet holes on the surrounding signboards.

“It stands to reason that if there are more people here, the more zombies will be attracted. Why are there no zombies around here?” Hao Jian muttered suspiciously.

Lian Ru Ning heard the words, and said, “Maybe they have all been cleaned up!”

Hao Jian put this question away for the time being. When they walked to the bridge, they carefully got under the truck. As soon as they got up to stand, the temporary door of Jiangxin Island opened, and a few quickly came out. The guards holding guns/arms at them.

The four raised their hands together, and Peng Mao shouted: “Don’t shoot, we are alive.”

“How do I feel that adding a prefix doesn’t mean anything wrong with you?” Hao Jian said.

“What prefix?”

“Grandmaster don’t shoot.”


They were muttering here, and a serious black-faced man came out over there, and asked them with a strong voice, “Who are you?”

Peng Mao stepped forward and introduced himself through the fence: “I am from Jiangshi. My name is Peng Mao. We fled to this side. Don’t worry, we are not bitten by zombies or infected.”

The man didn’t change his face: “It’s not up to you to be infected or not!”

He waved his hand, and four guards moved the fence, gathered them together, pointed their guns at them, and urged them to move forward.

They walked in front of the man, and the man stretched out his gloved hand, pinching Peng Mao’s chin in the middle, and carefully observed his appearance: “The complexion and complexion are normal, there is no trauma, no bleeding, take a temperature measurement. -body temperature.”

Hao Jian and Lian Runing were also looked at by him in this way. Although they were uncomfortable with this move, they also understood that the other party was observing their external situation.

Only Xin Ting was isolated nervously by them because of bandaging. No matter how Peng Mao and others explained, the man remained unmoved: “Is it the injury caused by the zombies? Someone will check it yourself. You need to separate. Come and observe for forty-eight hours.”

After the guards took away their backpacks, they were escorted into this Jiangxin Island, while Xin Ting was escorted to the other side alone.

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