The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 55

Chapter 54

The factory is brightly lit, with a few lights on outside the door, and you can see two forklifts, trucks and various objects parked outside.

In the workshop, there are four electric generators visible to the naked eye, but only one is currently in operation, with a dozen workers or operating equipment, or inspecting and repairing engines, etc.

“Is there only one unit operating all day?” Hao Jian asked.

“How is it possible that the power of this unit is 15,000 kilowatts, which is 15,000 kWh per hour. How many people do you think is enough for this huge city of Xinghua? Four units are required to operate at the same time during the day and at night because Everyone needs to rest, so three machines were stopped for maintenance, and only one was in operation, which can only supply power to some areas.”

“Is only the hydropower station still generating electricity?” Hao Jian asked again.

Hu Dan shook his head: “I heard that there are still power plants in some areas that are not within the transmission range of the Heshui Hydropower Station, but they are not like us, and they generate power for free. The relevant power plant workers have occupied the power plant and want to use it. Electricity has to be spent.”

Peng Mao had already finished the steamed buns, a little indignant: “Sooner or later the gods will take advantage of this kind of robbery!”

“You also believe this kind of’self-received’ words.” Hao Jian hit him mercilessly.

Hu Dan asked back: “Miss Hao meant that no one can clean them up?”

Hao Jian pondered for a moment: “Just as a problem that your guards urgently needs to solve is the shortage of manpower. The guards are too small, and because of various reasons such as zombie viruses, insurgents, and cult forces, many people have been damaged. There are many places that you can’t take care of, let alone this chaotic situation. So in this short period of time, your strength is limited. At least those who take advantage of the fire can’t wait for you to clean up.”

Although the officials quickly issued instructions to deploy rescue work, after all, their primary task is to maintain basic stability and rescue the population. For some illegal and criminal acts, their ability to crack down is limited.

Many people and forces will take advantage of this period to come out to cause chaos, such as the “blameless” organization. Only when the violent organization is stabilized can the government formulate new countermeasures and concentrate its efforts on maintaining stability while seeking recovery and development.

So before that, all order in the world will be chaotic, and violent incidents and vicious incidents will be staged in turn.

Those workers who occupy power plants and demand benefits before supplying electricity may be wiped out by people or organizations more capable than them, because those are naked-naked-naked interests, and it will attract more people to fight for it. You die and die.

Especially when they discover that the violent organization has not punished them, their desires and ambitions will swell to the point of recklessness and trampling on the law, turning this zombie into a man-made apocalypse that leads to collapse.

“Are you too pessimistic?” Peng Mao said.

“Optimism and pessimism depend on how you view the world. In terms of the overall situation, every city has the power like a guard to protect us, there are good people who are kind to help each other, and more spontaneously organize to seek survival. The group. It still has hope to save, and the overall development is on the good side.”

“Like killing people for food, **** women if you feel that there is no legal constraint, controlling resources for profit or the desire to gain fame and fortune… all kinds of behaviors can happen in peaceful times, but the last days will only increase the number of such incidents. Up.”

Hu Dan applauded: “Miss Hao really deserves to study anthropology. She sees these things more thoroughly than most people.”

The fact that Hao Jian studied “anthropology” was only mentioned by Lian Ru Ning just now, and Hu Dan said it so naturally, so Hao Jian didn’t know if he said that he was incapable or deliberate. But thinking about it, it’s still more likely to be deliberate.

“Many people understand that, they also know that they are incapable of being the one in control of the destiny of others, so they choose to submit. Is the asylum instigated at the airport because of ignorance? In fact, not necessarily. Quite a few of them give up the right to choose. To lose others—official forces or evil forces. They will choose the one that yields and wins, and then live humblely.”

“We can protect them, and those people will only regard them as ants. But they chose to regard them as the side of ants.” Hu Dan grinned, his expression slightly mocking.

“I think they might not have thought that the security line provided by the **** would be disintegrated because of their riots, because the authorities quickly and powerfully organized their protection, which made them lose the immediate danger. Their ability to judge. After they realize their mistakes, they don’t have the courage to make up for it, and will eventually yield to those who enslaved them.”

Hu Dan’s expression became cold: “Such a person is not worthy of our protection.” Suddenly, he turned to Hao Jian and said with a smile, “Although I really want to say this, I can’t be sorry for this uniform, and I cannot violate the vows I read under the team flag and badge.”

Peng Mao felt that he couldn’t keep up with their thinking and couldn’t intervene, so he said: “I’m finished digesting, go back and rest first.”

Hao Jian and Hu Dan didn’t care much about whether he left, because Peng Mao has nothing to doubt about so far.

And the topic they talked about involves the official attitude towards ordinary people who are “blameless” or even abusive. If Peng Mao is abnormal, he will definitely find a way to steal more, instead of going back like it is now.


But as soon as he left, Hao Jianneng and Hu Dan discussed more topics.

“There shouldn’t be just these guards, right?” Hao Jian’s gaze swept across the people in his sight.

“If you ask, don’t worry that I think you are here to spy on the situation?” Hu Dan asked back.

“If Chief Hu wants to think so, there is nothing I can do here. But I can’t ask you because I’m taboo, because it’s a matter of my plan.”

Hu Dan came to be interested: “I think your confessions are very consistent. They said that they are going to Southern City. Among them, the female student was looking for relatives, and the fitness coach was following you to find a way out because she was unaccompanied. That graduate also felt that you were reliable and feared that a person would be humiliated in the last days… What about you? Is there any reason for you to venture to Southern City?”

“For my beloved girl, didn’t Chief Hu hear everything?”

“…” Rao Shi had a deep scheming like Hu Dan, and was choked by her shamelessness.

Also “beloved girl”, do you think you are singing a love song?

“Hey, if you know that there are surveillance and eavesdropping devices in the room without investigation, no one believes that you are not a scout.”

“It’s actually very simple to know this. After being told that the suspicion is removed, the average person’s vigilance will be greatly reduced. Coupled with the random arrangement of the room by the other party, the average person will subconsciously feel that there is no problem in this room. But it is practical. Above, although we chose the room freely, it was guided.”

When Hao Jian first walked through the corridor on the second floor, he noticed that there were some debris or clothes hanging at the door of some rooms. After seeing these things, everyone will subconsciously think that there are people living in them, so they avoid choosing these rooms.

In addition, the room they lived in was empty, except for a bed, there was only a table and chairs, and anyone would think that there was no one living in it, so they chose this place.

“Since there are only two adults left, why are there so many rooms where people live? So since you guided us to those rooms, there must be some equipment in it.”

Hu Dan couldn’t help but applaud again: “Ordinary people don’t count how many rooms are inhabited. How wary are you to even notice these details?”

“There are too many decryption games played, and I subconsciously substitute it.” Hao Jian said.

“Games?” Hu Dan grinned, “But this is not a game place. We have already suffered a loss. We can no longer think that this place can be easily broken.”

Hao Jian pondered for a moment: “Did those airport guards retreat here to join you?”

“How much do you know?”

“All I know was told orally. After all, we only came to Xinghua City today.”

“Your companions have told me frankly about this. Then you can tell me, why did you think of coming to the hydropower station?”

Hao Jian and Hu Dan have left the factory building and are standing on the walkway separated by a wall from the flood discharge section. Behind them are the silhouettes of busy people. In front of them, there is a mottled wall.

The lights in the distance stretched their figures. They leaned on the railings and watched the gurgling water flowing by.

“Because I want to verify some things… Originally, the guards had nothing to do with me, and I didn’t want to intervene, but now that I already know the harm of’blameless’, so I can avoid these troubles all the way, so I You have to understand what dangers are around you.”

“Unfortunately, we just came here, and they were watching. My abilities are limited, and the only way I can think of to get out may be you, so I ventured to find out the news.”

Of course, there is another reason why she can’t disclose it. She wants to come here to see if any hidden tasks will be triggered.

Hu Dan asked: “Then why do you think I will let you get this information? You know, the more you know, the more dangerous you will be against’blameless’ at that time.”

Hao Jian thought for a while, and asked the question she really wanted to know when she came here: “Is there a traitor in your top?”

Hu Dan was silent, he took out the cigarette again, this time it really lit one.

After a while, he said, “I haven’t been able to smoke in the camp. I finally quit it. Recently, I have to smoke again because of these incidents.”

He glanced at Hao Jian, “You should know that under normal circumstances, I can’t let people like you leave easily, because once you are exposed, you will not only bring yourself danger, but also threaten our guards.”

Hu Dan’s remarks confirmed that traitors did indeed appear at their top level. At the same time, he made an exception to explain to Hao Jian the current problems of the government, the guards and even various agencies.

Their guards suspected that someone had eavesdropped on their action arrangements since the food delivery team lost contact, but at first they didn’t think about it. Later, they reported several times that they had detected the actions of “No Blame” but failed to communicate. Going up, they realized what was wrong.

Originally, he had issued an order for them to go to the airport for rescue, but he thought about it and contacted the commander of the airport **** without hiding his superiors, and made a plan to evacuate to the hydropower station quickly.

After the airport fell, they determined that there were indeed traitors in the superiors, and there had been a rush of power. The fall of the airport may be the result of their rushing to each other.

Hao Jian also suddenly wanted to understand why “No Blame” could develop and grow rapidly in a short period of time. It must be someone who used it as a tool to seize power and used it to remove obstacles that hindered them.

“Unexpectedly, the set of’The U.S. secretly supporting terrorists for hegemony’ was moved here, thinking about power and crazy, these people.” Hao Jian shook his head, “has it been found out who it is?”

“It is not our turn to take care of such a complicated matter, but we have now changed the communication password and encrypted the frequency band. It is not so easy to eavesdrop.”

How they contacted them and how to ensure that they would not be passed on by the traitors again, this is beyond the scope of Hao Jian’s knowledge.


“Therefore, apart from you and me, this matter should no longer be known to a third person. Otherwise, once we appear in the official field of vision, we will easily be exposed to the’no blame’. For us acting alone, there is no Better self-defense ability, only danger is waiting for us… do you mean that?”

After hearing the information from Hao Jian, Lian Runing calmly analyzed it.


Lian Ru Ning asked again: “Then why did you tell me?”

I met halfway through, so why does Hao Jian trust her so much? She didn’t think it was because Hao Jian liked her, so she trusted her for this simple reason. Besides, she was not sure that Hao Jian liked her.

“I hope you know these things, and I hope you don’t know, you are the safest only if you don’t know anything. However, we have stepped into this quagmire together. If the information is not shared, it is for you. The most dangerous.”

Lian Runing sighed. Sure enough, this is the answer that best fits Hao Jian’s thinking mode. What is she looking forward to? !

“Of course, there is another reason. I trust Junior Sister and think that Junior Sister has enough brains to find ways to avoid danger.”

Lian Ru Ning pursed her lips, looked at Hao Jian’s smile, and asked: “What about you? Knowing these things, what price do you have to pay?”

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